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Restricted Expression of R-Cadherin

by Brain Nuclei and Neural Circuits
of the Developing Chicken Brain
Department of Biochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology,
Spemannstrasse 35/11, D-72076 Tubingen, Germany

Cadherins are a family of Ca”-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecules regulating morpho-
genesis by a preferentially homophilic binding mechanism. We have previously shown that the
expression of R-cadherin in the early chicken forebrain (embryonic days E3-E6) is restricted to
particular neuromeres or parts of neuromeres. R-cadherin-expressing neuroblasts born in
these areas accumulate in the mantle zone and aggregate in particular (pro-)nuclei (Ganzler
and Redies I1995 I J. Neurosci. 15:4157-4172). In the present study, these findings are extended
to later developmental stages (embryonic days E8, E l l , and E15). By immunohistochemical
and in situ hybridization techniques, we show that, at these stages of development, R-cadherin
expression remains restricted to particular developing gray matter regions and fiber tracts. The
R-cadherin-positive fiber tracts connect some of the R-cadherin-positive gray matter areas to
form parts of particular neural circuits in the visual, auditory, somatosensory, and motor
systems. Moreover, R-cadherin expression reflects the morphologic differentiation of gray
matter regons. As brain nuclei become morphologically more distinct, the expression of
R-cadherin shows a clearer demarcation of t h e nuclear boundaries. In addition,
R-cadherin expression in some nuclei becomes restricted to particular subregions or to clusters
of neurons. In the cerebellum, R-cadherin is expressed in parasagittal stripes. These results
suggest that R-cadherin expression reflects the functional and morphologic maturation of gray
matter structures and of information processing circuits in the embryonic chicken
brain. iWti Wiley-Liss. Inc.

Indexing terms: chick embryo, development, cell adhesion molecules, central nervous system,

Cadherins are a family of molecules that regulate morpho- with neuromere borders, suggesting a relation between
genesis by a Ca”-dependent mechanism in a variety of R-cadherin expression and the neuromeric organization of
tissues of the vertebrate embryo (reviewed in Takeichi, the early embryonic brain (Ganzler and Redies, 1995).
1988; Ranscht, 1991; Takeichi, 1991; Geiger and Ayalon, In the R-cadherin-positive areas, R-cadherin-expressing
1992; Dalseg et al., 1993; Takeichi, 1995). At least ten neurons are born. As more and more neurons accumulate
cadherins are expressed in the vertebrate brain (reviewed in in the developing mantle layer, the R-cadherin-expressing
Takeichi et al., 1990; Suzuki et al., 1991; Sano et al., 1993; neurons segregate from R-cadherin-negative neurons to
Redies, 1995). R-cadherin (Inuzuka et al., 1991a) is ex- form the anlagen of particular nuclei or nuclear complexes.
pressed in muscle, in the notochord, in the thymus, in the At the same time (E3-E6), some of the early developing
pancreatic islets of Langerhans, and in the peripheral and fiber tracts begin to express R-cadherin (Ganzler and
central nervous system (Inuzuka et al., 1991b; Redies et al., Redies, 1995).These results suggest a role for R-cadherin in
1992; Hutton et al., 1993; Redies et al., 1993). the early regional development of the chicken brain.
The expression of R-cadherin in the early developing At a later stage ( E l l ) , R-cadherin was shown to be
chicken brain (3-6 days of incubation; E3-E6) has recently expressed by parts of the tectofugal projections and their
been studied in detail (Ganzler and Redies, 1995). From the
begmning of its expression at about E2.5-E4, R-cadherin
Accepted April 23, 1996.
expression is restricted to several distinct patches and Address reprints to Dr. Christoph Redies, Institute for Bidom 111,
stripes at various locations throughout the brain. The University of‘ Freiburg, Schaenzlestrasse 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany.
borders of some of these R-cadherin-positive areas coincide E-mail: redies(<(sun 1.biolo~~e.uni~freiburgde



target nuclei. Another cadherin, N-cadherin, is expressed roundings, and complex neural circuits are established that
by a different component of the tectofugal system (Redies later process particular types of information. In view of our
et al., 1993). Based on these and other findings, we sug- previous results on the tectofugal system (Redies et al.,
gested that cadherins can provide markers for parti- 1993), we asked whether, in general, the expression of
cular functional systems and neural circuits in the de- R-cadherin can be related to particular functional systems
veloping brain of vertebrates (Redies et al., 1992; and neural circuits in the chicken brain. Moreover, because
Redies and Takeichi, 1993a; Redies et al., 1993; Redies, cadherins are morphogenetic molecules that preferentially
1995). bind in a homophilic manner (reviewed in Takeichi, 1991,
In the present study, we used immunohistochemical 1995),we studied the expression of R-cadherin during the
techniques more sensitive than those used previously morphologic maturation of various gray and white matter
(Redies et al., 1993), and followed the expression of R- structures. We also discuss whether the types of tissue
cadherin in nuclei and fiber tracts at intermediate stages of architectures formed by R-cadherin-expressing cells are
development (E8, E l l , and E15) throughout the chicken consistent with models on the role of cell adhesion mol-
brain. During this period, nuclei and fiber tracts become ecules in the sorting and aggregation of differentially
morphologically more clearly delineated from their sur- adherent cells (St,einberg,1963; Steinberg and Poole, 1981;


a anterior ML molecular layer of the cerebellum

AA archistriatum anterior MLd nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis
AC nucleus accumbens MnX nucleus motorius nervi vagi
A1 archistriatum intermedium N neostriatum
AL ansa lenticularis NC neostriatum caudale
ALa nucleus ansae lenticularis anterior NF neostriatum frontale
ALp nucleus ansae lenticularis posterior N1 neostriatum intermedium
Am archistriatum mediale nIX-nX nucleus nervi glossopharyngei e t nucleus motorius nervi
An nucleus angularis cochlearis vagi, pars dorsalis
Aur auricle of cerebellum nMOT nucleus marginalis tractus optici
Bas nucleus basalis nPrV nucleus principalis sensorius nervi trigemini
BCP brachium cerebellopetale nTTD nucleus tractus descendentis n e v i trigemini
no bulbus olfactorius nXII nucleus nervi hypoglossi
C caudal OM tractus occipitomesencephalicus
CA commissura anterior 0s nucleus olivaris superior
Cb cerebellum ov nucleus ovoidalis
CbL nucleus cerebellaris lateralis P posterior
CO chiasma opticum PA paleostriatum augmentatum
d dorsal PP paleostriatum primitivum
Di diencephalon PT nucleus pretectalis
DLI nucleus dorsolateralis intermedius thalami QF tractus quintofrontalis
DM nucleus dorsomedialis intercollicularis r rostra1
DMA nucleus dorsomedialis anterior thalami RL nucleus reticularis lateralis
DMK nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami ROT nucleus rotundus
DSO decussatio supraoptica RPc nucleus reticularis parvocellularis
dT dorsal thalamus Rsd nucleus reticularis superior, pars dorsalis
E ectostriatum S nucleus tractus solitarii
EGL external granular layer of the cerebellum SC nucleus subcoeruleus
EW nucleus of Edinger-Westphal SCE stratum cellulare externum
FPL fasciculus prosencephali lateralis f lateral forebrain bundle) SGC stratum griseum centrale
fVIIIV fasciculus nervi octavii, pars vestibularis SGFS stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale
fx fasciculus nervi v a g SL septum laterale
H habenula SLU nucleus semilunaris
Hb hindbrain SM septum mediale
HD hyperstriatum dorsale SMe stria medullaris
HM habenula medialis SNc substantia nigra, pars compacta
HP hippocampus sov shell region of nucleus ovoidalis
HT hypothalamus SPL nucleus spiriformis lateralis
HV hyperstriatum ventrale SRt nucleus subrotundus
ICO nucleus intercollicularis T nucleus triangularis
IGL internal LTanular layer of the cerebellum TD nucleus tegmenti dorsalis
IH nucleus inferioris hypothalami Tel telencephalon
Imc nucleus isthmi, pars principalis magnocellularis TeO tectum opticum
INP nucleus intrapeduncularis TO tractus olfactorius
I0 nucleus isthmo-opticus To tractus opticus
IPC nucleus isthmi, pars principalis parvocellularis TT tractus tecto-thalamicus
IPS nucleus interstitio-pretecto-subpretectalis TTI tractus tecto-isthmicus
I-x cerebellar lobules TV nucleus tegmenti ventralis
LH lamina hyperstriatica tV tectal ventricle
LHY regio lateralis hypothalami V ventral
LL lemniscus lateralis VeD nucleus vestibularis descendens
LLd nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars dorsalis v I11 third ventricle
LI,I nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars intermedia v IV fourth ventricle
LMD lamina medullaris dorsalis VeL nucleus vestibularis lateralis
LOC locus coeruleus VeM nucleus vestibularis medialis
LPO lobus parolfactorius VMN nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami
1v lateral ventricle vT ventral thalamus
Mes mesencephalon

