Worksheet - Mean Girls - Psychology 1 - 2

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10/25/2021 Worksheet - Mean Girls - Psychology 1/2

Name ______________________________ Date ______________________________

Question Sheet: Mean Girls - Psychology 1/2

9:51 Take a moment to process what you have just seen. How can you relate that last
sequence to POWER and the types of power? What examples of this can you write

37:48 How are we seeing conformity here? Is obedience at play? What are some specific
examples of this?

1:12:56 Has power shifted over the course of the film so far? Are we seeing the same types of
power or different? How can you link Cady's experience to Zimbardo's experiment
looking at the way roles influence behaviour?

1:25:58 What has shifted? What can you state about conformity here? How can you Cady's
behaviour at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END of the film to conformity? Did it have a

10/25/2021 Worksheet - Mean Girls - Psychology 1/2

1:28:48 Consider Milgram (obedience) experiment. How can you apply these to this film? Do we
see anyone obeying anyone else beyond reasonable (and personal) limits? Why?

1:28:49 Consider Asch's (conformity) experiment. How can we apply this to the film? How do we
see conformity occur (by anyone) even when they clearly have a different opinion.

1:28:50 Does this film support or refute the findings of Zimbardo, Milgram, and Asch?


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