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In sheeps’s clothing

00:00:00,572 — 00:00:07,305

Hello and welcome to these End It Now presentations regarding abuse. Our topic
today is a hard one,

00:00:07,788 — 00:00:17,780

but it's such an important one, we're really glad you've joined us. While Dr. Anne
Hamel and I have worked together to compile the material for both of these

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I will be sharing this first one,

00:00:21,308 — 00:00:27,794

which lays the groundwork for the topic, and then she will be sharing the second
one, which is more of a workshop

00:00:28,798 — 00:00:36,218

based on a case study called Sarah's Diary. We hope you'll be able to watch them
both. For this one,

00:00:36,841 — 00:00:41,426

I'll start with some preliminary thoughts, have prayer, and then get into it.

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Have you ever heard the analogy that compares the church to a flock of sheep?
00:00:49,423 — 00:00:58,946

Of course you have, both the Old and the New Testaments refer to God's people as
sheep, to the body of believers as a flock, and to our Lord as the shepherd.

00:00:59,907 — 00:01:08,311

One of the most beloved chapters in the Bible is the twenty-threerd Psalm. The
Lord is our ultimate shepherd, and we are the sheep of his pasture.

00:01:09,309 — 00:01:17,251

But our leaders are also compared to shepherds. In addressing pastors and elders
who are tending the flock, Paul says in Acts,

00:01:17,909 — 00:01:23,411

be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock to shepherd the church of God.

00:01:24,609 — 00:01:34,278

While we all want to believe that our churches are safe places where the shepherds
and the sheep are all living according to God's standards,

00:01:35,038 — 00:01:44,859

unfortunately, we all know from experience that this is not the case. Our churches
are filled with imperfect and broken people.

00:01:46,378 — 00:01:54,798

In fact, occasionally, we encounter a wolf disguised in sheep's clothing.

00:01:55,895 — 00:02:01,818

In fact, sometimes we encounter a wolf disguised in shepherds' clothing.

00:02:03,337 — 00:02:11,599

Today, we are addressing the difficult topic of abuse, particularly sexual abuse
among those who profess to be

00:02:12,274 — 00:02:13,428

followers of Jesus.

00:02:14,610 — 00:02:19,571

Unfortunately, abuse occurs in churches and communities of all faiths.

00:02:21,208 — 00:02:23,349

The impact of abuse is always serious,

00:02:24,376 — 00:02:28,794

but it is multiplied when it is perpetuated by one of the sheep,

00:02:29,882 — 00:02:38,488

by a person who claims to be a follower of Jesus. It is even more damaging when it

is done by a shepherd of the flock,

00:02:38,876 — 00:02:42,555

a pathfinder leader, a teacher, or pastor.

00:02:44,090 — 00:02:50,739

How can something as hideous as abuse happen in the church, you might ask?

00:02:51,228 — 00:03:00,083
If you look around a typical congregation, everyone seems pretty nice. Most
everyone's been baptized. We're preaching the three angels' messages around the

00:03:00,922 — 00:03:08,070

The church is the apple of God's eye. How can there be the problems and pain of

00:03:09,234 — 00:03:15,814

We'd like to submit two reasons. One is wherever fallen humanity is gathered,

00:03:16,728 — 00:03:26,075

you have the problems of fallen humanity. And number two, the church is the
devil's favorite place to work.

00:03:26,683 — 00:03:35,404

He loves to work in the government and in United Nations and in Hollywood, for
sure. But do not doubt this.

00:03:36,003 — 00:03:42,182

He puts his best, most intense efforts into messing with the church,

00:03:43,237 — 00:03:48,502

both its members and maybe especially its leaders.

00:03:49,970 — 00:03:58,956

Fortunately, our denomination has taken decisive steps, particularly in the last
couple of decades, to not only talk about these issues,
00:03:59,527 — 00:04:05,251

but to help ensure the safety of our children and members around the world.

00:04:06,518 — 00:04:12,870

Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day was added to the church global calendar in two
thousand and one.

00:04:13,882 — 00:04:19,438

In two thousand and nine, the initiative was expanded under the name End It Now.

00:04:20,396 — 00:04:29,963

Every year, resources are provided to our churches around the world on some
aspect of abuse, and they're encouraged to use that material

00:04:30,632 — 00:04:35,313

to address abuse on the fourth Sabbath of August.

00:04:36,596 — 00:04:45,102

In addition, local and union conferences repeatedly hold training programs on

abuse for their employees. Risk Management,

00:04:45,853 — 00:04:52,577

the insuring agency of the church, has developed resources and protocols for both
preventing abuse and

00:04:52,830 — 00:05:02,109
for responding to accusations of abuse. The process of screening our volunteers in
the children's divisions, in place for decades now,

00:05:02,881 — 00:05:03,950

is just one example.

00:05:05,469 — 00:05:10,228

Aren't you glad we have leaders who are paying attention to these kinds of issues?

00:05:11,544 — 00:05:17,819

So today, as part of the End It Now initiative, we'll talk about it with the following

00:05:18,856 — 00:05:20,589

To acknowledge that it exists,

00:05:21,660 — 00:05:31,203

to understand it better, in order to respond more effectively. Coming to terms with

the reality that this does happen is

00:05:31,895 — 00:05:32,908

the first step

00:05:33,954 — 00:05:38,628

in enabling us to make our communities of faith even safer.

00:05:40,164 — 00:05:41,430
Let's pray as we begin.

00:05:43,573 — 00:05:44,687

Dear Father in Heaven,

00:05:45,783 — 00:05:49,125

thank you for the opportunity to talk about this difficult issue today.

00:05:50,242 — 00:05:51,882

Please be with us in a special way,

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especially be with those for whom this is a difficult and painful topic.

00:05:58,541 — 00:06:04,734

Open all of our hearts and minds so that we will know better how to provide
healing for one another

00:06:06,270 — 00:06:11,653

and how to prevent this kind of pain in the future. In Jesus' name, amen.

00:06:13,509 — 00:06:17,878

What constitutes abuse? Let's start by defining it.

00:06:18,305 — 00:06:25,543

Sometimes we think of an abuser as a weird stranger who climbs through a girl's

bedroom window in the middle of the night
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or who grabs a child in a dark alley.

00:06:30,008 — 00:06:37,045

Most child abuse is, however, perpetrated by someone the child knows and loves,

00:06:38,052 — 00:06:41,387

usually someone that they trust and depend on.

00:06:42,416 — 00:06:47,259

It's often a family member. It may be a close family friend or a neighbor.

00:06:48,508 — 00:06:58,016

ninety-one% of childhood sexual abuse is committed by someone the child and the
family knows

00:06:58,926 — 00:06:59,696

and trusts.

00:07:00,978 — 00:07:04,270

The church is known as the body of Christ and the family of God.

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So just as sexual abuse occurs within our natural families, it also occurs in
communities of faith.

00:07:13,685 — 00:07:23,642

Where are we going to find people that we know and trust? Where are we going to
let our guard down if it's not in our families and at church?

00:07:25,548 — 00:07:31,977

Sexual abuse is underreported and definitions of abuse vary from state to state and
country to country.

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So we don't have precise numbers on the rates of abuse, but some estimates are
that about one in ten boys

00:07:42,592 — 00:07:48,954

and one in five girls experiences sexual abuse in childhood.

00:07:50,152 — 00:07:57,746

As much as we might not like to acknowledge it, studies done within our church
show similar statistics.
00:07:59,163 — 00:08:06,876

To help us look at this issue, here are seven true examples of abuse within our own
community of faith,

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the Seventh-day Adventist Church. And we'll comment on each one again as we go
along. We've changed the names, of course.

00:08:19,430 — 00:08:28,205

Sarah was seduced by her little church school principal, arranging for her to be his

00:08:28,880 — 00:08:32,053

enabled him to be alone in the building with her after school

00:08:33,588 — 00:08:40,979

and to call her out of class from time to time so she could help him in another part
of the building.

00:08:42,347 — 00:08:43,865
She thought it was love,

00:08:45,249 — 00:08:46,498

but it was abuse.

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Danielle had

00:08:51,729 — 00:08:57,028

a crush on her junior academy music teacher and began flirting with him.

00:08:58,547 — 00:09:02,259

He was delighted to take her up on what she was offering.

00:09:03,862 — 00:09:05,848

She too thought it was love,

00:09:07,019 — 00:09:10,345

but this too, even though she initiated it,

00:09:11,401 — 00:09:12,131

was abuse.

00:09:15,017 — 00:09:18,172

Matt was struggling with seventh grade math.

00:09:19,404 — 00:09:25,513

His teacher invited him to stay after school so she could tutor him and in the

00:09:26,372 — 00:09:29,579

taught him some exciting new ways to have fun.

00:09:31,402 — 00:09:33,174

He got a kick out of it initially,

00:09:34,338 — 00:09:35,537

but it was abuse.

00:09:38,321 — 00:09:43,687

David was thrilled to be away from home and in the dorm for the first time,

00:09:44,733 — 00:09:50,724

but balancing the academics with all his new social freedoms wasn't coming easily.

00:09:52,580 — 00:10:01,001

His advisor offered to take him to the gym, just the two of them, so that David
could get a good workout and they could talk.

00:10:03,296 — 00:10:10,873

David felt strange when the advisor joined him in the shower and later realized it
was voyeurism.

00:10:11,902 — 00:10:21,858

It wasn't ministry and even though the advisor never touched David, it was abuse.

00:10:24,980 — 00:10:31,274

Amanda was out of high school and had dedicated her life fully to the Lord.
00:10:32,574 — 00:10:34,835

She longed to make a difference in the world

00:10:35,932 — 00:10:43,774

and to have a healthier family than she had grown up with. Her pastor claimed a
fatherly role in her life

00:10:44,623 — 00:10:50,512

and seeing her potential, mentored her in several areas of effective ministry.

00:10:51,710 — 00:10:58,055

Ultimately, he mentored her in how to be a good wife.

