Testing Discussion

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Table 1
Response of the subject for the raven’s progressive matrices

Sl no set no of items obtained score

1 A 12 12
2 B 12 12
3 C 12 10
4 D 12 11
5 E 12 10

Table 2
Total raw score, corresponding percentile, grade discrepancy and time taken of the

Total raw score 55

Percentile score 75
Discrepancy 2
Time taken 30 minutes
Grade II


According to Gardner Murphy intelligence refers to the global capacity of an

individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with the
The aim of the test was to assess the intellectual capacity of the subject using
Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM).
Table 1 shows the individual result of the subject in Standard Progressive Matrices
The subject was a female with age 21. The subject took the total time of 30
minutes to complete the test. The test consist of 60 problems (5 sets with 12 each).
The subject solved 12 problems in set A with full correct answers. In set B also the
subject solved all the 12 problems. The subject scored 10in set C with 2 incorrect
answers. In set D, she scored 11 with 1 incorrect answer. In the last set E, the
subject solved 10 problems with 2 incorrect answers.
The total scores obtained by the subject was 55 and the percentile rank was 75. It
was interpreted that the subject has above average in intellectual capacity.

The subject has above average in intellectual capacity.

Table 1:Show individual VSMS score for the client MR.

Subject Gender Chronolo Social age Social Interpret

Name gical age quotient ation
MR Male 18 months 2.3 143 Normal

Table 2 shows the item passed by the subject EZ on each dimension in VSMS.

Dimension Items passed Interpretation

Self help general 2, 3, 5, 6, 8,9,13,15=8 Age appropriate
Self help eating( 11,16,20,24=4 Age appropriate
Self help 21=1 Age appropriate
dressing(SHD) maturity
Self direction(SD)
Occupation(OCC] 7,19=2 Age appropriate
Communication(COM 1,10,17=3 Age appropriate
) maturity
Locomotion (LOC) 12,18=2 Age appropriate
Socialisation (SOC 4,14=2 Age appropriate

introspective report
The test was administered on a boy whose age is 1 and half year old.The mother of
the child honestly answered all the question . She was comfortable and answered
all the questions in a very simple and easly. The subject was so excited for the test
as it is her first time expierience.
The test D r. Bharth raj’s Vinland social maturity scale was done on the basis
report from the mother of the subject. The aim of the test was to find asses the
social maturity of the subject using vineland social maturity scale . The vineland
social maturity scale is a psychometric assessment designed to help in the
assessment of social competence.it was developed by the American psychologist
Edgar Arnold Doll.
From analysing the table 1 , we could see that the subject social age and
chronological age is 2.3& 18 months respectively. And also we could see that the
subject’s social quotient is 143 and its interpretation became normal social
From analysing the table 2 it is seen that the subject has scored 8,4,1,2,3,2 and 3 in
the items self-help general, self-help eating, self-help dressing, occupation,
communication, locomotion and socialization, respectively.
From the above , it is clearly shows that the subjects performance on the vineland
social maturity is age level appropriated which means that the subject is socially
matured and adopted as well. He is socially matured on his age level

The subject’s social maturity is age appropriate .
The personality dimensions, raw score, stencil score, and interpretation of the
subject for EPQR.


Psychoticism 8 10 greater
neuroticism 14 6 average
Extroversion 15 6 average
Lie score 7 5 test accepted


