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School Improvement Plan Example

School: City High School

Year: 2023-2024
Date Completed: June 3, 2023
School Board Approval Date: August 2023

School Improvement Planning Team

Name Title
Harry W. Principal
Mary V. District Curriculum Director
LeAnne J. English department chair
Nevaeh T. Special Education teacher
Jamar S. School Counselor
Su Lin A. Math department chair
Collin P. Social Science teacher
Casey R. Science teacher
Andrea H. Dean of Students

School Improvement Planning Team Members:

School Administrators
Grade Level/Content Area Reps
TA/Paraprofessional Rep Specials
Area Staff Rep
Special Education Rep
District Administration (Intensive Support and Improvement Status)

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Illinois Continuous Improvement
This step is meant to focus on the IL School Designation(s), and the draft goal(s) should reflect
a focus on the designation, the reasons for the designation, and the data that support it.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes below to Identify Local Needs and begin to Plan for
School Improvement.
School Designation
Comprehensive School

Reason for Designation (e.g., CWD, all students, Low Income)

All students
What other data sources, besides state testing, do you have available that will help you analyze the root cause for this
Graduation rates, attendance, Fastbridge reading and math assessments, 5 Essentials, course
grades, PSAT/SAT
Based on the data source review, which areas should be a priority in this school improvement plan to make an impactful
change to the designation?
Priority 1:
Improve our 4-year graduation rate
Priority 2:
Increase the percentage of ninth graders on track
Priority 3:
This step will help your team develop an action plan and identify key activities that will support your SMART goals. Be
sure to work through all the steps, including measures and baseline data for monitoring.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes for each goal (and on the following pages) to support the
implementation and monitoring of the selected key activities. See the Elementary SIP example or the
Middle School SIP example for help.
Name of Assessment:
By spring 2024, we will increase our graduation rate by 3% based on the spring 2023 4-year
adjusted cohort graduation rate.

Action Plan
Key Activities – Focused on adult practice By whom By when
1. Professional learning for all staff evidence- Principal, curriculum Start at September SIP
based instructional practices across all content director, Approved and continue during
areas Learning Partner teacher institute days
2. Monthly content-area meetings to discuss
Content area
student performance across all classes, courses,
departments, building
and teachers. Identify students at risk of Monthly after school
administrator or
failing core subjects, and engage in
curriculum director
(tutoring, peer mentoring, teacher office hours)
School Counselor and
3. Enroll students who have failed a core subject Enroll within the first
teacher(s) in charge of
in credit recovery program; monitor two weeks of each new
the credit recovery
completion semester
What resources do you already have to support executing these actions?
Protected time during monthly early release, scheduled department chair meetings, scheduled school
improvement planning meetings, and teacher institute days
What (if any) additional expenses are associated with executing these actions? What funding source will
cover these expenses?
Associated Expense Is this a one-time purchase/short-term Possible Funding Source to Support
(Budget Detail) expense or ongoing investment? Expense (e.g., Title I 1003; IDEA;
Title II; Title I)

Stipends for staff to manage Ongoing investment School improvement grant, local
credit recovery efforts funds
Books for evidence-based One-time purchase School improvement grant
practices book study
Approved Learning Partner to One-time purchase or short-term School improvement grant
provide a presentation on contract
evidence-based instructional
practices across all content
What support and/or information do you need (from beyond your own school leadership team) to
implement these action steps? How will you get it? (e.g., District Office, Special Education)
Continued support from district office for protected time. Learning Partner support, as appropriate and
needed to support the implementation of identified key activities.

How will you monitor the implementation of your action plan each plan? (i.e., How will you know that it is
Who is responsible for monitoring the progress?)
Monitor monthly: review the progress of key activities.

 Peer learning walks focused on implemented evidence-based instructional practices.

 The principal will monitor the implementation of the targeted evidence-based practices from the
book study in one-on-one meetings and classroom visits.
 Monthly school leadership team meetings will be used to monitor the progress of the goals.
 Monthly department team meetings will be used to monitor the progress of the goals.

This step will help your team monitor the implementation and progress towards SMART
goals. Using the data sources/local assessments listed on the previous pages, your team can
show how your efforts are moving toward improvement.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes below, to help monitor progress on your goal. Duplicate
this table as needed for each Key Activity identified for Goal #1.
Key Activity: Monthly content-area meetings to discuss student performance across all classes, courses, and
teachers. Identify students at risk of failing core subjects, and engage in interventions (tutoring, peer
mentoring, teacher office hours)
Data Source/Local Assessment: Assessment Measure
Skyward progress reports and attendance Grades at or below a D
data Cumulative attendance below 85%
Frequency of Measure Person Responsible for Updating Data
Monthly Content area and/or grade level teacher team lead

Observed Changes/Reflections

1st monthly check

2nd monthly check
(Add rows as needed)
Reflections on Progress
Essential Questions:
What does the data tell us about student success and areas of concern?
What does the data tell us about staff practice progress?
What are the needs of the staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMART goals?

