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Principles of Microeconomics 8th Edition Mankiw Solutions Manual



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By the end of this chapter, students should understand:

 how economists apply the methods of science.

 how assumptions and models can shed light on the world.

 two simple models—the circular flow and the production possibilities frontier.

 the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.

 the difference between positive and normative statements.

 the role of economists in making policy.

 why economists sometimes disagree with one another.


Chapter 2 is the second chapter in a three-chapter section that serves as the introduction of the text.
Chapter 1 introduced ten principles of economics that will be revisited throughout the text. Chapter 2
develops how economists approach problems while Chapter 3 will explain how individuals and countries
gain from trade.
The purpose of Chapter 2 is to familiarize students with how economists approach economic
problems. With practice, they will learn how to approach similar problems in this dispassionate systematic
way. They will see how economists employ the scientific method, the role of assumptions in model
building, and the application of two specific economic models. Students will also learn the important
distinction between two roles economists can play: as scientists when we try to explain the economic
world and as policymakers when we try to improve it.

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14 ❖ Chapter 2/Thinking Like an Economist

• Economists try to address their subject with a scientist’s objectivity. Like all scientists, they make
appropriate assumptions and build simplified models to understand the world around them. Two
simple economic models are the circular-flow diagram and the production possibilities frontier.

• The field of economics is divided into two subfields: microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Microeconomists study decision making by households and firms and the interactions among
households and firms in the marketplace. Macroeconomists study the forces and trends that affect
the economy as a whole.

• A positive statement is an assertion about how the world is. A normative statement is an assertion
about how the world ought to be. When economists make normative statements, they are acting
more as policy advisers than as scientists.

• Economists who advise policymakers sometimes offer conflicting advice either because of differences
in scientific judgments or because of differences in values. At other times, economists are united in
the advice they offer, but policymakers may choose to ignore the advice because of the many forces
and constraints imposed by the political process.

I. The Economist as Scientist

A. Economists Follow the Scientific Method.

1. Observations help us to develop theory.

2. Data can be collected and analyzed to evaluate theories.

3. Using data to evaluate theories is more difficult in economics than in physical science
because economists are unable to generate their own data and must make do with whatever
data are available.

4. Thus, economists pay close attention to the natural experiments offered by history.

B. Assumptions Make the World Easier to Understand.

1. Example: to understand international trade, it may be helpful to start out assuming that
there are only two countries in the world producing only two goods. Once we understand
how trade would work between these two countries, we can extend our analysis to a greater
number of countries and goods.

2. One important role of a scientist is to understand which assumptions one should make.

3. Economists often use assumptions that are somewhat unrealistic but will have small effects
on the actual outcome of the answer.

C. Economists Use Economic Models to Explain the World around Us.

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Chapter 2/Thinking Like an Economist ❖ 15

To illustrate to the class how simple but unrealistic models can be useful, bring a
road map to class. Point out how unrealistic it is. For example, it does not show
where all of the stop signs, gas stations, or restaurants are located. It assumes that
the earth is flat and two-dimensional. But, despite these simplifications, a map
usually helps travelers get from one place to another. Thus, it is a good model.

1. Most economic models are composed of diagrams and equations.

2. The goal of a model is to simplify reality to increase our understanding. Assumptions help to
simplify reality.

D. Our First Model: The Circular Flow Diagram

Figure 1

1. Definition of circular-flow diagram: a visual model of the economy that shows how
dollars flow through markets among households and firms.

2. This diagram is a very simple model of the economy. Note that it ignores the roles of
government and international trade.

