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CNR No: HRHS020198602015 CIS No: U/S 446/5/2015

State Vs. Rajender Singh

Present: APP for the State

Accused Surjeet already PO VOD 09.07.2015

File taken up and deposit of cost of surety bond imposed as fine by the

Court of Sh. Sohan Lal Malik, JMIC, Hisar. Surety Rajender has appeared. He has

failed to produce the accused Sarjeet. A notice u/s 446 Cr.P.C. has been served upon

him separately to which he has pleaded guilty and claimed no trial. Heard. In view of

the circumstances of the case a penalty of Rs.10,000/- is imposed upon the surety.

Penalty paid. Remaining amount of bail bonds remitted. File be consigned to record-

room after due compliance.

Date of Order: 14-06-2018 (Gagandeep Goyal)

Sahil Stenographer III Judicial Magistrate - Ist Class
UID NO . HR0517

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