Musical Play Script Humss1b

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The Fault in Our Stars

12 - HUMSS 1B
Musical play
Anthony Go – Leo Hoffman
Gabriel Valdeo - Uziel Hoffman (FATHER)
Bridgete Casenas - Dalia Hoffman (MOTHER)
Lanties Canoy - Raviv Hoffman (BROTHER)
Lorchia Naïve – Aya (Childhood Friend)

Jb Ragasi– Adiya Abulafia

Clifford Bayron - Dvir Abulafia (FATHER)
Margielyn Pajaron - Ruth Abulafia (MOTHER)
Ismael De Guzman - Ester Abulafia (BROTHER)
Alexa Castuera- Maya Abulafia (SISTER)
Dave Bacalan – Alter Mizrahi (Adiya’s soon to be Husband)
Julie Aras – Zareen Katz (Adiya’s BFF)

*Baker – John Michael Rivera

*Shadchan – Kher Paderanga
*Maid 1 - Vanessa Roa
*Maid 2 - Nickle Badana
*Maid 3 – Casandra Borromeo
*Driver – Francis Barreno
*Guard - Jhundell Sanchez

Scene 1: MARKET

*Baker *market noise and bell ringing*





ADIYA Where is he? *sigh*

Laai - [ADIYA]
Pardon me for swearing

What the hell have I become

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Is everything I dream of

Everything I really want


Telling myself daily

Stay the hell away from love

Every time it leaves me

Feeling like I'm not enough


And I'm giving up on me

I start to question everything that I believe

Who cares if I am lonely

I'm better on my own

Now you can never hurt me

That's all I've ever known

I tell mysеlf I'll be okay

If I can just survive today

But this pain inside my chеst won't go away


Already December

Hope is turning into doubt

Everyone around me

Seems to have it figured out

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Trying to remember

What I used to care about

Slowly I became just

Another face in the crowd- *sees Adiya in the crowd*

ESTER ADIYA! *Adiya grabs Ester’s hands then went on walking faster to

go home*




ADIYA It’s okay……What? Is there something in my face?

LEO Huh? OH!....Miss um….

ADIYA What? What is it?

LEO Y-Your scarf

ADIYA MY WHAT?! (tried fixing her hair)



LEO OH NO! I DIDN’T! I SWEAR! (raises both of his hands halfway)



ADIYA That’s a relief…Well, we better get going.

LEO WAIT!....May I know your name?

ADIYA I do not give my name to strangers.

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Walk faster Ester! We need to go home soon. (nudges Ester)

Scene 2: ABULAFIA FAMILY Dining Table

RUTH I’m glad both of you arrived safe. How was the trip to the market?

ESTER It was good Mother, but someone had a bit of….. Love at first

sight. (smiled at Adiya)

RUTH Love at first sight? What do you mean?

ADIYA It’s nothing mother…You know, Ester and his jokes-

ESTER But it’s true-


ADIYA It’s nothing Father, our trip to the market went smoothly we only

bought potatoes and left.

DVIR Are you sure about this Adiya? If Ester is talking about a certain

boy then I have to tighten the security of our guards. You’re old

enough to understand that your wedding is a few months away

whether you like it or not.

ADIYA Yes Father, I’m aware.

DVIR Good. Be ready by tomorrow, The Shadkhan is about to visit, he

already found a match for you.

Scene 3: Adiya’s ROOM

MAYA What was that all about? (Maya brushing her hair in front of

Adiya’s mirror)

ADIYA It was just a random guy, nothing special.

MAYA Well? Was he good looking?

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ADIYA Kind of, but he messed up my tichel! HE ALMOST SAW MY HAIR!

MAYA I told you, you could’ve just worn a wig or a Sheitel. Why make a

big fuss about it? We can afford it you know, plus a tichel attracts

a lot of unwanted attention and you’re not YET even married!

ADIYA Look Maya, I know you disagree in some of our religious practices

but I devote myself to Yahweh. As what our Mother has named

me, “Adiya” meaning “God’s treasure”. I have a role to fulfil and a

family that is counting on me. If that means I have to marry a total

stranger then… I would do it.

