Topic:7.2 and 7.3: Geography

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UNIT Topic:7.2 and 7.3


TERMS (List & DEFINE the terms important to understanding the concepts.)
 Lingua Franca= a common language used by spreakers of 2 different langugaes for
 Creolization=interacitons between cultures can result in two or more cultural eements bleding
 Cultural covergence+as culture interact with once another, they become more similar,sharing,
and adopting once another's ideas innovations and other cultural traits
 Cultural diveregence: conflicting beliefs or other barrieers can cause cultures to become less
 Acculturation: where people within one culture adopt some of the traits of another while still
retaining their own distinct culture
 Assimilation: it is the catory of acculturation in which the inteation of 2 culutres result in once
culture adoptin galmost all of the customs, traditions, language, and other cultural traits of the
 Syncretism: traits form 2 or more culture beldn toether to form a new custiom, idea, value, or
practice. THis process of innovation combing different cultural features into some thing new
 Multicultuarism: occurs in large cites, where people from many different cultures live in close
 collectivist culture: where people are expected to conform to collective responsibilty witthin
the family and to be obedient to and respecful of other family members

CONCEPTS & PROCESSES (Summarize, in bullet points, the most important ideas.)
 Colonialsm, when a powerful country establsiehd settlemets ona less powerful country for
economic and political gain
 Imperialism, is a realted concept, occuring when a country enacts policies to extend its
influcence over other countreis through diplomacy or force
 Strong cultural patterns in the world
 Europeand countries spread their cultures around thw world through imperialsim in the 15 th-
16th centureies and colonialsim during 17th to 19th centuries
 The cultural impact of European imperialsm in Asia. The British taking over part of India. Which
effect the India's culture like langugae(English), relgion(christianity), and recreatio(soccer,field
 Military conquest
 It can cuase cultural change to take place more rapidly than trhogu process like traide
ormigration, because the conquere impse their way of life on the conquered people
 In the 300s BCE Alexander the Great spread Greek Culture throughout his empire, Macedionia,
Greece, Eygpt, Norhtern india. he encountred the men of his army to marry the local women/ Greek
cultre became etwined with those locatl cultre
 lingua franca is for business, political and cultural transactions around the globe (english)
 it for the Internet, air line pilorts communicate in english
 A creloe language, resuults from the blending of 2 or more languages (Haitan creole is the
belnd of French and several African language
 Trade=which bring people together
 interaction between people from idfferent places leads to an excahnge of ideas, values,
technoligies,a d npractice
 Migrations, it has helped to shped the patterns and pracitces of vulutre through spread ofideas
and cultual traits bewtween countires an dregion
 The romance langauge+ French, Itlian, Spanish, portugesse; As European settled in the
Americas, Africa nd asia. The Romance languge spread troughout the world
 In Cultural converegence, the father away one grou pwas form another, the less likely the 2
groups were to interact which then cultures in closepozimity wre more alike htan those were far
 Tobler's first law of geography= all things on eath are related to all other things the locser
thingare to one another, the more thye are related
 Time-space compression, the shirnking of the world due to improvements in communcation
and tranportaion technologies
 IT showsn how technology has over come the frction of distance
 Cultural divergence when not using technologies, ex: the amish people they donto use tech
such as cars, phones because they think it has a negative effect on community
 Acculturation happens when resultof of prolonged of 2 culture and can happen in gorup or
individula leves
 Fashion in muslim
 Assmilation; mighy happen coluntarily or force
 Syncretism an effect diffusion such as immigation, military conquest, marriges between other
 Religious syncretism
 Example of multiculturalism: the united states, varied cusisine, religion, art and languages
 Muitculturasim can create an atmostpher of acceptance and lead to rush, vibrant blend of
cultural traits
 Some struggle with the balance of multiculturalsim cause by diffusion cultural difference
 Cultural approraiton: is the act of adopting elements of another culture

SPACIAL RELATIONSHIPS (Analyze geographic SCALE ANALYSIS (How does the scale of analysis change
patterns and relationships.) concepts and processes from the unit?)
       

EXAMPLES OF THIS (Use the book, and your own EXAMPLES OF THIS (Use the book, and your own knowledge,
knowledge, to give some geographic examples of this in to give some geographic examples of this in real life.)
real life.)       
GEOGRAPHIC MODELS (If there are Geographic CASE STUDIES (If the book uses a specific place to explain
Models in this section, LIST & EXPLAIN the models.) concepts, explain the ideas here. In other words, what is the
       story?)

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