00:10:59,709 — 00:11:02,595

Initially, she thought that was helpful,

00:11:04,113 — 00:11:05,717

but it was abuse.

00:11:07,725 — 00:11:12,180

These are hard stories to hear, aren't they? We just have two more.

00:11:14,441 — 00:11:24,391

Brenda was miserable in her marriage. Her husband was dismissive of her and in a
multitude of ways made her feel inadequate and

00:11:25,025 — 00:11:27,030

useless, even invisible.

00:11:25,025 — 00:11:27,030

incluso invisible.

Speaker 1

00:11:28,059 — 00:11:32,019

When he divorced her, she went to her pastor for help.

00:11:28,059 — 00:11:32,019

Cuando se divorció, acudió a su pastor en busca de ayuda.

Speaker 1
00:11:33,157 — 00:11:34,757

He made her feel valued,

00:11:33,157 — 00:11:34,757

La hacía sentirse valorada,

Speaker 1

00:11:35,875 — 00:11:44,327

beautiful, and alive. At the end of each counseling session, he would take her hands
in his to pray

00:11:35,875 — 00:11:44,327

hermosa y viva. Al final de cada sesión de asesoramiento, tomaba sus manos entre
las suyas para orar...

Speaker 1

00:11:44,462 — 00:11:46,048

and then one day

00:11:44,462 — 00:11:46,048

y un día
Speaker 1

00:11:47,313 — 00:11:48,157

he took more.

00:11:47,313 — 00:11:48,157

Tomó algo más.

Speaker 1

00:11:50,115 — 00:11:51,043

She thought it was love.

00:11:50,115 — 00:11:51,043

Ella pensó que era

Speaker 1

00:11:52,477 — 00:11:53,388

It was abuse.

00:11:52,477 — 00:11:53,388

Amor, pero era abuso

Speaker 1
00:11:57,506 — 00:12:05,472

Susan was a recently divorced single mother who moved to an Adventist

community to find the support that was not available to her

00:11:57,506 — 00:12:05,472

Susan era una madre soltera recién divorciada que se trasladó a una comunidad
adventista para encontrar el apoyo que no le ofrecía

Speaker 1

00:12:06,013 — 00:12:08,120

from her own non-Christian family.

00:12:06,013 — 00:12:08,120

su propia familia no cristiana.

Speaker 1

00:12:09,133 — 00:12:16,343

At church, she met a spiritually committed Seventh-day Adventist Christian man

that she looked up to

00:12:09,133 — 00:12:16,343

En la iglesia, conoció a un hombre cristiano adventista del séptimo día,

espiritualmente comprometido, al que admiraba
Speaker 1

00:12:17,119 — 00:12:19,933

and she believed God had brought into her life.

00:12:17,119 — 00:12:19,933

y que creía que Dios había traído a su vida.

Speaker 1

00:12:21,300 — 00:12:22,886

Soon they were dating.

00:12:21,300 — 00:12:22,886

Pronto empezaron a salir.

Speaker 1

00:12:24,641 — 00:12:33,533

She trusted what she thought was his superior religious experience. So Susan
believed that the physical aspect of their relationship

00:12:24,641 — 00:12:33,533

Confiaba en lo que creía que era una experiencia religiosa superior. Así que Susan
creía que el aspecto físico de su relación
Speaker 1

00:12:34,279 — 00:12:39,423

was a reflection of his commitment to her and their future together.

00:12:34,279 — 00:12:39,423

era un reflejo de su compromiso con ella y un futuro juntos.

Speaker 1

00:12:40,908 — 00:12:48,907

She felt betrayed by both him and by God when he decided that the relationship
was not working for him.

00:12:40,908 — 00:12:48,907

Se sintió traicionada tanto por él como por Dios, cuando él decidió que la relación
no funcionaba para él

Speaker 1

00:12:50,747 — 00:12:54,881

In taking advantage of her as he did, he had abused her.

00:12:50,747 — 00:12:54,881

Al aprovecharse de ella como lo hizo, abuso de ella.

Speaker 1

00:12:57,969 — 00:13:01,310

And as I said, we'll comment more on these as we go along.

00:12:57,969 — 00:13:01,310

Y como he dicho, comentaremos más sobre esto a medida que avancemos.

Speaker 1

00:13:04,635 — 00:13:11,688

Often we think that abuse involves violence, but none of the examples just given
included violence.

00:13:04,635 — 00:13:11,688

A menudo pensamos que el maltrato implica violencia, pero ninguno de los

ejemplos que acabamos de citar, incluye violencia.

Speaker 1

00:13:12,077 — 00:13:21,358

None of them indicate that the victim resisted the abuse or reached out for help. At
the time it was happening, none of them even recognized it as abuse.

00:13:12,077 — 00:13:21,358
Ninguno de ellos indica que la víctima se resistiera a los abusos o pidiera ayuda. En
el momento en que ocurrió, ninguno de ellos lo reconoció tan siquiera como

Speaker 1

00:13:22,100 — 00:13:30,318

Yet because of the power differential that existed in each case and the inability to
give meaningful consent,

00:13:22,100 — 00:13:30,318

Sin embargo, debido a la diferencia de poder que existía en cada caso y a la

incapacidad de dar un consentimiento significativo,

Speaker 1

00:13:30,420 — 00:13:32,188

each one was violated.

00:13:30,420 — 00:13:32,188

Cada una de ellas fue violada.

Speaker 1

00:13:33,493 — 00:13:41,777

Abuse is when an individual uses their power or influence to take advantage of a

vulnerable individual.
00:13:33,493 — 00:13:41,777

Abuso es cuando un individuo utiliza su poder o influencia para aprovecharse de

una persona vulnerable.

Speaker 1

00:13:43,565 — 00:13:51,428

Their power and influence could have been used to bless the other person, but
they abused it for their own pleasure.

00:13:43,565 — 00:13:51,428

Su poder e influencia podrían haberse usado para bendecir a la otra persona, pero
abusaron de ellos para su propio placer.

Speaker 1

00:13:52,543 — 00:13:58,432

What is common in each of these stories is the abuse of power and influence.

00:13:52,543 — 00:13:58,432

Lo que es común en cada una de estas historias es el abuso de poder e influencia.

Speaker 1

00:14:00,710 — 00:14:10,513
Most countries around the world define sexual abuse of a child as a crime. While it
is common to have legal definitions that define this and make it mandatory to

00:14:00,710 — 00:14:10,513

La mayoría de los países del mundo definen el abuso sexual de un niño como un
delito. Aunque es habitual que existan definiciones legales que lo tipifiquen y
obliguen a denunciarlo,

Speaker 1

00:14:11,443 — 00:14:20,218

abuse can also occur between two adults if one person is taking advantage of the
vulnerability of the other.

00:14:11,443 — 00:14:20,218

el abuso también puede producirse entre dos adultos, si una persona se aprovecha
de la vulnerabilidad de la otra.

Speaker 1

00:14:21,652 — 00:14:31,339

This may be a new thought to us, but just as Jesus raised the bar regarding adultery
and divorce higher than the world's bar,

00:14:21,652 — 00:14:31,339
Esto puede ser un pensamiento nuevo para nosotros, pero al igual que Jesús elevó
el listón con respecto al adulterio y el divorcio, más alto que el listón del mundo,

Speaker 1

00:14:32,217 — 00:14:40,265

as Christians, the bar we set in defining abuse should be higher than the bar set by
the world rather than lower.

00:14:32,217 — 00:14:40,265

como cristianos, el listón que ponemos para definir el abuso debería ser más alto,
que el listón puesto por el mundo en lugar de más bajo.

Speaker 1

00:14:42,948 — 00:14:44,838

Let's look at the impact of abuse.

00:14:42,948 — 00:14:44,838

Veamos el impacto del abuso.

Speaker 1

00:14:46,442 — 00:14:51,977

Victims of sexual abuse are sometimes told, oh, it's not like he hurt you.

00:14:46,442 — 00:14:51,977

A las víctimas de abusos sexuales a veces se les dice, oh, no es que te haya hecho

Speaker 1

00:14:53,225 — 00:15:02,067

You're not black and blue or anything. In fact, you probably enjoyed it. So what are
you complaining about? You're fine, get over it.

00:14:53,225 — 00:15:02,067

No tienes marcas ni negras, ni azules. De hecho, probablemente lo disfrutaste.

Entonces, ¿de qué te quejas? Estás bien, supéralo.

Speaker 1

00:15:04,177 — 00:15:09,661

There actually are black and blue marks. It's just that they're on the soul.

00:15:04,177 — 00:15:09,661

En realidad sí hay marcas negras y azules. Solo que están en el alma.

Speaker 1

00:15:11,113 — 00:15:19,044

And it turns out, on nearly every aspect of the person's future, including their future
00:15:11,113 — 00:15:19,044

Y aparecerán en casi todos los aspectos futuros de la persona, incluida su salud


Speaker 1

00:15:21,153 — 00:15:28,832

Research shows that all types of childhood abuse have the potential to damage the
developing brain of a child,

00:15:21,153 — 00:15:28,832

Las investigaciones demuestran que todos los tipos de maltrato infantil, pueden
dañar el desarrollo cerebral del niño,

Speaker 1

00:15:29,591 — 00:15:33,491

predisposing them to lifelong mental and physical health concerns and

00:15:29,591 — 00:15:33,491

predisponiéndolos a problemas de salud mental y física de por vida y

Speaker 1

00:15:34,288 — 00:15:39,980
increasing the risks for all kinds of problems, social, emotional, behavioral,

00:15:34,288 — 00:15:39,980

aumentando los riesgos de todo tipo de problemas, sociales, emocionales, de

comportamiento, académicos.

Speaker 1

00:15:40,880 — 00:15:48,035

It increases the likelihood of addictive behavior in adolescence as well as high-risk

behaviors such as promiscuity.

00:15:40,880 — 00:15:48,035

Aumenta la probabilidad de conductas adictivas en la adolescencia, así como

conductas de alto riesgo, como la promiscuidad.

