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Present Perfect Past Simple

Have / has + V3/ed + Ved/2

-? Did + V1

Unfinished actions that started in the past and Finished actions in the past
continue to the present:
 I knew Julie ten years ago
 I've known Julie for ten years
(but then she moved away and we
(and I still know her). lost touch).

Actions that finished a short time ago with just

 I have just had a sandwich

A finished action in a specific time in the

 I had a sandwich yesterday .

A finished action with a result in the present:

 I have read this book ( є результат,

 I read that book a year ago. ( ми
книга вже прочитана, коли саме не
читали книгу МИНУЛОГО РОКУ,
відомо нам головне РЕЗУЛЬТАТ)
але чи прочитали не відомо)

With an unfinished time word (this week, this

With a finished time word (last week, last
month, today):
month, yesterday):
I've seen John this week. (the week is
I saw John last week.
not finished)

Actions that are or are expected to be 

completed with already and yet .

 I have already cooked lunch

 I haven’t cooked lunch yet.

Life experience up to now with ever/ never

 Have you ever been TO London

 I have never been TO Lodon
With time and dates when we want to say how
long something have lasted (for/ since)

 I have known my best friend since

February / for 5 years.


1) Right or wrong? (if wrong, correct the sentence):

1. Somebody has broken the window yesterday.


2. She have won two Oscars.


3. They ate Chinese food last week. …….


4. Bob has finished his work 5 minutes ago. …………………………………………………….


5. We have just wrote a test .


3. Insert since or for:

1. She has been in London……………………………….. Monday.

2. We’ve been in Paris …………………………. four days.

3. Mike has been ill ………………. a long time.

4. He’s been in hospital ………………. October.

5. My aunt has lived in Australia …………………. 15 years.

India has been an independent country …………………… 1947.

3. Put the verbs into the Past Simple or Present Perfect:

1. They ............………..… already …………………………………..…. (call) her.

2. Jack ……………………………………………………….. (finish) work an hour ago.

3. Mandy………………………………………………. (go) to the bank. She’s not here now.

4. Paul ………………………………………….. (leave) school ten minutes ago.

5. They …………………………………………………………(go) shopping 2 days ago.

6. Her sister …………………………………………………… (lose) her glasses.

7. Sally ……………………………………………………….. (not go) home after dinner yesterday.

8. Michael ………………………………………………………….. (visit) some poor children.

9. The boy …………………………………………………………… (never speak) to us.

10. We …………………………………………………………….………. (visit) our relatives last Friday.

11. When she was young she ……………………………………………………… (not like) History.

12. Joe ……………………………………………………………….. (not come) yet.

13. The children ……………………... just ………………………………..(go) out.

14. Jack ………………………. never …………………………………………………. (fly) in a plane.

15. Some policemen …………………………………………... (catch) the criminals two days ago.

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