Cot - Mental Health

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School GNCHS Grade 11


Teaching Dates and Time JUNE 9,2023/ 12:50 – 1:40 4TH Quarter


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the concepts about mental health and well-being in middle and late adolescence.
B. Performance Standards The learner identify his/ her own vulnerabilities and make a plan on how to stay mentally healthy
C. Learning Competencies/ Learning Competency
Objectives Analyze the concept, aspects and changes in/of culture and soc (INCLUDE THE CODE)
Write the LC code for each
The learners are expected to. . .
a. define society and culture by comparing them to a mobile phone;
b. analyze the characteristics of culture
II. CONTENT Analyzing the Concept, Aspect and Changes in/of Culture and Society
A. References
1. Teacher’s guide pages
2. Learner’s Material PER- DEV Activity Sheet
pages Quarter 4 – MELC 2
Analyzing the Concept, Aspect, and Changes in/of Culture and Society
3. Textbook pages Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Mariano M. Ariola
pp. 85 - 88
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource (LR)
Other Learning Resources Internet - Culture and Society (Video Clip) by Khan Academy, projector, printed pictures, meta strips
A. Reviewing previous (5 mins)
lesson or presenting the Class Routine
new lesson - Prayer
- Checking of Attendance
- Monitoring classroom order,
cleanliness and house rules

The teacher starts the class with a short


Identify whether each statement is

If the statement is correct, clap your hands
2X. If incorrect, stomp your feet 2X.

1. Anthropology is a behavioral science

that deals with the study of culture.
2. As member of society, individuals are
prohibited to share his or her culture
with others.
3. Man’s behavior is greatly shaped by the
society where he belongs.
4. Political Science trains students to
develop critical skills.
5. Culture is an organized body of
conventional understanding manifested
in art only.

Learners who have answered correctly

all the statements will be praised with
Wow clap.
B. Establishing a purpose Present the objectives of the lesson to the
for the lesson class using power point presentation. The
objectives are the following:
The learners should be able to:
a. define society and culture by
comparing them to a mobile phone;

C. Presenting examples/ (10 mins) 

instances of the new lesson Video Clip Viewing/Analyzing about
society and culture.
The learners write down important
words in their notebook. The following
questions are given for dyad discussion.
1. Why do you think the speaker
compared culture and society to a
mobile phone?
2. How did the speaker connect the
phone to these two concepts?

After the video clip viewing, some

learners will be asked to write on the board
the words they wrote in their notebook.

The guide questions will be discussed

orally in dyads with the help of the pictures
being posted on the power point.

The learners will be the one to choose

their partner. Each has to decide on what
to discuss between society and culture.

D. Discussing new concepts (10 mins)

and practicing new skills #1 The teacher gives meta strips with words
which they will form into statements that
tell about the characteristics of culture. She
projects the description through the power
point. They will flash their answers through
a game by group.

There will be two groups based on the

content they choose during their dyad
discussion – Culture Group and Society
Group. Each member has to hold a word in
order to form the correct statement.

The first group to show the correct

statement gets a reward.

E. Discussing new concepts (15 mins)

and practicing new skills #2 The teacher emphasizes on this idea,
‘Culture is a powerful force that affects the
lives of the members of society. It shapes
and guides people’s perception of reality.’
For the learners to better understand
the concept, aspect and changes of culture
and society, they will be given texts about
the Anthropological and Sociological
Perspectives of culture and society.
They are going to analyze and make a
summary using the appropriate graphic
organizer that they will create on their
own. How do culture
and society

They will be guided by this question and
will give their real-life experiences as
examples. Each group will be given 2
minutes to discuss their group output.
Their Graphic Organizer may be:

F. Developing Mastery (1 min)

leads to Formative The teacher asks the learners to recall their
Assessment learnings on the concepts of Anthropology
and Sociology so they can connect them to
the next activity.
G. Finding practical (5 mins)
applications of concepts The teacher gives an individual activity to
and skills in daily living be answered on a piece of paper in essay

1. How important are Anthropology

and Sociology in studying culture and

H. Making generalizations (10 mins) -
and abstractions about the The learners will summarize the lesson by
lesson giving the characteristics of culture and
enumerating the Anthropological and
Sociological Perspectives of culture and
I. Evaluating learning A 10-item Formative test will be given after
the discussion on the aspects of culture
and society.
J. Additional activities for PERFORMANCE TASK
application or remediation The learners will be asked to conduct
interviews to government agencies or
private authorities who are involved in the
Ungka Flyover Project.

They will formulate at least five

questions to determine the causes and
effects of this defective project.

Then, they will make an Analysis Report

from the perspectives of sociology,
anthropology and political science with
implications and recommendations.

The learners may create their own

template for this particular written output.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other
For improvement, enhancement and /or clarification of any DepEd material used, kindly submit feedback to

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