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1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. 
Example: I usually get up (get up) at seven o’clock. 
1. Tod _______________ (watch) TV at the moment. 
2. Inflation ____________ (fall) quite quickly right now, which __________ (mean) that
central banks all over the world can keep interest rates low.
3. Ella _______________ (have) blonde hair, but now she’s quite dark. 
4. A: “ Do you want me to call them? “
B: “ No, it’s all right, I _____________ (do) it.
5. What _______________ he _______________ (find) when he opened the door? 
6. She _______________ (not go) out last night; she went home after work. 
7. I _______________ (go) to the USA five times. How about you? 
8. I _____________ (meet) Andrea at the airport at 9 am next Thursday.
9. They _______________ (not listen) to the teacher at the moment. 
10. _______________ you ever _______________ (see) a giraffe? 
11. She _______________ (meet) her new boss last week. 
12. Happy anniversary! How long _______________ you _______________ (be) married? 
13. I don’t think it _______________ (snow) this week. It’s too warm. 
14. He _______________ (cook) lunch when we arrived, so we offered to help. 
15. Look at those clouds! I think it ______________ (rain).
2. Underline the correct word(s) in each sentence. 
Example: Have you finished that book yet / just? 
1. You must / mustn’t listen to your teacher. She’s trying to help you. 
2. This is the best / better museum I’ve ever visited. 
3. This bike’s most / more expensive than mine. 
4. He’s eaten too many / too much cakes, and now he feels ill! 
5. You mustn’t / don’t have to wear a uniform at work if you don’t want to. 
6. You don’t do enough / too housework. I have to do it all! 
7. We had a boring weekend. We didn’t have anything / nothing to do. 
8. You don’t have to / should try on this shirt. I think it’ll look great on you. 
9. They might / must go to the beach tomorrow – if the weather’s hot. 
10. Wait! You walk more quickly / quicker than me. 
11. Who did paint / painted this picture? It’s great! 
12. She said / told us she was busy this weekend. 
13. Walking / Walk in the country makes me feel great. 
14. If I didn’t have to, I won’t / wouldn’t go to that conference. 
15. I can come/I can to come to the training seminar next week.
3. Choose the correct version A, B or C.

1. Jack ................. a shower at the moment, so could you call back in about half an hour?
A. takes B. is taking C. has taken
2. ........... to Japan before?
A. Do you ever go B. Are you ever going C. Have you ever been
3. ........ TV for the last four hours? Turn it off and get some exercise! A.
A.Have you been watching B Are you watching C. Watched you
4. That's the first time ........ an answer right today!
A. I get B. I am getting C. I have got
5. Eric, ........ hockey competitively or just for fun?
A. are you usually playing you usually play C. have you usually played
6. Their company is just …………ours.
A. as large as B. as larger C. larger as
7. There’s ……… visitor at the reception desk.
A. a B. the C. no article
8. ………… smoking is not permitted in this building.
A. A B. The C. no article
9. I ………. go to the dentist next Friday morning, so I’ll be a little late.
A. must to B. have to C. ought
10. Last Saturday I ……… a lot of money.
A. used to spend B. spent C. have spent
1. Write the three forms of these irregular verbs.
Example: become became become
1. begin _______________ 6. eat _______________ 11. keep _______________
2. break _______________ 7. fall _______________ 12. lead _______________
3. bring _______________ 8. find ______________ 13. lend ______________
4. buy _______________ 9. forget _______________ 14. meet _______________
5. choose_______________ 10.grow _______________ 15. rise _______________

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word. 

Example: My mum’s sisters are my aunts. 
aunts   cousins   uncles 
1 David __________ me he wanted to get a burger. 
A. told   B. said   C. replied 
2 We __________ a really good time at the festival. 
A. spended  B. had  C. did 
3 My brother is my aunt’s __________. 
A. niece   B. grandson  C. nephew 
4 Put your lights on. We’re going to drive __________ a tunnel! 
A. through   B. under   C. across 
5 The opposite of crowded is __________. 
A. clean   B. safe   C. empty 
6 Kate’s really __________. She always gives me presents. 
A. mean  B. lazy   C. generous 
7 Can you turn __________ the TV? I want to watch the news. 
A. on  B. in   C. off 
8 Is he looking __________ to the party? 
A. after   B. for   C. forward 
9 Those jeans look nice. Would you like to __________ them on? 
A. take   B. try  C. wear 
10 Enter our competition now! You could __________ a great prize. 
A. win   B. earn   C. make 
11 Our new school year starts __________ 5th September. 
A. in   B. on   C. at 
12 We haven’t got much money __________ we aren’t going to buy the flat. 
A. because   B. so  C. although 
13 He __________ on really well with his sister. 
A. does   B. gets   C. makes 
14 I’m not __________ good at languages. I find them difficult. 
A. bit   B. hardly  C. very 
3. Write the opposite. 
Example: fail  pass 
1 borrow __________ 
2 generous __________ 
3 interesting __________ 
4 remember __________ 
5 find __________ 
6 dangerous __________ 
4. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 
Example: What music do you listen to? 
1 Be careful when you jump __________ the swimming pool. 
2 I’m not sure if I can come camping. It depends __________ my work. 
3 Did you wait long __________ your train?  
4 Harry’s worried __________ his driving test tomorrow. 
5 Leo fell in love __________ his girlfriend soon after they met. 
6 Can you pay __________ the tickets today? 
7 Please write __________ me soon, and tell me all your news. 
8 What time did you arrive __________ school? Were you late? 

