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Morphology and Soma-Dendritic

Distribution of Synaptic Endings From the
Rostra1 Interstitial Nucleus of the Medial
Longitudinal Fasciculus (riMLF) on
Motoneurons in the Oculomotor and
Trochlear Nuclei in the Cat
Departments o f h a t o m y (S.-F.W.,R.F.S.) and Otolaryngoloa-Head and Neck Surgery (R.F.S.),
Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23298

The morphology and soma-dendritic distribution of anterograde biocytin-labelled rostra1
interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) synaptic endings in the
oculomotor and trochlear nuclei have been examined by electron microscopy by using both
preembedding immunoperoxidase and postembedding immunogold methods. The results
indicate that three morphological types of riMLF synaptic endings are distinguishable on the
basis of synaptic vesicle morphology (spheroidal, pleiomorphic, or ellipsoidal) and postsynaptic
membrane specializations (asymmetrical or symmetrical j. All three morphological types of
riMLF synaptic endings establish synaptic connections predominantly with dendrites. Synaptic
endings that contain ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles have a more proximal soma-dendritic
distribution than those that contain either spheroidal or pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles.
Furthermore, all three morphological types of synaptic endings are encountered in the same
motoneuron subdivisions of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in the same experiments. The
findings suggest that subregions of the riMLF contain coexistent populations of excitatory and
inhibitory premotor neurons that are related to opposite directions of vertical saccadic eye
movements but that project to the same motoneuron subgroups on the ipsilateral side. Both the
morphology and the mode, pattern, and soma-dendritic distribution of saccade-related riMLF
synaptic endings that establish synaptic connections with vertical motoneurons differ from
those of excitatory and inhibitory second-order vertical vestibular synaptic endings. These
differences in the synaptic organization of riMLF and second-order vestibular inputs to
oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons may be related to differences in the information
transferred by each source, the riMLF input conveying eye-velocity signals, and the vestibular
input conveying eye-position signals. , IUSC;WiIey-Iiss. Inc.

Indexing terms: mesencephalic reticular formation, excitatory synapses, inhibitory synapses, biocytin,
electron microscopy

Motoneurons in the extraocular motor nuclei are the see Spencer et al., 1992), the interstitial nucleus of Cajal
final common pathway upon which afferents converge from (INC; Carpenter et al., 1970; Graybiel and Hartwieg, 1974;
brainstem premotor areas that are related intimately to the Buttner-Ennever and Biittner, 1978; Steiger and Buttner-
control of different types of eye movements (e.g., vestibulo-
ocular reflex, optokinetic nystagmus, smooth pursuit, sac-
cadic, and vergence). For vertical eye movements, the major Accepted October 10, 1996.
inputs to motoneurons in the oculomotor (inferior rectus, Dr. Shwu-Fen Wang is currently at the School of Physical Therapy.
superior rectus, and inferior oblique) and trochlear (supe- College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
rior oblique) nuclei are derived from the vestibular nuclei Address reprint requests to Dr. Robert F. Spencer, Department of
Anatomy, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University,
for vertical vestibuloocular eye movements (for review, 1101 East Marshall Street. Richmond, VA 23298-0709.


