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T24 Retail Accounts


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Arrangement Accounts

Slide 2
Arrangement Accounts – Product overview

products /
Default product
Non Tracking

Limit Credit Debit

Balance Balance

Interest Interest
expense Income
Charge Charge
Income Income

Slide 3
First Step
 User Menu > Product Catalog > Retail Accounts > Current Account Group > Current Account

Key-in the Customer

Number and Currency.
Click on Validate to
Load the Properties

Understanding the Arrangement Overview

User Menu > Retail Operations > Account Arrangement > Account Arrangement

Label Description
Arrangement Contract reference

Account Arrangement Account Reference

Product Product of the Account

Understanding the Arrangement Overview

User Menu > Retail Operations > Account Arrangement > Account Arrangement

Label Description
Limit Reference Limit Product and Serial
Manage Limit Set to Yes if AA manages the
underlying Limit
Single Limit Indicates that this limit cannot
be shared by other
arrangements. Will always be
Yes if AA manages the LIMIT

Understanding the Arrangement Overview

User Menu > Retail Operations > Account Arrangement > Account Arrangement

Label Description
Ledger Cleared Balance + Uncleared
Balance funds
Cleared All authorised Credits and
Balance Debits (only cleared funds=no
future exposure dated credits
Working Cleared Balance +
Balance Unauthorised Debits
Available Limit Overdraft Available

Understanding the Arrangement Overview

User Menu > Retail Operations > Account Arrangement > Account Arrangement

Label Description
Locked Funds Enquiry on
“New” Icon
Financial AVAILABLE Balance multi-
Summary value set from ACCOUNT
Accruals Interest accruals till date

Understanding the Arrangement Overview

User Menu > Retail Operations > Account Arrangement > Account Arrangement

Label Description
Activity Log Lists all Current and Pending
Recent Txns Recent transactions on the
account in descending order
Enquiries General Account related

Understanding the Arrangement Overview

User Menu > Retail Operations > Account Arrangement > Account Arrangement

Label Description
New Activity Facilities in Accounts and
amendment of existing Activity

Account Activities and Transactions

Slide 11
Financial Activities

Teller Account Funding

Funds Transfer ACTIVITY Apply Repayment


Settlement Account Payout

 Payments from and into an AA Account can be done through ACCOUNT related

 Activity is selected based on Transaction Code

 Settlement Property enables some of these Activities

Slide 12
Workshop – Transfer between Arrangement Accounts

Use User Menu > Role based Home Pages > Retail Operations >Home
Page – Customer Service Agent > Payments/Accounts Transfer

 Select two arrangement account numbers

 Input a transfer of USD 25,000 between the accounts

 Accept overrides, if any

 Get the record authorised

Slide 13
Solution – Transfer between Arrangement Accounts

Slide 14
Workshop – Transfer between Accounts in different currencies

Use User Menu > Role based Home Pages > Retail Operations > Home
Page – Customer Service Agent > Payments / Accounts Transfer

 Select two arrangement account numbers in different currencies

 Input a transfer of USD 35,000 between the accounts

 Accept overrides, if any

 Get the record authorised

Slide 15
Solution – Transfer between Accounts in different currencies

Slide 16
Workshop – Payment of Arrangement loan

Use User Menu > Role based Home Pages > Retail Operations > Home
Page – Customer Service Agent > Payments / Accounts Transfer

 Select a lending arrangement and a current account arrangement

 Input a transfer of USD 7,500 to pay into the loan arrangement

 Accept overrides, if any

 Get the record authorised

Slide 17
Solution – Payment of Arrangement loan

Slide 18
Workshop – Funding of a Deposit Arrangement

Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Deposits Transactions >
Arrangement Activities (FT) > AA Deposit - Fund

 Fund a deposit arrangement from a current account arrangement

 Accept overrides, if any

 Get the record authorised

Slide 19
Solution – Funding of a Deposit Arrangement

Slide 20
Workshop – Eligibility checking in Retail account

Use Admin Menu > Product Builder > Product Conditions > ELIGIBILITY
 Pick out the Children record
 View eligibility settings in Children account

Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Product Catalog > Retail Accounts
> Product Groups > Savings Account > Savings Account (Notice)
 Verify how they work at arrangement level when you open an arrangement for a
person above 18 years and a customer who is a foreigner

Slide 21
Solution – Eligibility product condition

Slide 22
Solution – Checking eligibility in an arrangement

Slide 23
Solution – Checking eligibility in an arrangement

Slide 24
Workshop – Change Product to a different Product Group

Use User Menu > Retail Operations > Find Accounts > Authorised
 Pick a Savings Account arrangement
 Through New Activity tab, change the product to Current arrangement
 Observe the error generated