MAYA Then what about you? I’m asking you right now. Are you okay with



ESTER *knock* Adiya, are you there? *door creaks*

About earlier…I’m sorry for the trouble that I caused. I didn’t mean

to do it, I just thought it would change our Father’s mind to not

continue the shidduch but I guess I failed.

ADIYA It’s okay Ester, but next time please do consider that our Father is

a strict man. He doesn’t change his decisions easily.

ESTER I understand

MAYA Well, It’s getting late Adiya you should take a rest, we’ll get going.


LEO Mother, why are you still cleaning the front yard? It’s already


DALIA (cleaning the front yard with a broom stick) Oh dear, don’t worry
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about me I’m used to this. (dropped the broom stick) How’s the

market? Did you buy the things that I needed?

LEO It’s right here (shows the cellophane)

DALIA (grabs the cellophane) Thank goodness! I’ll be preparing these,

while you wait you should help your brother and father at the barn

they’re busy preparing for a delivery.

LEO Alright, we’ll catch up later.

Scene 5: Hoffman’s Barn

LEO Father! Raviv! (waves at both of them)

(jogs near them)

LEO Another delivery?

UZIEL Yes, Apparently we’re the new supplier of the Abulafia family. (still

packing vegetables in the sack)

LEO Abulafia family? Why? Was it urgent?

UZIEL Well, their supplier has a bit of problem with their farm, termites

invaded their area. Good thing it didn’t affect our area here.

RAVIV You should have went home sooner, these new customers of ours

is rich!

LEO Rich? How so?

RAVIV Well since their order is urgent, we’re given an extra bag of silver

coins to deliver their order by tomorrow

LEO Tomorrow? Don’t we have a delivery tomorrow?

RAVIV Don’t worry brother I’ll take care of it. You can take the big donkey

to deliver this to the Abulafia family while I’ll take the other donkey
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and finish off the other delivery.

UZIEL It’s a busy day tomorrow huh? Well, we should pack this up it’s

getting late. Your mother is waiting for us.

AYA LEO! (Jogs at Leo and joins the 3 men)

LEO Oh, Aya! How’d you been? What’s that in your hands?

AYA My mother made extra Falafel for you family. Good afternoon Mr.

Hoffman, Raviv!

UZIEL It smells so good!

RAVIV *stomach grumbles* I guess I’m hungry

(everyone laughed)

UZIEL We should get going. Aya, care to join us in our dinner?

AYA Oh, It’s okay Mr. Hoffman we’re about to eat dinner anyway, I just

came here to deliver the food. I should get going as well

UZIEL Okay then, Raviv accept the food. We’ll head out now. (Closing

the Barn)

AYA (Leo about to head home) LEO! (Leo turns around) I forgot to give

this to you (picks up from the pocket and handed a pack of


LEO What’s this for?

AYA You know I have feelings for you right?

LEO Aya, you don’t have to do this. We’ve been friends since we were

kids. You already know from the start that I look at you as my


AYA I already know that, but still.

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LEO Let’s just call it a day Aya (smiles)

AYA I see, have a great night Leo! (smiles)

Scene 6: Abulafia Residence

DVIR Welcome! It’s nice meeting you our great Shadchan.

And who is this good looking young man?

(shakes hand)

Shadchan (Shadchan gave a hearty laugh) Your new future son-in-law!

DVIR (Dvir gave a hearty laugh) I see….

ALTER (shakes hands to Dvir) Good Day Sir! I am Alter Mizrahi. It’s nice

meeting you.

DVIR It’s nice meeting you also young man.

How was the trip for both you?

Shadchan Very Pleasant actually (looks at Alter)

ALTER I agree

DVIR Let’s get inside and have a cup of tea, shall we?

Scene 7: Abulafia Residence (Living Room)

DVIR Alter, may I know where your parents might be?

ALTER Ah. Sadly my father passed away few years ago, my mother on

the other hand is not fond of travelling but she supports me

throughout my shidduch.


ADIYA (eavesdrop about their conversation)

Shadchan Yes yes, you see I have met your daughter several times now and

I strongly believe Alter is the best for her. Not only is he a

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gentleman but he also is independent on their family business.

ALTER You have my word Sir, I will take care of your daughter and

cherish her to my full capacity.

DVIR I admire your personality and spirit young man.

(Looks at the door and saw Adiya peeking)

Speaking of my daughter, let me introduce to you my eldest

daughter Adiya Abulafia.

