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#slides #thesis-defense #thesis

Slide 1 15s

First of all, we would like to thank u for ur attention today as well as our thesis
advisor, Dr Son and the reviewer, Dr. Nhut for giving us invaluable support during
this thesis.

Today we're gonna talk ab

Slide 2 25s

To begin with, let's have a look at our content today. My name is B and I'll walk u
through the concept and our objectives in this thesis.

Then, my partner, Hieu, will introduce u guys the methodology and experiments.

Finally, I'll be the one to conclude the ideas in this presentation.

Now, let's dive directly into the concept of RS.

Slide 3 28s

Over the years, we have seen a rapid increase in the use of RS, especially in
those streaming services like Netflix, where you can get useful and personalized
recommendations according to the movies u've recently binge-watched .

This is also the case for other famous companies, like ... , to use RS to increase

Slide 4 3s
Let's discuss ab our problem statement and objectives.

Slide 5 43s

Ok, as some u've already known, there are two common approaches of building a
RS CB and CF.

While CB makes recommendations based on user preferences for product

features, CF strive to seek the similarity between users or items.

However, despite being common in many old systems, it's fair to say there
remains serious shortcomings.

For CB, it's extremely ... And for CF it's suffers badly from cold-start: where
there's no historical data of new user/item for recommendations

On top of that, the assumption is all historical data are important.

Slide 6 13s

However, if we look closer, user's preferences are dynamic and evolve over time.
So how do we model this evolution?

And in case of anonymous users, can we make any suggestions?

Slide 7 45s

With the aforementioned problems and advent of new solution in NLP, a new
approach arrives called SRS. While being nearly unknown of just a few years ago,
this has grown quickly in popularity for several reasons.

The underlying ideas behind this are the interactions of users can be modeled
just like how we model sequences.

Different session might indicate different intention.

Slide 8

And the merits are

No historical data needed ⟶ no user cold-start

as long as there are already interactions in the system, it can suggest u
items as it's learnt the evolution of choices over time.

Totally genuine thing with the deployment of SOTA on Amazon Web Services
using SRS.

Slide 9

Before going in SRS, need to understand the definition of what's a session.

On slide.

Slide 10

And take that in mind, are there any ways to improve SRS?

Slide 11 12s

The answer is to use the metadata within the dataset.

In this example with movies

Given the movies,SRS aim to model the sequential patterns of users across
sessions, to learn the evolution in how the users make decisions.
And additionally, this can also be inferred from

weather, date, location can be treated as input context

how long a user spend on a particular movie

Specifically, for instance, a long dwell time might indicates a better interest
or it's a change in the user intention after a period.

A day in the week: busy, long dwell-time: indicates the need of short tv series
Weekend: short dwell-time: blockbuster movies

Slide 12 23s

For the related works, we first have STAR that ...

The first one is, ...

Slide 13 14s

And the second one, which is the most common baseline in this sector ...

We strongly believe that by incorporating context into GRU4rec, make it better

we leverage the pros and cons of two prior models to create a novel one that can
get the best of both worlds out of these two systems.

Slide 14 3s

Let's move on to the methodology of how we do this.

Slide 15 7s
Needless to say, in this thesis, we propose a TCAGRU that use GRU part to ...
and augment context ...

Moreover, leverage ss pr mb of GRU4Rec+ for faster training and augment more

context by : list out 2 steps.

Moreover, a data boosting technique from an old paper is also tested to ...

Slide 16 30s

As our architecture utilize GRU4Rec+, I'll like to elaborate for u the

concept of SS-para mini-batches scheme of GRU4Rec+.

With a given size for a mini-batch, we pick out the items from the sessions

sequentially in time.

At each mini-batch, the next item of each session is the target of that session at
the respective position in the batch. We calculate loss and backprop for each

Each time a session end, we use a masking technique to make sure that length
differences are handled

properly. Moreover, hidden states are reset after session ends.

Capture plausibly ...

Can train multiple sessions at a time realistic

in dealing with real-world datasets.

Slide 28 19s

For further experiments, it's reasonable for us to increase the depth of the TCA
GRU with more memories units for better performance.
For the Yoochoose dataset, which has a large amount of interactions, we can see
the improvements when we increase the number of hidden units ⟶ proves ...

Slide 29 21s

On the other hand, in case of ML1M dataset, despite outperform the baseline in
the setting of only 100 hidden units, it seems to have reach its limitation in
learning all the existed patterns as the accuracy decreases (noisy, less
interactions) ⟶ indicates ...

Slide 30 16s

Moreover, it's also plausible to increase the depth of learning by passing hidden
representations across layers.

However, the accuracy decreases dramatically ⟶ can't improve any more, need
complex structure

Slide 31 3s

On slide.

Slide 32 60s

On slide.

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