Glazier and Graner, 1993; Graner, 1993; Graner and was for 1 hour followed by incubation with the secondary
Sawada, 1993). antibodies for 30 minutes at room temperature. For double-
label immunostaining with antibodies against N- or R-
cadherin, respectively, and neurofilament, previously pub-
MATERIALS AND METHODS lished procedures were followed (Redies et al., 1992; Redies
Animals et al., 1993). After treatment with the antibodies, sections
Fertilized eggs from Hisex chicken (Gallus domesticus) were counterstained with the nuclear dye Hoechst 33258
were purchased from local farms and incubated at 37°C and (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) to visualize cellular nuclei. Finally,
65% humidity in a forced-draft incubator. Staging of the the sections were mounted in 90% glycerolil0T TBS
embryos was according to Hamburger and Hamilton (1951). supplemented by phenylendiamine to prevent photobleach-
The following stages were used: E8 (stage 341, E9.5 (stage ing. Fluorescence was visualized under an epifluorescence
35), E l l (stage 37), and E l 5 (stage 41). microscope (Axioplan, Zeiss, Oberkochem, Germany). For
neuroanatomic orientation, sections neighboring the immu-
Antibodies nostained sections were Nissl-stained with thionin, as
So we could visualize R-cadherin protein, the monoclonal described previously (Redies et al., 1993). All thionin stains
mouse antibody RCD-2 raised against chicken R-cadherin shown in the figures are brightfield photomicrographs.
fusion protein (Redies et al., 1992) was used. Previous Neuroanatomic structures were identified on the basis of
results from our laboratory show that this antibody specifi- an atlas of the adult chicken brain (Kuenzel and Masson,
19881, and with few exceptions, the nomenclature of that
cally reacts with R-cadherin. Immunostaining of mouse
publication was used. In addition, various neuroanatomic
neuroblastoma cells transfected with chicken R-cadherin
publications on specific regions of the chicken brain were
cDNA results in the cell-cell border staining, which is
characteristic for most cadherins, whereas untransfected consulted.
neuroblastoma cells or cells expressing other mouse and In situ hybridization
chicken cadherins are not stained with this antibody (Redies
and Takeichi, 199313). In Western blotting, the antibody Procedures were described in detail previously (Redies et
recognizes a protein of a size similar to that of R-cadherin al., 1993; Giinzler and Redies, 1995). The pBluescript (Strata-
(about 120 kDa; Inuzuka et al., 1991a). By immunostaining gene, La Jolla, Ca) DNA vector pRcad was used as a template to
of N-cadherin-expressingcells (Redies and Takeichi, 199313) produce RNA probes. This vector (a kind gift of M. Takeichi)
or by Western blotting of extracts from these cells, the contains the full-length cDNA for chicken R-cadherin (Inu-
antibody does not recognize N-cadherin, the chicken cad- zuka et al., 1991a). Sense and antisense digoxigenin-labeled
herin with the highest degree of sequence homology to RNAs were synthesized by using commercially available kits
R-cadherin (Inuzuka et al., 1991a). (Stratagene and Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Ger-
So we could visualize fiber tracts, neurites were stained many) and alkaline hydrolyzed into 100-300-bpfragments.
with monoclonal mouse antibody 29B8 against the 160-kDa Three complete series of 25-pm-thick consecutive frontal
subunit of chicken neurofilament (Hatta et al., 1987; kind and transverse cryostat sections through the brain of E 11
gift of H. Fujisawa). For detection of first antibodies, and E l 5 chicken embryos were obtained as described before
appropriate secondary antibodies labeled with fluorescein, (Redies et al., 1993). Sections were spaced about 150 pm
cyanine-3, and biotin were commercially obtained (Jackson apart. They were permeabilized by treatment with protein-
ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA). So we could visualize ase K. Nonspecific RNA binding sites were saturated with
biotinylated secondary antibody, fluorescein-labeled strep- acetic anhydride. The sections were hybridized with sense
tavidine was used (Jackson ImmunoResearch). and antisense digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes overnight a t
55°C. The sections were then washed in 5 x standard saline
Immunostaining procedures citrate (SSC) at 55°C for 10 minutes to remove coverslips
Procedures are described in detail elsewhere (Redies et and in 50% formamidei2 x SSC at 60°C for 1 hour. Single-
al., 1992; Redies et al., 1993). Briefly, heads from E8-EI5 stranded RNA was digested by RNAse A treatment. Subse-
chicken embryos were fixed for 1-3 hours at 4°C by submer- quently, the sections were washed in 50%,formamide/Z x
sion in 4% formaldehyde dissolved in Hanks’ balanced SSC at 60°C for 40 minutes, in 2x SSC at 55°C for 30
saline solution (HBSS) supplemented with 1 mM Ca*+ and minutes, and in 0 . 1 ~SSC at RT for 30 minutes. Digoxi-
1 mM Mg2+. Subsequently, heads were incubated in a genin was detected with anti-digoxigenin alkaline phospha-
graded series of sucrose solutions (12.18% sucrose), embed- tase-conjugated Fab fragments followed by a reaction using
ded in Tissue Tek 0.C.T medium (Miles, Elkhart, IN), and X-phosphate and nitroblue tetrazolium salt as substrates.
frozen in liquid Na. Sections were dehydrated, embedded in Entellan (Merck,
So we could obtain a complete overview of R-cadherin Darmstadt, Germany), and viewed under a transmission light
expression in the E8, E l l , and E l 5 chicken brain, at least microscope (Zeiss Axioplan). All in situ hybridization results
two series each of frontal and transverse sections were shown in the figures are brightfield photomicrographs.
obtained in a refrigerated microtome for each developmen-
tal stage. Sections of 10-20-pm thickness were mounted on RESULTS
coated glass slides and air dried. Sections were postfixed for
10 minutes at 4°C in formaldehyde/HBSS, washed in General observations
Tris-buffered saline (pH 7.6) containing 1mM CaClg (TBS) At the developmental stages analyzed in this study ( 8
and incubated for 20 minutes at room temperature in a days, 11 days, and 15 days of incubation; E8, E l l , E15),
solution containing 5% skimmed milk, 0.3% Triton X-100, R-cadherin is expressed in a restricted fashion by particular
and 0.04% sodium azide in TBS (“blocking solution”) to gray and white matter structures throughout the embry-
block nonspecific binding of antibodies. Incubation with the onic chicken brain. Generally, the structures expressing
first antibodies appropriately diluted in blocking solution R-cadherin remained the same, but developmental changes
in the expression pattern were observed within the struc- generated diagrams to represent the different types of
tures. At the earliest stage (ES), the morphology of most staining observed. An example for this type of analysis is
gray and white matter regions is poorly defined, and given in Figure 1, which shows an immunostained frontal
R-cadherin is diffusely expressed in several brain regions. section from an E l l brain (Fig. lB), together with the
As brain architecture matures and individual neuroana- corresponding Nissl stain (Fig. 1A) and the schematic
tomic structures become more distinct between E8 and diagram of the immunostaining results (Fig. 1C). In the
E15, the R-cadherin-positive areas more clearly stand out following, other schematic diagrams from the same series of
from their R-cadherin-negative surroundings. In general, E l 1 brain sections are shown. These diagrams are used to
three types of R-cadherin expression by individual brain show R-cadherin-positive brain nuclei and fiber tracts of
nuclei can be distinguished: (1)expression by most, if not each of the major subdivisions of the E l l brain. Their level
all, cells of an entire nucleus; (2) expression by a cluster of and orientation are represented in Figure 2. We also
cells within a nucleus; and (3) expression by a few R- describe examples of developmental changes of R-cadherin
cadherin-positive cells scattered throughout a nucleus. The expression from E8 to E l 5 observed in various neuroana-
staining of fiber tracts with the R-cadherin antibody was tomic structures.
generally weaker and less distinct than that of gray matter. Telencephalon. Figure 3 shows R-cadherin expression
R-cadherin expression was most clearly observed in parts of in the telencephalon, which consists of relatively large
some large tracts composed of prominent fiber bundles. masses of cells. The expression of R-cadherin is restricted to
Whether some of the more diffusely distributed fiber projec- particular regions. The bulbus olfactorius (BO) and several
tions within the brain also express this molecule was components of the pallium and subpallium of the telencepha-
difficult to assess. Ion express R-cadherin. Of the pallial elements, parts of the
Besides gray and white matter, other brain tissues also neostriatum (N, NC, NF) (Fig. 3A-F), the ectostriatum (E)
express R-cadherin (e.g., radial glia and ependymal deriva- (Fig. 3B,D), the hyperstriatum ventrale (HV) (Fig. 3A-F),
tives such as the floor plate, roof plate, and the choroid the archistriatum (AA,AI, Am) (Fig. 3C-F), and the cortex
plexus) (Inuzuka et al., 1991b; Lagunowich et al., 1992; piriformis are R-cadherin positive. Large areas of the
Redies et al., 1993). These structures were not examined in subpallial elements, the medial and caudal areas of the
the present study. paleostriatum augmentatum (PA) (Fig. 3C,F), the paleo-
striatum primitivum (PP)(Fig. 3D,E), the nucleus intrape-
Comprehensive overview duncularis (INP) (Fig. 3D), and the nucleus accumbens (Ac)
of R-cadherin expression (Fig. 3C,D) express R-cadherin. The nucleus basalis (Bas)
The gray and white matter areas expressing R-cadherin (Fig. 3A,B), the septa1 nuclei (SM and SL)(Fig. 3B,D,E),
at E8, E l l , and E l 5 in the embryonic chicken brain were and the nucleus taeniae partially express R-cadherin. The
systematically mapped by immunohistochemistry in at lobus parolfactorius (LPO) (Fig. 3A,B) contains only a few
least five series of frontal and transverse sections for each small R-cadherin-positive regons.
developmental stage. The immunostaining results were Of the fiber tracts in the telencephalon, the tractus
compared with results from in situ hybridization of similar olfactorius (TO) (Fig. 3A-C), the stria medullaris (SMe)
series of sections (two series for E l l and one series for (Fig. 3D-F), parts of the anterior commissure (CA) (Fig.
E15). With few exceptions (see below), gray matter areas 3D), the tractus occipitomesencephalicus (OM) (Fig. 3F),
expressing R-cadherin mRNA were also found to be R- and scattered fascicles between the various R-cadherin-
cadherin-positive by immunostaining. positive pallial and subpallial elements express this mol-
Table 1 gives a listing of all R-cadherin-positive struc- ecule.
tures identified at each stage, together with the type of Some of the R-cadherin-positive cell masses show dis-
immunostaining observed. R-cadherin-positive structures tinct morphologic boundaries that coincide with boundaries
are found in all major subdivisions of the brain. At the of R-cadherin expression. For example, R-cadherin expres-
earliest stage examined (ES), nuclei in many regions are sion in the ectostriatum (E) falls off at the lamina medul-
still present in a common anlage and could therefore not be laris dorsalis (LMD) (Fig. 3D). The transition between
identified on an individual basis. At E 11, R-cadherin expres- other cell masses is more gradual, and R-cadherin expres-
sion is most prominent and neuroanatomic structures were sion changes gradually in these areas (e.g., within the
identified by their location and morphology, which is simi- neostriatum IN]) (Fig. 3A-F).
lar to those of the adult brain. At E15, basically the same Figure 4 shows a comparison of morphologic (Fig. 4A), in
structures express R-cadherin as at E l 1, although the situ hybridization (Fig. 4B), and immunostaining data (Fig.
staining pattern changes, as described above. The expres- 4C) for adjacent frontal sections from an E l 5 brain. The
sion of R-cadherin in most of the structures listed in Table 1 level of these sections approximately correspond to the level
persists at least to the hatching stage, but this expression of the diagrams shown in Figure 3D,E. In general, there is
was not studied in detail. good agreement between the location of R-cadherin tran-
For one brain at each stage, immunostaining results from script and immunostaining signals, except for the hippocam-
a rostral-to-caudal series of frontal sections were schemati- pus (Hp), which shows R-cadherin transcript but weak
cally represented in diagrams. For this purpose, sections immunostaining signal.
immunostained for R-cadherin and adjacent Nissl stains Diencephalon. R-cadherin-positive structures are found
were viewed and compared under the microscope. R- in the epithalamus, in the dorsal and ventral thalamus, and
cadherin-positive structures were identified and marked on in the hypothalamus (Figs. 1, 5). Nuclei that express R-
photographs of the adjacent Nissl stains. Based on these cadherin in their entirety are the habenula medialis (HM)
photographs, schematic representations of the R-cadherin- of the epithalamus (Figs. 1, 5A), the nucleus subrotundus
positive structures were produced by scanning the outlines (SRt) (Fig. 5B), the nucleus suprarotundus, the nucleus
of the brain sections and the R-cadherin-positive regions by triangularis (TI (Fig. 5B-D), the shell region surrounding
a computer. Symbols were introduced into these computer- the nucleus ovoidalis (sOV)(Figs. 1,5B),the nuclei dorsolat-
'I'ABLE 1 Comprehensive Overview of R-cadherin Expression a t Three TABLE 1. Comprehensive Overview of R-cadherin Expression a t Three
Developmental Stages' Developmental Stages' (continued 1
Developmental Developmental
stages stapes