Ennever, 1979; Labandeira-Garcia et al., 1989; Carpenter Preembedding localization of biocytin
et al., 1992; Li et al., 1993; Robinson et al., 1994), and the
rostra1 interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicu- One group of sections was incubated for 2 hours in avidin
lus (riMLF; Graybiel and Hartwieg, 1974; Graybiel, 1977; D-horseradish peroxidase (HRP; Vector; 1 5 0 0 ) in 0.1 M
Biittner-Ennever and Biittner, 1978; Steiger and Biittner- sodium phosphate buffer containing 0.1% Triton X-100.
Ennever, 1979; Nakao and Shiraishi, 1983, 1985; Isa et al., For the histochemical demonstration of HRP, sections were
1988; Labandeira-Garcia et al., 1989; Moschovakis et al., treated in 0.05% 3,3’-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride
1990, 1991a,b; Nakao et al., 1990; Carpenter et al., 1992; (DAB; Aldrich) and 0.01% hydrogen peroxide with 0.005%
Isa and Itouji, 1992; Li et al., 1993; Moschovakis and cobalt acetate and 0.005% nickel chloride in 0.1 M sodium
Highstein, 1994; Robinson et al., 1994; Shiraishi et al., phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, for 5-10 minutes. After washing
1994). The INC and riMLF in the mesencephalic reticular through several changes of buffer, sections were processed
formation are related specifically to the control of vertical for electron microscopy. Sections were postfixed in 1.0%
saccadic eye movements (Biittner-Ennever et al., 1982; osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M phosphate buffer with 7%
Fukushima, 1987, 1991; Buttner-Ennever and Biittner, dextrose for 1 hour at 4°C and were stained en bloc with 2%
1988; Hepp et al., 1989; Fukushima and Fukushima, 1992; uranyl acetate in 0.05 M maleate buffer for 1 hour at 4°C.
Isa and Naito, 1994; Moschovakis and Highstein, 1994). Then, sections were dehydrated in graded methanols and
Reciprocal excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections propylene oxide, infiltrated with plastic resin (Fullam),and
of second-order vestibular neurons with motoneurons in flat embedded between two glass microscope slides coated
the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei provide the physiologi- with a water-soluble release agent (Electron Microscopy
cal basis for the vertical vestibuloocular reflex (Highstein Sciences). After curing, the embedded sections were at-
and Ito, 1971; Precht and Baker, 1972; Berthoz et al., 1973; tached to prelabelled BEEM capsules, removed from the
Highstein, 1973; Uchino et al., 1978; Iwamoto et al., 1990). slides, and trimmed to include regions of the oculomotor
The excitatory second-order vestibular input terminates and trochlear nuclei that were determined in the previous
predominantly on the distal dendrites of oculomotor and light microscopic study to contain anterogradely labelled
trochlear motoneurons (Dememes and Raymond, 1980; terminals. Semithin (0.2 IJ-m)sections were cut with glass
Spencer and Baker, 1983). By contrast, second-order inhibi- knives on an LKB Ultratome IV ultramicrotome and were
tory vestibular neurons establish synaptic connections pre- stained with 0.1% toluidine blue in 1.0%sodium borate for
dominantly with the somata and proximal dendrites of light microscopy as a reference for the electron microscopic
motoneurons in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei (Bak analysis. Ultrathin (60-80 nm) sections were cut with a
et al., 1976; Dememes and Raymond, 1980; Spencer and diamond knife on the ultramicrotome, collected on Formvar-
Baker, 1983). Although both excitatory and inhibitory coated, single-slot copper grids, and stained with 1.0%
synaptic effects have been observed in oculomotor and uranyl acetate in distilled water and 0.1% lead citrate in 0.1
trochlear motoneurons following electrical stimulation of N sodium hydroxide. Sections were examined and photo-
the region of the riMLF (Schwindt et al., 1974; Nakao and graphed using a Zeiss EM-10CA electron microscope.
Shiraishi, 1983, 1985), neither the morphology nor the
mode (i.e., single vs. multiple synaptic contact zones), Postembedding localization of biocytin
pattern (i.e,, single vs. multiple postsynaptic targets), or Another group of untreated sections was processed for
soma-dendritic distribution of these inputs have been exam- electron microscopy, as described above. Serial ultrathin
ined. Thus, it is unknown how the saccade-related inputs (60-90 nm) sections were cut on the ultramicrotome and
interact with the vestibular inputs and to what extent these collected on Formvar-coated, single-slot, gold grids. The
inputs correspond to the known types of synaptic endings in sections were pretreated for 6-7 minutes in 1.0% sodium
the oculomotor (Tredici et al., 1976; Waxman and Pappas, metaperiodate (Fluka) in distilled water, washed through
1979) and trochlear (Bak and Choi, 1974) nuclei. three changes of distilled water, and then immersed in two
