Example of Conflict

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Have you ever been involved in any of the examples of conflict listed in the


I have involved (I have been involved) in one conflict with my colleague in current
work. A few months ago we were good friends, we helped each other and we
communicated a lot. One day he was sick and didn't come to the office and told me
that he was granted medical leave due to illness. Three days later he called me
screaming and complaining why I didn't tell our manager. I was very surprised at that
time, because I didn't notice during our conversations by phone that he asked me to
hand on this information ahead. Before he called me he had got an email from our
manager with threats of poor disciplinary behavior and had involved the Senior
Manager and HR employees in this case. Finally the situation was resolved and he
didn't have any problems. I couldn't even think that I had to do it for him. According
to the Labor Code of Poland the employees must inform their employers about
absence no later than on the second day of work. In my opinion, he did not know his
duties and therefore wanted to accuse me in his problem.
To sum up regarding this and another situation, when some changes or conflict
comes you need to take action and intervene immediately.
The most inappropriate or unacceptable behavior in the workplace are harassment,
discrimination, bullying, unprofessional conduct and insubordination.

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