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𝟏 𝟐 𝟏
1. In a basket full of fruits, Jia ate 𝟔 of fruits, Juhi ate 𝟒 of fruits and Raj ate 𝟏𝟎 of fruits.
i) Who ate maximum part of fruits?
ii) Who ate least part of fruits?
iii) What part of fruits did they consume altogether?
iv) What part of fruits left in the basket?

2. According to the following diagram, what is the weight of the star?

+ + = 300

+ =

3.In a manufacturing unit, 982384 bottles are made. In How many boxes can they be kept if
each box can store only 13 bottles.
4. In a factory, the number of shoes made in a month is 1965. Assuming that the same
number of shoes are made every month, find the number of shoes made in 4 years.
5. Mountain peak I is 120 m below sea level, Mountain peak II is 180 m below sea level and
Mountain peak III is 150 m above sea level.
A) Which of the three peaks is at the highest elevation from the sea level?
B) The sea level is zero elevation.
Below sea level is shown using the ‘–’ sign.
Above sea level is shown using the ‘+’ sign.
For example, the elevation of mountain peak I is shown as –120.
What would be the elevation of Mountain peak II?
C) The elevation of Mountain peak IV is 5 m below the elevation of Mountain peak III.
What is the elevation of Mountain peak IV?
D) A submarine at the depth of 75 m rises by 40 m in the sea.
What is the depth of the submarine after rising?

6. In an obstacle race 6 obstacles are kept at certain pre-decided distance. The total running
track was of 15 km is as follows.

Obstacles Distance (in km)

1 3
2 4
3 2
4 1
5 2
6 3

A) What fraction of the total distance is obstacle 2?

B) What fraction of the total distance is obstacle 5?
C) What fraction of the total distance is the distance covered on obstacles 3 & 4?
D) Geetika runs till obstacle 3. Is she able to cover more than half of the total

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