In the present study, the morphology and synaptic changes of 0.05 M Tris-buffered saline (TBS) containing
organization of riMLF synaptic endings in the oculomotor 0.1%bovine serum albumin (BSA)for 15 minutes each. The
and trochlear nuclei labelled by anterograde transport of sections were placed on a drop of 15 nm gold-tagged
biocytin have been examined by electron microscopy by streptavidin (Jansen)diluted 1:20 with 0.05 M TBS contain-
using preembedding peroxidase and postembedding colloi- ing 0.1% BSA, pH 8.2, in a ceramic dish for 2 hours with
dal-gold localization procedures. Quantitative analyses have constant agitation a t room temperature. The grids were
been used to determine the soma-dendritic distribution of washed in two changes of 0.05 M TBS followed by three
presumed excitatory and inhibitory riMLF synaptic end- changes of distilled water. All solutions used in the process-
ings on oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons. ing were filtered through a 0.2 IJ-m Acrodisc (Gelman)
syringe filter before use. Sections were counterstained with
uranyl acetate and lead citrate and then were examined and
MATERIALS AND METHODS photographed with the electron microscope.
The data obtained in this study were derived from
experiments performed in a previous study (Wang and Quantitative analysis
Spencer, 1995) in which biocytin was injected stereotax- The cross-sectional areas of biocytin-labelled synaptic
cally into different regions of the riMLF to anterogradely endings localized by both the preembedding and postembed-
label synaptic endings in the oculomotor and trochlear ding procedures and the diameters of the postsynaptic
nuclei. Two groups of sections from those experiments, profiles were measured from electron micrographs at a
each representing 150 IJ-m intervals through the oculomo- magnification of ~ 2 4 , 0 0 0using a BIOQUANT (R and M
tor and trochlear nuclei, were processed for the ultrastruc- Biometrics) digital image analysis system operating on a
tural localization of biocytin by using preembedding or Hewlett-Packard Vectra microcomputer with standard mor-
postembedding procedures, as described below. phometric, spreadsheet, and statistical software. Colloidal-
gold particles overlying synaptic endings labelled by the postsynaptic dendritic profile (Fig. SA,B,D). Occasionally,
postembedding method were counted, and their density multiple synaptic contact zones were associated with axoso-
was calculated as the number of particles per ym2. Diam- matic synaptic endings of this variety (Fig. 3C).
eter measurements of the proximal dendrites of choline A second population of riMLF synaptic endings contained
acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunoreactive trochlear moto- predominantly flattened or ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles and
neurons were made directly from the light microscope at a established symmetrical synaptic contacts (Fig. 4A-D).
magnification of x 1,350 by using images captured from a Synaptic contact zones were characterized by a modest or
DageiMTI Newvicon NC-70 video camera with a Truevi- inconspicuous postsynaptic densification (Fig. 4D, inset).
sion Targa M8 frame-grabber board interfaced to the Synaptic endings of this variety most often established
microcomputer and image-analysis software. synaptic contacts with dendrites (Fig. 4B-E) and, to a lesser
extent, with somata (Fig. 4A) and spine-like profiles (Fig.
RESULTS The third population of riMLF synaptic endings con-
Morphology of biocytin-labelled riMLF tained pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles and established synap-
synaptic endings tic contacts with a modest postsynaptic thickening along
the postsynaptic membrane (Fig. 5A, inset). Whereas most
With the preembedding method, biocytin-labelled riMLF
of the synaptic vesicles were spheroidal, these were smaller
synaptic endings were recognized easily by dense peroxi-
than the uniformly spheroidal synaptic vesicles in the
dase reaction product that permitted their unequivocal
synaptic endings that established obvious asymmetrical
identification compared to unlabelled synaptic endings.
contacts. Synaptic endings in this category established
Labelled synaptic endings varied considerably in profile in
synaptic contacts predominantly with one (Fig. 5B,C) or
apparent direct relation to their soma-dendritic distribu-
more (Fig. 5A,D) dendrites.
tion. Most of the labelled synaptic endings associated with
somata (Fig. 1A-C) and proximal dendrites (Fig. 1D) were
dome shaped and tended to form shallow depressions in the
Size and labelling density of biocytin-labelled
surface membrane of the postsynaptic profile. At these
riMLF synaptic endings
proximal sites, labelled synaptic endings occurred either The riMLF synaptic endings in the oculomotor and
singly (Fig. 1A) or infrequently in a series reminiscent of en trochlear nuclei, as a population, were relatively heteroge-