Brain r e g i o n E8 Ell El5 Brain region E8 El1 El5

Trlt~ncephdilun Nucleus motonus nerw vagi 1 -

Rulhus olfactorius Nucleus nervi hypoglossi * I * % "*

Palhum Nucleus tractus solitarii I * I * * f

Nucleus rrticularis parvocellularis

Neostriatum frontale
K'eostriatum Intermedium r Nucleus reticularis lateralis
1 *.l
I d . ,

Neostriatum caudale Nucleus raphe <. >

Hyperstriat u m ventral? Cranial nerve Fascicles
Ectristriatum *x.1
Fasciculus nervi octavii, pars vestibularis
Archistriaturn anterior Fasciculus nervi glossopharyngei et nervi va~e
Archistriaturn intermedium Fiber connections
Archistriaturn mediale Tractus olfactorius <
Cortex piritbrmis
'Suherculum olFactorium
Nuclpus basalis
t **
Ansa lenticularis
Stria medullaris
Fasciculus prosencephali lateralis
Tractus quintdrontalis \'
Lobus parr~lfactorius Tractus occipitomesenceph;tllcus
Paleustriatum primitivum Tractus tectii-isthmicus
Paleortriatum augmentatum Tractus tecto-thalamicus
Nucleus intrapeduncularis **'$ 1 1
Brachium crrpbellopetale
Nucleus accumbens Corpus trapezoideum
Septum mediale Lemniscus lateralis i.
Septum laterale
Nucleus taeniw L
Hahenula mpdialis 1*
, most, i f not all, cells in a nucleus or region express R-cadhenn. s. R-cadherin
Dorsal thalamus expression by parts of a nucleus or fiber tract. ,-, could not be identified.
Nucleus dorsomedialis anterior thalami
Nucleus dorsolateralis posterior thalami
Kiuclrus dorsolateralis intermedius thdarni
r 'R-cddherin expression hy particular layers.
'Not demarcated.
'ion by scattered cells (e.g., see F I ~8S, 121.
Nucleus reticularis superior, pars dorsalis 1I -ion hy clusters ofcells 1e.g..see Fig. 7C,Dl.
Nucleus rotundus *i hR-cadhcrin expression in lonwtudinal stripes (see Figs. 16-18,.
Nucleus triangularis :R-cadherin expression only by neurltes
Sucleus suprarotundus **I

Nucleus subrotundus ** **
Nucleus m a r p n a l i s tractus uptici
Nucleus woidalis *I erales intermedius (DLI) et posterior, and the nucleus
Shell region ril'the nucleus ovoidalis
spiriformis lateralis (SpL) (Fig. 5D) of the thalamus. Sev-
N u c l e u s prctectali
eral thalamic nuclei can be subdivided into R-cadherin-
Ventral thalamus
positive and R-cadherin-negativecompartments. These nu-
S t r a t u m cellulare externum
N u c l r u s ansae lenticularis anterior ** "4 clei are the nucleus dorsomedialis anterior (DMA) (Figs. I,
Nucleus ansae lmticularis posterior ** *.I 5A), the nucleus reticularis superior, pars dorsalis (Rsd)
Nuclrus intPrstitio-pretect~,-subpretectalis **1

(Fig. l), the nucleus ovoidalis (Ov) (at E15), the nucleus
ansae lenticularis anterior (ALa) (Figs. 1,5B,C),the nucleus
r **
interstitio-pretecto-subpretectalis (IPS),the nucleus rotun-

L **
** dus (ROT) (Figs. 1, 5B-D), and the nucleus marginalis of
the optic tract (nMOT), which surrounds the nucleus
Nucleus isthmi. pars principalis magnocellularis *3 i* **
Sucleus Isthrni. pars principalis parvocellularis ** I* rotundus like a shell (Figs. 1,5B,C).
Nucleus isthrno-opticus **:, *- **2 In the hypothalamus, some of the caudal regions express
Nucleus semilunaris I* XI **
Nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis *i R-cadherin relatively uniformly, but these regions are not
Nuc1t.u~intercallicularis **'/ *, as well demarcated as those in the thalamus. The R-
Nucleus dorsomedialis mtercollicularis *I /I 1*
cadherin-positive regions of the hypothalamus are the
Suhstantia nigra, pars compacta **./

