MS-FAQs, Intro To Data Structure

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Q: How many participants will a single meeting hold?

A: 250 participants

Q: Will you be able to use a team code in MS Teams mobile?

A: No. Team code is only available in MS Teams via web browser and app

Q: Can assign assignment that will be posted in later dates?

A: Yes. Click “edit” on the duration section and check “Schedule to assign in the future”

Q: Where are all the recordings stored?

A: Sign-in to Microsoft Streams and check “my contents”

Q: Difficulties in signing-in to MS Teams website. It says “we’re having an issue signing-in

your account”
A: Sign-in to MS Teams desktop app

Q: Can you share your screen in MS Teams?

A: Yes

Q: Where can I print the attendance of the participants

A: Start a meeting with your team, at the left panel click on the “three dots” and select “print

Q: Is it possible to view all participants in multiple windows?

A: Yes, it is only available in desktop app. Options are: 1) gallery, 2) large gallery, and 3) together

Q: File size that can be uploaded to MS Teams

A: 15 GB

Q: File size limit in uploading an assignment

A: 50 MB. Use MS OneDrive to store large files and share a link to access resource.

Q: How to end the entire meeting?

A: Click the “three-dots” and select “end meeting” or click on the arrow at the left side of “leave”
button and click “end meeting”
Q: How to turn on meeting experience to view participants in multiple windows?
A: Turn on the “meeting experience” and restart.
1. Click on your profile picture and go to “settings.”
2. Check the “Turn on new meeting experience” and right-click teams icon on your
3. Select “quit” and wait for the application to restart.

Step 1:

Step 2:
Step 3:

Go to your meeting and select your preferred layout


Data structure
 Learning the arrangements of code
 Knowing the different types methods on how to organize values/elements

 Developed by Dennis Richie and Brian Kernighan
 Developed a Bell Telephone Laboratory/Bell Labs
 Formerly called as K&R Programming Language
 And was inspired by the B Language developed by Ken Thompson

Classification of Computer Language

1. Low Level Language
2. High Level Language

Low level language

1. Assembly Language
a. Uses symbolic instructions or mnemonics (abbreviation of operations)
2. Machine Language
a. 0 or 1

High level language

1. General-Purpose Programming Language
2. Specific-Purpose Programming Language

Types of Code Translators

1. Interpreter
2. Compiler
3. Assemblers

 Checks code at run time
 Interprets code statement by statement
 Used by web scripting language like JS (JavaScript), PHP,

 Checks code at compile time
 Packages the program code and checks for errors
 Used by C, and Pascal

 Translates assembly language

4 Stages of the Building Process in C

1. Pre-processing
2. Compilation
3. Assembly
4. Linking

 Processes include-files or pre-processor commands to identify keywords

 The source code is checked for errors and produces an assembly language

 The generated assembly language is read to produce an object file

 The final stage of processing
 Produces the executable file

Tools for programming

 Editor
 Compiler
 IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Tokens in C (Tokens are symbols, identifiers, or words that made up a statement)

 Comments
 Semicolons
 Identifiers
 Keywords
 Statements
 Comments
 Allows user to insert markings and instructions that will not be executed by the computer)

 Terminates a statement

 Variable names

 Reserved words

 Line of code that changes a program’s state

Data Types
 char
 int
 float
 double
 void
 const

Difference between float and double

- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for floating point numbers
- Single precision

- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for floating point numbers
- Double precision

Parts of C program
1. Preprocessor Commands
2. Variables
3. Statements & Expressions
4. Function

Pre-processor Commands
- The first line processed by the compiler to identify keywords and functions.

- Contains stored value

Statements & Expressions

- A line of code that instructs the computer to do specific action.

- Group of letters, numbers or alphanumeric combinations that evaluates to a value

- Performs a specific action

Pre-defined function
- These are pre-installed functions that are recognized by the compiler

User-defined function
- Contains a series of statements that is use to calculate an input to produce results

Three Control Structures

1. Sequential Control Structure
2. Selection Control Structure
3. Repetition Control Structure

Sequential Control Structure

- Independent line of codes that is executed from top to bottom.
Selection Control Structure
- A control structure that directs a sequence flow based on conditions.

Repetitive Control Structure

- A control structure that traps a sequence in a loop based on conditions.

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