passant boutons that arise from a single axonal arboriza- neous in size. The cross-sectional areas of 168 riMLF
tion (Fig. 1B).Labelled synaptic endings also were observed synaptic endings that were labelled by using the preembed-
occasionally in association with somatic spine-like append- ding procedure ranged from 0.30 to 6.11 Fm2 (Fig. 61, with a
ages (Fig. l C ) , particularly in the superior rectus subdivi- mean of 1.67 i- 1.19 Fm'. Without regard to differences in
sion of the oculomotor nucleus and in the trochlear nucleus. synaptic vesicle morphology, as a group, the cross-sectional
In all cases, riMLF synaptic endings on the motoneuron areas of 384 riMLF synaptic endings that were labelled by
somata and proximal dendrites, which were identified on using the postembedding procedure ranged from 0.03 to
the basis of elaborate arrays of granular endoplasmic 9.46 Fm2 (Fig. 6), with a mean of 2.47 2 1.46 Fm2.
reticulum, were associated with only one postsynaptic Although the synaptic endings that were labelled by the
profile. preembedding procedure were significantly smaller than
The overwhelming majority of riMLF labelled synaptic those labelled with the postembedding procedure ( P <
endings were encountered in the neuropil of the oculomotor 0.01; t test), the difference between the two samples was
and trochlear nuclei. Synaptic endings almost invariably attributable most likely to sampling bias toward larger
were dome shaped when they were associated with only a terminals. Smaller terminals labelled with the small colloi-
single postsynaptic dendritic profile (Fig. 2A,C,E). Most of dal-gold particles were more difficult to find in the electron
the labelled synaptic endings, however, were associated microscope.
with two or more small- and/or medium-caliber dendrites No significant differences were observed in the gold-
(Fig. 2A-D) and, consequently, had irregular profiles. Irre- particle density associated with the three categories of
spective of their soma-dendritic location, riMLF synaptic riMLF synaptic endings labelled with the postembedding
endings typically contained numerous small mitochondria procedure. The particle density of synaptic endings that
clustered near the center of each terminal. Labelled myelin- contained spheroidal synaptic vesicles ranged from 4.44 to
ated axons also were observed in the neuropil, usually in 8.86 particles/pm2, with a mean of 6.04 * 1.02 particles/
close proximity to the labelled synaptic endings (Figs. lD, km2. The density of gold particles overlying synaptic end-
2E). ings that contained flattened or ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles
The unobstructed view of the ultrastructural features of ranged from 4.86 to 8.04 particlesipm2, with a mean of
the synaptic endings labelled by the postembedding colloidal- 5.96 ? 1.32 partic1esiIJ-m'. Synaptic endings that contained
gold procedure permitted the classification of riMLF synap- pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles exhibited a gold-particle
tic endings into three populations on the basis of synaptic density that ranged from 4.23 to 8.33 particles/pm2, with a
vesicle morphology. All three populations of anterograde mean of 6.46 * 1.22 particles/km2. For comparison, back-
biocytin-labelled riMLF synaptic endings coexisted within ground levels measured from unlabelled synaptic endings
the same motoneuron subdivisions that were targeted by in neighboring regions of the oculomotor nucleus (e.g.,
injections in different regions of the riMLF. One population medial rectus subdivision) ranged from 0.22 to 1.21 par-
of riMLF synaptic endings contained large spheroidal synap- ticles/pm2, with a mean of 0.41 0.31 particles/Fm2. The
tic vesicles and formed asymmetrical synaptic contacts (Fig. quantitative data, therefore, indicate that biocytin labelled
3A-D). Synaptic contact zones were characterized by a the different populations of riMLF synaptic endings in an
prominent postsynaptic densification with occasional sub- approximately equivalent manner without regard to their
junctional dense bodies (Fig. 3A, inset). In most instances, presumed physiological action or neurotransmitter con-
only a single synaptic contact was observed with each tent.
Fig. 1. A-D: Electron micrographs of biocytin-labelled (preembed- ings from the riMLF a r e observed either in isolation (A) or as a series
ding) synaptic endings from the rostra1 interstitial nucleus of the (B). Less frequently, synaptic connections a r e established with somatic
medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) associated with somata (A-C) spine-like ( s )appendages (C). Note the labelled myelinated axons in D.
and a proximal dendrite (d; D ) in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. Asterisks indicate unlabelled synaptic endings. Scale bars = 1 km.
Although relatively few in number, labelled axosomatic synaptic end-

