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Google Docs (Table of contents)

Good day, everyone! I am _______, and today I’ll be showing you how to create a table of
contents in Google Docs through a concept paper.

Before creating a table of contents, format the text in Google Docs as demonstrated before. The
table of contents only shows the headings. It sorts based on the level of importance, from most
(1) to least (6).

After the formatting, create the table of contents. First, have a blank page to insert the table. (2
sec) Then, place the cursor where you want to paste the table. Click "insert," then select the
table of contents. There are two options: with page numbers or with blue links. (paste both
versions). You can edit the table manually.

Although, I’ll only be using the one with page numbers. So how to delete this table? Place the
cursor in the table you want to delete, then right-click where there are options. Deleting the table
is the last option.aa

What if there are new changes? Click this button or right-click and click the "update the table of
contents" option.

Lastly, you can select a title and easily access its respective section.

Google Sheets (Arithmetic in the formula bar)

Good day, once again! I am ________, and today I’ll be showing you how to use arithmetic in
the formula bar in Google Sheets through a class record

To begin, find the values for written works. Use the sum function to easily add the values of
multiple cells. Always start with an equal sign. Input sum, open and close parentheses, then
place the range of the values to be added.

Repeat the process for the students’ scores. Consider the blanks as dropped as these equate to
0. Disregard E as it is “Excused”. (pause) - 5 sec

Now, let’s solve the percentage scores through this formula. (pause) - 5 sec

As we can see, Pacquiao is excused in one written work. So, the highest possible score for
Pacquiao is only the total of the ones with scores. 5 sec
For the weighted score, multiply the percentage score by the weight of the component.

Repeat the process to the other components. (pause) - 5 sec

Lastly, add all the learner’s weighted scores per component for the initial grade.

For the table of contents, it only shows texts formatted as headings. The level of importance is
from most (1) to least (6). To apply, simply select the text you want to format then apply the
default style or update the style to the selected texts’.

Before creating a table of contents, format the text in google docs. There are two ways to format
text in a specific style. One way is to select format, then paragraph styles where you can see
the nine styles available in google docs. Another would be to simply click the styles button in the
toolbar where you can see drop down options of the styles.

As you can see, knowing how to create this can make the process more efficient and also have
easier access to the different sections of the document.

Good day, once again! I am ____________, and today I’ll be showing you how to use arithmetic
in the formula bar in Google Sheets through inputting in a class record

To begin, let’s first find the values for the written works component. Use the sum function to
easily add the values of multiple cells. To find the highest possible score total, start with an
equal sign to denote a formula then input sum, open and close parentheses, then place the
beginning and end cells of the values to be added like so. This is the range set wherein it adds
all the values within this condition.

Repeat the process for the students’ scores. Consider the blanks as dropped so they equate to
0 while disregarding E as it represents “Excused”.

Now, let’s solve the percentage scores. Solve through dividing total raw score to highest
possible score, open and close parentheses, then multiply 100. As we can see, Pacquiao is
excused in one written work. So, the highest possible score for Pacquiao is only the total of the
ones with scores.

For the weighted score, multiply the percentage score to the weight of the component. It works
whether you use the decimal or percent form of the weight.

Repeat the process to the other components.

Lastly, to find the initial grade, add all the learner’s weighted scores per component.

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