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—— Le cycle de Sainte Marie-Madeleine dans la chanson
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Dsanglun oder der Weise und der Thor. Aus dem Tibetischen
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Des Dülkener Fiedlers Liederbuch, See Zürmuhlen, Hans.
Düntzer, Heinrich. See Goethe.
Dufilhol, Louis Antoine. See Kérardven, J.
Dugdale, Sir William. The Antiquities of Warwickshire
illustrated, from Records, Leiger-Books, Manuscripts,
Charters, Evidences, Tombes, and Armes: beautified with
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—— The Baronage of England, or An Historical Account of
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1675-76. 2 vols.
—— Monasticon Anglicanum: a history of the abbies and
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Wales; also of all such Scotch, Irish, and French monasteries
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England. Originally published in Latin by Sir William
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Prolégomènes. Paris, 1839.
—— Poésies populaires latines du Moyen Age. Paris and
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—— See Floire et Blanceflor.
The Dumfries Magazine. Dumfries, 1825-26. 3 vols.
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a memoir by David Laing. Edinburgh, 1834. 2 vols.
—— Poems, ed. by John Small. Introduction by Æ. J. G.
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(Scottish Text Society, 2, 4, 16, 21, 29.)
Dunlop, John Colin. The History of Fiction, being a critical
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—— History of Prose Fiction. New ed., by Henry Wilson.
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Märchen u. s. w. Aus dem Englischen übertragen und vielfach
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ausführlichen Anmerkungen und einem vollständigen
Register versehen, von Felix Liebrecht. Berlin, 1851.
Duplessis, G. See Le Marchant, Jehan.
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ordenados, clasificados y anotados. Madrid, 1849, ’51. 2 vols.
(Biblioteca de autores españoles, 10, 16.)
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Nordens Fornvänner. Stockholm, 1842-74.
Dyce, Alexander. See Beaumont and Fletcher.
—— See Greene, Robert. See Peele, George.
—— See Skelton, John. See Webster, John.
Dyck, Johann Gottfried. See Taschenbuch für Dichter.
Earle, John. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel with
supplementary extracts from the others. Edited, with
introduction, notes, and a glossarial index. Oxford, 1865.
Eastwick, Edward B. The Anvár-i Suhailí. See Pilpay.
Eberhard, A. See Planudes.
Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall. See Bagford. See Roxburghe.
—— See Brathwait, Richard.
Echard, Laurence. The History of England. From the First
Entrance of Julius Cæsar and the Romans, to the Conclusion
of the Reign of King James the Second, and the Establishment
of King William and Queen Mary upon the Throne, in the
year 1688. 3d ed. London, 1720.
Die Edda. Eine Sammlung altnordischer Götter- und
Heldenlieder. Herausgegeben von Hermann Lüning. Zürich,
Edda Sæmundar. Norrœn Fornkvæði. Islandsk Samling af
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almindelig kaldet Sæmundar Edda hins Fróða. Udgiven af S.
Bugge. Christiania, 1867.
Edda Sæmundar hinns Fróda. Edda rhythmica seu antiqvior,
vulgo Sæmundina dicta. Hafniae, 1787-1828. 3 pts.
Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. Edda Snorronis Sturlaei. Hafniae,
1848-87. 3 vols.
Edinburgh Evening Courant. Edinburgh, 1705-. [Newspaper.]
Egeria. See Wolff, O. L. B.
Eichhorn, C. Äldre svenska Folkvisor, meddelade och belysta
af ——. In Svenska Fornminnesföreningens Tidskrift (1873-
74), II, 69-78. 1875.