Fig. 2. A-E: Electron micrographs of biocytin-labelled (preembedding) synaptic endings from the
riMLF contacting medium-and small-diameter dendrites (d) in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei.
Individual synaptic endings in A-D are associated with two or more postsynaptic profiles. Note the labelled
myelinated axon ( a )in E. Scale bars = 1 ym.

Fig. 3 . A-D: Electron micrographs of presumed excitatory biocytin- Labelled synaptic endings often contact more than one medium-
labelled riMLF synaptic endings containing spheroidal synaptic vesicles diameter and/or small-diameter dendrite (A,B,D). Labelled axosomatic
and forming asymmetric synaptic contact profiles (large arrows) in the synaptic endings with similar synaptic vesicle morphology (C) were
oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. Biocytin is localized by the postembed- encountered only rarely. d, Dendrite; psd, postsynaptic densification.
ding procedure using 15 nm colloidal-gold particles (small arrows). Scale bars = 0.5 pm in A-D; 0.25 pm in inset.

Soma-dendritic distribution of For comparison, the diameters of 252 proximal dendrites

biocvtin-labelled riMLF svnaDtic endinmY I Y
oftrochlear motoneurons that were labelled by the immuno-
histochemical localization of ChAT (McHaffie et al., 1991)
Most biocytin-labelled riMLF synaptic endings were en- were measured by light microscopy. The diameters of
countered in the neuropil, and comparatively fewer labelled
proximal dendrites ranged from 2.42 to 9.59 pm (Fig. 7),
synaptic endings were associated with the somata of oculo-
with a mean of 5.36 2 1.48 pm. The 95% confidence
motor and trochlear motoneurons. A quantitative analysis
of the postsynaptic diameters of profiles that were in interval (CI) ranged from 2.06 to 8.66 pm. Using the CI of
synaptic contact with labelled synaptic endings was under- ChAT-immunoreactive proximal dendrites as a reference,
taken to determine the soma-dendritic distribution of riMLF postsynaptic profiles were characterized as being somata
synaptic endings. With the preembedding procedure, the ( > 8.66 pm), proximal dendrites (2.06-8.66 pm), and distal
diameters of postsynaptic profiles ranged from 0.17 to dendrites ( < 2.06 pm), including spines. These results
11.79 pm (Fig. 7), with a mean of 3.22 2 2.63 pm. With the indicated that the majority (92.86%)of the synaptic endings
postembedding procedure, postsynaptic profiles ranged from labelled with the preembedding procedure contacted den-
0.20 to 14.51 pm in diameter (Fig. 71,with a mean of 2.54 2 drites, although very few (7.14%)contacted somata (Figs. 7,
2.36 pm. 8 ) .Axodendritic synaptic endings established synaptic con-
Fig. 4. A-E: Electron micrographs of presumed inhibitory biocytin- arrows). Labelled synaptic endings are associated occasionally with
labelled riMLF synaptic endings containing ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles somata or spine-like appendages (A),but, more frequently, they contact
and forming symmetrical synaptic contact profiles (large arrows) in the medium- and small-diameter dendrites id; B-E). d, Dendrite; s, spine-
cat oculomotor and trochlear nucleus. Biocytin is localized by the like appendage; psd, postsynaptic densification. Asterisks indicate
postembedding procedure using 15 nm colloidal-gold particles (small unlabelled synaptic endings. Scale bars = 0.5 pm, 0.25 pm in inset.