The aim of the experiment is to measure the three personality dimensions of the
subject using Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire- Revised (EPQ-R).
Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire-Revised measures three dimensions of
personality: psychoticism, neuroticism and extroversion.
The test was administered to a female subject SS of age 21 studying psychology.
The subject was seated comfortably and the test was administered and was asked to
fill the questionnaire carefully.
Table 1 shows the score obtained by the subject in 4 dimensions of personality
namely Psychoticism, Neuroticism, Extroversion and Lie score their corresponding
stencil score and interpretation.
Lie score is calculated first in order to check whether the test is valid or not. The
subject scored 7 and the following stencil score was 5 so the test is accepted.
In Psychoticism, raw score of the subject is 8 with corresponding sten score 10. It
is interpreted that the subject has greater strength of the psychoticism factors.
People with psychoticism dimension tend to be hostile, aggressive, ego centric and
anti-social. Psychotic features also include odd behaviors, such as loss of interest
in regular activities or personal hygiene, usually as a result of confused thinking.
Subject enjoys practical jokes that can sometimes hurt people. Good manners and
cleanliness don’t mean much to the subject. The subject is not much bothered
about the timings. And they often catch the train arriving at last minute. The
subject’s friendship also breaks up easily without being their fault. The subject can
improve their behavior by practicing some meditations or yoga for being punctual
and to improve personal hygiene.
Subjects Neuroticism raw score was 14 with sten score 6 which indicates that the
subject average strength of the corresponding factor. Neuroticism dimension
checks the emotional stability of the subject. People who are highly neurotic tend
to be anxious, moody, touchy, restless, and quickly lose control. Life can throw us
into situations where we can feel overwhelmed by sadness, despair, anger or
frustration. We may feel like shouting, screaming, fighting or simply going crazy.
In such situations, the best thing to do is to try your best to remain calm. This is
essentially maintaining emotional balance. We can do this by grounding our self.
This is where we rely upon special skills and techniques to gain control over our
emotions so that we do not do something that we will regret.
In Extraversion, subject scored 15 and sten score is 6 which indicates that the
subject is having greater strength of the factor. Extraversion indicates to the extent
to which people are socially outgoing. Extraverts are those who are active,
gregarious, impulsive and thrill seeking. Here the subject got an average factor, so
they can be considered as ambivert that is neither an extravert nor an introvert.
Ambiverts may act as an extravert or an introvert depending upon the situation.
subject likes to party well and have many friends. Enjoying going out and Friends
considering them as a lively person which indicates their extravert nature but being
not talkative and not liking to meet new people indicates the introvert nature of the
The lying scale of the subject shows that the result is accepted, as the score is 7
(low), which indicates that the subject has not completely manipulated the result,
and that most of the answers given, are true.
By studying the result, it could be seen that the subject engage in irresponsible
behavior, contravene the social norms, is moody, talkative, highly sociable,
assertive, anxious, not good in frustration tolerance and is at risk for developing
mood disorders.

Strength that the subject attained in three important dimensions in personality are:
1. The subject has Greater strength of the Psychoticism factor.
2. The subject has Average strength of both Neuroticism and Extraversion factors.

Table 1 shows the raw score and interpretation of the subject

Raw score interpretation

201 average aggression

The subject has scored 201 in the aggression scale.

Aggression scale was self reported questionnaire. The subject was seated
comfortably and was relaxed and the items were clearly understood by the subject.
The aim of the test was to measure the level of aggression of the subject using
aggression scale. The scale was developed by Dr. Guru Pyarelal Mathur and Dr.
Raj Kumar’s Bhatnagar. Aggression arises from an innate drive or occurs as a
defense mechanism and is manifested either by constructive or destructive acts
directly towards self or others.
From analysis the table, the subject scored 201 in aggression scale and it is
interpreted as average aggression. The subject has average in aggression, so she is
able to manage her anger at some point, but not always. In this scale the statements
are in two forms, that is positive and negative. Each statements describes different
forms of individual’s aggression in different situation.
From the above result, the subject is able to control her anger at some situations
and cannot able to control it in other situations. Thus the subject has an average
level of aggression.

The subject has an average level of aggression.
Table 1. Shows the subjects score and interpretation in job involvement scale.

Name total score factor 1 factor 2

score 45 26 19
interpretation Average average average

The subject has scored 26 in factor 1, 19 in factor 2 and 45 is total score in job
involvement scale.

Job involvement scale was a self-administered questionnaire. The subject was very
cooperative, and she reported that she was relaxed and interested while performing
the test. The subject was also very curious to know about the results as it was
related to her involvement in her job.
The aim of the test was to measure the job involvement of the subject using job
involvement scale. This scale was developed by Santhosh Dhar, Upinder Dhar, and
D.K Srivastavain 2001. Job involvement is the degree to which a person identifies
with his or her job, actively participates in it and consider his or her perceived
performance level important to self-worth.
From analysis the table we could see that the subject has obtained a score of 26 for
the factor 1 and it can be interpreted as a average score that is, the subject
identified her job as average.
Factor 2 is related to the subject’s job centricity. That is, it is the composition of
importance of job, care for job and seeing work as not burden. The subject has
obtained a score of 19 for this factor and it can be interpreted as average score.
That is, the subject is focusing her job but not highly focusing.
The subject has obtained a total score of 45 for the job involvement scale, which
can be interpreted as an average score. This indicates that the subject has an
average level of job involvement.
From the above results, it is evident that the subject has an average level of job
involvement. Thus the subject identifies her job with interest, but not very strongly,
and also she is satisfied with the kind of work she is doing.