Eilhart von Oberge. Herausgegeben von Franz Lichtenstein.
Strassburg, London, 1877. (Quellen und Forschungen zur
Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 19.)
Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas. Johann Andreä Eisenmengers
Professors der Orientälischen Sprachen bey der Universität
Heydelberg Entdecktes Judenthum Oder Gründlicher und
Wahrhaffter Bericht Welchergestalt Die verstockte Juden die
Hochheilige Drey-Einigkeit Gott Vater Sohn und Heil. Geist
erschrecklicher Weise lästern und verunehren, [etc.]
Königsberg, 1711. 2 pts.
Ekkehardus Sangallensis I. Ekkehardi Primi Waltharius.
Edidit Rudolfus Peiper. Berolini, 1873.
Elie de Saint Gille. See Aiol et Mirabel.
Ellis, Frederick Startridge. The Huth Library. A catalogue of
the printed books, manuscripts, autograph letters, and
engravings, collected by Henry Huth, with collations and
bibliographical descriptions. London, 1880. 5 vols.
Ellis, George. Specimens of Early English Metrical
Romances, to which is prefixed an historical introduction, on
the rise and progress of romantic composition in France and
England. London, 1805.
—— —— A new edition, revised by J. O. Halliwell. London,
1868. (Bohn’s Antiquarian Library.)
Ellis, [Sir] Henry. Original Letters, Illustrative of English
History; including numerous royal letters. From autographs in
the British Museum, and one or two other collections. With
notes and illustrations. First Series. Second Edition. London,
1825. 3 vols.
—— See Brand, John.
—— See Dugdale, Sir William.
—— See Fabyan, Robert.
Elmham, Thomas de. Liber Metricus de Henrico Quinto. In C.
A. Cole. Memorials of Henry the Fifth, King of England.
London, 1858.
—— Thomae de Elmham Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti,
Anglorum regis. E codicibus MSS. vetustis descripsit, et
primus luci publicae dedit Tho. Hearnius. Oxonii, 1727.
Elphinstone, Mountstuart. An Account of the kingdom of
Caubul, and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India;
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Dooraunee monarchy. London, 1815.
The Ely Volume; or, the Contributions of our Foreign
Missions to science and human well-being. By Thomas
Laurie, D. D. Second edition, revised. Boston, 1885.
Encyclopedia Republicana. Revista de sciencias e litteratura
ao alcance de todas as intelligencias. Collaborada por Affonso
de Sousa [and others]. Lisboa, 1882.
Enenkel, Jansen. Aus Jansen Enenkels Weltbuche. In
Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen, Gesammtabenteuer, II,
487-650; III, CXXVIII-CLXVI. Stuttgart and Tübingen,
Engelhardt, Christian Moriz. See Staufenberg.
Engelien, August, and Lahn, W. Der Volksmund in der Mark
Brandenburg. Sagen, Märchen, Spiele, Sprichwörter und
Gebräuche. Berlin, 1868.
Engelische Comedien vnd Tragedien, das ist: Sehr schöne ...
Comedi vnd Tragedi Spiel, sampt dem Pickelhering, welche
... von den Engelländern in Deutschland ... agiret vud gehalten
worden vnd zuvor nie im Druck aussgangen, etc., 1620.
Englische Studien, hrsg. v. E. Kölbing. Heilbronn (later
Leipzig), 1877-.
The English Charlemagne Romances. Ed. by S. J. Herrtage.
See Charlemagne.
English Historical Review. London, 1886-.
Enrique. See Oliva.
Era Nova. Rivista do movimento contemporaneo. Lisbon,
Erec et Enide. See Crestien de Troyes.
The Erl of Tolous and the Emperes of Almayn. Eine englische
Romanze aus dem Anfange des 15. Jahrhunderts, nebst
litterarischer Untersuchung über ihre Quelle, die ihr
verwandten Darstellungen und ihre geschichtliche Grundlage,
herausgegeben von Gustav Lüdtke. Berlin, 1881. (Sammlung
englischer Denkmäler in kritischen Ausgaben, 3.)
Erman, A. See Archiv für wissenschaftliche Kunde, etc.
Ernault, Émile. Les contes bretons et les publications
populaires. In Mélusine, IV, 20-21, 138-39, 1888.
