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Ice-breaking activities for the 1st day of school

1. Two Truths and a Lie: Each student takes turns sharing two true statements about themselves and one false
statement. The rest of the class tries to guess which statement is the lie.

2. Name Bingo: Create bingo cards with different facts or characteristics (e.g., "Has a pet," "Has travelled to
another country," "Speaks more than one language"). Students mingle and try to find classmates who fit the
descriptions and write their names in the corresponding squares.

3. Human Bingo: Instead of traditional bingo numbers, create bingo cards with various personal characteristics or
experiences (e.g., "Has a sibling," "Loves pizza," "Plays a musical instrument"). Students go around the room to
find classmates who match the descriptions.

4. Find Someone Who: Create a list of statements or questions related to students' interests, experiences, or
hobbies (e.g., "Find someone who has been to a music concert recently" or "Find someone who loves
reading"). Students mingle and try to find classmates who match each statement.

5. Interview Pairs: Pair up students and have them interview each other. Afterwards, each student introduces
their partner to the class, sharing interesting facts they learned during the interview.

6. Group Jigsaw Puzzle: Divide the class into small groups and give each group a jigsaw puzzle piece. Each
piece contains a question or statement related to the first day of school. Groups must solve their puzzle and
present their findings to the class.

7. All About Me Collage: Provide magazines, newspapers, and art supplies. Ask students to create a collage that
represents themselves, including their interests, goals, and hobbies. Afterwards, each student presents their
collage to the class.

8. Memory Sharing: Have each student share a significant or memorable experience from their summer break or
a previous school year. This can be a fun way to learn more about each other's backgrounds.

9. Speed Networking: Similar to speed dating, students have a limited time (e.g., 2-3 minutes) to introduce
themselves to a partner, share something interesting, and switch partners.

10. Sentence Completion: Provide sentence starters like "I am excited about this school year because..." or "One
thing you should know about me is..." and have each student complete the sentences.

11. Human Knot: Have the class stand in a circle and hold hands with two people across from them. Challenge
them to untangle themselves without letting go of each other's hands.

12. Group Storytelling: Start a story, and have each student add a sentence or phrase to continue the narrative.
This collaborative storytelling can be a creative and entertaining way to engage students.

13. Personal Timeline: Have each student create a simple timeline of their life, highlighting important events or
milestones. They can then share their timelines with a partner or the whole class.
14. Emoji Introduction: Ask students to select an emoji that represents how they feel about the first day of school
or their personality in general. Each student explains their emoji choice to the class.

15. Colour Personality: Assign different colours to specific personality traits or characteristics (e.g., red for
outgoing, blue for artistic, yellow for adventurous). Have students select a colour that best represents them and
explain why they chose that color.

16. Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items or locations within the classroom that students need to find.
For example, "Find something green," or "Locate the pencil sharpener." This activity encourages students to
explore their new environment and interact with their peers.

17. Secret Handshake: Encourage students to create secret handshakes with a partner. They can then introduce
their partner and perform their handshake while explaining its significance.

18. Bucket List: Have each student write down three things they hope to achieve or experience during the school
year. They can share their lists with a partner and discuss their goals.

19. Postcard from the Future: Ask students to imagine they are writing a postcard to themselves from the end of
the school year. They can share their hopes and expectations for the upcoming year and discuss their goals.

20. Musical Chairs Icebreaker: Set up chairs in a circle, with one fewer chair than the number of students. Play
music, and when it stops, students must quickly find a chair. The student left standing in the middle of the circle
shares a fun fact about themselves.

21. Group Charades: Write down various school-related words or phrases on slips of paper, and have students
take turns acting them out while their classmates guess what they're portraying.

22. Compliment Circle: Arrange the students in a circle, and have each student give a genuine compliment to the
person on their right. Continue until everyone has received and given compliments.

23. Sentence Puzzle: Create a sentence or phrase related to the first day of school, and cut it into individual words
or phrases. Distribute the pieces randomly to students, and they must work together to assemble the sentence
in the correct order.

24. Family Tree: Have students draw a simple family tree or create a list of family members' names and
relationships. They can share their family structures with the class.

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