Nucleus interpfduncularis 0 ** I* nucleus dorsomedialis (DMN) (Kuenzel and van Tien-

Nucleus o S Edinger-Westphal ** hoven, 1982) (Fig. 5D), the nucleus ventromedialis (VMN)
Nuclrus oculomotorius 6% , n
(Fig. 5B-D), the nucleus inferioris hypothalami (IH), and
'rectum o p t x u m * I x1 *"
Cerebellum parts of the regio lateralis hypothalami (LHy) (Figs. 1,
Nucleus cerehellaris lateralis 0 5C,D).
Lobules I-X 0 Lh

Rhomhencephalon Of the diencephalic fiber tracts, R-cadherin is expressed

by the stria medullaris (SMe) (Figs. 1,3D-F, 5A) and by the
Locus coeruleus ansa lenticularis (AL) (Figs. 1,5A-D).Moreover, R-cadherin-
positive fiber fascicIes in the diencephalon constitute minor
parts of the tractus tecto-thalamicus (TT) (Fig. 5D), of the
Nucleus teamenti ventralis 0 decussatio supraoptica (DSO)(Fig. 5B,C), and of the lateral
Nucleus principalis sensorius nervi trigemini ** 3
** forebrain bundle (FPL) (Fig. 5A).
In the following, we discuss some of these structures in
more detail. Figures 6 and 7 show the nucleus rotundus
Nucleus a n p l a r i s cochlearis I* (ROT), a n example of a nucleus in which R-cadherin
Nucleuh olivaris superior **/
expression becomes restricted to particular clusters of cells.
Nuclrus magnocellularis cochlearts
Nucltws laminaris ')
In Figure 6, R-cadherin immunostaining results are shown
Nuclrus ncrvi glrissopharyngei et nucleus moto- on the right-hand side, and for neuroanatomic orientation,
rius newt v;i&q. pars dorsalis I*
Nissl stains of neighboring sections are shown on the
Fig. 1. Representative example of the primary immunostaining sections. Immunostaining results were graphically transferred onto t h e
data used to generate t h e schematic displays of R-cadherin expression adjacent Nissl stain for identification of t h e R-cadherin-positive neurn-
in Figures 3 , 5,11, and 15. Frontal sections of the rostra1 diencephalic anatomic structures. C: A schematical representation of t h e results
area from a n E l l embryo stained for Nissl substance (A)and immuno- from thissection. Ahhreviationsare listed separately. Scale bar = 500 pm.
stained for R-cadherin ( B ) are shown. A and B represent adjacent

Figure 1 (Continued. 1

diffusely by the entire dorsal thalamic area (Fig. 6B). At

U I - U I
A E9.5, the anlage of the nucleus rotundus and adjacent
nuclei are more clearly discernible (Fig. 6C), and the
borders of R-cadherin expression in the nucleus rotundus
coincide with the borders of this nucleus (Fig. 6D). Within
the nucleus rotundus, R-cadherin expression is restricted to
clusters of cells located dorsomedially and dorsolaterally.
These clusters are even more prominent a t E l l (Fig. 6E,F).
At E15, the R-cadherin-expressing cells can be clearly
distinguished by their relatively large cellular nuclei and
their highly branched processes, which are restricted to
specific nuclear subregions (Fig. 7 ) .
A comparison of in situ hybridization (Fig. 7B) and
immunstaining results (Fig. 7C) again shows a close agree-
ment of the two sets of data. However, in the nucleus
rotundus, a type of cell was found that expresses relatively
high levels of R-cadherin transcript but low levels of
protein. The cells of this type are widely scattered through-
out the nucleus and do not show R-cadherin-positive
Fig. 2. Lateral view of the E l l chicken brain, summarizing levels neurites.
and orientations of the frontal sections displayed in Figures 1, 3, 5, 11, The nucleus pretectalis is an example of a nucleus in
and 15. The respective figure numbers and panel letters are indicated which a minority of cells expresses R-cadherin a t E l 5 (Fig.
on top. Abbreviations are listed separately.
8). The vast majority of cells in this densely packed nucleus
expresses another cadherin, N-cadherin (Redies et al.,
1993). At a higher magnification (Fig. 8D), loosely arranged
left-hand side. At E8, the anlage of this nucleus cannot be R-cadherin-positive nerve cell bodies and their processes
clearly demarcated from the rest of the dorsal thalamus can be seen. These processes extend like a web over the
(dT) (Fig. 6A), and R-cadherin is expressed relatively entire nucleus but are clearly confined to it (Fig. 8C). The in


Figure 3

Fig. 4. Frontal sections of the forebrain at the level of the paleostria-

tal complex from an E l 5 embryo. The panels represent consecutive
sections stained for Nissl substance (A),R-cadherin transcript (B),and
R-cadherin protein (C).Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bar =
500 pm.

situ hybridization results (Fig. 8B) show that the cell Figure 9 shows an example of an R-cadherin-positive
bodies are concentrated in the inner part of the nucleus fiber tract, the stria medullaris (SMe) of the epithalamus.
(Fig. 8B). In this figure, R-cadherin immunostaining results are
shown on the right side and neurites revealed by anti-
neurofilament immunohistochemistry on the left side for
Fig. 3 . Schematic representation of R-cadherin expression in fron- neuroanatomic orientation. At ~ 8 the , stria medullaris
tal sections of the forebrain displayed in a rostral-to-caudal sequence.
Sections are at levels of the nucleus basalis (A,B), of the rostra1 expresses less R-cadherin than the habenular area (H) by
paleostriatal complex (C,D),and of caudal paleostriatal complex (E,F), which it is surrounded (Fig. 9A,B). At E15, the stria
as shown in Figure 2. In each section, the midline is on the right-hand medullaris exDresses R-cadherin in its oval-shaDed Dart
1 1

side. An example of the primary data is shown in Figure 1. R-cadherin composed of irominent fiber bundles (arrowhead in Fig.
expression by gray matter regions is indicated by dotted areas. More
9 ~ )Of, the habenular nuclei, only the habenula medialis
densely dotted areas exhibit stronaer immunostainina. Black sauares __.. . - .. - ~~ ~

represent R-cadherin-positive axon fascicles. Abbrevitions are-listed (HM) remains fl-cadherin Positive (Fig. 9D). XostrallY,
separately. Scale bars = 500 pm. some of the R-cadherin-positive fascicles of the stria medul-

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of R-cadherin expression in fron- shown in Figure 1. R-cadherin expression by gray matter regions is
tal sections of an E l l diencephalon displayed in a rostral-to-caudal indicated by dotted areas. More densely dotted areas exhibit stronger
sequence. Sections are at levels of the habenula medialis (A) and of the immunostaining. Black squares represent R-cadherin-positive axon
nucleus rotundus iB-D), a s shown in Figure 2 . In each section, the fascicles. Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bar = 500 pm.
midline is on the right-hand side. An example of the primary data is

laris can be followed to the R-cadherin-positive part of the expression of this molecule gradually diminishes. Rostrally,
area septalis and, caudally, to the habenula medialis. some of the R-cadherin-positive fascicles of the ansa lenticu-
Figure 10 shows the ansa lenticularis (AL). At E8, the laris can be followed to the R-cadherin-positive paleostria-
ansa lenticularis is located ventromedially in the lateral tum primitivum (PP) and, caudally, to the nuclei ansae
forebrain bundle (FPL) (Fig. 10A,B) (Kuhlenbeck, 1937). lenticulares anterior (ALa) (Fig. 10) et posterior (ALP) and
Only the ventromedial part of the fiber tract shows R- to the nucleus spiriformis lateralis (SpL).
cadherin expression. At E15, the ansa lenticularis forms a Mesencephalon. R-cadherin-positive structures of the
separate fiber tract. In the ventromedial part of this tract, mesencephalon are shown in Figure 11. They include nuclei
neurites strongly express R-cadherin, and dorsally, the in the isthmic area (the nucleus isthmi, partes magnocellu-

Fig. 6. Frontal sections of the dorsal thalamus from E8 (A,B), E9.5 (C,D), and E l l (E,F) embryos stained for Nissl
substance (A,C,E) and immunostained for R-cadherin (B,D,F).The panel pairs A,B, C,D, and E,F represent adjacent sections.
In each section, the midline is on the left side. Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars = 200 &m.

