ABC Company

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ABC Company

Reyno St. Tuguegarao City, Cagayan


25 May 2023

Ma’am Anette Taguinod

Cagayan State University -  Andrews Campus
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Dear Ma’am Anette Taguinod:

I hope you’re doing well. I am JR Pablo, CEO of ABC Company, a trusted provider
of accounting resources, I am writing to extend a special offer to the esteemed
students of Cagayan State University - Andrews Campus.

At ABC Company, we understand the importance of practical knowledge and hands-

on experience in the field of accounting. Our aim is to enhance the educational
experience of accounting students by providing access to top-quality accounting
books that can serve as invaluable learning tools.

By offering the usage of our accounting books, we believe that CSU students will
have a greater opportunity to excel in their accounting subjects. Our books cover a
wide range of topics, from fundamental principles to advanced financial analysis.
Each book is authored by experts in the field and is designed to provide
comprehensive guidance and practical examples.

We understand the importance of convenience in the learning process. Therefore, our

accounting books are available in both physical and digital formats, allowing students
to choose the method that suits them best. This flexibility ensures that students can
access the materials anytime, anywhere, whether they prefer the traditional feel of a
physical book or the convenience of digital access on their devices.

We highly appreciate your support in informing the students of this special

opportunity. We believe that this collaboration will greatly benefit the students of
CSU and contribute to their academic success.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to
contact me at 0992-604-4743 or via email at am more than
willing to address any queries or provide additional assistance.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration, and we look forward to a positive
response from the students of CSU.

Yours sincerely,

JR Pablo
CEO, ABC Company

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