The subject has an average level of job involvement.



Table 1 shows the individual result of the subject SS in bell’s adjustment inventory.

Area Home health social emotional

Score 11 8 13 7
interpretatio average average average average

The subject has scored 11,8,13, and 7 for the area of home, health, social and
emotional adjustment.


Bell’s adjustment inventory was a self-reported inventory. The subject was seated
comfortably and was in a relaxed state. The instructions were clear to the subject.
The subject reported that while doing the test she felt tired as the test contains
many statements to answer.

The aim of the test was to measure the various level of adjustment, namely, home
adjustment, social adjustment, health adjustment and emotional adjustment using
Bell’s adjustment inventory, which was developed by R.K. Ojha. Adjustment is a
behavioural process by which a person maintains balance among various needs that
one encounters at a given point of time.

From analysis the table, we could see that there were four adjustment areas and the
subject has scored 11 in the area of home, and it is interpreted as average
adjustment, subject scored 8 in the area of health, and it is interpreted as average
adjustment. And she scored 13 in the area of social, an it is interpreted as excellent
adjustment. And the subject scored 7 for the area of emotional, and it is interpreted
as average adjustment.
Subject’s adjustment to home is at an average level. This is evident from subject’s
statements which says that she felt that her parents are not satisfied with her, has
good relation with her father, parents suspected upon her character, have kept quiet
for maintaining peace in the family, sometimes feel happy and sad upon family
members according to time, all the essential things exist in her family etc.

Subject has scored 8 in adjustment to health, which is average level. It can be seen
from subject’s statements saying her eyes feel difficulty in facing very bright light,
has become seriously ill during last 10 years, feels tired when wake up in the
morning, usually feel like tired, usually takes food before feeling hungry, and that
she had skin disease. Subject also says that she does not get afraid soon with
others, never had diphtheria in childhood, does not usually feel tired at the end of
the day, does not feel giddy, does not usually get sore throat, and that her body
weight is not less than average.

The score of subject in social adjustment is 13, which is average. It is evident from
the subject’s statements that she enjoys social gathering just to meet people, likes
to meet chief guest while attending a function, can deliver speech in front of the
class and public, enjoys starting conversation in public, feels easy in having
friendship with opposite sex, enjoys social dances and that she is delighted in
taking part in fairs and gatherings. Subject also says that she does not hesitate in
speaking in the class, in talking with strangers, or entering a room where some
persons are talking with each other.

The fourth area is emotional adjustment. The subject has obtained a score of 7 for
this are and it can be interpreted as average level of adjustment. This is evident
from the subject reporting that the subject sometimes doesn’t get sad for unknown
reasons, testing by doctor for any disease do not frightens her, do not feel lonely
while staying in a crowd and do not feel tired at the end of the day. These
responses indicate that at sometimes the subject get emotional and also she can
manage it in accordance with the situation.

From the subject’s results it is evident that the subject is adjusted averagely
adjusted in home , health ,emotional and social area.


The subject has average level of home health, emotional and social adjustment.


Table 3.1 : The individual result of the subject SS in State and Trait anxiety
Inventory for Adults by Charles. D. Spielberger.

Raw score standard score percentile

State anxiety 38 52 65
Trait anxiety 40 54 69

Table -3.1 shows the individual result of the subject SS on State Trait Anxiety
Inventory for adults developed by Charles D Spielberger. The subject scored 38
and percentile score is 65 in state anxiety. In trait anxiety subject scored 40 and
percentile score obtained is 69.

Introspection report

The subject was so excited to know about the testing as she was doing it for the
first time. All the instruction were very clear to her and hence made her do the
testing in a relaxed mind. At the same time she was also curious to know about the
result. After the testing she reported that she really enjoyed the experiment and it
was a unique experience for her.


The aim of the test was to assess the State and Trait Anxiety of the subject Using
State And Trait Anxiety Inventory For Adults By Charles. D. Spielberger. The State
and Trait Inventory has been extensively used in research and clinical practice.
State anxiety is a temporary emotional condition characterized by apprehension,
tension, and fear about a particular situation or activity. Trait anxiety (T-anxiety)
can be defined as feelings of stress, worry, discomfort, etc. that one experiences on
a day to day basis. This is usually perceived as how people feel across typical
situations that everyone experiences on a daily basis.
The subject was FZ, who is 21 year old female and undergoing post graduation.
Table 3.1 shows the individual result of the subject in State and Trait Anxiety
Inventory for Adults by Charles. D. Spielberger. The State anxiety of the subject
was 38 and the percentile score was 65. The subject was scored 40 in Trait anxiety
and the percentile score was 69. which shows that the subject was scored more in
trait anxiety when compared with state anxiety.