laris et parvocellularis, the nucleus semilunaris, and the (ICo) (Fig. 1lC-E), especially in its nucleus dorsomedialis
nucleus isthmo-opticus) (Ipc, Imc, SLu, and 10) (Fig. (DM) (Fig. 11C,D).Diffusely scattered R-cadherin-positive
11D,E) and the posterior nucleus of the ansa lenticularis cells are seen in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra
(ALP) (Fig. 11A), which resembles the anterior nucleus in (SNc) (Fig. 11D). Moreover, there is weak expression by
its immunostaining pattern. R-cadherin-positive regions neurons in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EW) (Fig. 11D)
are also found in the nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, and the nucleus oculomotorius (nIII). Here, the surface
pars dorsalis (MLd), and of the nucleus intercollicularis membrane staining of the relatively large perikarya is

Fig. 7. Frontal sections of the nucleus rotundus from an E l 5 embryo stained for Nissl substance (A), R-cadherin
transcript (Bl, and R-cadherin protein (Cl. The three panels represent consecutive sections. D represents an enlargement of
the region, indicated by the hatched box in C. The midline is on the left side. The asterisk in B indicates a blood vessel.
Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars = 300 krn in A-C, 20 pm in D.

especially evident (Fig. 12). The different layers of the Figure 14 shows the nucleus isthmo-opticus (IO), an
tectum also express R-cadherin, as described previously example of a laminated nucleus with heterogeneous R-
(Redies et al., 1993). cadherin expression. The cells in this nucleus are evenly
R-cadherin-positive fiber tracts in the mesencephalon distributed at E 11, and R-cadherin expression is relatively
are the ansa lenticularis (AL) (Fig. llA-D), the tractus uniform (Fig. 14A,B).At E15, when the neuropil and nerve
tecto-isthmicus (TTI) (Fig. 1l E ) , the tractus quinto- cell bodies have segregated from one another into different
frontalis (QF),and weakly stained fascicles likely to repre- layers (Fig. 14C,D), the neuropil shows stronger R-cadherin
sent parts of the medial forebrain bundle and the tractus expression than the layers containing the cell bodies (Fig.
occipitomesencephalicus (OM1. 14E).
Figure 13 shows the nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis Cerebellum and associated nuclei. R-cadherin expres-
(Ipc),an example of a nucleus in which most, if not all, cells sion is observed in the lobules of the cerebellum (Cb),in the
express R-cadherin. At E8, the anlage of this nucleus nucleus cerebellaris lateralis (CbL),and on fascicles of the
represents a relatively poorly demarcated mass of cells in brachium cerebellopetale (BCP) (Fig. 15A,B).
the isthmic area (Fig. 13A). R-cadherin expression is promi- In the cerebellar anlage, only weak expression is observed
nent in the anlage but not restricted to it (Fig. 13B). in the external granular layer and the ependymal layer at
R-cadherin-positive nerve fascicles of the tractus tecto- E8. Figure 16 shows a comparison of in situ hybridization
isthmicus (TTI), which emerge from this area, are also and immunostaining results for the cerebellarihindbrain
seen. At E l 1, the nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis, region of an E l l embryo. No obvious mismatches were
consists of densely packed cells and is clearly demarcated found. Staining intensity is strong in the cerebellum, where
from its surroundings (Fig. 13C). R-cadherin expression R-cadherin is expressed in a stripe-like pattern in the
falls off a t the borders of the nucleus (Fig. 13D), except at lobules. In the auricle and unfoliated parts of the cerebellar
locations where the nucleus is adjacent to the R-cadherin- cortex, staining is more diffuse.
positive tractus tecto-isthmicus,At E 15, R-cadherin expres- Figure 17 shows that the stripe-like expression of R-
sion by the neurites of the tractus tecto-isthmicus has cadherin in the lobules is most prominent in the cell-sparse
decreased to low levels (Fig. 13E,F). The nucleus isthmi, molecular layer (ML) and extends into the developing
pars magnocellularis (Imc),also expresses R-cadherin (Fig. internal granular layer (IGL). Figure 18B shows an ante-
13C-F), but its staining is less dense than that of the rior view of the E l l cerebellum, as indicated by the arrows
nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis. in Figure 18A. The cerebellar stripes extend in a parasagit-

Fig. 8. Frontal sections of the nucleus pretectalis from an E l 5 embryo stained for Nissl substance (A),
R-cadherin transcript (B),and R-cadherin protein (C).The three panels represent consecutive sections. D
represents an enlargement of the region, indicated by the hatched box in C. The midline is on the left side.
Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars = 100 pm in A-C, 20 pm in D.

tal plane over several lobules (see also Fig. 17A,B). Each an intermediate part of the nucleus raphe. In the vestibular
lobule contains two to three stripes on both sides of the complex, R-cadherin-positive areas include several cell
midline, with a small stripe located close to the midline and clusters in the nucleus vestibularis lateralis, dorsal parts of
one or two broader stripes located in a more lateral position the nucleus vestibularis medialis (VeM) (Fig. 15B), and
(Figs. 17A,B, 18B). The R-cadherin-positive stripes extend mediocaudal regions of the nucleus vestibularis descendens
through all lobules, but they are particularly strong in (VeD) (Fig. 15C). R-cadherin expression is also found in
lobules IV-VII. At E15, the intensity of the stripe-like lateral parts of the nucleus angularis cochlearis (An) (Fig.
expression of the cadherin in the lobules has diminished. A E B ) , the nucleus magnocellularis cochlearis, and the
more diffuse staining persists in the internal granular layer nucleus laminaris. Here, the neuropil is R-cadherin positive
(data not shown). at E15. Interestingly, the cells of the nucleus laminaris
Rhombencephalon. In the anterior rhombencephalon, themselves do not express R-cadherin mRNA (data not
R-cadherin is expressed by the dorsal part of the nucleus shown).
principalis sensorius nervi trigemini (nPrV), by parts of the Moreover, the entire nucleus olivaris superior (0s)(Fig.
nucleus lemnisci lateralis (LLd and LLi) (Fig. 161, by 15A,B), small parts of the nucleus tractus descendentis
scattered cells in the locus coeruleus (LoC) and subcoer- nervi trigemini (nTTD) (Fig. 15A), and parts of the nucleus
uleus, partes dorsalis et ventralis (SC) (Fig. 16), by the reticularis lateralis (RL) (Fig. 15D) are R-cadherin positive.
nuclei tegmenti dorsalis ventralis (TD, TV) (Fig. 16) and by Small cells expressing R-cadherin are scattered throughout

Fig. 9. Frontal sections of the epithalamus from E8 (A,B) and E l 5 (C,D)embryos immunostained for
neurofilament (A,C) and for R-cadherin (B,D) showing the stria medullaris. The panel pairs A,B and C,D
represent double-staining results from the same sections, respectively. In each section, the midline is on the
left side. Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars = 100 IJ-m.

the ventral part of the rhombencephalon at the level of the 19931, the number of R-cadherin-positive regions identified
nucleus olivaris superior (0s);they probably belong to the in the present study is relatively large.
nucleus reticularis parvocellularis (Rpc) (Fig. 15A). Of the
cranial nerve nuclei, the nucleus nervi glossopharyngei et
nucleus motorius nervi vagi, pars dorsalis (nIX and nX)
R-cadherin expression by particular
(Fig. 15C), the nucleus motorius nervi vagi (MnX) (Fig. neural circuits
15D), the nucleus tractus solitarii (S)(Fig. 15D), and the The immunostaining data show that some of the R-
nucleus nervi hypoglossi (nXII) express R-cadherin. cadherin-positive fiber tracts originate and terminate in
R-cadherin-positive fiber fascicles were found in the R-cadherin-positive gray matter structures. This result
lemniscus lateralis (LL) (Fig. E A ) , the corpus trapezoi- indicates that some of the R-cadherin-positive neuroana-
deum, and the brachium cerebellopetale (BCP) (Fig. 15A). tomic structures listed in Table 1 form parts of particular
Moreover, axon fascicles of the vagus nerve (fX)(Fig. information processing units in the brain, as has been
15C,D) and ventral fibers of the acoustic nerves (fVIIIv) previously shown for N- and R-cadherin in the tectofugal
(Fig. 15B)express R-cadherin. system of the chicken (Redies et al., 1993) and for N-
cadherin in the mouse (Redies and Takeichi, 1993a). We
therefore asked which functional systems and circuits the
DISCUSSION R-cadherin-positive neuroanatomic structures belong to
By immunohistochemical and/or in situ hybridization and whether we can find any common denominator for
techniques, the expression of R-cadherin in the embryonic their functional specificity.
chicken brain was studied at three intermediate stages of Visual system. R-cadherin is expressed by parts of the
development (8,11, and 15 days ofincubation; E8, E l l , and retino-recipient and tectofugal systems. In the retino-
E15). At these stages, R-cadherin is expressed in a re- recipient system, R-cadherin expression is observed in the
stricted fashion by particular developing gray and white nucleus suprarotundus and the nucleus marginalis of the
matter resons throughout the brain (Table 1). Compared optic tract (Gunturkun and Karten, 1991). Most of the
to a previous study, which focused on the tectofugal other retino-recipient nuclei as well as the retinofugal fibers
systems and used weaker fluorochromes (Redies et al., do not express R-cadherin but rather express N-cadherin

