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UNIT Topic:4.3 and 4.4


TERMS (List & DEFINE the terms important to understanding the concepts.)
 Antinatalist: discouraging citizens from having children
 pronatalist: encourage births and aim to accelerate poulation growth
 land degradation: long-term damage to the soil's ability to support life

CONCEPTS & PROCESSES (Summarize, in bullet points, the most important ideas.)
 The goal of aninatalsit is to reduce the ristk of potential famine or disease due to overuse of
natural resources, sufficent schools, jobs
 Government has the pronatalist for various reason, like about aging population, low birth
rates, fertility rate.
 Pronatalist policies may include financial suport, such as free daycare, to make it less expensive
to have and raise children
 While Antinatlist policies such as contraception edcuation and family plannig support.
 The economic front, a growing populatin creates greater demand for home, good,and serives
 population size affects the environement as well.
 rapid populatin growth can put groups at risk of exceeding the carrying capacity otheri
 Example of land degradation include soil exhaustion, the deletion of nutrients in soil that has
been farmed too long or too intensively
 a graying population can challenge traditional family dynamics
 It is expected in some socities for the bride to move in with her husband's famimly allowing the
couple to care for his parents as they age, an example of cultures.
 retires pay less income taxes
 Countries like the US, Germany, and italy record numbers of people that are supported by
government returement programs
 Health care, because people live longer, they are often ill or unable to fully car for them selve
for a longer period of time.
 changes in the voting demographic may influence who is elcted and what policies are enacted
 in some countries elderly citizens have sstrong voice in politics
 politics effects of an aging population are often intertwined with economic effects

SPACIAL RELATIONSHIPS (Analyze geographic SCALE ANALYSIS (How does the scale of analysis change
patterns and relationships.) concepts and processes from the unit?)
 Looking at the map of life expectancy  The global scale looking at the world life
map with the the pattern of using different expecatncy map
colors to identify, which countries has the
longest llive expecatncy
EXAMPLES OF THIS (Use the book, and your own knowledge,
to give some geographic examples of this in real life.)
EXAMPLES OF THIS (Use the book, and your own  Looking at a global scale, zooming out we
knowledge, to give some geographic examples of this in could see the whole wolrd and identifying
real life.) difference countries life expecatncy, to better
 Nigeria has an elderly depndecy ratio understand age related demographics. As the ages
of 5-9.9 and an average life expecatncy of are older we can indetify that, the country have a
50-54 years with the color of red. Because better heatlh care than the ones with low live
it correspong with a low life expectancy expectancy
would leave fewre elderly people in the
population in realtion to number of people
age 16 to64.

GEOGRAPHIC MODELS (If there are Geographic CASE STUDIES (If the book uses a specific place to explain
Models in this section, LIST & EXPLAIN the models.) concepts, explain the ideas here. In other words, what is the
 story?)
 China population policies
 In 1979, the communist government of China
created the one child-child polict. People that had
two children had pay a fine that only rich people
could afford. The only exemptions was, if the child
had a disability. The government made people to
have only one child by including better emplyment
opportunites and higher wages.The fertility rate in
China had fallen from 6.1 children per woman in
1968 to 2.8 in 1979. Because they decrease their
population by encouraging people to marry later
and have smaller families. But the one child policy
had made the govermnet worry with few workers
to support the aging population. Which made a
gender imbalance because the boys were the
culture prefrence. Girls were abandoned or given
up for an adoption. Then in 2015, the one child
policy was abondoned and replace it with two
children. But some expert believe that this will not
affect the population gorwth any time soon.
because of women passing their childbearing age,
many men having troble finding wives, young
couplies living in the cities, couoples getting married
later in life.

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