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t it is a sign of un

es no t me an ag reeing on everything, bu
Love is accepting the ot
he r, it do Only those
e do es no t pu t co nd itions or requirements.
True lov you
derstanding and respect. pr ec iat e no t on ly yo ur strengths and virtues of
they are. I ap
who accept a person as
ole world
but also I accept your wh
t the bad,
th e me mo ry of th e he art. Just as we must forge
Opportunity for gratitude
is d start a
st ma ke an eff or t to remember the good, an
t, we mu
the ugly, the unpleasan rie s, be au tiful moments full of ha
of ne w me mo our soul
journey together, full ls an d sig nifi ca nt dates. We must teach
th e de tai
Who loves, remembers tu de and praise. Remembering
is living.
s an d wi ll) to gr ati
(mind, emotion
l it, you have to
ts fro m th e he art. It is not enough to fee
Validity tokens of lov e are gif w much you
s are ne ce ssa ry, bu t ac tions are evidence of ho
show it and prove it. Wo yo u because all my actions go
on a path,
ce all my tru st in
love. In this I pla
to conquer your heart.

co r or res entm en t, to bitterness and hatred, in
thout ran
Expose all our feelings wi lov es an d does not hurt, gives the
best to fulfill
e, tru e love ationship
hurting our loved on th th e go od an d bad situations of A rel
to co pe wi
dreams, there is always
I Love Cice

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