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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Construction

Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

Workplace Safety and Health Management in Construction Industry


Project Guidelines
This Project is one of the assessment criteria to pass the WSHMCI course and it is
an element in the blended learning requirements of the course.

The Project objective is to enable learners to conduct an inspection, submit a report

and close an inspection report.

Learners are to note the following guidelines:


1. You may need a laptop/PC or other smart devices to do this project in soft copy.

2. Your report should be done in ARIAL font, size 12.

3. Your report should demonstrate your own piece of work, and not plagiarised from
other candidates completed work, or wholesale copy material.

4. There will be an oral questioning session conducted if required to verify

authenticity of your work.

5. You are required to demonstrate 5 inspection findings relating to hazards (unsafe

conditions/acts) identified in your workplace or simulations.

6. You are deemed to have completed the whole course and obtain the competency
card/certificate only after project submission and approval, in addition to all other
assessments as required in this course.

7. You will have to show your soft copy draft of the report on the 3rd day of the
course for clarifications from the trainers and upload the soft copy in Eversafe portal.

8. Your submission will be approved only when you have satisfactorily completed
the project, otherwise rejected as NYC (not yet competent).

9. Submission of your project shall be before or by the 4th day of the course.

10. If fail to submit the project report within time frame, learner need to retake
the full course.

Format of the Project as per the next page:

(Trainers: Please remind the students to delete the page 1 and 8, 9,10,11,12 before
submitting the project report)

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Construction
Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

Project: Inspection Report

Participants Name: NRIC/FIN Number: G2500053L

Course Name: Batch ID:1038

Workplace Safety and Health Management
in Construction Industry (WSHMCI)
Participants Email ID: Participants Phone Number: 85879173

Facilitator Name:

Participants Signature: Submission Date: 13/08/23


Inspection Report

1. Purpose and objectives for the safety inspection

(State any 4 or more objectives)

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Workplace Safety and Health Management in Construction
Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

2. Inspection Findings – Hazards (Unsafe conditions / Unsafe acts)

Finding 1:

Picture 1
Location/Date/Time: BLK383C 10/08/2023 9.30AM

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

No ventilation &No gas testing.

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes):

a) Poor Monitoring & supervision by supervisor & works before start works.

B) workers not skill and not trained certificate worker

C) supervisor not provide monitoring

Preventive Action:

a) provide skill or trade workers

B) briefing or conduct tools box meeting

C) provide under supervision

To rectify by : BY (Tomorrow ) Action by :SUPERVISOR MR. SENTHILKUMAR

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):11/08/2023-8.30 AM

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

Finding 2:

Picture 2
Location/Date/Time:BLK_383C 12/08/2023-11.30AM

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

Electrical ELCB cover missing

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes):

a)workers poor mind set

b)poor communication and supervision between supervisor and workers

C) worker's not skill in this trade

Preventive Actions:

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

a) briefing and contact tools box meeting all workers

To rectify by : in( 3 hours ) Action by :Supervisor MR.SURIYA

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):13/08/2023-9.00 AM

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

Finding 3:

Picture 3
Location/Date/Time:BLK_383B-15/08/2023-1.00 PM

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

Observed did not implement buddy system during work at height use “A” frame ladder and
worker not trained.

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes):

a)Supervisor do not briefed/Trained during tool box meeting

B)safe use “A” frame ladder

C)worker not trained

Preventive Actions:

a) briefing/conduct tools box meeting to worker

B)To provide trained and skill workers

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

C)To provide correct ladder and materials

To rectify by : in (2 hours) Action by :SUPERVISOR MR.SENTHILKUMAR

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):16/08/2023-10.30 AM

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

Finding 4:

Picture 4

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

Falls from height,struck by object

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes):

a) No safety harness

b) No proper access

c) No barricade

Preventive Actions:

a) briefing/conduct tools box meeting to worker

B) put safety harness

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

c)put barricade

d)give proper access

To rectify by : By(Tomorrow) Action by :Supervisor MR.SURIYA

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):16/08/2023-11.30 AM

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

Finding 5:

Picture 5

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

Unprotected edges,fall hazards.

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes):

a) Not properly classifying soils

b) Spoils mismanagement

c) No barricade

Preventive Actions:

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

a) minimum training requirement

b) Shoring system

c) Put barricade

To rectify by : in (4 hours) Action by :Supervisor MR.SENTHILKUMAR

Re-inspection on (Date /Time):17/08/2023-3.00 pm

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

4. Recommendations to prevent the repeat of the similar findings:

End of Report

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

Sample Project ( For Reference only)

Project: Inspection Report

1. Purpose and objectives for the safety inspection

(State any 4 or more objectives - You can use the 2 objectives given blow also)

 Purpose of safety inspection is to verify compliance with the

relevant legal requirements

 To check any unsafe conditions in the workplace

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

Finding 1:

Picture 1
Location/Date/Time: Tower Block A-3rd Storey - 5/12/2020 -10.30AM

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

Failure to elevate the electric wire and use of multiple adapter.

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes)

There is no provision for hanging the electrical wire.

The worker do not know he cannot use the multiple adapter.

Preventive Actions:

To provide the hook points to hang the electrical wire.

Inform the all the workers multiple adapter is not allowed to use.

To rectify by : In 2 Hours ( By today) Action by : Supervisor Mr.John

Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 6/12/2020 -8.30AM

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

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Finding 2:

Picture 2
Location/Date/Time: Tower Block B - Basement 5/12/2020 -10.45AM

Description of Unsafe Condition/Unsafe Act:

Poor Housekeeping in the work area

Possible reasons for the unsafe condition/unsafe act (Root Causes)

Inadequate rubbish bin to clear the rubbish regularly

Preventive Actions:

Supervisor need to ensure the regular housekeeping in the work area. Need to increase
the number of bins twice a week until the situation improves.

To rectify by : By tomorrow- 6/12/2020 Action by : Supervisor Mr.Meng

Re-inspection on (Date /Time): 6/12/2020 – 9AM

Re-inspection finding: Rectified and closed

Finding 3:

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Industry (WSHMCI) (BL) - Project

Finding 4:

Finding 5:
4. Recommendations to prevent the repeat of the similar findings: ( 3 or more

1) Supervisor to remind the workers to about electrical safety during tool box

2) Adequate number of rubbish bins shall be provided.

3) Supervisors remind the workers to do daily housekeeping.

------------End of the Report------------

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