Speaker 1

00:15:49,352 — 00:15:55,613

It also increases the risks of a wide variety of occupational, legal, financial


00:15:49,352 — 00:15:55,613

También aumenta los riesgos de una gran variedad de problemas laborales,

legales, financieros,
Speaker 1

00:15:56,979 — 00:16:02,970

even the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

00:15:56,979 — 00:16:02,970

incluso el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas, como cardiopatías y diabetes.

Speaker 1

00:16:05,197 — 00:16:12,194

The secrecy of the abuse creates a sense of isolation and disconnection from others

00:16:05,197 — 00:16:12,194

El secretismo del abuso crea una sensación de aislamiento y desconexión de los


Speaker 1

00:16:12,850 — 00:16:16,048

that interferes with normal social and emotional development.

00:16:12,850 — 00:16:16,048

que interfiere en el desarrollo social y emocional normal.

Speaker 1

00:16:17,381 — 00:16:24,199

Sexual abuse is particularly damaging to the very core of who a person is.

00:16:17,381 — 00:16:24,199

El abuso sexual es especialmente perjudicial para la esencia misma de una persona.

Speaker 1

00:16:25,481 — 00:16:33,159

When experienced as a child, it increases the risks for depression, anxiety, other
mental health problems in adults.

00:16:25,481 — 00:16:33,159

Cuando se sufre en la infancia, aumenta el riesgo de depresión, ansiedad y otros

problemas de salud mental en la edad adulta.

Speaker 1

00:16:34,695 — 00:16:43,130

When a child or an adult experiences sexual abuse, it produces a level of shame

and guilt

00:16:34,695 — 00:16:43,130
Cuando un niño o un adulto sufre abusos sexuales, se produce un nivel de
vergüenza y culpa,

Speaker 1

00:16:43,901 — 00:16:51,167

and an accompanying sense of worthlessness that some who aren't able to get
good help

00:16:43,901 — 00:16:51,167

y un sentimiento de inutilidad que acompaña a quienes no pueden obtener una

buena ayuda.

Speaker 1

00:16:52,028 — 00:17:01,244

are never able to escape. When abuse is perpetrated by a Christian, the damage is
all the greater because there's an automatic layer

00:16:52,028 — 00:17:01,244

nunca son capaces de escapar. Cuando el abuso es perpetrado por un cristiano, el

daño es aún mayor porque hay un velo automático de abuso espiritual.

Speaker 1

00:17:01,937 — 00:17:08,859

of spiritual abuse. Trauma and abuse always cause one to question one's faith or
spiritual belief system,
00:17:01,937 — 00:17:08,859

El trauma y el abuso siempre hacen que uno cuestione su fe o su sistema de

creencias espirituales,

Speaker 1

00:17:09,544 — 00:17:16,831

but sexual abuse perpetrated by one in a position of spiritual authority can

demolish one's faith.

00:17:09,544 — 00:17:16,831

pero el abuso sexual perpetrado por alguien en una posición de autoridad

espiritual, puede demoler la fe de uno.

Speaker 1

00:17:18,013 — 00:17:23,059

Second Timothy three, fourteen and fifteen says, let's look it up.

00:17:18,013 — 00:17:23,059

Segunda de Timoteo tres, catorce y quince dice, busquémoslo.

Speaker 1

00:17:28,526 — 00:17:36,879
You must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are
true because you can trust those who taught you.

00:17:28,526 — 00:17:36,879

Debes permanecer fiel a las cosas que se te han enseñado. Sabes que son verdad
porque puedes confiar en los que te enseñaron.

Speaker 1

00:17:38,313 — 00:17:43,595

But what does it do to your faith when it turns out you couldn't trust the ones who
taught you?

00:17:38,313 — 00:17:43,595

Pero, ¿qué pasa con tu fe, cuando resulta que no podías confiar en los que te

Speaker 1

00:17:47,088 — 00:17:51,290

There are a couple of factors that determine how well a victim will do.

00:17:47,088 — 00:17:51,290

Hay un par de factores que determinan lo fuerte del impacto en una víctima.

Speaker 1
00:17:52,691 — 00:18:01,437

The impact of abuse on someone is determined to a large degree by the level of

emotional and social stability in the life of the victim

00:17:52,691 — 00:18:01,437

El impacto del abuso en alguien está determinado en gran medida por el nivel de
estabilidad emocional y social en la vida de la víctima

Speaker 1

00:18:02,013 — 00:18:03,305

prior to the abuse.

00:18:02,013 — 00:18:03,305

antes del abuso.

Speaker 1

00:18:04,419 — 00:18:12,223

Unfortunately, it is often those who are vulnerable and who lack emotional and
social stability in their lives

00:18:04,419 — 00:18:12,223

Desgraciadamente, a menudo son las personas vulnerables y sin estabilidad

emocional y social en su vida,
Speaker 1

00:18:13,050 — 00:18:21,787

who are targeted for abuse in the first place. For example, we know that disabled or
handicapped children

00:18:13,050 — 00:18:21,787

quienes son objeto de abusos en primer lugar. Por ejemplo, sabemos que los niños
discapacitados o minusválidos

Speaker 1

00:18:22,537 — 00:18:24,939

are abused at a higher rate than other children.

00:18:22,537 — 00:18:24,939

sufren más abusos que los demás niños.

Speaker 1

00:18:26,407 — 00:18:30,575

Vulnerable individuals are, by definition, more needy,

00:18:26,407 — 00:18:30,575

Las personas vulnerables son, por definición, las más necesitadas,

Speaker 1

00:18:31,605 — 00:18:38,490

less likely to tell, and less likely to be believed if they do tell.

00:18:31,605 — 00:18:38,490

más propensas a no contarlo, y menos propensas a que se les crea, si lo cuentan.

Speaker 1

00:18:39,406 — 00:18:47,973

One of the most important things that churches can do to safeguard against abuse
is to support and strengthen families.

00:18:39,406 — 00:18:47,973

Una de las cosas más importantes que pueden hacer las iglesias para evitar los
abusos, es apoyar y fortalecer a las familias. Las familias

Speaker 1

00:18:49,087 — 00:18:51,939

Single parent families are particularly vulnerable.

00:18:49,087 — 00:18:51,939

monoparentales son especialmente vulnerables.

Speaker 1

00:18:53,087 — 00:19:01,271

Matt, for example, was vulnerable to his seventh grade teacher because of the
circumstances of his parents' divorce.

00:18:53,087 — 00:19:01,271

Matt, por ejemplo, era vulnerable ante su profesora de séptimo grado, debido a las
circunstancias del divorcio de sus padres.

Speaker 1

00:19:02,351 — 00:19:10,418

His mother suspected something was not right between Matt and his teacher. But
as a single mom in a new town,

00:19:02,351 — 00:19:10,418

Su madre sospechaba que algo no iba bien entre Matt y su profesora. Pero como
madre soltera en una nueva ciudad,

Speaker 1

00:19:11,244 — 00:19:19,563

she feared she would jeopardize her employment with the church and cause her
children even more trauma should she try to call out this teacher.

00:19:11,244 — 00:19:19,563

temía poner en peligro su empleo en la iglesia y causar aún más traumas a sus
hijos si intentaba denunciar a la profesora.

Speaker 1

00:19:20,947 — 00:19:30,144

Matt stayed quiet, tried to behave as if everything was okay. He wanted the help
and attention that his teacher was giving him.

00:19:20,947 — 00:19:30,144

Matt se quedó callado, intentó comportarse como si todo fuera bien. Quería la
ayuda y la atención que su profesora le estaba prestando.

Speaker 1

00:19:31,224 — 00:19:34,570

And he also recognized that speaking up

00:19:31,224 — 00:19:34,570

Y también reconoció que hablar

Speaker 1

00:19:35,599 — 00:19:39,392

could destabilize his family situation even further.

00:19:35,599 — 00:19:39,392

podría desestabilizar aún más su situación familiar.

Speaker 1

00:19:40,961 — 00:19:46,059

His mother was even more intimidated about calling out the teacher

00:19:40,961 — 00:19:46,059

Su madre se sintió aún más intimidada a la hora de llamar la atención de la


Speaker 1

00:19:47,016 — 00:19:51,339

when the teacher was given the Teacher of the Year Award.

00:19:47,016 — 00:19:51,339

cuando la profesora recibió el Premio al Profesor del Año.

Speaker 1

00:19:53,887 — 00:20:00,502

Matt's situation is not uncommon. It is very hard, if not impossible,

00:19:53,887 — 00:20:00,502

La situación de Matt no es poco frecuente. Es muy difícil, si no imposible,

Speaker 1

00:20:01,650 — 00:20:10,897

for one parent to meet all the emotional and social needs of their children, making
these children vulnerable to the attention offered to them by others.

00:20:01,650 — 00:20:10,897

para un padre satisfacer todas las necesidades emocionales y sociales de sus hijos,
lo que hace a estos niños vulnerables a la atención que les ofrecen los demás.

Speaker 1

00:20:12,264 — 00:20:21,427

Many parents are grateful to have people, particularly within the church, who are
willing to help provide care and support for their children.

00:20:12,264 — 00:20:21,427

Muchos padres están agradecidos de contar con personas, en particular dentro de

la iglesia, dispuestas a ayudar a proporcionar cuidados y apoyo a sus hijos.

Speaker 1

00:20:22,811 — 00:20:31,383
When a family system is fragile, parents tend to overlook signs indicating that
something might be amiss.

00:20:22,811 — 00:20:31,383

Cuando un sistema familiar es frágil, los padres tienden a pasar por alto las señales
que indican que algo puede ir mal.

Speaker 1

00:20:34,185 — 00:20:40,366

The impact of abuse is also determined by the response of adults or those in

positions of authority

00:20:34,185 — 00:20:40,366

El impacto del maltrato también viene determinado por la respuesta de los adultos
o de quienes ocupan puestos

Speaker 1

00:20:41,333 — 00:20:45,120

or influence when the abuse is reported or discovered.