ADIYA (slowly shows herself in the entrance of the living room)

ALTER (mesmerized by Adiya’s beauty)

(All men stood up)

DVIR Alter, this is my daughter Adiya (guides adiya)

Adiya, this is Alter. Your future Husband.

ALTER My my, I’ve never seen such a fine woman before.

ADIYA (half smiled) Thank you.

DVIR Now let’s all take a sit. (all sitted)

Since the both of you have already met, I hope that you will get

along well.

ALTER No worries Sir, I’ll take good care of your daughter.

ADIYA (coughs a bit)

DVIR Adiya, is there something wrong?

ADIYA As much as I love to chat Father, may I be excused? it seems that

I’ve catched a cold earlier and I’m a bit dizzy.

DVIR Is that so?

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ALTER It’s fine Mr. Abulafia. Adiya’s health is more important as of the


DVIR I see that you prioritize my daughter’s health too young man.

(smiles) Very well then, Adiya you should rest upstairs. The

Shadchan, Alter and I will have a chat about your wedding.

ADIYA Thank you Father. (half smiled at Alter and Alter as well smiled at


(Took a half step at the stairs, contemplates for a sec)

(Looks at the back door, then decided to go out)

Scene 8: Abulafia Residence (Outside of the gate)

LEO (Drops the last sack of rice)

MAID 1 That would be all, here’s the payment of the delivery. (gives a

small bag of coins) We’ll see you next week.

LEO No problem (smiles)

(looks at the garden) (Saw Adiya laying on a tree, got confused

because he’s familiar with the girl THEN started to walk up to


Uhm… Hi, do you remember me?

ADIYA (Looks at the flowers without looking at Leo)

No, I don’t know you. (monotone)

LEO Really? You didn’t even look at my face

ADIYA (Looks at Leo from head to toe)

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Oh, You were the boy In the market. What are you doing here in

my house?

LEO I just dropped some deliveries ordered by your family and then I

saw a sad woman looking at the flowers. My body has a brain on

its own and just automatically came to you. (smirks)

ADIYA Haha. Funny (Sarcastic)

LEO You’ll never know, Maybe there’s a reason why I’m here.

Anyways, I have to go now I still have a lot of things to do. See

you soon (wink)

(Then Leo jogged away from Adiya)

ADIYA (Looked at the faraway Leo with curiosity)

Scene 9: Abulafia Residence (Library)

ADIYA (reading a book)

MAID 2 Miss Adiya, your childhood friend has arrived.

ADIYA Who?.......ZAREEN?!

(quickly got up and ran towards the gate)

ZAREEN ADIYA! (hug gesture)

ADIYA ZAREEN! (runs to Zareen and hugged her)

ADIYA I missed you so much! Where have you been for the past few


ZAREEN Oh! I have been busy lately. Would you like to catch up?

ADIYA (both of them squealed with excitement)

Let’s go to my room. You have a lot to discuss miss!

ZAREEN I sure do!

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Scene 10: Abulafia Residence (Adiya’s Room)

ADIYA How’s life so far?

ZAREEN We really went downhill with our business Adiya. (smiled sadly)

ADIYA I’m sorry about that Zareen, I’m still thankful though that you’ve

visited. It’s quite lonely here, How long will you stay?

ZAREEN Don’t worry Adiya, I’ll be here quite often.




ADIYA Oh,…yeah. That (sad face)

ZAREEN What’s with the sad face?

ADIYA It’s a shidduch Zareen. How am I supposed to marry a person that

I just met?

ZAREEN Relax Adiya, It’s going to be alright. He’s a great guy.

ADIYA Great guy? I never introduced him to you. How did you know?

ZAREEN I just know (evil smirk)

Scene 11: Abulafia Residence

ALTER (knocks on the door) *door creeks*

Good day, is Miss Adiya around?

MAID 3 Good day Sir, please come in. I will aware Miss Adiya of your

presence. Please do be comfortable at the living room.

ALTER Very well then

ADIYA (arrives) Mr. Mizrahi? What brings you here?

ALTER (Chuckles) Call me Alter, Adiya. We should be comfortable with

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each other.

ADIYA I see (half smiled)

ALTER I’ve come to visit you so that we’ll get to know each other. May I

take you to the Old City?