Feedback from essential questions

This step will help your team develop an action plan and identify key activities that will support your SMART goals. Be
sure to work through all the steps, including measures and baseline data for monitoring.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes for each goal (and on the following pages) to support the
implementation and monitoring of the selected key activities. See the Elementary SIP example or the
Middle School SIP example for help.
Name of Assessment: N/A for this goal
By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, 80% of first-time 9 grade students will have
earned 5 or more credits without failing more than 0.5 credits in the core subjects.

Action Plan
Key Activities – Focused on adult practices By whom By when
Principal, curriculum Start at September SIP
Professional learning for all staff evidence-based
director, Approved and continue during
instructional practices across all content areas
Learning Partner teacher institute days
Monthly freshman team meetings to discuss
student performance across all classes, courses, Freshman team leads,
and teachers. Identify students at risk of failing building administrator Monthly after school
core subjects, and engage in interventions or curriculum director
(tutoring, peer mentoring, teacher office hours)
School Counselor and
Enroll within the first
Enroll students who have failed a core subject in teacher(s) in charge of
two weeks of each new
credit recovery program; monitor completion the credit recovery

What resources do you already have to support executing these key activities?
Online credit recovery program; school improvement planning days, teacher institute days
What (if any) additional expenses are associated with executing these key activities? What funding source
will cover these expenses?
Associated Expense Is this a one-time purchase/short-term Possible Funding Source to Support
(Budget Detail) expense or ongoing investment? Expense (e.g., Title I 1003; IDEA;
Title II; Title I)

Extra duty pay for freshman Ongoing investment School improvement grant, local
team meetings funds
Stipends for staff to manage Ongoing investment School improvement grant, local
credit recovery efforts funds

What support and/or information do you need (from beyond your own team) to implement these key
activities? How will you get it? (e.g., District Office, Special Education)
How will you monitor the implementation of your action plan each plan? (i.e., How will you know that it is
Who is responsible for monitoring the progress?)
Monitor monthly: review the progress of key activities.

 Peer learning walks focused on implemented evidence-based instructional practices.

 The principal will monitor the implementation of the targeted evidence-based instructional
 Monthly school leadership team meetings will be used to monitor the progress of the goals.
 Monthly freshman team meetings will be used to monitor the progress of the goals.

This step will help your team monitor the implementation and progress towards SMART
goals. Using the data sources/local assessments listed on the previous page, your team can
show how your efforts are moving toward improvement.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes below, to help monitor progress on your goal. Duplicate
this table as needed for each Key Activity identified for Goal #2.
Key Activity: Monthly freshman team meetings to discuss student performance across all classes, courses,
and teachers. Identify students at risk of failing core subjects, and engage in interventions (tutoring, peer
mentoring, teacher office hours)
Data Source/Local Assessment: Assessment Measure
Skyward progress reports and attendance data Grades at or below a D
Cumulative attendance below 85%
Frequency of Measure Person Responsible for Updating Data
Monthly Freshman team leads
Observed Changes/Reflections
Check in 1
Check in 2
Check in 3
Reflection on progress
Essential Questions:
What does the data tell us about student success and areas of concern?
What does the data tell us about staff practice progress?
What are the needs of the staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMART goals?

Feedback from essential questions


Goal #3 (A third goal is OPTIONAL)
This step will help your team develop an action plan and identify key activities that will support your SMART goals. Be
sure to work through all the steps, including measures and baseline data for monitoring.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes for each goal/strategy below (and on the following pages) to support the
implementation and monitoring of the selected strategies. See the School Improvement Plan examples provided.
(Elementary SIP example and Middle School SIP example)

Action Plan
Key Activities - Focused on adult practices By whom By when

What resources do you already have to support executing these key activities?

What (if any) additional expenses are associated with executing this action plan and addressing resource
inequities? What funding source will cover these expenses?
Associated Expense Is this a one-time purchase/short-term Possible Funding Source to Support
(Budget Detail) expense or ongoing investment? Expense (e.g., Title I 1003; IDEA;
Title II; Title I)

What support and/or information do you need (from beyond the school leadership team) to implement this
action plan? How will you get it? (e.g., District Office, Special Education)

How will you monitor the implementation of your action plan each month? (i.e., How will you know that it is
done? Who is responsible for monitoring the progress?)
Monitor monthly: review the progress of key activities.

 i.e
 i.e
This step will help your team monitor the implementation and progress towards SMART goals.
Using the data sources/local assessments listed on the previous page, your team can show how
your efforts are moving toward improvement.

DIRECTIONS: Complete the empty boxes below, to help monitor progress on your goal. Duplicate
this table as needed for each Key Activity identified for Goal #3.
Key Activity:

Data Source/Local Assessment: Assessment Measure

Frequency of Measure Person Responsible for Updating Data

Data Change (Indicate +/- difference from previous entry)

Frequency 1
Frequency 2
Frequency 3
Add check-in lines as needed
Essential Question:
What does the data tell us about student success and areas of concern?
What does the data tell us about staff practice progress?
What are the needs of the staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMART goals?

Feedback from essential questions


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