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Life Cycle Management of Fluorocarbons

Role of Fluorocarbons in Achieving Paris Agreement Goals

This briefing note points out the role of fluorocarbons, Latest NDC Submissions by Country2
which are organic compounds containing fluorine and
carbon, in the Paris Agreement and its goals. This
paper particularly pertains to said compounds that
adversely affect the Earth’s atmosphere and, as such,
are contributory to Climate Change.

The Paris Agreement

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change
(COP 21) on December 12, 2015, also known as the
Paris Agreement, is widely regarded as a watershed
moment in global action against climate change, as it
brought all nations together to agree on ambitious
climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts.
These efforts are aimed at enhancing countries'
capacity to address climate change and its negative outcomes, as
This system provides technical and financial assistance, as well as
well as at limiting global "temperature rise to well below 2
cooperation opportunities, especially to nations with limited
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, while exploring
measures to further restrict the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius."1
◼ Reaching the global peak of GHG emissions – or the point where
Other key aspects of the Paris Agreement that are crucial to emissions start to descend – at the soonest time possible during the
achieving its goals for a successful global climate change first half of the century.
response are the following:
◼ Preparation, communication, and maintenance of Nationally
Fluorocarbons and Climate Change
Determined Contributions (NDCs) that outline a country’s
Halogenated fluorocarbons, perfluorinated carbons, and hydro
domestic efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
fluorocarbons are included in the list of GHGs that are blamed for
and adapt to climate change, including programs for
global warming. GHGs form a thick blanket in the atmosphere that
conservation and/or enhancement of carbon sinks and
traps heat. Human and industrial activities, among others, cause drastic
reservoirs. Out of 197 countries, only 116 parties accounting
changes in the concentration and natural balance of GHGs, therefore
to 50.5% of global emissions have updated NDCs by 2020.
increasing the risk of climate change.
◼ “Ratchet up” approach to NDCs wherein both individual
Fluorocarbons and derivatives are used as refrigerants or cooling
and collective efforts must remain progressive and their
agents, propellants, fire extinguishers, and foam blowing agents.
targets more ambitious every 5 years, with emission plans
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
and programs moving toward economy-wide targets for
were both used for similar purposes, most notably as refrigerants, until
reduction. Starting in 2023, all countries must participate in a
the Montreal Protocol completely phased them out due to their ozone-
global stocktake that will assess the overall progress in
depleting effects. These were replaced by man-made
achieving the long-term goals of the Agreement every 5
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as an ozone-friendly alternative. However,
their abundant presence in the atmosphere and significant contribution
◼ Robust framework for transparent monitoring, validation, to global warming are causing environmental concern.
reporting, and evaluation of a country’s progress in meeting
its emissions-reduction targets.

1 UNFCC. Key aspects of the Paris Agreement.

2 Climate Watch. 2020. Latest NDC Submission.

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