—— Gaidoz, Henri; Luzel, F. M., and Rolland, E. Chansons
populaires de la Basse-Bretagne. In Mélusine, III, 77-83, 161-
63, 184-86, 208-10, 260-62, 327-28, 350-52, 393-95, 421-22,
477-78, 570-73; IV, 299-303, 329-30, 357-58, 379, 404-05,
425-26, 452-53, 471-73, 501; V, 83-84, 188-89, 213-15, 255-
56, 272-84, 305-08; VI, 66-69, 91-92, 105-07, 165-67, 252-
56; VII, 5-12, 62-63, 125-33, 183-89, 203-05, 256-62. 1886-
Erythraeus, Janus Nicius [==Gian Vittorio Rossi]. Erythraei
Exempla. [Cologne?] [Rome?], 1663.
Eschenbach, Ulrich von. See Alexander the Great.
Eschenbach, Wolfram von. Wolfram’s von Eschenbach
Parzival und Titurel. Herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch.
Leipzig, 1870-71. 3 pts. (Deutsche Classiker des Mittelalters,
begründet von Franz Pfeiffer, 9-11.)
Eschenburg, Johann Joachim. Denkmäler altdeutscher
Dichtkunst, beschrieben und erläutert. Bremen, 1799.
Escherny, François-Louis, comte d’. Mélanges de littérature,
d’histoire, de morale et de philosophie.... Paris, 1811. 3 vols.
Estienne, Henri. Apologie pour Hérodote. [Satire de la
Société au XVIe siècle.] Nouvelle édition, faite sur la
première et augmentée de remarques par P. Ristelhuber. Avec
trois tables. Paris, 1879. 2 vols.
Estlander, C. G. See Finsk Tidskrift.
Ethnologische Mitteilungen aus Ungarn. Zeitschrift für die
Volkskunde der Bewohner Ungarns und seiner Nebenländer.
Redigirt und herausgegeben von Anton Herrmann. Vols. I-V.
Budapest, 1887-96. (Vol. II redigirt von A. Herrmann u. L.
Étienne de Bourbon. Anecdotes historiques, légendes et
apologues tirés du recueil inédit d’——. Publiés par A. Lecoy
de la Marche. Paris, 1877. (Société de l’Histoire de France.)
Etnografičeskoe Obozrěnie (N. A. Jančuk). Moscow, 1889-.
Etnografičeski Sbornik. i-vi, 4 tom. St Petersburg, 1853-64.
Ettmüller, Ludwig. See Orendel und Brîde.
—— See Oswald.
Études Romanes dédiées à Gaston Paris le 29 Décembre 1890
(25e anniversaire de son doctorat ès lettres) par ses élèves
français et ses élèves étrangers des pays de langue française.
Paris, 1891.
Eulenspiegel. La légende d’Ulenspiegel par Ch. de Coster.
Ouvrage illustré, etc. Paris, 1868.
—— Charles de Coster. La légende et les aventures
héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d’Ulenspiegel et de Lamme
Goedzak au pays de Flandres et ailleurs. Bruxelles, 1893.
—— Dr. Thomas Murners Ulenspiegel. Herausgegeben von J.
M. Lappenberg. Leipzig, 1854.
—— Howleglas. Edited by Frederic Ouvry. [Privately
printed.] London, 1867.
Eulogium Historiarum sive Temporis: Chronicon ab orbe
condito usque ad Annum Domini M.CCC.LXVI., a monacho
quodam Malmesburiensi exaratum. Accedunt continuationes
duae quarum una ad annum M.CCCC.XIII., altera ad annum
M.CCCC.XC. perducta est. Edited by Frank Scott Haydon.
London, 1858-63. 3 vols. (Rolls Series.)
Eustache le Moine. Roman d’Eustache le Moine, pirate
fameux du XIIIe siècle. Publié pour la première fois d’après
un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Royale par Francisque
Michel. Paris, Londres, 1834.
Εὐσταθίου πρωτονωβελεσίμου τοῦ Μακρεμβολίτου τῶν καθ’
Ὑσμίνην καὶ Ὑσμινίαν λόγοι ιαʹ. Eustathii Macrembolitae
protonobilissimi de Hysmines et Hysminiae Amoribus libri
xi. Recensuit Isidorus Hilberg. Vindobonae, 1876.
Eustathius. Commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem, ad fidem
exempli Romani editi. Lipsiae, 1827-30. 4 vols.
Evans, D. Silvan. See Stephens, Thomas.
Evans, Thomas. Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with
some of modern date. Now first collected, and reprinted from
rare Copies and MSS. With notes. London, 1784. 2 vols.
Evax. De gemmis scriptum Evacis regis Arabum olim a poeta
quodam non infoeliciter carmine redditum et nunc primum in
lucem editum opera et studio D. Henrici Rantzovii.
Witebergae, 1574.