00:20:41,333 — 00:20:45,120

de autoridad o influencia, cuando se denuncia o descubre el maltrato.

Speaker 1
00:20:46,773 — 00:20:54,181

It is often very difficult for a victim to tell anyone due to the feelings of guilt and

00:20:46,773 — 00:20:54,181

A menudo es muy difícil para una víctima contárselo a alguien, debido a los
sentimientos de culpa y vergüenza.

Speaker 1

00:20:55,616 — 00:21:05,083

Many do not feel like victims, but feel they're responsible for what happened and
worry that they are actually telling on themselves.

00:20:55,616 — 00:21:05,083

Muchos no se sienten víctimas, sino responsables de lo ocurrido y les preocupa

delatarse a sí mismos.

Speaker 1

00:21:07,057 — 00:21:13,419

This is particularly true if the perpetrator made the experience pleasurable or


00:21:07,057 — 00:21:13,419
Esto es especialmente cierto, si el agresor hizo que la experiencia fuera placentera
o excitante.

Speaker 1

00:21:15,967 — 00:21:25,181

If a victim is not believed or the details of the story are challenged or questioned,
the impact of the abuse is intensified.

00:21:15,967 — 00:21:25,181

Si no se cree a la víctima o se cuestionan los detalles de la historia, el impacto del

abuso se intensifica.

Speaker 1

00:21:26,193 — 00:21:31,678

Not only does the victim already feel violated, but now they feel unsafe and

00:21:26,193 — 00:21:31,678

La víctima no sólo se siente ya violada, sino que ahora se siente insegura y


Speaker 1

00:21:33,483 — 00:21:37,432

Victims are sometimes blamed for what happened.

00:21:33,483 — 00:21:37,432

A veces se culpa a las víctimas de lo ocurrido.

Speaker 1

00:21:38,816 — 00:21:40,605

Even young children,

00:21:38,816 — 00:21:40,605

Incluso los niños pequeños, que en

Speaker 1

00:21:41,634 — 00:21:44,790

particularly those who present as emotionally needy,

00:21:41,634 — 00:21:44,790

particular se presentan como emocionalmente necesitados,

Speaker 1

00:21:46,427 — 00:21:50,747

are at times accused of being seductive.

00:21:46,427 — 00:21:50,747

a veces se les acusa de ser seductores.

Speaker 1

00:21:52,164 — 00:22:01,276

Unfortunately, this happens far more than we would ever imagine, especially when
the perpetrator is in a position of power and influence in the community.

00:21:52,164 — 00:22:01,276

Por desgracia, esto ocurre mucho más de lo que imaginamos, especialmente

cuando el agresor ocupa una posición de poder e influencia en la comunidad.

Speaker 1

00:22:02,728 — 00:22:11,523

People find it hard to believe negative reports about someone that they respect
and look up to. The cognitive dissonance that it creates

00:22:02,728 — 00:22:11,523

A la gente le cuesta creer los informes negativos sobre alguien a quien respeta y
admira. La disonancia cognitiva que crea

Speaker 1

00:22:12,110 — 00:22:18,472

makes it easier to believe this story is made up or at the very least exaggerated.
00:22:12,110 — 00:22:18,472

hace que sea más fácil creer que la historia es inventada o, como mínimo,

Speaker 1

00:22:19,552 — 00:22:24,058

This is one of the reasons that many victims never tell.

00:22:19,552 — 00:22:24,058

Esta es una de las razones por las que muchas víctimas nunca lo cuentan.

Speaker 1

00:22:25,172 — 00:22:30,876

In addition to their shame, they have the fear that they will not be believed.

00:22:25,172 — 00:22:30,876

Además de la vergüenza, temen que no se les crea.

Speaker 1

00:22:33,069 — 00:22:41,034

People respond to revelations of abuse in a variety of ways. Sarah experienced two

very different responses.
00:22:33,069 — 00:22:41,034

La gente responde a las revelaciones de abusos de diversas maneras. Sarah

experimentó dos respuestas muy diferentes.

Speaker 1

00:22:42,114 — 00:22:50,265

When she finally did go forward about the principal who had abused her,
conference leaders did nothing about it.

00:22:42,114 — 00:22:50,265

Cuando finalmente denunció al director que había abusado de ella, los líderes de la
Asociación no hicieron nada al respecto.

Speaker 1

00:22:51,446 — 00:22:58,753

He's admitting it. He's being honest, they said, which we find refreshing. And it was
so long ago.

00:22:51,446 — 00:22:58,753

Lo está admitiendo. Está siendo honesto, dijeron, lo que nos alivia, y además ha
pasado mucho tiempo.

Speaker 1
00:22:59,597 — 00:23:01,993

Just what is it that you want us to do?

00:22:59,597 — 00:23:01,993

¿Qué es lo que quiere que hagamos?

Speaker 1

00:23:03,056 — 00:23:06,103

Well, Sarah didn't know what should be done,

00:23:03,056 — 00:23:06,103

Bueno, Sarah no sabía lo que había que hacer,

Speaker 1

00:23:07,285 — 00:23:12,844

but their decision to keep him on as a principal was a dark cloud over her.

00:23:07,285 — 00:23:12,844

pero su decisión de mantenerlo como director era una nube oscura sobre ella.

Speaker 1

00:23:14,008 — 00:23:19,543
For them to ignore the abuse that she had endured over a period of years,

00:23:14,008 — 00:23:19,543

Que ignoraran el abuso que ella había sufrido durante años, que

Speaker 1

00:23:20,505 — 00:23:29,837

to ignore the impact that it had had on her life, and then say it was refreshing that
he admitted his sin and was honest about it

00:23:20,505 — 00:23:29,837

ignoraran el impacto que había tenido en su vida, y que dijeran que les aliviaba que
admitiera su pecado, y fuera honesto al respecto...

Speaker 1

00:23:30,512 — 00:23:32,933

was an offense not only to Sarah, but

00:23:30,512 — 00:23:32,933

...fue una ofensa no sólo para Sarah, sino para

Speaker 1

00:23:34,036 — 00:23:35,801
as one of her therapists pointed out,

00:23:34,036 — 00:23:35,801

nuestro Señor, como uno de nuestros

Speaker 1

00:23:36,986 — 00:23:41,905

to our Lord, who said that it would be better for a millstone to be put around
someone's neck

00:23:36,986 — 00:23:41,905

terapeutas, señaló, que le sería mejor amarrar una piedra de molino alrededor de
su cuello,

Speaker 1

00:23:43,004 — 00:23:44,839

than for them to lead a child astray.

00:23:43,004 — 00:23:44,839

que llevar a un niño por mal camino.

Speaker 1

00:23:46,880 — 00:23:56,398
A few years later, the principal moved to a different conference, one where church
leaders had a growing understanding of abusers

00:23:46,880 — 00:23:56,398

Unos años más tarde, el director se trasladó a una Asociación diferente, una donde
los líderes de la iglesia tenían una comprensión cada vez mayor de los abusadores,

Speaker 1

00:23:57,217 — 00:24:06,683

and the continuing risk they pose to others. Providentially, they heard about
Sarah's experience before he began his responsibilities.

00:23:57,217 — 00:24:06,683

y el riesgo continuo que suponen para los demás. Providencialmente, se enteraron

de la experiencia de Sarah antes de que empezara a ejercer sus responsabilidades.

Speaker 1

00:24:07,822 — 00:24:10,877

They contacted her to confirm the rumor.

00:24:07,822 — 00:24:10,877

Se pusieron en contacto con ella para confirmar el rumor.

Speaker 1
00:24:12,058 — 00:24:14,495

The principal was unhired

00:24:12,058 — 00:24:14,495

El director fue despedido

Speaker 1

00:24:15,680 — 00:24:21,373

and appropriate boundaries were put in place to limit his leadership capacity in his
local church.

00:24:15,680 — 00:24:21,373

y se establecieron límites apropiados para limitar su capacidad de liderazgo en su

iglesia local.

Speaker 1

00:24:22,622 — 00:24:26,132

This was amazing to Sarah, but there was more.

00:24:22,622 — 00:24:26,132

Esto fue asombroso para Sarah, pero aún había más.

Speaker 1

00:24:27,887 — 00:24:36,813

The conference president called her to thank her for her help in dealing with this

00:24:27,887 — 00:24:36,813

El presidente de la Asociación la llamó para agradecerle su ayuda al alertar sobre

este abusador.

Speaker 1

00:24:37,910 — 00:24:39,176

She was stunned.

00:24:37,910 — 00:24:39,176

Se quedó estupefacta.

Speaker 1

00:24:40,357 — 00:24:41,494

Not only that,

00:24:40,357 — 00:24:41,494

Y no sólo eso,
Speaker 1

00:24:42,527 — 00:24:43,781

on behalf of the church,

00:24:42,527 — 00:24:43,781

en nombre de la iglesia,

Speaker 1

00:24:44,872 — 00:24:52,971

he apologized for what a church employee had done to her and that the church
had not done better by her

00:24:44,872 — 00:24:52,971

se disculpó por lo que un empleado de la iglesia le había hecho, y por lo que la

iglesia no había hecho,

Speaker 1

00:24:53,862 — 00:24:55,595

when she first exposed him.

00:24:53,862 — 00:24:55,595

cuando ella lo expuso por primera vez.

Speaker 1

00:24:57,063 — 00:25:02,470

That apology and the justice of the boundaries placed on her abuser

00:24:57,063 — 00:25:02,470

Esa disculpa y la justicia de los límites puestos a su abusador,

Speaker 1

00:25:03,655 — 00:25:06,109

brought some beautiful healing to Sarah.

00:25:03,655 — 00:25:06,109

trajeron una hermosa sanación a Sarah.