ADIYA Old City? In Jerusalem?!

ALTER Don’t worry, your Father agreed to this so that we could know

each other more.

Come, the carriage is ready.

(walks to the carriage)

DRIVER Master Alter, apologies but as we arrived, the horses grew tired

and caused them to become sick. I’m afraid that we can’t go on

any further.

ALTER What a pity, how about a walk in the park? (Looks at Adiya)

ADIYA I guess….

Scene 12: PARK

ALTER So…..How are you?

ADIYA I’m good…

ALTER Don’t be too reserved Adiya, It’s alright to be comfortable

ADIYA I don’t really talk much to other people that’s why

ALTER No worries, you’ll get used to me soon enough.


ADIYA The clouds seem dark today, I presume that there would be a

heavy storm coming up. You should shelter and our house Alter.

We have a lot of spare rooms. My family has a business trip at

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Afula City. They’ll be back soon enough.

ALTER Why didn’t you join them?

ADIYA My Father asked me to stay for some reason. I guess I know why


ALTER I see, well we need to go if we don’t want the rain to catch us.

Scene 13: Abulafia Residence (Kitchen)

MAID 1 Miss Adiya! What brings you here? You should have summoned

me so that I’ll be the one to cook lunch.

ADIYA No worries, I missed cooking and I want to cook for our visitor.

Do we still have onions? I can’t find them anywhere in the pantry.

MAID 1 Unfortunately Miss, we ran out of Onions. The maids are busy with

their tasks so the onions would arrive late than usual.

ADIYA Well then, the weather seems pretty after the rain yesterday I

should go for a walk and buy some onions.

MAID Oh no need miss, deliveries would arrive soon.

ADIYA That’s okay I can manage (removes apron)

Here, and the food is already cooked anyways and I’m full from my

brunch earlier. You should call the visitor so that he could leave


MAID Alright miss.

Scene 14: Abulafia Residence (Hallway)

ADIYA (Was about to head to the back door until she heard hushed


ALTER I promise you, we’ll get through this.

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ZAREEN Promise is a promise Alter

ADIYA Alter? Zareen?

Zareen? When did you get here?

ZAREEN ADIYA! Uh, I was about to greet you. Uhm, I found Alter instead.

ADIYA You know each other?

ALTER We live on the same town.

ADIYA AHHH…. Okay then, lunch is about to be served. I have some

errands to do. I’ll catch up with you both later.

ZAREEN U-uh well, see you Zareen!

Scene 15: Road

ADIYA (Adiya strolling across the road to the market until she found Leo’s


What a wonderful garden you have! The vegetables are healthy as

well. Do you sell them?

LEO (Leo picking up a vegetable and looks at Adiya)

OH? You’re that girl I saw on the market!

ADIYA You again? You live here?

LEO Why yes! Any vegetable of your liking?

ADIYA I was about to buy onions in the market until I saw your beautiful

garden. Do you have onions?

LEO I sure do! I was about to pack the last sack of vegetables to deliver

it in your house. You could come along with me. I’m bringing my

donkey so you don’t need to walk back again.

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LEO You don’t ride on donkeys? I see

ADIYA N-No not at all is just that I don’t really get to be accompanied by


LEO You’re safe with me. Don’t worry.

ADIYA If that’s the case….I’ll guess I’ll ride with you

LEO Great!

Scene 16: Road with donkey

LEO Is this your first time riding a donkey?

ADIYA Apparently yes

LEO Do you even go out?

ADIYA Not much. I’m not really allowed to since my father is strict and I

would easily get sick so I really don’t get a chance to mingle with

other people. I only walked today alone because my family is out

of town. How about you? Do you deliver every day?

LEO Not every day, we have to take care of the farm as well and wait

for them to grow.

Oh, we’re already here time flies so fast.

ADIYA Thank you for the ride Mr?.....

LEO Leo, just call me Leo. (offers a hand at Adiya)

ADIYA Thank you Leo for the ride. I had fun.

LEO Fun? Really? Then we should see each other tomorrow. I’ll teach

how to have fun.

ADIYA H-huh? Want do you mean?

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LEO Don’t worry about it we’ll have it in your backyard. I also have a

delivery tomorrow. I’ll drop by


LEO See ya!

