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Adoniram Judson was an American Congregationalist, later he became a Reformed Baptist.

He was
born on August 9 1788. Judson graduated at College of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations (which
is now Brown University) at the age of 19, he became valedictorian and met a young lad named Jacob
Eames and the two became friends, there friendship was very strong to the point Judson left his faith
and religion, he went on to focus on French philosphes, opened a school for girls that teaches English
and Mathematics. When he heared that Eames had died and his realization made want him to go back
to his Christian faith, so he decided to make a “solemn dedication of himself to God”. Fast forward
years later he got married on February 5 1812 to woman named Ann Haseltine, and set sailed abroad.
He travelled to India, met the missionaries in Burma, went through a big war which was called as the
Anglo-Burmese War in 1824 - 1826. Through out his years of travel he got a serious lung disease and
hes doctors presribed him a sea voyage as a cure. And on April 12 1850 he died on the ship at Bay of
Bengal and was buried at sea. By the time of Judson death he had translated the Bible to Burmese,
compiled the first ever English-Brumese dictionary, had 100 churches and over 8,000 believers. Not
only that, every July in Myanmar they celebrate a holiday called “Judson day”, and a former governor
in Ohio was named after him, Judson Harmon, and during World War 2 the United Stated liberty ship
“SS Adoniram Judson” was named in his honour.

So what I learned from him is that Judson plans were good for his life but the descision of leaving his
faith and religion is wrong. God took Eames because he was pulling away from His plans for Judson
and his future. Judson made a huge impact in history and his life, he got married, had children,
travelled to places and much more. In conclusion God loves you and wants you to have a good future,
he has plans for your life, so don’t be dissapointed if your plans don’t work because He has a better
one for you.

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