Speaker 1

00:25:08,775 — 00:25:18,031

Sometimes, especially when the victim is relatively unknown to us, it's easy to
blame her or him. We wonder

00:25:08,775 — 00:25:18,031

A veces, especialmente cuando la víctima es relativamente desconocida para

nosotros, es fácil culparla. Nos preguntamos,
Speaker 1

00:25:18,645 — 00:25:27,371

how she dressed and how she acted, what she must have done to bring that good
man down.

00:25:18,645 — 00:25:27,371

cómo se viste y cómo actúa, qué habrá hecho para hundir a ese buen hombre.

Speaker 1

00:25:29,733 — 00:25:38,592

Sometimes the victim actually has acted seductively. Take Danielle, for example,
who had a crush on her music teacher and went after him.

00:25:29,733 — 00:25:38,592

A veces, la víctima ha actuado realmente de forma seductora. Danielle, por

ejemplo, se enamoró de su profesor de música y fue tras él.

Speaker 1

00:25:39,977 — 00:25:47,369

When their relationship was discovered, Danielle was sent away to a boarding
academy two states away in

00:25:39,977 — 00:25:47,369
Cuando se descubrió su relación, Danielle fue enviada a un internado a dos estados
de distancia

Speaker 1

00:25:48,183 — 00:25:51,604

order to save the teacher's marriage and career,

00:25:48,183 — 00:25:51,604

para salvar el matrimonio y la carrera del profesor,

Speaker 1

00:25:52,835 — 00:25:55,653

which ended a couple of years later anyway.

00:25:52,835 — 00:25:55,653

que, de todos modos, terminaron un par de años después.

Speaker 1

00:25:57,459 — 00:26:04,034

Danielle felt both guilt and bitterness for years until she finally learned

00:25:57,459 — 00:26:04,034
Danielle sintió culpa y amargura durante años, hasta que por fin supo

Speaker 1

00:26:04,631 — 00:26:13,174

it was the adult who had been responsible for that relationship, not her. When
Danielle flirted with him, it was his responsibility to

00:26:04,631 — 00:26:13,174

que había sido el adulto, el responsable de esa relación, y no ella. Cuando Danielle
flirteaba con él, era su responsabilidad

Speaker 1

00:26:13,668 — 00:26:20,775

distance himself from her, make sure they were never alone, to teach her about
appropriate relationships,

00:26:13,668 — 00:26:20,775

distanciarse de ella, asegurarse de que nunca estuvieran solos, enseñarle sobre

relaciones apropiadas,

Speaker 1

00:26:21,568 — 00:26:24,628

maybe to work with her parents and get help into counseling.
00:26:21,568 — 00:26:24,628

tal vez trabajar con sus padres y conseguir ayuda en terapia.

Speaker 1

00:26:26,282 — 00:26:30,973

She had not broken up his marriage and ruined his career. He had.

00:26:26,282 — 00:26:30,973

Ella no había roto su matrimonio ni arruinado su carrera. Había sido él.

Speaker 1

00:26:32,289 — 00:26:40,693

He had abused his authority and influence in her life for selfish purposes. He had
abused her.

00:26:32,289 — 00:26:40,693

Había abusado de su autoridad e influencia en su vida con fines egoístas. Él había

abusado de ella.

Speaker 1

00:26:42,903 — 00:26:51,419

Victims are also sometimes blamed for how they come forward. Most often the
complaint is that they didn't follow Matthew eighteen.
00:26:42,903 — 00:26:51,419

A veces también se culpa a las víctimas por la forma en que denuncian. La mayoría
de las veces, la queja es que no siguieron Mateo dieciocho.

Speaker 1

00:26:52,452 — 00:26:52,889


00:26:52,452 — 00:26:52,889


Speaker 1

00:26:54,073 — 00:27:01,136

please take another look at Matthew eighteen. It refers to resolving conflict

between equals.

00:26:54,073 — 00:27:01,136

por favor, echen otro vistazo a Mateo dieciocho. Se refiere a la resolución de

conflictos entre iguales.

Speaker 1

00:27:02,311 — 00:27:12,148
Victims and abusers are not equals. Using Matthew eighteen when a victim is
dealing with an abuser will

00:27:02,311 — 00:27:12,148

Las víctimas y los abusadores no son iguales. Usar Mateo dieciocho cuando una
víctima está lidiando con un abusador

Speaker 1

00:27:12,587 — 00:27:18,864

likely not only be ineffective, it can actually be dangerous.

00:27:12,587 — 00:27:18,864

no sólo será ineficaz, sino que puede ser peligroso.

Speaker 1

00:27:19,961 — 00:27:27,352

For example, when Brenda attempted to meet one-on-one with the pastor to
confront him about his behavior,

00:27:19,961 — 00:27:27,352

Por ejemplo, cuando Brenda intentó reunirse cara a cara con el pastor para
confrontarlo por su comportamiento,

Speaker 1
00:27:28,601 — 00:27:38,148

he violated her again, blamed her for his weakness, and promised to commit

00:27:28,601 — 00:27:38,148

la violó de nuevo, la culpó de su debilidad y prometió suicidarse

Speaker 1

00:27:38,571 — 00:27:44,025

if she told on him, outlining exactly how he would do it.

00:27:38,571 — 00:27:44,025

si ella le delataba, explicándole exactamente cómo lo haría.

Speaker 1

00:27:45,645 — 00:27:52,460

When she did gather the courage to expose him anyway, he denied everything,
denied he even knew her,

00:27:45,645 — 00:27:52,460

Cuando ella tuvo el valor de denunciarlo, él lo negó todo, negó que la conociera,
Speaker 1

00:27:53,210 — 00:28:00,106

and complained that her claims could not be taken seriously because she had not
followed Matthew eighteen.

00:27:53,210 — 00:28:00,106

y se quejó de que sus afirmaciones no podían tomarse en serio porque ella no

había seguido Mateo dieciocho.

Speaker 1

00:28:02,047 — 00:28:09,303

It was discovered that this pastor had abused multiple women, each one thinking,
as Brenda did,

00:28:02,047 — 00:28:09,303

Se descubrió que este pastor había abusado de múltiples mujeres, cada una
pensando, como Brenda,

Speaker 1

00:28:10,063 — 00:28:12,560

that she was the love of his life.

00:28:10,063 — 00:28:12,560
que ella era el amor de su vida.

Speaker 1

00:28:14,383 — 00:28:20,104

Fortunately, in spite of vehement objections from many in the congregation,

00:28:14,383 — 00:28:20,104

Afortunadamente, a pesar de las vehementes objeciones de muchos en la


Speaker 1

00:28:21,521 — 00:28:27,208

the conference did remove him from ministry and his ordination was revoked.

00:28:21,521 — 00:28:27,208

la Asociación lo removió del ministerio y su ordenación fue revocada.

Speaker 1

00:28:29,469 — 00:28:37,108

Whenever there is an accusation of abuse against any church employee or even

volunteer leader in your church or school,

00:28:29,469 — 00:28:37,108
Siempre que haya una acusación de abuso contra cualquier empleado de la iglesia
o incluso líder voluntario en su iglesia o escuela,

Speaker 1

00:28:38,024 — 00:28:45,348

it is imperative to contact your conference's risk management office immediately.

00:28:38,024 — 00:28:45,348

es imperativo poner en conocimiento de la oficina de gestión de riesgos de su

Asociación, inmediatamente.

Speaker 1

00:28:46,800 — 00:28:53,963

If the person is a church employee, they will likely be put on administrative leave
while there's an investigation.

00:28:46,800 — 00:28:53,963

Si la persona es un empleado de la iglesia, es probable que sea puesto en licencia

administrativa mientras hay una investigación.

Speaker 1

00:28:55,283 — 00:28:59,844

If the person is not a church employee but is involved in your church or school,
00:28:55,283 — 00:28:59,844

Si la persona no es un empleado de la iglesia, pero está involucrado en su iglesia o


Speaker 1

00:29:00,924 — 00:29:08,838

risk management will likely counsel you to pause the person's ministries and will
guide you through that process.

00:29:00,924 — 00:29:08,838

la oficina de gestión de riesgos, probablemente aconsejará que se suspendan los

ministerios de la persona y le guiará a través de ese proceso.

Speaker 1

00:29:09,497 — 00:29:18,786

Should the accusations be determined to be credible, then regardless of the level

of influence this individual has in the church or community,

00:29:09,497 — 00:29:18,786

Si se determina que las acusaciones son creíbles, entonces independientemente del

nivel de influencia que este individuo tenga en la iglesia o comunidad,

Speaker 1

00:29:19,519 — 00:29:29,151
regardless of how much everyone loves them, he or she will need to be released
from positions of responsibility or

00:29:19,519 — 00:29:29,151

o de lo mucho que todo el mundo lo ame, él o ella tendrá que ser removido de
puestos de responsabilidad o

Speaker 1

00:29:29,577 — 00:29:39,465

influence within the church. Steps must be taken immediately to limit his or her
access to the known victim

00:29:29,577 — 00:29:39,465

influencia dentro de la iglesia. Deben tomarse medidas inmediatas para limitar su

acceso a la víctima conocida,

Speaker 1

00:29:40,317 — 00:29:48,836

as well as other potential victims. This is called a safety plan. It protects everyone

00:29:40,317 — 00:29:48,836

así como a otras víctimas potenciales. Esto se denomina plan de seguridad. Protege
a todos los implicados,
Speaker 1

00:29:49,971 — 00:29:51,549

including the offender, actually.

00:29:49,971 — 00:29:51,549

incluido el delincuente.

Speaker 1

00:29:53,608 — 00:30:00,407

If I told you the average number of victims that an abuser has before they're held

00:29:53,608 — 00:30:00,407

Si te dijera el promedio de víctimas que tiene un maltratador antes de rendir


Speaker 1

00:30:01,651 — 00:30:04,897

you wouldn't even believe me.

00:30:01,651 — 00:30:04,897

ni siquiera me creerías.
Speaker 1

00:30:05,960 — 00:30:08,087

It is staggering.

00:30:05,960 — 00:30:08,087

Es asombroso.