Fig. 5. A-D: Electron micrographs of biocytin-labelled riMLF syn- The ultrastructural features (e.g., size and morphology of synaptic
aptic endings containing pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles and forming vesicles, postsynaptic densification) vary but are distinct from those
synaptic contacts (large arrows) in the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei. that characterize typical excitatory and inhibitory synaptic endings (see
Biocytin is localized by the postembedding procedure using 15 nm Figs. 2 , 4 ) .d, Dendrite; psd, postsynaptic densification. Scale bars = 0.5
colloidal-gold particles (small arrows). Labelled synaptic endings in A, p m , 0.25 pm in inset.
B, and D contact more than one medium- and small-diameter dendrite.

tacts with a greater weighting toward proximal (52.98%) spines were characterized by their sac-like protrusions from
than distal (39.88%)dendrites. However, the three popula- a soma or a dendrite, respectively (Figs. lC, 4A,B). Classify-
tions of synaptic endings labelled with the postembedding ing the postsynaptic profiles by their ultrastructural fea-
procedure overall made synaptic contacts with a greater tures, the soma-dendritic distributions were determined in
weighting toward distal (62.83%) than proximal (32.74%) the trochlear nucleus for the three categories of riMLF
dendrites (Figs. 7, 8). synaptic endings characterized on the basis of synaptic
Because the diameters measured from single ultrathin vesicle morphology (Fig. 9). Using these criteria, the major-
sections were dependent on the plane of the section through ity (53.10%) of the labelled riMLF synaptic endings con-
the process, postsynaptic profiles were characterized subjec- tacted distal dendrites. A smaller proportion of the synaptic
tively on the basis of their ultrastructural features. For endings contacted proximal dendrites (27.43% ), somata
example, a distinction was made between proximal and (7.96%), and spine-like appendages (11.50%).The majority
distal dendrites by the content of granular endoplasmic of labelled synaptic endings that contained spheroidal
reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and polyribosomes. Proximal (61.11%,)and pleiomorphic (72.41%)synaptic vesicles con-
dendrites were distinguished from somata by their content tacted distal dendrites. Very few of these two types of
of parallel arrays of microtubules. Somatic or dendritic synaptic endings contacted proximal dendrites ( 16.67%

g 0
~0 0
~ 0 0
y 0
0 0
0 0
~" 0
0 0
,~ , & ~

Cross-Sectional Area (pm2)

Fig. 6. Distribution of cross-sectional areas of biocytin-labelled and the median is 1.28 pm2. The mean size of 384 riMLF synaptic
riMLF synaptic endings in the trochlear nucleus localized by pre- and endings labelled with the postembedding procedure is 2.47 ? 1.46 pm2,
postembedding procedures. The mean size of 168 riMLF synaptic and the median is 2.19 km2.
endings labelled with the preembedding procedure is 1.67 t 1.19 pm',