[Exchequer Rolls.] Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii
Abbreviatio. [London], 1805-10. 2 vols. (Record
The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Rotuli Scaccarii Regum
Scotorum. Edinburgh, 1878-97. 16 vols.
Ey, August. Harzmärchenbuch, oder Sagen und Märchen aus
dem Oberharze. Stade, 1862.
Eyering, Eucharius. Proverbiorum Copia. Etlich viel Hundert
Lateinischer und Teutscher schönen und lieblicher
Sprichwörter, etc. Eissleben, 1601-3. 3 pts.
Eyssenhardt, Franciscus. Historia Miscella. Berolini, 1869.
Fabriano, Mambrino Roseo da. See Sferamundi.
Fabricius, Johann Albert. Codex Pseudepigraphus Veteris
Testamenti, collectus, castigatus, testimoniisque censuris et
animadversionibus illustratus. 2d ed. Hamburgi, 1722, ’23. 2
Fabyan, Robert. The New Chronicles of England and France.
In Two Parts. Named by himself the Concordance of
Histories. Reprinted from Pynson’s edition of 1516. A
biographical and literary preface, and an index, by Henry
Ellis. London, 1811.
Facetiæ. Musarum Deliciæ: or the Muses Recreation,
conteining severall pieces of poetique wit. By Sr J. M. and Ja:
S. 1656. and Wit Restor’d, in severall select poems, not
formerly publisht. 1658. Also Wit’s Recreations, selected
from the finest fancies of moderne muses. With A thousand
out-landish proverbs, printed from edition 1640.... To which
are now added memoirs of Sir J. Mennis and Dr. J. Smith with
a preface. [Edited by T. Park.] London, 1817. 2 vols. See Wit
and Drollery.
Fagerlund, Lars Wilhelm. Anteckningar om Korpo och
Houtskärs Socknar. Sommarstudier. In Bidrag till Kännedom
af Finlands Natur och Folk, utgifna af Finska Vetenskaps-
Societaten, XXVIII. Helsingfors, 1878.
Fagot, P. See Laroche, Pierre.
Fairholt, Frederick W. Lord Mayors’ Pageants: being
collections towards a history of these annual celebrations,
with specimens of the descriptive pamphlets published by the
city poets. London, 1843, ’44. 2 parts. (Percy Society, 10.)
—— Costume in England, a History of Dress to the end of the
Eighteenth Century. 3d ed. Enlarged and thoroughly revised
by the Hon. H. A. Dillon. London, 1885. 2 vols.
Falconer, William. An Universal Dictionary of the Marine: or,
a copious explanation of the technical terms and phrases
employed in the construction, equipment, furniture,
machinery, movements, and military operations of a ship.
Illustrated with variety of original designs of shipping, in
different situations; together with separate views of their
masts, sails, yards, and rigging. To which is annexed a
translation of the French sea-terms and phrases, collected
from the works of Mess. Du Hamel, Aubin, Saverien, &c.
London, 1769.
The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth. Containing The
Honourable Battell of AGIN-COURT. As it was acted by the
Kinges Majesties Servants. In [John Nichols,] Six Old Plays,
on which Shakspeare founded his [etc.], I, 317-375. London,
Fastnachtspiele aus dem fünfzehnten Jahrhundert. See Keller,
Adelbert von.
Favart, Charles Simon. La Fée Urgèle. Comédie en quatre
actes, melée d’ariettes. Paris, 1765.
Faye, Andreas. Norske Folke-Sagn. 2d ed. Christiania, 1844.
Federer, Charles A. See Flodden Field.
Fedorowski, M. Lud okolic Żarek, Siewierza i Pilicy. [The
Peasantry in Żarki, Siewierz and Pilica.] Warsaw, 1888-89. 2
vols. (Bibljoteka “Wisły,” 1, 2.)
Feifalik, Julius. Zwei böhmische Volksbücher zur Sage von
Reinfrit von Braunschweig; and Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung
über zwei böhmische Volksbücher, etc. In Sitzungsberichte
der Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen
Akademie der Wissenschaften, XXIX, 83-97, XXXII, 322-
331, Jahrg. 1858, ’59. Wien, 1859.
—— See Kindheit Jesu.
Fenn, Sir John. See Paston Letters.
Ferguson, William. The Great North of Scotland Railway. A
Guide. Edinburgh, 1881.