The subject has dominated trait anxiety over state anxiety


Table 1 shows the overall study habits inventory score of the individual

Subject overall score percentile category interpretatio

name n
JP 60 40 C average

Table 2 shows scores of study habits areas

Sl no study habit area score

1 budgeting time 6
2 physical condition 10
3 reading ability 9
4 Note taking 4
5 Learning motivation 5
6 Memory 5
7 Taking examination 17
8 Health 4

This test was a self-reported inventory. Subject was instructed about the statements
and how to answer them. The subject was relaxed while taking the test. The
statements in the questionnaire were clearly understood.

The aim of the test was to assess the study habits of the subject in eight specific
areas, using SHI. This study habit inventory was constructed by the M N Palsane
and Anuradha Sharma. According to them, poor study habit are one of the
important cause for poor academic performance. Study habit are those techniques
such as note taking, revising, locating materials etc. which learners employ to
assist themselves in making the process of learning more effective.

From analysing table 1, it is seen that the subject has scored total 60 in the
inventory, out of 90. The questionnaire has eight areas that are, budgeting time,
physical condition, reading ability, note taking, learning motivation, memory,
taking examination, and health. The percentile of the score is 40 and so is under
category ‘C’, which is interpreted as average study habit.

From table 2, the subject’s scores in eight areas can be found. In budgeting time,
there are six items, so the maximum score was 12 and the subject scored 6, which
was interpreted as average. It reveals that the subject sometimes does homework
daily every day and always study at a particular time of the day. If the subject want
to study for a longer time, she takes rest in between them. The subject sometimes
divides time according to the matter to be answered in examination. The subject
can improve her budgeting time by making a good time schedule. The subject can
also keep a time table for studying.

In physical condition, there are six statements. The subject scored 10 out of 12 in
physical conditions and was interpreted as good, which shows that the subject
always has all the required books and other relevant materials for the study.
Subject rarely get disturbed by the surroundings at the time of study and always
develops an automatic interest in the subject as soon as she start studying it. The
subject mostly realise the importance of the subjects for her future career. But the
subject come up with other stray thoughts while sitting to study. In order to
improve the study habit of the subject, study from the most comfortable place
which is quiet, clean and calm.
Out of 8 items in the area of reading ability, the subject scored 9 out of 16 and was
interpreted as average. It reveals that subject mostly read the main points before
reading the chapter and sometimes continue reading despite the difficulties in
understanding meaning of some of the words. Subject sometimes read very
carefully in order to understand every point and according to the importance and
difficulty of the subject matter, subject sometimes change and adjust the speed of
reading. Subject always study figures and graphs very carefully while reading.
Sometimes subject read books whenever she gets free time whether at home or in
the college and she never study in the library regularly. In order to improve the
reading ability, subject should clearly understand what is being read.

In note taking, there are only 3 items so the maximum score is 6. The subject
scored 4 in note taking and was interpreted as average. Subject sometimes take
down notes while reading, and always takes down notes very sincerely during the
classroom teaching. Subject sometimes compare class notes with the notes from
the text books. In order to improve the study habit, the subject should take down
notes from the classrooms. Subject can take down important contents and study
them carefully. Subject can also combine class notes and notes from books to make
a final one after reading the text.

There are 6 items in learning motivation and the subject obtained 5 out of 12 in this
area. It reveals that subject sometimes keep help of others if she do not follow
anything. Subject never studied the subject matter at home thoroughly before it is
taught in the classroom. Subject sometimes attend classes regularly in time. If a
matter is to be learnt by heart, subject sometimes learn them part by part. To
improve the learning motivation, subject should try to attend classes regularly,
avoiding being frequently absent from class and should know what si going to be
taught in the class before attending it.

In the area of memory there are four items, the subject obtained 5 out of 8 scores
and was interpreted as high. It means subject rarely try to recall the matter after
reading it and she never cram certain things without understanding. Subject
sometimes cram certain things without understanding. Subject sometimes revises
the subject matter from time to time. The subject sometimes realise that there made
some mistakes in examination.
In the area of taking examination, there are 10 statements, from which subject
scored 20. The subject obtained 17 out of 20 in taking examinations and was
interpreted as high. It is seen that the subject always sleeps as usual in the night
during the examination days and subject always read questions carefully before
writing the examination. Subject mostly attend questions in serial order. Subject
rarely feel tense at the beginning of the examination. In order to improve in this
area, the subject need to prepare notes for examination from the textbooks referred
in syllabus, using simple language.

