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Lab: 5
Course: Electric Measurement and Instrumentation (EEE-374)
Instructor: Engr. Imtiaz Ur Rehman
Reg. Number: FA21-BEE-145
(Do not write anything here)
In-Lab Performance: /
Data Presentation (4) Data Analysis (4) Writing Style (4)

Total: /

Instructor’s remarks:
Virtual Instrumentation (VI) using LabVIEW:
Creating a VI from scratch.
• To learn to customize a VI.
• To learn to create a VI from a blank file.

Concept of the lab:

LabVIEW is a graphical programming environment used to develop automated research,
validation, and production test systems. It was our first lab using LabVIEW software, where we
learned about some basic operations of generating waves, using loops, and building tables.

In Lab Task:
We have to make the following figure:

Figure: The main task

In Lab Tasks: 01
1. Open LabVIEW and open the function table.
2. click on express VI.
3. In express VI, click on a signal, stimulate signal, and sample compression.
4. Right-click on sample compression and click on enable.
5. Click on the sine generator in express vi and stimulate it.

Figure: The first part of the main task


Figure: Stimulation of the first part

In Lab Task: 02
Add time delay and stop button in In lab task 01.
And stimulate it.

Figure: The second part of the Main Task to design


Figure: Stimulation of the second part

In Lab Task: 03
Add the building table.
Stimulate it.

Figure: The third part of the Main Task to design


Figure: stimulation of the third part

Discussion and Conclusion:
In this lab, we discuss the formation of sine signal using the following devices in lab view
Stimulate signal:
This device in lab view stimulates signals such as sine, cos wave, etc.
Sample compression:
This device works to compress the signal which signal is input to this device
Build table:
The build table works only to show the value in table.
The enable is used to stop and run the function.
Time delay:
The time delay is used to see the signal which produced
While stop button:
The while stop button is used to run the tasks.

In this Lab, we conclude that
1. we have done with the introduction of the LabVIEW software. LabVIEW programs are
called Virtual Instruments, or VIs, because their appearance and operation imitate
physical instruments, such as oscilloscopes and multimeters.
2. LabVIEW contains a comprehensive set of tools for acquiring, analyzing, displaying, and
storing data, as well as tools to help one troubleshoot the code.
3. We have learned to create a Vis in LabVIEW and Explore different options in it. In this
lab, we learn to make a calculator by using LabVIEW.

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