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Lecture 3:

Introduction to Sustainable design

● Understanding Sustainable design

- William A. McDonough
Definition: ''Sustainable design is not limited to simply trying to be more efficient. A
new approach offers a clear alternative: an ecologically intelligent framework in which
the safe, regenerative productivity of nature provides models for wholly positive
human designs...we can begin to redesign the very foundations of architecture and
industry, creating systems that purify air, land, and water; use current solar income
and generate no toxic waste; and use only safe, healthful, regenerative materials. The
benefits would enhance all life.''

- Jason F. McLennan
''Sustainable design is a design philosophy that seeks to maximize the quality of the
built environment, while minimizing or eliminating negative impact to the natural
environment '‘.
'' sustainable design is the philosophy that simply asks, what is the most we can do on
a given project to enhance the quality of the built environment'‘

Definition: "The sustainable design is the approach that looks to the design process to
heal exactly as it has damaged''
Definition: ''Sustainable design is the philosophy basis of growing movement and
individuals and organizations that literally seeks to redefine how buildings are
designed, built and operated to be more responsible to the environment responsive to

- Bill Browning and Dianna Lopez Barnett

''Sustainable design represents a revolution in how we think about design, construct
and operate buildings''

- John Stuart Mill

'' Every great movement must experience three stages ridicule, discussion, and
● The philosophy of sustainable design (architecture)


Positive generative interaction

“Healing “

Holistic perspective
● The biological beginning of sustainable design (early history)
Different creatures and species, They- on different scales - seek to create an ideal
habitat using perfected techniques which assure and ensure their survival, safety and

● The indigenous vernacular beginning of sustainable design

Vernacular design- Regionalism - Current solar income- Biomimicry
Understanding Sustainable design

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