In the area of health, there are only 3 items, and the subject obtained 4 out of 6
scores. It reveals that subject rarely get disappointed if the examination result is not
favourable and sometimes, subject get guidance about proper study habit from her
teachers. Subject sometimes takes advantage if a guidance programme in study
habits is arranged. In order to improve the study habit, the subject need to maintain
good health by proper nutrition and daily exercise. Subject should also practice
good sleeping pattern and be in sound mental state, to be active in the study areas.


The subject has an average level of Study Habit.


Table 1 shows the result of the subject on Rosenberg Self esteem scale

Total score regarding question

Total score regarding question

Grant total 24


The aim of the test was to assess the self esteem of the subject using Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale. The subject HS was a female student of age 24. The subject
scored 24 in Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and it was interpreted as average. It
reveals that the subject strongly agree to the fact that she feels that she had a
number of good qualities.

The subject has an average level of self esteem.


The scores obtained by the subject in areas of family, sex, interpersonal

relationship and self concept is indicated in the table provided.

Table 1 shows the scores of the subject under the area of family

Family Positive Negative

Mother 3 1

Father 2 1

Family unit 4 0

Table 2 shows the scores of the subject under the area of sex

Sex Positive Negative

Women 4 0

Heterosexual relationship 2 1

Table 3 shows the scores of the subject under the area of interpersonal relationship

Interpersonal relationship Positive Negative

Friends 2 1
Superiors 3 1

Supervised 2 1

Colleagues 4 0

Table 4 shows the scores of the subject under the area of self - concept

Self – concept Positive Negative

Fears 0 4

Guilt 1 3

Own ability 1 3

Past 4 0

Future 4 0

Goals 3 0

The test was administered by the subject. The subject was cooperated well with the
administration; sometimes the subject has felt some difficulties to understand the
The aim of the test is to a measure the attitude towards the subject for certain
personality traits using Sack's sentence completion test (1873) it evaluate attitude
of the subject in four areas , include sex , interpersonal relationship , family , and
self- concept.
From analysing the table 1, it show that attitude of the subject towards family is
more positive and less in negative manner, That means the subject response in each
sub scale are in case of mother and father the subject obtain high positive score and
low negative score, that means subject has scored higher positive attitude than in
negative attitude in each sub scales, that indicate the subject want to help them and
make happy to family .and in sub area of family unit the subject has scored
positive attitude towards all the items .This indicates that subject has family
concerned and respecting person.
By analysing table 2 we could see that the attitude of the subject towards sex
around her life, she had given a positive attitude towards all questions and only 1
negative attitude is made, it could be evident that the subject has positive
completion of sub area of woman she obtained 4 and in other sub area of
heterosexual behaviour she obtained 2 positive score and 1 negative score, that
means the attitude of the subject towards sexual relationship is perfect and they
will respect women’s.
By analysing table 3 we could see that the attitude of the subject in inter personal
relationship, the attitude of the subject was higher in positive attitude than
negative attitude in each sub areas, it is evident that the most of the items the
subject was responded in positive manner and only 3 of question was answered in
negative way in case of friends , superior, and supervisor, and the sub area of
colleagues the subject was score all the items in positive manner, that indicate
subject has friendliness and love towards friends and colleagues.
By analysing table 4 we could see that attitude of the subject towards self-concept
that means the subject has both healthy and unhealthy, in comparing the subareas
of fear the score obtained by the subject is more negative, and the other sub areas
of guilt and own ability the subject score was equal, that means the attitude of the
subject is higher in negative manner than positive. , it could be evident that the
subject has less confidence to her own potentialities and skills; it could be evident
that the subject has less confidence to her own potentialities and skills, and in case
of other 3 sub areas of past, future, and goals the subject had positive attitude in all
the items, this could be evident that the subject have positive look towards her
future and to achieve their goals.
In general the attitude of the subject was more likely to be positive that means they
have some positive qualities and attitude towards her life

the subject has a healthy and positive attitude towards the four areas of family.
11. 16 PF


Table 1 shows the individual result of the subject SS on 16 PF Questionnaire

SL.NO. Factor Raw Score Sten Score Interpretation

1 A 10 3 Low
2 B 7 4 Low
3 C 11 3 Low
4 E 10 5 Average
5 F 21 8 High
6 G 5 2 Low
7 H 16 6 Average
8 I 18 9 High
9 L 13 9 High
10 M 9 3 Low
11 N 10 6 Average
12 O 8 5 Average
13 Q1 11 7 High
14 Q2 6 4 Low
15 Q3 9 4 Low
16 Q4 9 3 Low

The sten scores obtained by the subject for factors

A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,O,Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4 are 3,4,3,5,8,2,6,9,9,3,6,5,7,4,4 and
3 respectively.

