Year 8 Algebra Revision Worksheet

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Department of mathematics (2022-23)

Topic: ALGEBRA (Revision worksheet)
Year: 8
1. Expand the brackets and simplify the algebraic expression.

(a) 2(y + 3) + 4(y + 7)

(b) 5(2a + 5) + 3(a + 2)

(c) 3(y − 2) + 5(2y + 3)

(d) 7(2x + 3) − 5(x+ 2)

(e) 4(x − 7) − 2(x − 8)

(f) 4(3a − 8) − 5(2a − 1)

(g) 8(5 + 2m) + 3(5 − 3m)

2 Simplify the following expressions

(a) 2b+3a – a +5b

(b) 5a+3+2a-2-a

(c) 4x2+10x2+x- 3x-x2

(d) 5x2-4x – 7 x2- 8x

(e) 14p-5q- 3p- 8q

(f) 14y- 10- 3y- 5

3 Jake made this rectangular garden. Write an expression for the perimeter of the garden
Simplify your answer

4 Find the perimeter of the following shapes

a) b)

5 Write these without brackets and then simplify

(a) 8 - (b-1) + 2b

(b) 4(3y-2)-7

(c) 20-2(m+1)

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