Scene 17: Leo’s Frontyard

LEO Gets down from his donkey

AYA I’ve never seen you with a girl before.

LEO What are you talking about? I’m friends with everyone.

AYA Yeah, but I don’t know her. I also never saw her face from here.

LEO Chill Aya, why are you so uptight today.

AYA No reason, you should stop by at our house tomorrow. Let’s bake

some cookies like we always do!

LEO I can’t, I’m busy tomorrow.

AYA W-well in that case how about-

LEO I’m a bit tired today, plus she’s just a friend Aya. I’ll be heading

home first. Have a great day (heads home)

AYA (upset but still looks at Leo’s back while he goes home) Lies…..

Just the way you look at her, I already know.

Olivia (1:26-2:31) ONLY

Rodrigo -
happier she's beautiful, she looks kind, she probably gives you butterflies

I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me

I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go

So find someone great but don't find no one better

I hope you're happy, I wish you all the best, really

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Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me

And think of me fondly when your hands are on her

I hope you're happy, but don't be happier

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh

Scene 18: Forest

ADIYA Why are we in the woods?

LEO The woods? You mean, in your backyard?

ADIYA It’s still in the woods!

LEO It’s not my fault your backyard is huge. (shrugs)

Anyways, look what I got (shows the weapon)

ADIYA What’s that?

LEO It’s a weapon to catch some birds

ADIYA I barely even know you, you’re out here in our backyard just to

catch some birds? How can I trust you?

LEO On the contrary, you let me in.

Also, you’re not even a bird don’t be so selfish do you want me to

catch you as well? (winks)


N-No! (smiles secretly)

LEO Here (gives a dozen amount of flowers)

ADIYA Flowers? For me?

LEO Well, yeah

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ADIYA Where did you get this?

LEO In your garden

ADIYA (smacks Leo) Can we get this over with?

LEO (Chuckles) Okay! Fine Fine!

Let’s go

Toni [ADIYA]
Gonzaga -
Catch Me I don't know why
I'm Falling
But when I look in your eyes

I felt something that seems so right

You've got yours I've got mine

I think I'm losing my mind

'Cause I shouldn't feel this way

Catch me, I'm falling for you

And I don't know what to do


How can something so wrong

Feel so right all along

Catch me, I'm falling for you

How can time be so wrong?

For love to come along

Catch me, I'm falling for you


How can love let it go

When it has no place to go

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And I can't go along pretending

That love isn't here to stay

Catch me I'm falling for you.


-Gives flowers




-Looks at each other for a long time

Scene 20: Hoffman Residence (In the middle of the night)

LEO (Closed the gate gently and walked towards Adiya’s house)

AYA (Was about to turn the lights off when she

saw Leo from her window)


Scene 21: Adiya’s Room (In the middle of the night)

ADIYA (sleeping)

LEO (Throws pebbles to Adiya’s window)

Pssst Adiya! Wake up (hushed tone)

ADIYA (Woke up and opened her window)

Leo? What are you doing? ARE YOU CRAZY?!

How did you get pass the guards?!

LEO Don’t worry about it I sneak passed your fence.

Hey, wanna see something magical?

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ADIYA The guards would know!

LEO I have a plan. Now, use your blanket to get down

ADIYA O-okay

Scene 22: To the Forest (In the middle of the night)

ADIYA Where are we going?

LEO (Holds lamp to lead the way) It’s a secret

ADIYA (Stops) Wait. (Looks at Leo)

You’re not gonna kidnap me right?

LEO Are you Krazy? Of course not!

Oh, we’re here already.

ADIYA Woah….I-is this….Waterfalls? and…… Fireflies?

LEO Yeah…..Beautiful right? (Still looking at Adiya)

ADIYA (looks at Leo, smiles and blushes)

Scene 23: Waterfalls (In the middle of the night)

ADIYA You know, I’m forbidden to venture in the woods

LEO Why can’t you explore the world?

ADIYA My Father…… I respect his decisions towards me and I believe it’s

for my own good. Plus I get sick easily, I don’t think I’m fit to travel

at any places.

LEO But does your father respect you too?

ADIYA (Looks at Leo in a sad way then looks below)

LEO Adiya, I know that you love your family but you should also learn

how to love yourself. Expressing what you want in life does not

equal to disrespecting them.

