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Name of Patient: ________________________________Age: _____ Gender: ______ Diagnosis: _________________________________

Cues Nursing Diagnosis Objective Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Cues . Short term plan: Independent Independent Short term plan:
After 8 hours of intervention: intervention:
interventions the patient
will be able to:

Objective Cues

Dependent intervention: Dependent intervention: Long-term plan:

Long-term plan: After 1 week of nursing
After 1 week of interventions the patient
nursing’s interventions was able to:
the patient will be able
Name of Patient: _________________________________ Age: ______ Gender: __________ Diagnosis: _________________________________________________________

Date Name of Drug Classification Dosage Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Side Effect/ Adverse NURSING
Ordered Generic Name Action Effect RESPONSIBILITIES
(Brand Name)

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