A Famous Work of Art Finds Its Home

One sunny morning in 1937, the small village of Guernica in northern Spain was crowded
with people enjoying market day. Suddenly, something terrible happened. German military planes
appeared overhead, dropping bombs on the village below. Many people and animals were instantly
injured or killed.
The democratically elected government of Spain was fighting in a civil war against a military
leader named Francisco Franco. It was Franco who had asked Germany to bomb Guernica.
At that time, Pablo Picasso, a well-known artist from Spain, was living in Paris. A few days after
the attack, Picasso saw the newspapers. On the front pages were large black-and-white
photographs of the death and destruction in Guernica. The suffering of these people from his
country affected Picasso deeply.
Picasso became a political activist for Spain during the Spanish Civil War. He decided to create a
painting about the bombing of Guernica to exhibit at the World’s Fair in Paris that year. He knew
that many people would come to the fair. He hoped the painting would make visitors think, talk,
and be inspired to do something to help Spain.
Picasso used a large canvas, which covered an entire wall of the Spanish exhibit at the fair. He
used only black and white paint because of his strong reaction to the black-and-white newspaper
photographs. He showed the tragedies of war by painting a suffering mother and child, a dying
soldier, a horse twisted in pain, and a bull. Picasso used the horse to represent the Spanish people
and the bull to represent violence and darkness. His finished painting was titled Guernica.
Guernica immediately created a sensation. The painting was powerful, but it was not pretty.
Some people hated it. They said it was not art because art should be beautiful. Other people loved
the painting. They said it was art just like any other painting because it was about human
experience. This disagreement led to many discussions about art and politics.
Meanwhile, Guernica became an important symbol of the Spanish resistance to Franco’s army.
Guernica was sent to major cities in Europe, and people paid to see it. The money was given to the
soldiers fighting against Franco. During World War II, Picasso sent Guernica to the United States to
keep it safe. The painting continued to travel throughout the United States and South America for
the next 40 years. Art students studied it, and art historians wrote about it. Guernica became one of
the most controversial paintings in the world.
Franco’s army won the civil war and helped Franco become a dictator in Spain. Franco asked
Picasso to bring Guernica to Spain. Picasso refused. He said it could not go to Spain until Spain was
liberated from Franco’s dictatorship. Unfortunately, Picasso died in 1973 before that could happen.
Two years later Franco died, and soon after that, Spain held elections and democracy returned.
The Museum of Modern Art in New York, where Guernica was being held, respected Picasso’s
wishes and sent Guernica to Spain in 1981. The painting was finally home.
Today, Guernica hangs in the Reina Sophia Museum in Madrid, where it is well protected.
People from all over the world come to see this masterpiece. The civil war is long over in Spain, but
the memory of the small, peaceful village and the tragedies of war live on in this famous and
controversial work of art.

A. Circle the letter of the best answer.

1. What is Guernica?

a. a village and a painting

b. an artist and a city

c. a type of airplane and a painting

2. Who was Francisco Franco?

a. a dictator

b. a Spanish artist

c. a democratically elected president

3. What happened in Spain in the late 1930s?

a. Picasso moved back to Spain

b. the World’s Fair

c. a civil war

B. Are these statements true or false? Write T (true) or F (false).

1. _______Picasso lived in Guernica, Spain.

2. _______German military planes bombed Guernica in 1937.

3. _______Picasso became a political activist during the Spanish Civil War.

4. _______ Picasso agreed with Franco and wanted him to win the civil war.

5. _______Picasso painted Guernica in Paris for the World’s Fair.

6. _______Guernica is a very small painting.

7. _______Guernica raised money to help Spanish soldiers fight against Franco.

8. _______ Picasso did not allow Guernica to leave Europe while he was alive.

9. _______ Picasso asked Franco to bring the painting back to Spain.

10. _______Franco died before Picasso died.

11. _______Spain had a democratically elected government after Franco died.

12. _______Guernica is now in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

Watch the video and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. The Fens area of England looks like a modern place.

2. There are 150 technology companies in Silicon Fen.
3. ARM employs over 3000 people in the UK.
4. Apple and Samsung use ARM processors in their smartphones.
5. 16% of the world’s population use a device with an ARM chip in it.
6. Isaac Newton and Stephan Hawking worked at Cambridge University.
7. Cambridge Science Park isn’t a good place for small businesses.

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