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ADIYA Thank you Leo, I’ll keep that in mind.

Also, I never told this to you but…. I’m getting married soon.


LEO I know, I heard it from the maids that their eldest Miss would be



Have I ever told you?


LEO That……I like you….

ADIYA I-……(smiles) like you too.

Zac Efron, Zac part – LEO

Zendaya -
Rewrite The Zendaya part - ADIYA

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards

And fate is pullin' you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny?

What if we rewrite the stars?

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Say you were made to be mine

Nothing could keep us apart

You'd be the one I was meant to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

So why don't we rewrite the stars?

Maybe the world could be ours


You think it's easy

You think I don't wanna run to you

But there are mountains

And there are doors that we can't walk through

I know you're wondering why because we're able to be

Just you and me within these walls

But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see

That it was hopeless after all

No one can rewrite the stars

How can you say you'll be mine?

Everything keeps us apart

And I'm not the one you were meant to find

It's not up to you

It's not up to me

When everyone tells us what we can be

How can we rewrite the stars?

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Say that the world can be ours


All I want is to fly with you

All I want is to fall with you

So just give me all of you

It feels impossible

It's not impossible

Is it impossible?

Say that it's possible

How do we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine?

Nothing can keep us apart

'Cause you are the one I was meant to find

It's up to you

And it's up to me

No one can say what we get to be

And why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

But I can't have you

We're bound to break and my hands are tied

LEO (Looks at the stars) Someday, If ever you’ll be mine, I’ll marry you

under the stars.

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ADIYA (her smile faltered but smiled again nonetheless and throughout

the night they enjoyed the stars)

Scene 24: Living Room

ADIYA Father? All of you got home earlier than expected, is there

something wrong from the trip?

DVIR I have heard an interesting news from someone

ADIYA What do you mean Father?

DVIR I can’t believe you fell for the tricks of that Christian boy!

ADIYA He didn’t tricked me Father, HE LOVED ME!

DVIR How could you do this to us? To your faith in Yaweh? To ME?!

ADIYA Enough with your wicked games Father! I knew from the start that

I am just a business deal to you! You only wanted to give me away

just so that you could widen your business!


prohibited to meet with that Christian boy! Your marriage will

proceed at the end of this month.

ADIYA WHAT?! You can’t do this to me Father! That’s 3 days away from

now! I followed every word that you say, I’ve been an obedient

daughter throughout my life. I did my role as the eldest of this


Have you ever asked me what I really want?

DVIR You have lost my trust. Stop goofing around and take your

marriage seriously for once.

ADIYA Then you have lost a daughter, hear me out for once. (walk out)
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Scene 25: Abulafia Residence gate

LEO Adiya! (bangs gate) Adiya!

GUARD Please refrain from continuing your actions Sir or we will force you

to leave.

LEO I’m not moving until I speak to Adiya

DVIR You foolish Christian boy! Get away from my daughter! She will be

married at the end of the month. You are prohibited to meet or

even speak with her.

LEO Sir, I love your daughter. Please give us a chance to be together.

DVIR ENOUGH! Guards! Take him away and don’t let him enter ever


Scene 26: Aya’s house

AYA (hanging laundry at their backyard)


AYA Leo?

LEO You did it did you? You’re the one who told Adiya’s father about

our relationship

AYA That girl you’ve been with?! Stop this nonsense Leo! Are you

mad? She’s a JEW! It’s a strict rule for them to not get married to

other religion. You should’ve cut your relationship with her in the

first place.

LEO You have no right to choose which girl I love Aya!

AYA I may like you Leo but not to the extent of ruining you two. As your

friend, I do not support your relationship with her but at the same
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time I can’t let you be miserable for the rest of your life.

