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Paolo Martin S.

Cominguez June 29, 2020

BSN -2 Mrs. Maria Estella Villegas

NCM 113 Lecture Task III CHN

Eradication of Increase Population

Promote family planning - Simply teaching men and women about contraception may make a
significant difference. This program will serve as a foundation for exercising or implementing
various contraceptive techniques, natural family planning, and sex education.
Universal access to quality education - Although the issues look unrelated, managing the
population entails having a solid education. Keeping females in school indeed makes them less
likely to have children at an early age, reducing maternal mortality. Increased and improved
female education can slow the predicted population increase.

Family Program
Sports Fest – This program requires families from various clans to participate to encourage
socializing and friendship among the families. Individual abilities and skills can be exposed, and
those with promise can have a brighter future. This initiative will serve as a springboard for local
governments to enter the lives of their inhabitants and develop further activities that bring out the
best in everyone.
Community Garden - A communal garden is an excellent way to connect with the neighbors
while also providing nutritious food. You might be able to find a sponsor to assist you to get
your garden established. Consider creating a garden specifically for youngsters to educate
them about gardening. It's a fantastic educational opportunity.

Eradication of Communicable Diseases

Seminar for the awareness of communicable diseases - A session will be held in a certain barrio
to support the community comprehend and get insight into the many communicable illnesses that
might harm the entire community.
Promoting proper waste management - This program promotes cleanliness and safety among
residents of the neighborhood; it will have a significant influence on the community if residents
understand the importance of properly disposing of garbage and the consequences of incorrect
waste disposal.
Healthy Lifestyle
Community Health Challenge - Media campaigns that encourage individuals to buy wellness
items or enhance their healthy lifestyles can have a positive impact on populations. Participation
in sports may be as easy as employing marketing methods to motivate your community to adopt
healthy lifestyle choices. Competitions and challenges increase participation by inviting friends
and family members to join.
Opportunity for Group Fitness - These possibilities for physical activity will promote general
wellness and a pleasant corporate culture. People are more likely to keep active when they are
held accountable. Consistency aids in the formation of good behaviors. Bringing people together
for movement does not require any knowledge or expertise. You may inspire your community by
having a love for exercise.

Improving Self
Challenge Someone - One of the finest ways to grow and better oneself is via competition. Set a
goal (weight reduction, exercise, economic challenge, etc.) and compete with a friend to see who
can reach it first. Both of you will benefit from the process more than if you set out on your own.
Encouraging Individuals to meditate - Meditation may help you relax and become more aware,
all while enhancing your general mental health. Meditation can also improve your sleep, increase
your productivity, and make you friendlier to people around you.

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