Fig. 10. Frontal sections of the ventral thalamus from E8 (A,B)and regions indicated by the hatched boxes in C,D. Note that the neurofila-
E l 5 (C-F)embryos immunostained for neurofilament (A,C,E) and for ment and the R-cadherin staining patterns are virtually identical,
R-cadherin I B,D,F),showing the ansa lenticularis. The panel pairs A,B, suggesting that R-cadherin is expressed by neurite fascicles. Abbrevia-
C,D, and E,F represent double-staining results from the same section, tions are listed separately. Scale bars = 100 pm.
respectively. The panels shown in E,F represent enlargements of the

(Matsunaga et al., 1988; Inuzuka et al., 1991b; Redies and 19. These results confirm previous observations that R-
Takeichi, 1993b; Redies et al., 1993). cadherin is expressed by different tectal layers, by the
A schematic representation of the R-cadherin-positive tecto-isthmic projection, and by its target nuclei (i.e., the
structures of the tectofugal projections is shown in Figure isthmic nuclei) (Imc, Ipc, SLu, 1 0 ) (Redies et al., 1993) and

- IH


Irnc I

Fig. 11. Schematic representation of R-cadherin expression in primary data is shown in Figure 1. R-cadherin expression by gray
frontal sections of a n E l l mesencepahlon displayed in a rostral-to- matter regions is indicated by dotted areas. More densely dotted areas
caudal sequence. Sections are a t levels of the nucleus ansae lenticularis exhibit stronger immunostaining. Black squares represent R-cadherin-
posterior ( A J , the nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis positive axon fascicles. Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars =
IB-D), and of the isthmic nuclei (El, as shown in Figure 2. In each 500 iJ-m.
section, the midline is on the right-hand side. An example of the

pretecto-subpretectalis (Table 1; Figs. 1, 5-7, 19). The

nucleus rotundus is the major tecto-recipient nucleus of the
thalamus processing visual information. It can be subdi-
vided into several compartments on the basis of histochemi-
cal mapping (Martinez-de-la-Torreet al., 1990),electrophysi-
ologic data (Wang et al., 1993), and efferent projections
from the optic tectum (Benowitz and Karten, 1976).
Rotunda1 projections to the telencephalon terminate in
the ectostriatum (E) (Karten and Hodos, 1970; Benowitz
and Karten, 1976; Minelli et al., 1979). This nucleus, as well
as part of the lateral forebrain bundle (FPL), which con-
nects the nucleus rotundus with the ectostriatum, are
.. R-cadherin positive (Fig. 19). By contrast, the main areas of
the visual wulst and its efferents (Karten et al., 1973;
Wilson, 1980; Reiner and Karten, 1983) do not express
Auditory system. The R-cadherin-positive fiber tracts
and nuclei that constitute parts of the ascending and
descending auditory system are schematically shown in
Figure 20.
d In the ascending auditory system, R-cadherin-positive
structures include the entire nucleus olivaris superior (0s)
I and parts of the primary auditory nucleus, the nucleus
V angularis cochlearis (An),and the nucleus lemnisci latera-
lis, pars intermedia (LLi) at the rhombencephalic level.
Figure 11 (Continued.) These structures are interconnected via the lemniscus
lateralis and the corpus trapezoideum (Boord, 1968; Conlee
and Parks, 1986), which contain R-cadherin-positive fas-
cicles at E8. Efferents of these nuclei project rostrally to the
nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis, of the
torus semicircularis (MLd) (Karten, 1967; Boord, 1968;
Conlee and Parks, 1986), which contains an R-cadherin-
positive area. Projections from this nucleus terminate
mainly in the nucleus ovoidalis (Ov) (Karten, 1967; Durand
et al., 1992) and its surrounding shell region in the dien-
cephalon (sOv) (Durand et al., 1992). Parts of both struc-
tures express R-cadherin. Ascending projections from the
ovoidal region terminate in several telencephalic regions
(Durand et al., 1992; Wild et al., 1993). These regions
include parts of the neostriatum caudale (NC), the neostria-
tal region that borders the ectostriatum, paleostriatal re-
gions, the nucleus taeniae, the tuberculum olfactorium,
ventral parts of the archistriatum, and several cell groups
of the hyperstriatum ventrale. All these structures express
R-cadherin (Table 1; Figs. 3, 4). The main telencephalic
auditory center, Field L, is R-cadherin negative.
In the descending auditory system (Fig. 201, the R-
cadherin-positive ovoidal region projects, via the lateral
forebrain bundle (FPL), to the following nuclei at the
hypothalamic level, which also express this molecule: the
Fig. 12. Frontal section of the nucleus oculomotorius from an E l 5 nucleus inferioris hypothalami (IH),the nucleus ventrome-
embryo immunostained for R-cadherin protein. T h e arrowheads point dialis hypothalami (VMN), and a few cell groups in the
to perikarya of R-cadherin-expressing neurones. Note the surface anterior and lateral hypothalamus (Durand et al., 1992).
membrane staining. The midline is on the left side. Scale bar = 50 ym.
Moreover, a part of the nucleus intercollicularis (for a
detailed discussion of the nucleus intercollicularis subdivi-
sions, see also Puelles et al., 1994),the nucleus dorsomedia-
by parts of the tecto-thalamic system. N-cadherin is also lis (DM) (Wild and Arends, 1987; Deviche and Gunturkun,
expressed by the tectofugal system in a largely complemen- 1992), expresses R-cadherin in its entirety. This nucleus
tary pattern (Redies et al., 1993). Of the thalamic nuclei receives projections from an R-cadherin-positive area in
that receive direct efferents via the tecto-thalamic projec- the archistriatum and transmits information to the syrin-
tions, R-cadherin is expressed by clusters of cells in the geal part of the R-cadherin-positive nervus hypoglossus.
nucleus rotundus (ROT),by parts of the nucleus subrotun- 7’rigeminal system. Elements of the somatosensory
dus tSRt), by the nucleus triangularis (T), by the stratum trigeminal circuit (Zeigler and Karten, 1973; Dubbeldam et
cellulare externum (SCE), and by scattered cells in the al., 1981; Berkhoudt et al., 1982; Wild et al., 1985; Schall et
nucleus pretectalis (PT) and in the nucleus interstitio- al., 1986) that express R-cadherin are schematically shown

Fig. 13. Frontal sections of the isthmic region from E8 (A,B),E l l (C,D),and E l 5 (E,F) embryos
stained for Nissl substance (A.C,E) and immunostained for R-cadherin (B,D,F).The panel pairs A,B, C,D,
and E,F represent adjacent sections. The arrowhead in B points to neurite fascicles of the tecto-isthmic
tract (TTI1 expressing R-cadherin. Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars = 100 pm.

in Figure 21 and include parts of the nucleus principalis These structures are interconnected by fiber tracts, some
sensorius nervi trigemini in the rhombencephon (nPrV), of which express R-cadherin. For example, the tractus
parts of the nuclei associated with the tractus descendens quintofrontalis (QF) (Wild et al., 1985; Schall et al., 1986) is
nervi trigemini (nTTD), cell groups of the nucleus reticu- R-cadherin positive at stage E l 9 (data not shown). Further-
lark parvocellularis (Rpc),several cerebellar lobules (Figs. more, the nucleus principalis sensorius nervi trigemini
16-18),and, in the telencephalon, the nucleus basalis (Bas), (nPrV) sends efferents to the contralateral side via R-
parts of the neostriatum frontale (NF), and the archistria- cadherin-positive fibers crossing at the level of the nuclei
tum intermedium (AI) (Table 1;Fig. 3). oculomotorius et trochlearis (Dubbeldam et al., 1981), and