Slide 25
Solution – Change Product

Slide 26
Account Facilities & Enquiries

Slide 27
Account Facilities

 Issue Card
 Manage Card
 Issue Cheque
 Stop Cheque
 Stop Amount
 Revoke Stop
 Notice withdrawal
 Statement Frequency
 Update Statement Frequency
 Print Passbook

Slide 28
Account Enquiries

 Statement Entries Today

 Today’s Transactions

 Forward Movements

 Interest Rate Changes

 Cheques Issued

 Cheques Presented

 Stopped Cheques

 Revoked Cheques

Slide 29

Slide 30
Workshop – Statement Frequency Set up and Enquiries

 Use Role Based Home Page > Retail Operations > Home Page –
Customer Service Agent > Arrangements> Accounts > Authorised
 Select an existing Arrangement
 Select New Activity and Account Facilities
 Choose Statement Frequency
 Set Statement Frequency as Monthly
 Select Enquiries, View the Statement Entries Today
 View Today Transactions
Solution – Statement Frequency

Slide 32
Solution – Statement Frequency

Slide 33
Solution - Enquiries

Slide 34
Forward Movements

Slide 35
Workshop – Forward dated transaction and enquiry

 Use User Menu > Retail Operations > LCY Draft Issue/Account
Transfer > Transfer between Accounts

 Select an existing Arrangement

 Input a forward dated credit for USD 25,000
 Get the record authorised
 View the forward movements through arrangement overview
Solution – Forward dated transaction

Slide 37
Solution – Forward movement enquiry

Slide 38
Interest Rate Change

Slide 39
Workshop – Debit Interest rate change

 Use Role Based Home Page > Retail Operations > Home Page –
Customer Service Agent > Arrangements > Accounts > Authorised
 Select an existing Arrangement
 Select “New Activity” Tab and Choose debit interest change activity
 Change debit interest rate
 Get the change activity authorised
 View the change in interest rate through arrangement overview
Solution – Debit Interest rate change in Arrangement

Slide 41
Solution – Debit Interest rate change in Arrangement

Slide 42
Solution – Debit Interest rate change in Arrangement

Slide 43
Retail Account Maintenance

Slide 44
To Change the Customer



Only CUSTOMER field

Open for Input
(controlled at
VERSION level)

To Change the Customer



Only CUSTOMER field

Open for Input
(controlled at by

To Attach Overdraft Limit



Only LIMIT.REF field

Open for Input
(controlled at
VERSION level)

To Attach Overdraft Limit



Only LIMIT Property is

Open for Input. All
others are disabled

Limit & Overdraft Account Maintenance

Slide 49
Workshop – Create Overdraft Account

 Use Role Based Home Page > Retail Operations > Home Page –
Customer Service Agent > Product Catalog > Accounts > Current
Account > Premium Current Account
 Create a New Premium Current Account Arrangement for your customer
in USD
 Now observe the Limit auto created for 500
 Commit the Record and get it Authorized

 Through the Command line view the LIMIT record created by the system
Solution – Create Overdraft Account

Slide 51
Solution – View the Limit Record

Slide 52
Solution – View the Account Record

Slide 53
Workshop – Decouple Limit effective today

 Use Role Based Home Page > Retail Operations > Home Page –
Customer Service Agent> Arrangements > Accounts
 Select the Premium Arrangement account created in the earlier Workshop
 Change the Limit from Managed by AA through UNLINK Activity effective
 Commit the Record and Get it Authorized

 View the MANAGE.LIMIT field in Limit Arrangement conditions through

Arrangement overview
Solution – Decouple Limit effective today

Slide 55
Solution – Decouple Limit effective today

Slide 56
Solution – Decouple Limit effective today

Slide 57
Posting Restrict

Slide 58
Workshop – Create Arrangement with POSTING RESTRICT

 Use Role Based Home Page > Retail Operations > Home Page –
Customer Service Agent > Product Catalog > Retail Accounts > Current
Account > Fully Negotiable Account
 Create a New Fully Negotiable Account Arrangement for a customer
 Select “Account” Tab and set the POSTING.RESTRICT as “1” No Debits
allowed for this Arrangement
 Commit the Record and
 Get the Record Authorised

 Use User Menu>Retail Operations> LCY Draft Issue/Account Transfer>

Transfer between Accounts
 Input a Funds transfer by debiting the Arrangement account for USD 10,000
and credit to customers account
 Commit Record, Note the override message
Solution – Arrangement with Posting Restrict

Slide 60
Solution – Funds Transfer with Posting Restrict

Slide 61
Retail Accounts - A Review

In this course, you were introduced to Retail Accounts. Emphasis was given on
some basic and important Property Classes.

 Having completing this course, you will now be able to:

 Understand the product overview of T24 Accounts and Retail Accounts

 Identify Application specific parameter tables for designing a Retail Account


 Perform user activities and transactions related to the Product

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