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Identify a research question in a journal article and discuss what approach would be best

to study the question and why.

Research Question:

Question for Research:

What influence has the #MeToo movement had on workplace dynamics and corporate
culture? reactions to sexual harassment, with a focus on modifications in workplace
disciplinary procedures procedures, and how have court views of harassment legislation

Approach: A mixed-methodologies strategy that incorporates both quantitative and

qualitative research methods. That would be fantastic.

Why: The proposed mixed-methods methodology combines qualitative insights to

comprehend quantitative data analysis to create a picture of underlying reasons,
perspectives, and difficulties detailed overview of trends and developments. This
procedure allows for a more thorough examination. evaluation of how the #MeToo
movement has influenced organizational reactions, Workplace relationships, as well as
legal interpretations of sexual harassment. Researchers are able to determine an
accurate and detailed knowledge of the study topic The findings are both quantitative
and qualitative.

2.Take a topic that you would like to study, and using the four combinations of
worldviews, designs, and research methods, discuss a project that brings together a
worldview, designs, and methods. Identify whether this would be quantitative, qualitative,
or mixed-methods research. Use the typical scenarios that I have advanced in this
chapter as a guide.

Qualitative Research with a Transformative Worldview:

It would involve a thorough analysis of women's views, motivations, and experiences in

resisting patriarchal norms. Qualitative approaches, such as focus groups, interviews,
and content analysis of narratives and personal experiences, should be employed to
better understand the many ways in which women reject these expectations. The
emphasis would be on acquiring a deep comprehension of the underlying meanings and
social context.

What distinguishes a quantitative study from a qualitative study? Mention three

Characteristics of a Quantitative Study:

Data that can be measured

Statistical investigation


Qualitative Study Characteristics:

Data that cannot be measured

Analysis of the narrative

Theory is created.

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