Fig. 14. Frontal sections of the isthmo-optic nucleus from E l l the same section. In each section, the midline is on the left side. The
!A,B)and E l 5 !C-E)embryos stained for Nissl substance !A,C) and for arrowheads in D,E point to neuropil a t the outer margin of the
cell nuclei with Hoechst 33258 dye (D) and immunostained for R- isthmo-optic nucleus. Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bars =
cadherin IB,Ei. The panel pairs A,B and C,D represent adjacent 100 +m.
sections. The panel pair D,E represents double-staining results from

to the nucleus basalis (Bas) (Zeigler and Karten, 1973; Cerebellum and vestibular system. R-cadherin expres-
Dubbeldam et al., 1981; Berkhoudt et al., 1982; Wild et al., sion in the cerebellum is restricted to two to three parasag-
1985; Schall et al., 1986). The nucleus lemnisci lateralis, ittal zones in the lobules, to the auricle, and to the nucleus
pars intermedia (LLi),an auditory nucleus, also projects to cerebellaris lateralis (CbL) (Figs. 15A,B, 16-18).
the nucleus basalis in birds (Arends and Zeigler, 1989a; In the adult, the cerebellar cortex is organized into
Hall et al., 1993).Efferents of the nucleus basalis terminate longitudinal (parasagittal)zones, which probably represent
in the overlying part of the neostriatum. This area, in turn, a functional subdivision of the cerebellum (Goodman et al.,
projects to the neostriatum caudale and archistriaturn 1964; Oscarsson, 1979; Arends and Zeigler, 1991a). The
intermedium (AI)(Berkhoudt et al., 1982; Wild et al., 1985; lobules of the cerebellum receive efferents from several
Schall et al., 1986).The archistriatum intermedium projects brainstem and thalamic regions (Karten and Finger, 1976;
to the nucleus reticularis parvocellularis (Rpc),a premotor Brauth, 1977; Clarke, 1977; Arends et al., 1984; Arends and
nucleus in the rhombencephalon (Berkhoudt et al., 1982; Zeigler, 1989b) and project to different cerebellar and
Wild et al., 1985; Schall et al., 1986). vestibular nuclei (Wold, 1981; Arends and Zeigler, 1991a,b;
The subnucleus oralis and interpolaris of the nucleus Arends et al., 1991). The R-cadherin-positive longitudinal
tractus descendentis nervi trigemini (nTTD) partially ex- zones possibly correspond to parts of zones A, C, E and F of
press R-cadherin. Some efferents of these nuclei reach the Arends and Zeigler (1991a). Moreover, there is a partial
cerebellum (Arends et al., 1984; Arends and Zeigler, 1989b) overlap between the R-cadherin-positive zones and the
whereas others project to diencephalic nuclei (e.g., to the cerebellar termination areas of the afferents from nuclei
R-cadherin-positive thalamic nucleus dorsolateralis poste- associated with the nucleus tractus descendentis nervi
rior, a multisensory integration center) (Gamlin and Co- trigemini (nTTD) (Fig. 21) in lobules V, VI, VII and,
hen, 1986; Korzeniewska and Gunturkiin, 1990). possibly IV, in the mallard (Arends et al., 1984).

Fig. 15. Schematic representation of R-cadherin expression in levels of the caudal cerebellum (A,B) and of the sensory and motor
frontal sections of an E l l hindbrain displayed in a rostral-to-caudal nuclei of the vagus nerve (C,D).In each section, the midline is on the
sequence. This figure is a continuation of the results shown in Figures right side. R-cadherin expression by gray matter regons is indicated by
3,5, and 11, but sections are cut a t a slightly different angle for a better dotted areas. More densely dotted areas exhibit stronger immunostain-
display of the results. Consecutive sections from the level of mid- ing. Black squares represent R-cadherin-positive axon fascicles. Abbre-
hindbrain to the caudal hindbrain are displayed in a rostral-to-caudal viations are listed separat.ely. Scale bar = 500 pm.
sequence, a s shown in Figure 2. Sections are from the hindbrain a t

Fig. 16. Frontal sections of the cerebellum and hindbrain from an E l 1embryo stained for Nissl substance (A),R-cadherin
transcript (B),and R-cadherin protein tC). The three panels represent consecutive sections. The midline is on the right side.
Abbreviations are listed separately. Scale bar = 500 bm.

Zones E and F project to vestibular nuclei including striatum primitivum (PP)projects via the ansa lenticularis
R-cadherin-positive areas h e . , cell groups in the nuclei (AL) to the followingdi- and mesencephalic nuclei (Fig. 22):
vestibulares descendens et medialis). The efferents of zone the nuclei ansae lenticularis anterior et posterior (ALa,
C terminate in the R-cadherin-positive nucleus cerebellaris ALp), the nucleus spiriformis lateralis (SpL), the nucleus
lateralis (CbL) (Arends and Zeigler, 1991a). The targets of pretectalis (PT), and the substantia nigra, and pars com-
the projections arising from the nucleus cerebellaris latera- pacts (SNc)(Karten and Dubbeldam, 1973; Kitt and Brauth,
lis include R-cadherin-positive parts of the vestibular nu- 1981; Reiner et al., 1982; Reiner et al., 1983; Veenman and
clei and the thalamic nucleus dorsolateralis intermedius Reiner, 1994; Veenman et al., 1994). All these structures
(DLI) (Fig. 23) (Arends and Zeigler, 1991b). Projections express R-cadherin.
from the R-cadherin-positive vestibular nuclei, in turn, Afferents to the paleostriatal complex (Fig. 23) originate
terminate in the nucleus oculomotorius, including the in nuclei of the di-, mes-, and rhombencephalon (Kitt and
nucleus of Edinger-Westphal (Wold, 1981; Arends et al., Brauth, 1982; Kitt and Brauth, 1986a,b; Wild, 1987). Some
1991),which also express this cadherin. of these structures partially express R-cadherin (e.g., the
Motor system. Other examples of functional circuits locus coeruleus and nucleus subcoeruleus I LoC, SC], the
that consist of R-cadherin-expressing nuclei and fiber substantia nigra, pars compacta [SNc], and the nucleus
tracts are found in the motor system (Figs. 22, 23). An dorsolateralis intermedius thalami [DLII). Parts of the
important telencephalic source of descending motor control cerebellum and some of the nuclei receiving cerebellar
is the paleostriatal complex, which consists of a magnocellu- projections also express R-cadherin. One of these nuclei, the
lar subdivision (i.e., the paleostriatum primitiwm I PPI and nucleus cerebellaris lateralis, projects to the nucleus dorso-
the nucleus intrapeduncularis [INPI), and a parvocellular lateralis intermedius thalami (Arends and Zeigler, 1991b).
subdivision (i.e., the paleostriatum augmentatum [PA], the Conclusion. The above examples suggest that the expres-
lobus parolfactorius [LPO1, and the nucleus accumbens) sion of R-cadherin by brain nuclei and fiber tracts is not
(Karten and Dubbeldam, 1973; Kitt and Brauth, 1981). random but linked to particular neural circuits within
These structures partially express R-cadherin. The paleo- several functional systems. Although there seems to be no

Fig. 17. Transverse sections of the cerebellum from a n Ell embryo enlargement of the region indicated by the hatched box in B. Panel pair
stained for Nissl substance ( A )and for cell nuclei with Hoechst 33258 A,B represents adjacent sections. The arrowheads in C,D point to the
dye ( C ) and immunostained for R-cadherin (B,D). Panel pair C,D outer limit of the molecular layer. Abbreviations are listed separately.
represents double-staining results from the same section and shows an Scale bars = 250 km in A and B, 50 p m in C and D.

obvious common denominator for the function of all R- R-cadherin expression and the formation
cadherin-positive structures, the overall predominance of of nuclei
structures involved in the control of motor functions,
including those exhibiting convergence of multisensory The present results extend our previous observations on
inputs, is noteworthy. In the spinal cord of the chicken, the restricted expression of R-cadherin in parts of particu-
R-cadherin is expressed by the ventral motor column lar neuromeres at earlier stages of chicken brain develop-
(Inuzuka et al., 1991b). In conclusion, R-cadherin belongs ment (E3-E6) (Ganzler and Redies, 1995). During this
to a class of molecules that are markers for particular period, R-cadherin-positive neurons begin to accumulate in
functional circuits in the brain. Other members of this class the mantle layer and aggregate into specific (pro-)nuclei.At
include Cat-301 (Hockfield et al., 1983; Hockfield et al., the ensuing stages of brain development examined in the
1990), TAG-liaxonin-1 (Yamamoto et al., 1986; Wolfer et present study (E8, E l l , and E15), the expression of R-
al., 1994), and N-cadherin (Redies et al., 1992; Redies and cadherin closely parallels the cyto-architectonicdifferentia-
Takeichi, 1993a; Redies et al., 1993). tion of brain gray matter. At E8, when the boundaries

B d -


Fig. 18. Display of R-cadherin immunostaining in the cerebellum of verse sections spaced 20 p.m apart. The thin lines represent strong
an Ell embryo. A: Sagittal view of the cerebellum with the developing immunostaining extending from the outer limit of the molecular layer
lobules indicated by Roman numerals. The arrows indicate the orienta- to the internal granular layer (see Figure 17).The staining pattern was
tion of view for the irnmunostaining results displayed (B).The immuno- transferred onto an outline of the cerebellum and hindbrain. Abbrevia-
staining results were reconstructed from a series of consecutive trans- tions are listed separately. Scale bar = 80 ym.