Speaker 1

00:30:09,538 — 00:30:18,467

This is possible because often, in an endeavor to extend grace or to assume

innocence until proven guilty,

00:30:09,538 — 00:30:18,467

Esto sucede porque a menudo, en un esfuerzo por extender la gracia o asumir la

inocencia hasta que se demuestre la culpabilidad,

Speaker 1

00:30:19,427 — 00:30:28,056

especially if we know and love the accused but we don't really know the accuser,
we often err on the side of giving offenders the

00:30:19,427 — 00:30:28,056
especialmente si conocemos y amamos al acusado, pero no conocemos realmente
al acusador, a menudo erramos al dar a los delincuentes el

Speaker 1

00:30:28,812 — 00:30:30,210

benefit of our doubt.

00:30:28,812 — 00:30:30,210

beneficio de la duda.

Speaker 1

00:30:31,712 — 00:30:36,225

Unfortunately, when given a second or third chance,

00:30:31,712 — 00:30:36,225

Desafortunadamente, cuando se les da una segunda o tercera oportunidad,

Speaker 1

00:30:37,273 — 00:30:40,571

they often harm additional individuals.

00:30:37,273 — 00:30:40,571
a menudo dañan a otras personas.

Speaker 1

00:30:42,005 — 00:30:43,963

This was true in David's experience.

00:30:42,005 — 00:30:43,963

Así ocurrió en la experiencia de David.

Speaker 1

00:30:45,903 — 00:30:49,768

David felt strange about his advisor coming into the shower with him at the gym

00:30:45,903 — 00:30:49,768

David se sintió extraño cuando su asesor entró con él en la ducha del gimnasio,

Speaker 1

00:30:50,949 — 00:31:00,855

and soon learned it was known by students and faculty alike that this man had a
problem with voyeurism.

00:30:50,949 — 00:31:00,855
y pronto se enteró, de que tanto estudiantes como profesores sabían que este
hombre tenía un problema de voyeurismo.

Speaker 1

00:31:01,817 — 00:31:11,689

In fact, the administration had on multiple occasions told this man to stop taking
students to the gym and

00:31:01,817 — 00:31:11,689

De hecho, la administración le había dicho en varias ocasiones que dejara de llevar

estudiantes al gimnasio

Speaker 1

00:31:12,347 — 00:31:14,861

had even put it in writing

00:31:12,347 — 00:31:14,861

e incluso lo había hecho por escrito, y sin embargo,

Speaker 1

00:31:16,515 — 00:31:18,270

and yet the behavior continued.

00:31:16,515 — 00:31:18,270

el comportamiento continuó.

Speaker 1

00:31:20,042 — 00:31:27,045

David, along with a couple of support people, met with the advisor and then made
a formal complaint.

00:31:20,042 — 00:31:27,045

David, junto con un par de personas de apoyo, se reunió con el asesor y luego
presentó una queja formal.

Speaker 1

00:31:28,125 — 00:31:30,302

The advisor was released from his job

00:31:28,125 — 00:31:30,302

El asesor fue removido de su trabajo,

Speaker 1

00:31:31,584 — 00:31:34,001

but had he been released sooner,

00:31:31,584 — 00:31:34,001

pero si hubiera sido removido antes,

Speaker 1

00:31:35,080 — 00:31:41,827

David would have been spared an experience that made him feel both manipulated
and humiliated.

00:31:35,080 — 00:31:41,827

David se habría ahorrado una experiencia que le hizo sentirse manipulado y


Speaker 1

00:31:43,093 — 00:31:48,847

His experience at that school went downhill as a result and he ended up leaving

00:31:43,093 — 00:31:48,847

Su experiencia en esa escuela fue cuesta abajo, y como resultado, terminó

abandonando la escuela,

Speaker 1

00:31:49,893 — 00:31:54,213

a decision which had far-reaching consequences in his life.

00:31:49,893 — 00:31:54,213

una decisión que tuvo consecuencias trascendentales en su vida.

Speaker 1

00:31:57,268 — 00:31:58,533

There is some good news.

00:31:57,268 — 00:31:58,533

Pero hay buenas noticias.

Speaker 1

00:32:00,120 — 00:32:06,703

Neuroscientists tell us that, as we've said, abuse has the potential to damage the

00:32:00,120 — 00:32:06,703

Los neurocientíficos nos dicen que, como hemos dicho, el abuso tiene el potencial
de dañar el cerebro,

Speaker 1

00:32:07,648 — 00:32:10,667

particularly the developing brain of a child.

00:32:07,648 — 00:32:10,667

particularmente el cerebro en desarrollo de un niño.

Speaker 1

00:32:12,641 — 00:32:21,256

Although abuse does increase the risks of developing lifelong mental and physical
health challenges, as we've noted, we have this good news.

00:32:12,641 — 00:32:21,256

Aunque el maltrato aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar problemas de salud mental y

física a lo largo de toda la vida, como hemos señalado, tenemos esta buena noticia.

Speaker 1

00:32:22,300 — 00:32:26,900

That is that these challenges are not inevitable.

00:32:22,300 — 00:32:26,900

Y es que estos problemas son evitables.

Speaker 1

00:32:27,643 — 00:32:37,346
Just as God created our bodies to heal from injury and disease, he has also created
the brain and mind to heal.

00:32:27,643 — 00:32:37,346

Así como Dios creó nuestros cuerpos para curarse de lesiones y enfermedades,
también ha creado el cerebro y la mente para curarse.

Speaker 1

00:32:38,409 — 00:32:46,129

In fact, traumatologists tell us that the long-term impact of abuse depends less on
the type and severity of the abuse

00:32:38,409 — 00:32:46,129

De hecho, los traumatólogos nos dicen que el impacto a largo plazo, dependerá
más del nivel de apoyo que uno recibe,

Speaker 1

00:32:46,692 — 00:32:48,934

than it does on the level of support that

00:32:46,692 — 00:32:48,934

que del tipo

Speaker 1
00:32:50,039 — 00:32:53,208

one receives in the aftermath of the abuse.

00:32:50,039 — 00:32:53,208

y la gravedad del abuso.

Speaker 1

00:32:54,508 — 00:33:01,745

As for the body of Christ and the Fellowship of Believers, this is good news and it's
important for us to know it

00:32:54,508 — 00:33:01,745

En cuanto al cuerpo de Cristo y la Comunidad de Creyentes, esta es una buena

noticia, y es importante que la conozcamos,

Speaker 1

00:33:02,906 — 00:33:12,311

because how we respond to both the abused and the abuser will make a huge
difference in the level of healing.

00:33:02,906 — 00:33:12,311

porque la forma en que respondamos tanto al abusado como al abusador, marcará

una gran diferencia en el nivel de sanación.
Speaker 1

00:33:13,155 — 00:33:15,636

Our response matters.

00:33:13,155 — 00:33:15,636

Nuestra respuesta importa.

Speaker 1

00:33:16,732 — 00:33:23,805

The most important thing we can do when a person has been abused is to listen
carefully to their story.

00:33:16,732 — 00:33:23,805

Lo más importante que podemos hacer cuando una persona ha sido maltratada es
escuchar atentamente su historia.

Speaker 1

00:33:24,414 — 00:33:30,148

Listen to the emotions and feelings they are conveying, along with the details and
facts of the story.

00:33:24,414 — 00:33:30,148
Escuchar las emociones y los sentimientos que transmite, junto con los detalles y
los hechos de la historia.

Speaker 1

00:33:31,464 — 00:33:40,441

Vulnerability is not something that most people can rationally articulate. Listen
carefully with your heart.

00:33:31,464 — 00:33:40,441

La vulnerabilidad no es algo que la mayoría de la gente pueda articular

racionalmente. Escucha atentamente con el corazón.

Speaker 1

00:33:42,855 — 00:33:45,774

What about forgiving an abuser?

00:33:42,855 — 00:33:45,774

¿Y por qué hay que perdonar a un maltratador?

Speaker 1

00:33:46,989 — 00:33:51,140

As we all know, forgiving someone can be very difficult.

00:33:46,989 — 00:33:51,140

Como todos sabemos, perdonar a alguien puede ser muy difícil.

Speaker 1

00:33:52,305 — 00:34:01,805

One reason is that we often don't know what forgiveness means. Does forgiving
mean that we're saying that what they did was okay, that it doesn't matter?

00:33:52,305 — 00:34:01,805

Una de las razones es que a menudo no sabemos qué significa perdonar.

¿Perdonar significa que estamos diciendo que lo que hicieron estuvo bien, que no

Speaker 1

00:34:02,487 — 00:34:06,531

That I'm going to move forward in my relationship with them as if nothing


00:34:02,487 — 00:34:06,531

¿Que voy a seguir adelante en mi relación con ellos como si nada hubiera pasado?

Speaker 1

00:34:07,762 — 00:34:12,707

That I'm left with all this pain and suffering but they don't have to face any
00:34:07,762 — 00:34:12,707

¿Que yo me quedo con todo este dolor y sufrimiento y ellos no afrontan ninguna


Speaker 1

00:34:14,782 — 00:34:22,258

How am I supposed to forgive someone who doesn't give me a meaningful

apology or maybe even admit he did anything?

00:34:14,782 — 00:34:22,258

¿Cómo se supone que voy a perdonar a alguien que no me da una disculpa

significativa o tal vez ni siquiera admite que hizo algo?

Speaker 1

00:34:23,996 — 00:34:33,688

Webster has more than one definition for the word forgive. And when we use the
word forgive here, we simply mean to give up bitterness.

00:34:23,996 — 00:34:33,688

Webster tiene más de una definición para la palabra perdonar. Y cuando usamos la
palabra perdonar aquí, simplemente queremos decir abandonar la amargura.