9 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 9 " 9 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~
o o - - ~ ~ m o ~ ~
Postsynaptic Diameter (vm)
Fig. 7. Diameter distribution of postsynaptic profiles contacted by that are smaller in diameter than t h e proximal dendrites of the
riMLF synaptic endings labelled with the pre- and postembedding motoneurons. Synaptic endings labelled by the preembedding proce-
procedures in the trochlear nucleus compared to the diameter distribu- dure have a wider postsynaptic distribution than those labelled by the
tion of proximal dendrites of choline acetyltransferase (ChATI- postembedding procedure. Very few of the labelled synaptic endings
immunoreactive trochlear motoneurons. Note that the overall distribu- make synaptic contact on the soma.
tion ofriMLF synaptic endings is weighted toward postsynaptic profiles

spheroidal, 17.24% pleiomorphic). The synaptic endings synaptic endings of each type were located on the somata
that contained ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles were weighted (11.11% spheroidal, 3.45% pleiomorphic, 8.33% ellipsoidal) of
more toward proximal dendrites (41.67%) than toward trochlearmotoneuronsoron somaticordendriticspines (11.11%
distal dendrites (35.42%). By contrast, significantly fewer spheroidal, 6.90% pleiomorphic, 14.58% ellipsoidal).

95 % Confidence IntervaI Distribution asymmetrical, with a prominent postsynaptic densification.

A second population of riMLF synaptic endings contains
predominantly ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles and exhibits a
symmetrical pre-/postsynaptic membrane profile. The third
category of riMLF synaptic endings has ultrastructural
features that are intermediate between those of the spheroi-
dal and those of the ellipsoidal types. These synaptic
endings contain pleiomorphic synaptic vesicles and are
associated with a modest postsynaptic specialization. All
three morphological types of riMLF synaptic endings estab-
lish synaptic connections predominantly with dendrites.
Synaptic endings containing ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles
have a more proximal soma-dendritic distribution than
those that contain either spheroidal or pleiomorphic synap-
tic vesicles. Furthermore, all three morphological types of
synaptic endings were encountered in the same motoneu-
ron subdivisions of the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in
the same experiments.
A <2.06 2.06-8.66
Postsynaptic Diameter (pm)
To characterize the soma-dendritic distribution of riMLF
synaptic endings, two methods have been used to classify
proximal and distal dendrites. One method is based on the
~ p ~ . ~ ~ - . diameter of the postsynaptic dendrites with reference to the
I Pre-embedding i CI of the diameter distributions of proximal dendrites of
i ~
ChAT-immunoreactive trochlear motoneurons. The other
~ Post-embedding method is based on the ultrastructural features of the
lp-pppp- 1 postsynaptic dendrites, including the content of granular
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and ribosomes.
For the sample population in this study, both methods
Ultrastructural Distribution produced very similar results. In general, therefore, at least
6o ~~ ~- ~~
in the present situation, the diameters of the postsynaptic
p ~ - ~ -~p~~