While taking the test, the subject was very much interested at the beginning, but
interest then faded as there was too many questions. The questions and options
were easily understood and clear. Instructions were easy to understand and follow.

The aim of the test was to assess the 16 personality factors of the subject by using
the 16 personality factor questionnaire by Cattel. According to Cattel (1965),
personality is what permits us to predict what a person will do in a given situation.

From analyzing the table, it could be seen that the subject has obtained sten scores
3,4,3,5,8,2,6,9,9,3,6,5,7,4,4 and 3 for factors A,B,C,E,F,G,H,I,L,M,N,O,Q1,Q2,Q3
and Q4 respectively, which is interpreted according to the manual as factors
A,B,C,G,M,Q2,Q3 and Q4 are low, E,H,N and O are average and F,I,Q1 and L are

Sten score of the subject for factor A is low, which indicates that subject is stiff,
cool, skeptical and aloof and like things rather than people, working alone and
avoiding compromises of viewpoints.

Factor B is low for the subject, which shows that the subject tends to be slow to
learn and grasp, dull given to concrete and literal interpretation. Subject has a low
score for factor C, which means that the subject is low in frustration tolerance for
unsatisfactory conditions, changeable and plastic, neurotically fatigued, easily
annoyed and emotional.

For factor E, subject has scored average, which tells that the subject tend to give
way to others, independent minded and assertive in some cases. Subject has scored
high on factor F, which indicates that the subject is cheerful, active, talkative, frank
and carefree.

Subject’s low score for factor G shows that the subject is unsteady in purpose,
casual and lacking in effort for group undertakings. Factor H is average, which
shows that the subject tend to be threat sensitive, withdrawing, sociable, bold,
ready to try new things and cautious. The score for factor I is high, showing the
subject as emotionally sensitive, day dreaming, artistically fastidious,
temperamental and not very realistic.

Subject’s high sten score for factor L shows that the subject is doubtful and
mistrusting and is deliberate in own actions, involved in own egos, self-
opinionated and unconcerned about other people. Factor M is low, which shows
that the subject tend to be anxious to do the right things, attentive to practical
matters and subject to dictation of what is obviously possible.

Factor N is average, which tells that the subject tend to have a lot of natural
warmth and genuine liking of people, is experienced and efficient. Subject has
scored average for factor O, which indicates that the subject have mature,
unanxious confidence in self and have a strong sense of obligation and high
expectations of themselves.. Factor Q1 is high, so the subject tend to be interested
in intellectual matters and is skeptical and inquiring regarding ideas, either old or

Subject’s low score for factor Q2 shows that the subject prefer to make decisions
and work with other people and depend on social approval and admiration. Factor
Q3 is low, which shows that the subject will not be bothered with will control,
have little regard for social demand and not overly considerate careful or
painstaking. Factor Q4 is low, which says that the subject tend to be sedate,
relaxed, composed and satisfied. And in some situations, over satisfaction can lead
to laziness and low performance.

From the above scores of different factors, it is evident that the subject might be
independent minded, less intelligent, cheerful, casual, sociable, emotion sensitive,
doubtful, efficient, relaxed and satisfied.


The subject has scored low in factors A, B, C, G, M,Q2, Q3 and Q4, scored
average for factors E, H, N and O and high in factors F, I, L and Q1.

Table 1 shows the individual result of the subject SS on BDI-II

Raw score Interpretation

13 Minimal depression


The aim of the test was to assess the level of depression by using Beck Depression
Inventory by Aron Beck. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
depression is the most common illness worldwide and the leading cause of
Table 4.1 shows the scores of the subject in Beck Depression Inventory by Aron
Beck.The subject SS was a female aged 21. She scored 13 in the test which shows
a minimal level of depression. It reveals that the subject do not felt like a failure
and she has not lost interest in other people or activities. She has not experienced
any change in her sleeping pattern. She has not experienced any change in her
appetite.And she don’t feel like she is being punished.

The subject has a minimal level of depression.

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