Speaker 1
00:34:34,726 — 00:34:42,149

Therefore, the answer is no to each of those questions. Forgiving someone does

not mean

00:34:34,726 — 00:34:42,149

Por lo tanto, a cada una de esas preguntas, la respuesta es no. Perdonar a alguien
no significa

Speaker 1

00:34:42,778 — 00:34:52,363

that what they did was okay or that it doesn't matter or that I have to go on in my
relationship with them as if nothing happened or that they don't have to face any

00:34:42,778 — 00:34:52,363

que lo que hicieron estuvo bien o que no importa o que tengo que seguir en mi
relación con ellos como si nada hubiera pasado, o que no tienen que enfrentar
ninguna consecuencia.

Speaker 1

00:34:53,409 — 00:34:59,113

Forgiveness names evil as evil like nothing else can.

00:34:53,409 — 00:34:59,113
El perdón nombra el mal como mal como ninguna otra cosa puede hacerlo.

Speaker 1

00:34:59,990 — 00:35:04,833

It's ignoring evil that sends the message that it was okay or didn't matter.

00:34:59,990 — 00:35:04,833

Es ignorar el mal lo que envía el mensaje de que estaba bien o que no importaba.

Speaker 1

00:35:06,977 — 00:35:16,697

As Christians, we want everyone to love each other and get along. We want people
to reconcile. We want everything to go back to how it was.

00:35:06,977 — 00:35:16,697

Como cristianos, queremos que todos se amen y se lleven bien. Queremos que la
gente se reconcilie, queremos que todo vuelva a ser como antes.

Speaker 1

00:35:17,793 — 00:35:24,379

However, reconciliation with the abuser, even with forgiveness,

00:35:17,793 — 00:35:24,379
Sin embargo, la reconciliación con el abusador, incluso con el perdón,

Speaker 1

00:35:25,457 — 00:35:31,867

is rarely possible and actually not always recommended.

00:35:25,457 — 00:35:31,867

rara vez es posible y, de hecho, no siempre es recomendable.

Speaker 1

00:35:33,302 — 00:35:40,849

For example, once Amanda was married, the pastor who had mentored her in how
to be a good wife

00:35:33,302 — 00:35:40,849

Por ejemplo, una vez que Amanda se casó, el pastor que le había enseñado a ser
una buena esposa

Speaker 1

00:35:42,115 — 00:35:44,985

wanted Amanda and her husband to forgive him.

00:35:42,115 — 00:35:44,985
quería que Amanda y su marido le perdonaran.

Speaker 1

00:35:46,081 — 00:35:48,758

And continue to be friends with him and his family.

00:35:46,081 — 00:35:48,758

Y que siguieran siendo amigos de él y de su familia.

Speaker 1

00:35:50,000 — 00:35:56,555

He told them that this is what the Lord would want in order to show the power of
his grace in their lives.

00:35:50,000 — 00:35:56,555

Les dijo que eso era lo que el Señor quería para mostrar el poder de su gracia en
sus vidas.

Speaker 1

00:35:57,804 — 00:36:06,495

Vulnerable to his suggestions, Amanda and her husband tried for a while, but not

00:35:57,804 — 00:36:06,495

Vulnerables a sus sugerencias, Amanda y su marido lo intentaron durante un

tiempo, pero como era de esperar,

Speaker 1

00:36:07,372 — 00:36:15,472

the pastor did not behave appropriately toward them and they finally had to cut all
ties with him and his family,

00:36:07,372 — 00:36:15,472

el pastor no se comportó adecuadamente con ellos y finalmente tuvieron que

cortar todos los lazos con él y su familia, lo que debieron

Speaker 1

00:36:16,622 — 00:36:18,358

which they should have done in the first place.

00:36:16,622 — 00:36:18,358

haber hecho desde el principio.

Speaker 1

00:36:21,378 — 00:36:23,640

Are there examples of abuse in the Bible?

00:36:21,378 — 00:36:23,640

¿Hay ejemplos de abusos en la Biblia?

Speaker 1

00:36:24,770 — 00:36:31,175

There are many stories of abuse in the scriptures. Take the story of King David and
Bathsheba, for example.

00:36:24,770 — 00:36:31,175

Hay muchas historias de abuso en las Escrituras. Por ejemplo, la historia del rey
David y Betsabé.

Speaker 1

00:36:31,916 — 00:36:40,563

The power differential between David and Bathsheba, as well as between David and
her husband, played a significant role in the story.

00:36:31,916 — 00:36:40,563

La diferencia de poder entre David y Betsabé, así como entre David y Urías, su
marido, desempeñó un papel importante en la historia.

Speaker 1

00:36:41,067 — 00:36:49,250
When the king sent the message for Bathsheba to come to him, she obeyed. David

00:36:41,067 — 00:36:49,250

Cuando el rey envió el mensaje para que Betsabé acudiera a él, ella obedeció.

Speaker 1

00:36:49,718 — 00:36:59,017

his legitimate and God-given power and authority for his own personal pleasure.
Then he used that same power and authority to

00:36:49,718 — 00:36:59,017

David abusó de su poder y autoridad legítimos y dados por Dios para su propio
placer personal. Luego usó ese mismo poder y autoridad para

Speaker 1

00:36:59,432 — 00:37:00,967

try to cover things up.

00:36:59,432 — 00:37:00,967

tratar de encubrir las cosas.

Speaker 1
00:37:03,363 — 00:37:06,132

God had something to say to David about what he had done.

00:37:03,363 — 00:37:06,132

Dios tenía algo que decirle a David sobre lo sucedido.

Speaker 1

00:37:07,200 — 00:37:09,430

And though he repented and was forgiven,

00:37:07,200 — 00:37:09,430

Y aunque se arrepintió y fue perdonado,

Speaker 1

00:37:10,544 — 00:37:13,859

he paid a high price for it for the rest of his life.

00:37:10,544 — 00:37:13,859

pagó un alto precio por ello durante el resto de su vida.

Speaker 1

00:37:15,902 — 00:37:23,934
Other biblical stories of abuse by spiritual leaders include the story of Simon the
Pharisee, who many believe had violated Mary.

00:37:15,902 — 00:37:23,934

Otras historias bíblicas de abuso por parte de líderes espirituales incluyen la

historia de Simón el Fariseo, quien muchos creen que había violado a María.

Speaker 1

00:37:25,318 — 00:37:30,853

The Desire of Ages says Jesus spoke to him with a sharp tenderness.

00:37:25,318 — 00:37:30,853

El Deseado de todas las gentes, dice que Jesús le habló con una aguda ternura.

Speaker 1

00:37:32,017 — 00:37:36,995

We are grateful for the sharpness as well as the tenderness.

00:37:32,017 — 00:37:36,995

Agradecemos tanto la agudeza como la ternura.

Speaker 1

00:37:38,092 — 00:37:44,572
There is also the reference to Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, who as priests were

00:37:38,092 — 00:37:44,572

También está la referencia a los hijos de Elí, Ofni y Finees, que como sacerdotes

Speaker 1

00:37:45,551 — 00:37:48,571

taking advantage of women who came to the temple.

00:37:45,551 — 00:37:48,571

se aprovechaban de las mujeres que acudían al templo.

Speaker 1

00:37:50,141 — 00:37:57,971

What tragic stories these women must have had and what a tragic end those two
priests came to.

00:37:50,141 — 00:37:57,971

Qué trágicas historias deben haber tenido esas mujeres y qué trágico final tuvieron
esos dos sacerdotes.

Speaker 1

00:37:59,810 — 00:38:01,295
Now, before I close,

00:37:59,810 — 00:38:01,295

Ahora, antes de terminar,

Speaker 1

00:38:02,595 — 00:38:08,864

if you have been taken advantage of, abused by someone claiming to be a


00:38:02,595 — 00:38:08,864

si te has aprovechado, abusado de alguien que dice ser cristiano,

Speaker 1

00:38:09,813 — 00:38:15,639

and especially if that person was a Christian leader, I want to speak directly to you,

00:38:09,813 — 00:38:15,639

y especialmente si esa persona era un líder cristiano, quiero hablarte directamente,

Speaker 1

00:38:16,972 — 00:38:26,422
whether it was one time or countless times over a period of years, whether you had
one abuser or multiple abusers,

00:38:16,972 — 00:38:26,422

si fue una vez o innumerables veces durante un periodo de años, si tuviste un

abusador o múltiples abusadores,

Speaker 1

00:38:27,603 — 00:38:32,480

nobody but God fully understands what that has meant in your life.

00:38:27,603 — 00:38:32,480

nadie excepto Dios entiende completamente lo que eso ha significado en tu vida.

Speaker 1

00:38:33,948 — 00:38:43,162

You may resonate with the question in Lamentations two.thirteen, your wound is as
deep as the sea, who can heal you?

00:38:33,948 — 00:38:43,162

Puede resonar para ti la pregunta de Lamentaciones dos trece, tu herida es tan

profunda como el mar, ¿quién puede curarte?

Speaker 1
00:38:45,761 — 00:38:49,102

The answer is, my friend, that God can.

00:38:45,761 — 00:38:49,102

Amigo mío, la respuesta es, Dios puede.

Speaker 1

00:38:50,486 — 00:38:59,919

You may think, but if this system of thought produces this kind of behavior, I want
nothing to do with it.

00:38:50,486 — 00:38:59,919

Podrías llegar a pensar que si este sistema de pensamiento produce este tipo de
comportamiento, no quiero tener nada que ver con él.

Speaker 1

00:39:00,898 — 00:39:03,699

And your reaction is understandable,

00:39:00,898 — 00:39:03,699

Y tu reacción es comprensible,
Speaker 1

00:39:05,083 — 00:39:12,920

but that behavior misrepresented this system of thought. It misrepresented God.

My friend,

00:39:05,083 — 00:39:12,920

pero ese comportamiento tergiversa este sistema de pensamiento. Amigo mío,

tergiversó a Dios.

Speaker 1

00:39:13,477 — 00:39:17,256

haven't you already suffered enough, lost enough?

00:39:13,477 — 00:39:17,256

¿no has sufrido ya bastante, perdido bastante?