Fig. 19. Schematic representation of the R-cadherin-positive neuro-

anatomic structures in the visual (tectofugal) system of the embryonic
chicken brain. The dotted areas represent gray matter regions express- Fig. 21. Schematic representation of the R-cadherin-positive neuro-
ing R-cadherin. The thick arrows represent R-cadherin-positive fiber anatomic structures in the trigeminal system of the embryonic chicken
tracts. The thin arrows represent some of the known fiber tracts brain. Symbols are explained in the legends to Figure 19. Abbreviations
connecting the R-cadherin-positive gray matter areas (see Discussion); are listed separately.
these fiber tracts could not be identified on the sections or they did not
express R-cadherin. Abbreviations are listed separately.

V Fig. 22. Schematic representation of the R-cadherin-positive effer-

ents from the paleostriatal complex of the embryonic chicken brain.
Fig. 20. Schematic representation of the R-cadherin-positive neuro- Symbols are explained in the legends to Figure 19. Abbreviations are
anatomic structures in the auditory system of the embryonic chicken listed separately.
brain. Symbols are explained in the legends to Figure 19. Abbreviations
are listed separately.

R-cadherin-positive cells is not always clear from the

between individual nuclei are still relatively ill defined in immunostaining results, perhaps because R-cadherin is a
most brain regions, R-cadherin expression in the develop- glycoprotein expressed on the surface of the cells and their
ing mantle layer is restricted to particular regions; many of processes. In many brain structures, the R-cadherin-
these regons show a gradual decrease of R-cadherin expres- positive processes seem to form interwoven networks,
sion at their borders. As the architecture of the various thereby obscuring the morphology of individual R-cadherin-
brain areas matures and nuclei become morphologically expressing cells (Figs. 7C,D, 8C,D).
more distinct between E8 and E15, the borders of R- A comparison of immunohistochemical and in situ hybrid-
cadherin expression sharpen and outline particular nuclei ization results shows that almost all gray matter structures
or regons within nuclei (Figs. 6, 7, 13, 14). that were found to be R-cadherin positive by immunostain-
In some gray matter structures (e.g., the nucleus rotun- ing also express R-cadherin mRNA (Figs. 4, 7, 8, 16).
dus, the nucleus pretectalis, and the paleostriatum augmen- Obvious regional mismatches between results obtained
tatum ), R-cadherin expression becomes restricted to clus- with the two techniques were only observed in the hippocam-
ters of cells or to a population of dispersed cells (Figs. 4, pus, which expresses R-cadherin transcript but shows weak
6-8). The R-cadherin-positive cells have elaborate pro- immunostaining signal. However, on the single-cell level,
cesses and relatively large nuclei, suggesting that they are mismatches cannot be excluded because we did not carry
neurons (Peters et al., 1970).The morphology of individual out double-label staining on the same sections. Moreover, it

2. The two populations may incompletely segregate, with

one cell type surrounding an aggregate of the other cell type
like a shell. A shell-like aggregation of R-cadherin-positive
cells around another nucleus is, for example, the nucleus
marginalis tractus optici, which surrounds the nucleus
rotundus (Figs. 1,5B,C, 7 A - 0 , and the shell nucleus of the
nucleus ovoidalis (Figs. 1,5B).
3. The two populations may form small aggregates of one
cell type within a larger aggregate of cells of the other type.
Smaller clusters of R-cadherin-positive cells are seen, for
example, in the nucleus rotundus (Figs. 1,5B, 6, 7), in the
nucleus intercollicularis (Fig. 11B,C), and in the hypotha-
lamic gray matter (Figs. 3E,F, 5A-D, 11A-C).
4.Finally, cells of one type may remain dispersed within a
large aggregate of cells of another type if the density of the
V former cells is too low to permit them encountering each
other frequently within the aggregate (Steinberg, 1963).
Fig. 23. Schematic representation of t h e R-cadherin-positive affer- Examples are the R-cadherin-expressing cells of the nucleus
ents to the paleostriatal complex of the embryonic chicken brain. pretectalis (Fig. 8 ) and of the nucleus interstitio-pretecto-
Symbols are explained in the legends to Figure 19. Abbreviations are subpretectalis. In these nuclei, the R-cadherin-positive
listed separately.
cells are dispersed within large numbers of N-cadherin-
positive cells (Redies et al., 1993). N- and R-cadherin can
is not possible to clearly correlate cellular processes visual- bind heterophilically to each other (Inuzuka et a]., 1991a;
ized by immunostaining with perikarya expressing R- Matsunami et a]., 1993).
cadherin mRNA. In conclusion, the pattern of expression observed in this
Much neuronal differentiation occurs between E8 and study suggests that R-cadherin plays a role in the formation
E l 1in areas such as the forebrain, and we did not follow the and differentiation of specific gray matter structures in the
morphologic changes during this developmental period in chicken brain. It would be of interest to study whether, in
detail in this study, except for the nucleus rotundus (Fig. 6). general, all gray matter structures express a particular
Despite this limitation, the present results support the cadherin (or a combination of cadherins). Partially comple-
idea that cadherins play a morphogenetic role in the early mentary expression patterns have been demonstrated for
development of brain nuclei (Redies et al., 1993; Ganzler R- and N-cadherin in the central nervous system of the
and Redies, 1995; Redies, 1995). Cadherins mediate homo- chicken embryo (Inuzuka et al., 1991a; Inuzuka et al.,
typic cell-cell adhesion, as demonstrated by numerous in 1991b; Redies et al., 1992; Redies et al., 1993; Ganzler and
vitro experiments showing that cells expressing the same Redies, 1995). Other cadherins expressed in the vertebrate
type of cadherin selectively aggregate and segregate from brain are also differentially expressed in developing gray
cells expressing other cadherins. This selective adhesive- matter areas (Shimamura and Takeichi, 1992).
ness is thought to be based, at least in part, on the
preferentially homophilic binding between cadherin mol- R-cadherin expression and the formation
ecules (reviewed in Ranscht, 1991; Takeichi, 1991; Geiger of fiber tracts
and Ayalon, 1992; Kemler, 1993; Redies, 1995; Takeichi,
1995). Heterophilic binding between different types of This study shows that, throughout the embryonic chicken
cadherins has also been described, but it is generally weaker brain, R-cadherin is selectively expressed in particular fiber
than homophilic binding (Inuzuka et al., 1991a; Matsunami tracts (Table 1; Figs. 9, 10).The most prominent staining is
et al., 1993; Nakagawa and Takeichi, 1995). observed in large tracts composed of prominent fiber
The formation of different types of tissue architecture bundles. Dispersed R-cadherin-positive fiber bundles were
from differentially adhesive cells can be predicted by cell not found, perhaps due to the relatively weak staining of
aggregation models that take into account the density of the neurites at the stages examined in this study.
different cell populations and their specific binding affini- Most, if not all, of the R-cadherin-positive fiber tracts
ties (reviewed in Steinberg, 1963; Steinberg and Poole, (e.g. the stria medullaris [Fig. 91, the lateral forebrain
1981; Glazier and Weaire, 1992; Graner, 1993; Graner and bundle ]Fig. 101, and the decussatio supraoptica) can be
Sawada, 1993). We have recently proposed an extension of divided into R-cadherin-positive and R-cadherin-negative
these ideas based on our studies of cadherins to account for fascicles. Similar observations were made for N-cadherin in
the formation of gray matter architecture in the vertebrate the chicken tectofugal system (Redies et al., 1993). The
brain (Redies, 1995).In the present study, we observed that expression of the two cadherins is often partially complemen-
the R-cadherin-expressing cells form the same basic types tary within the same fiber tracts (data not shown), suggest-
of tissue architectures that were predicted by the cell ing that the two molecules may be involved in the segrega-
aggregation models: tion of fiber bundles or in their selective fasciculation (see
1.The two populations may completely segregate into cell also Redies et a]., 1992; Redies et al., 1993).
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aggregates). Examples for largely homotypic aggregates of and Takeichi, 1993b)and is selectively expressed by particu-
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13), the nucleus spiriformis lateralis, and the neostriatum R-cadherin acts as a guidance cue for axon navigation, as
caudale (Fig. 1). has been suggested for N-cadherin (Matsunaga eta]., 1988;

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for neurofilament antibody, to U. Schwarz for generous Graner, F., and Y. Sawada i 1993) Can surface adhesion drive cell rearrange-
support of this study, to Vicky Kastner for technical ment? Part 11: A geomet.rical model. J . Theor. Biol. 164:477-506.
assistance and English corrections, to S. Ganzler and K. Giintiirkiin, O., and H.J. Karten (1991)An immunocytochemical analysis of
Korematsu for discussion and comments on the manu- the lateral geniculate complex in the pigeon tColumba liuia). J . Comp.
Neurol. 314:721-749.
script, and to two anonymous reviewers for constructive
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