LEO (Leo shaking his head in denial)


Bruno Mars *In the road*

- It Will Rain
If you ever leave me, baby

Leave some morphine at my door

'Cause it would take a whole lot of medication

To realize what we used to have

We don't have it anymore

There's no religion that could save me

No matter how long my knees are on the floor (oh)

So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin'

To keep you by my side

To keep you from walkin' out the door

'Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I lose you, baby

There'll be no clear skies

If I lose you, baby

Just like the clouds

My eyes will do the same if you walk away

Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

I'll never be your mother's favorite

Uh, your daddy can't even look me in the eye

Ooh, if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing

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Sayin', "There goes my little girl

Walkin' with that troublesome guy"

But they're just afraid of something they can't understand

Ooh, but little darlin' watch me change their minds

Yeah for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll try, I'll try

And pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding

If that'll make you mine

'Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I lose you, baby

There'll be no clear skies

If I lose you, baby

Just like the clouds

My eyes will do the same if you walk away

Everyday it'll rain, rain, ra-a-a-ain

Scene 27: Adiya’s room

ADIYA (sulks and cry in her room at her door because she’s stressed for

her wedding tomorrow)

MAID 2 Miss Adiya, please eat your dinner. I’ll be leaving it here.

ADIYA (Cries once again)

Israeli song LYRICS:

| Until You
Return | by
Dayan B985-11E7-A040-0050568D3191&idioma=E

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LEO Adiya! Adiya! (in a hushed tone)

ADIYA (Looks at the window and ran to the window and opened it then

saw Leo)


LEO Adiya, Will you join me to the other side?


I do…..

Scene 28: Into the woods

ADIYA We’ll we be alright?

LEO (Holds a lamp leading the way)

We’ll figure it out.

Israeli love LYRICS:

song | 'You
should know' |
Eliana Tidhar



LEO & ADIYA (Looks at each other worried then ran for their life)

Scene 29: Cliff


It’s a dead end! (breathing heavily and Leo looking worried as


DVIR I have warned you already

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LEO AND (Looks at Dvir shocked)
ADIYA Please Father! Don’t do this!

UZIEL Give up Leo, It’s over.

LEO Father? What are you doing here?

UZIEL Master Dvir has warned me about your doings yesterday. He will

reward me a great deal in exchange of your life and of my family’s

safety. I have already fulfilled my duty as your step father Leo.

Every time I see you, it reminds me of my rival, your Father.

LEO How could you do this to me Father? I thought…..I thought we are


UZIEL Not anymore.

DVIR Enough with this chit chat. It’s time.



DVIR Then I have no choice.

GUARDS! (All of the guards pointed their guns at LEO AND


LEO (Looks at Adiya)

I love you.

ADIYA I love you too.

LEO (Offers his hand to Adiya)

Till death?

ADIYA (Grabs Leo’s hand and looks at him with tears of joy and a smile)
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Till death do us part.

LEO AND (Both closed their eyes at the same time while holding hands)
DVIR FIRE! *gun shots*

ADIYA (As Adiya waits for her death, she felt nothing then slowly opened

her eyes but Leo was about to collapse and blood is all over him)

ADIYA (Shocked on what she saw, then drops on her knees while

cradling Leo,) LEO! LEO!

DVIR Come home immediately Adiya. We have a lot to discuss.

GUARDS, Retreat!

ADIYA (still cradling Leo while crying)

ZAREEN Pity how this ended, I might help you reunite with each other.

ADIYA (Looks at Zareen) Zareen?

ZAREEN Hello, sister (says “sister “ in disgust)


ZAREEN You heard it right, you’re my STEP Sister.

I lied from my friendship down to my family background just so I

could wait for this exact moment.

ADIYA That’s not possible

ZAREEN Your Father abandoned me as her daughter when my Christian

mom gave birth to me. We’ve been living in the slumps all my life

and I begged your Father to at least be part of your family but on

one condition.

ADIYA What is it?

ZAREEN I have to convert in Jainism.

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You took everything from me! I AM SUPPOSE TO BE MARRIED



ZAREEN (points gun at Adiya) And now, I can’t let this opportunity slip. Any

last words dear sister?

ADIYA (tears sprung Adiya’s eyes as she closed her eyes and looked at

Zareen again with a smile on her face)

Take me to paradise.

ZAREEN Very well

*gun shot*

Scene 30: Adiya laying down dead

Olivia Rodrigo – traitor (1:26-2:31) [Music only]

(Jb voice over)

How cruel can the world be?

Not everyone is your friend,

Not everyone knows you're suffering inside,

and especially, Not everyone supports your love.

Everyone has a limited time on Earth, choose to be happy and live for the


Time will pass.....Enjoy the moment while it lasts.

And so, the stars were the witness of our undying love.


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