Speaker 1

00:39:18,347 — 00:39:27,153

Don't let your abuser also rob you of your faith. Get back into this. Get in deeply
with God because

00:39:18,347 — 00:39:27,153
No dejes que tu abusador también te robe tu fe. Regresa a Dios, búscalo con todas
tus fuerzas, porque

Speaker 1

00:39:27,558 — 00:39:32,049

this is where you will find your truest, fullest healing.

00:39:27,558 — 00:39:32,049

en Él encontrarás una verdadera y plena sanación.

Speaker 1

00:39:34,074 — 00:39:35,490

When you have been wrong,

00:39:34,074 — 00:39:35,490

Cuando te has equivocado,

Speaker 1

00:39:36,661 — 00:39:39,440

it is very helpful to receive an apology.

00:39:36,661 — 00:39:39,440
es muy útil recibir una disculpa.

Speaker 1

00:39:41,162 — 00:39:46,005

Your abuser may never give you a meaningful apology

00:39:41,162 — 00:39:46,005

Puede que tu abusador nunca te dé una disculpa significativa

Speaker 1

00:39:47,270 — 00:39:53,210

and you probably won't ever get a call like Sarah did from a conference president
with an apology.

00:39:47,270 — 00:39:53,210

y probablemente nunca recibas una llamada como la que recibió Sarah de un

presidente de Asocación disculpándose.

Speaker 1

00:39:56,535 — 00:39:57,986

May I apologize to you

00:39:56,535 — 00:39:57,986
¿Puedo pedirte disculpas

Speaker 1

00:40:00,095 — 00:40:01,142

for what it's worth

00:40:00,095 — 00:40:01,142

en nombre de la iglesia,

Speaker 1

00:40:02,542 — 00:40:04,095

on behalf of the church,

00:40:02,542 — 00:40:04,095

mi iglesia,

Speaker 1

00:40:05,259 — 00:40:08,415

my church, our church,

00:40:05,259 — 00:40:08,415

nuestra iglesia,
Speaker 1

00:40:09,630 — 00:40:14,743

for the pain that one of our members, maybe one of our leaders brought to you?

00:40:09,630 — 00:40:14,743

por el dolor que uno de nuestros miembros, tal vez uno de nuestros líderes te ha

Speaker 1

00:40:17,358 — 00:40:21,189

I apologize. It should never have happened to you.

00:40:17,358 — 00:40:21,189

Te pido disculpas. Nunca debió haberte ocurrido.

Speaker 1

00:40:22,843 — 00:40:30,711

Your abuser had the audacity to abuse you. Now I want you to have the tenacity to

00:40:22,843 — 00:40:30,711
Tu abusador tuvo la audacia de abusar de ti. Ahora quiero que tengas la tenacidad
de sanar.

Speaker 1

00:40:31,665 — 00:40:38,622

Your abuser has had the audacity to pretend it didn't happen or that it didn't

00:40:31,665 — 00:40:38,622

Tu abusador ha tenido la audacia de fingir que no ocurrió o que no importó.

Speaker 1

00:40:39,116 — 00:40:45,321

I want you to have the tenacity to say it did happen and it does matter.

00:40:39,116 — 00:40:45,321

Quiero que tengas la tenacidad de decir que sí sucedió y que sí importa.

Speaker 1

00:40:46,653 — 00:40:57,072

Your abuser may have had the audacity to go around like some kind of super
Christian. I want you to have the tenacity to go around as a real Christian with

00:40:46,653 — 00:40:57,072

Puede que tu agresor haya tenido la osadía de ir por ahí como si fuera una especie
de supercristiano. Quiero que tengas la tenacidad de ir por ahí como un verdadero
cristiano con

Speaker 1

00:40:57,786 — 00:41:01,081

all the dignity and joy that implies.

00:40:57,786 — 00:41:01,081

toda la dignidad y alegría que eso implica.

Speaker 1

00:41:03,495 — 00:41:08,051

Friend, don't let this experience define you or the rest of your life.

00:41:03,495 — 00:41:08,051

Amigo, no dejes que esta experiencia te defina a ti o al resto de tu vida.

Speaker 1

00:41:09,102 — 00:41:15,915

The church and the world need you. We need your energy, your perspective, your
00:41:09,102 — 00:41:15,915

La Iglesia y el mundo te necesitan. Necesitamos tu energía, tu perspectiva, tus


Speaker 1

00:41:17,282 — 00:41:26,141

God has a place for you in the kingdom and a place here on earth where only you
can make the difference he has in mind.

00:41:17,282 — 00:41:26,141

Dios tiene un lugar para ti en el reino y un lugar aquí en la tierra donde sólo tú
puedes marcar la diferencia que él tiene en mente.

Speaker 1

00:41:27,410 — 00:41:32,098

So pursue healing and move forward. It's time.

00:41:27,410 — 00:41:32,098

Así que busca la sanación y sigue adelante. Ha llegado el momento.

Speaker 1

00:41:33,650 — 00:41:38,004

In conclusion, I'd like to make an appeal to all of us.

00:41:33,650 — 00:41:38,004

En conclusión, me gustaría hacer un llamado a todos nosotros.

Speaker 1

00:41:38,932 — 00:41:48,652

We have to make sure there are windows in the doors and that there are always
two adults with a child and that we have background checks on everybody,
etcetera. But mostly,

00:41:38,932 — 00:41:48,652

Tenemos que asegurarnos que existan ventanas en las puertas, que siempre estén
dos adultos con un niño y que se comprueban los antecedentes de todo el mundo,
etcétera. Pero sobre todo,

Speaker 1

00:41:49,428 — 00:41:55,201

we just need to pay attention. And then if we're concerned about something,

00:41:49,428 — 00:41:55,201

sólo tenemos que prestar atención. Y si algo nos preocupa,

Speaker 1

00:41:55,641 — 00:42:01,139
we must be willing to do what might be uncomfortable for everyone and look into

00:41:55,641 — 00:42:01,139

debemos estar dispuestos a hacer lo que podría ser incómodo para todos e

Speaker 1

00:42:02,388 — 00:42:04,363

Consider this from Judith Herman.

00:42:02,388 — 00:42:04,363

Consideremos esto de Judith Herman

Speaker 1

00:42:06,523 — 00:42:10,961

It is very tempting to take the side of the perpetrator.

00:42:06,523 — 00:42:10,961

Es muy tentador ponerse del lado del agresor.

Speaker 1

00:42:12,092 — 00:42:17,036
All the perpetrator asks is that the bystander do nothing.

00:42:12,092 — 00:42:17,036

Lo único que pide es que el espectador no haga nada.

Speaker 1

00:42:18,099 — 00:42:24,309

He appeals to the universal desire to see, hear, and speak no evil.

00:42:18,099 — 00:42:24,309

Apela al deseo universal de no ver, no oír y no hablar mal.

Speaker 1

00:42:25,659 — 00:42:34,198

The victim, on the contrary, asks the bystander to share the burden of pain.

00:42:25,659 — 00:42:34,198

La víctima, por el contrario, pide al espectador que comparta la carga del dolor.

Speaker 1

00:42:35,818 — 00:42:40,948

The victim demands action, engagement,

00:42:35,818 — 00:42:40,948

La víctima exige acción, compromiso

Speaker 1

00:42:42,365 — 00:42:43,361

and remembering.

00:42:42,365 — 00:42:43,361

y recuerdo.

Speaker 1

00:42:46,736 — 00:42:52,389

If you ever have the opportunity to support a victim, please do.

00:42:46,736 — 00:42:52,389

Si alguna vez tiene la oportunidad de apoyar a una víctima, hágalo.

Speaker 1

00:42:53,958 — 00:42:57,924

If you ever have the opportunity to hold an offender accountable,

00:42:53,958 — 00:42:57,924

Si alguna vez tienes la oportunidad de responsabilizar a un agresor,

Speaker 1

00:42:59,105 — 00:42:59,983

please do.

00:42:59,105 — 00:42:59,983


Speaker 1

00:43:01,603 — 00:43:04,472

They say that evil prospers when, do

00:43:01,603 — 00:43:04,472

Dicen que el mal prospera cuando...

Speaker 1

00:43:05,703 — 00:43:07,087

you know the rest of that sentence?

00:43:05,703 — 00:43:07,087

¿Conoces el resto de la frase?

Speaker 1

00:43:08,522 — 00:43:12,707

Evil prospers when good people do nothing.

00:43:08,522 — 00:43:12,707

El mal prospera cuando la gente buena no hace nada.

Speaker 1

00:43:14,343 — 00:43:16,807

Let's not allow it to prosper on our watch.

00:43:14,343 — 00:43:16,807

No permitas que prospere bajo tu vigilancia.

Speaker 1

00:43:18,123 — 00:43:19,355

Let's close with prayer.

00:43:18,123 — 00:43:19,355

Finalicemos con una

Speaker 1

00:43:21,313 — 00:43:29,957

Dear Father in heaven, how your heart must break over the abuse that goes on in
our world and even in our church.

00:43:21,313 — 00:43:29,957

Oración: Querido Padre que estás en los cielos, cómo se te rompe el corazón por
los abusos que se cometen en nuestro mundo e incluso en nuestra Iglesia.

Speaker 1

00:43:31,308 — 00:43:38,171

Please forgive us when we haven't paid attention, when we haven't had the
courage to do what we knew we should have done.

00:43:31,308 — 00:43:38,171

Por favor, perdónanos cuando no hemos prestado atención, cuando no hemos

tenido el valor de hacer lo que sabíamos que debíamos hacer.

Speaker 1

00:43:39,588 — 00:43:46,170

I pray that you will give us better courage and help us to pay better attention in the
00:43:39,588 — 00:43:46,170

Te ruego que nos des más valor y nos ayudes a prestar más atención en el futuro.

Speaker 1

00:43:48,228 — 00:43:54,084

Please heal us, Lord. Please heal all of us. In Jesus' name, amen.

00:43:48,228 — 00:43:54,084

Por favor, sánanos, Señor. Por favor, sánanos a todos. En el nombre de Jesús, amén.

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