Ferrari, Severino. Canti popolari in San Pietro Capofiume. In
Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, VII, 387-403;
VIII, 105-12; X, 413-18. 1888-91.
—— Canzoni ricordate nell’Incatenatura del Bianchino. In
Giornale di Filologia Romanza, III, No. 7, pp. 51-88. 1880.
Ferrario, Giulio. Storia ed analisi degli antichi romanzi di
cavalleria e dei poemi romanzeschi d’Italia, con dissertazioni
sull’origine, sugl’instituti, sulle cerimonie de’ cavalieri, sulle
corti d’amore, sui tornei, sulle giostre ed armature de’
paladini, sull’invenzione e sull’uso degli stemmi, ecc. Milano,
1828-29. 4 vols.
Ferraro, Giuseppe. Saggio di canti popolari raccolti a
Pontelagoscuro (Provincia di Ferraro, a. 1875). In Rivista di
Filologia Romanza, II, 193-220. 1876.
—— XVI canti popolari della Bassa Romagna. In Rivista di
letteratura popolare, I, 55-68. 1877.
—— Spogliature di canti popolari parmigiani e monferrini. In
Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, VIII, 322-33,
496-504; IX, 267-74. 1889-90.
Ferumbras. Sir Ferumbras. Edited from the unique paper MS.
about 1380 A. D., in the Bodleian Library (Ashmole MS. 33)
by Sidney J. Herrtage. London, 1879. (The English
Charlemagne Romances, I; Early English Text Society, Extra
Series, 34.) See, also, Fierabras.
Fickler, Johann Baptist. Theologia juridica, seu jus civile
theologicum. Dilling, 1575.
Fiedler, Eduard. Geschichte der volksthümlichen schottischen
Liederdichtung. Zerbst, 1846. 2 vols.
Fierabras. Chanson de geste. Publiée pour la première fois
d’après les manuscrits de Paris, de Rome et de Londres par
MM. A. Krœber et G. Servois. Paris, 1860. (F. Guessard, Les
anciens Poëtes de la France, 4.) See, also, Ferumbras.
Figlia del Re di Dacia, Novella della. Testo inedito del buon
secolo della lingua [con prefazione del Alessandro
Wesselofsky]. Pisa, 1866. (Collezione di antiche scritture
italiane inedite o rare.)
Fillon, Benjamin. L’histoire véridique des grandes et
exécrables voleries et subtilités de Guillery, depuis sa
naissance jusqu’à la juste punition de ses crimes. Fontenay,
—— et Rochebrune, Octave de. Poitou et Vendée. Études
historiques et artistiques. Niort, 1887. 2 vols.
Finamore, Gennaro. Storie popolari abruzzesi in versi. In
Archivio per lo studio delle tradizioni popolari, I, 83-92, 206-
222. 1882.
—— Tradizioni popolari abruzzesi. Torino, Palermo, 1894.
(G. Pitrè, Curiosità popolari tradizionali, 13.)
Finlay, John. Scottish Historical and Romantic Ballads,
chiefly ancient; with explanatory notes and a glossary.
Edinburgh, 1808. 2 vols.
Finsk Tidskrift för Vitterhet, Vetenskap, Konst ock Politik,
utgifven af C. G. Estlander, etc. Helsingfors, 1876-.
Firdusi. Le Livre des Rois par Abou’lkasim Firdousi, publié,
traduit et commenté par M. Jules Mohl. Paris, 1838-68. 6
vols. (Collection Orientale. Manuscrits inédits de la
Bibliothèque Royale traduits et publiés par ordre du Roi.)
Fischart, Johann. Erneuwerte Beschreibung der wol
gedenckwürdigen Alten vnd warhafften verwunderlichen
Geschicht von Herrn Petern v. Stauffenberg, genant
Diemringer ausz der Orttenau bei Rhein, ... erneuwert vnnd an
den tag gebracht durch I. F. Strassburg, 1588.
Fitchett, John. Bewsey, a poem. Warrington, 1796.
Fittis, Robert S. In The Perthshire Antiquarian Miscellany.
Perth, 1875. [See IV, 359.]
Fitz Warine, Fulk. The history of Fulk Fitz Warine, an
outlawed baron in the reign of King John. Edited from a
manuscript preserved in the British Museum, with an English
translation and explanatory and illustrative notes, by Thomas
Wright.... London, 1885. (Warton Club.)
Flateyjarbók. En Samling af norske Konge-Sagaer med
indskudte mindre Fortællinger om Begivenheder i og udenfor
Norge, samt Annaler. Udgiven efter offentlig Foranstaltning.
Christiania, 1860, ’62, ’68. 3 vols.

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