dendrites can serve as a useful indicator of the proximodis-

tal location of synaptic endings on the soma-dendritic
Two of the morphological types of riMLF synaptic end-
ings in the trochlear nucleus are similar in ultrastructural
features to unlabelled synaptic endings that were identified
previously (Bak and Choi, 1974; Tredici et al., 1976;
Waxman and Pappas, 1979). The riMLF synaptic endings
that contain ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles appear to corre-
spond to types I and I1 (Bak and Choi, 1974), which are
characteristic of inhibitory synapses (Uchizono, 1965; Lar-
ramendi et al., 1967). By contrast, riMLF synaptic endings
that contain spheroidal synaptic vesicles are similar to type
I11 synapses in the trochlear nucleus (Bak and Choi, 1974),
which are considered to be excitatory in nature (Uchizono,
Distal Proximal Soma Spine 1965; Larramendi et al., 1967). The third population of
B Soma-Dendritic Distribution riMLF synaptic endings contains pleiomorphic synaptic
vesicles and does not make typical symmetrical or asym-
Fig. 8. Comparison of the soma-dendritic distributions of riMLF metrical synaptic contacts. The nature of this population of
synaptic endings labelled by the preembedding and postembedding synaptic ending is unknown.
methods with reference to the 95% confidence interval of postsynaptic Synaptic endings of types 1-111 have been identified
diameters of ChAT-immunoreactive proximal dendrites of trochlear
motoneurons ( A )and the identification of postsynaptic profiles based
previously as originating from the vestibular nuclei (Bak et
on ultrastructural criteria ( B ) . al., 1976; Demcmes and Raymond, 1980). However, the
ipsilateral second-order, inhibitory, vestibular input to
oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons is distributed pre-
dominantly on the somata and the proximal dendrites (Bak
DISCUSSION et al., 1976; Demcmes and Raymond, 1980; Spencer and
The findings in this study indicate that three morphologi- Baker, 1983), whereas presumed inhibitory synaptic end-
cal types of anterograde, biocytin-labelled, riMLF synaptic ings from the ipsilateral riMLF have a more widespread
endings, which are distinguishable on the basis of synaptic distribution on proximal and distal dendrites. Further-
vesicle morphology and synaptic specializations, establish more, the mode (i.e., single vs. multiple synaptic contact
synaptic connections with motoneurons in the cat oculomo- zones) and pattern (i.e., single vs. multiple postsynaptic
tor and trochlear nuclei. One type of riMLF synaptic ending targets) of synaptic termination of riMLF inhibitory synap-
contains a uniform population of large, spheroidal, synaptic tic endings differ from those previously demonstrated for
vesicles, and the synaptic contact zones are distinctly the second-order inhibitory vestibular synapses. Each inhibi-

1 0 Pleiomorphic I
1I ‘1
. -

Distal Proximal Soma Spine
Soma-Dendritic Distribution
Fig. 9. Soma-dendritic distribution of different categories of riMLF synaptic endings characterized by
synaptic vesicle morphology Le., ellipsoidal, pleiomorphic, and spheroidal) in the trochlear nucleus labelled
with the postembedding procedure. The postsynaptic profiles are classified into distal and proximal
dendrites, soma, and spine according to their ultrastructural features.

tory riMLF synaptic ending exhibits only a single synaptic however, does not preclude the possibility of interactions
contact zone with each postsynaptic profile, but synaptic between the inputs that might influence specific individual
connections usually are established simultaneously with or combined synaptic effects (White et al., 1990; Tomasulo
multiple postsynaptic dendrites. By contrast, each inhibi- et al., 1993).
tory vestibular synaptic ending exhibits multiple, spatially The soma-dendritic distribution of riMLF synaptic end-
separated synaptic contact zones with only one postsynap- ings is likely to have a significant role in influencing the
tic profile (Spencer and Baker, 1983). Consistent with the postsynaptic physiological responses of oculomotor and
notion of multiple types of inhibitory synaptic endings, trochlear motoneurons. Given the relatively constant elec-
recent findings have demonstrated at least two types of trotonic location of the riMLF excitatory input onto oculo-
synaptic endings in the cat oculomotor and trochlear nuclei motor and trochlear motoneurons, the shape of the EPSPs
that are immunoreactive toward glutamate decarboxylase, produced by activation of the vertical saccadic premotor
the synthesizing enzyme of the putative inhibitory neuro- neurons should be similar for all motoneurons that receive
transmitter GABA, and that differ on the basis of the mode, excitatory synaptic inputs from the riMLF (Liischer and
pattern, and soma-dendritic distribution of their synaptic Clamann, 1992). The time course of the excitatory postsyn-
connections (Spencer et al., 1992). Furthermore, these aptic potentials (EPSPs) also should be similar for all
findings are compatible with the notion that synaptic motoneurons, because the spatial and temporal dispersion
endings with distinctly different ultrastructural and/or of the input appears to be minimal (Walmsley and Stuklis,
synaptic features originate from different sources (Rose and 1989). Other factors, such as the size-related rheobase and
Neuber-Hess, 1991). input resistance of the postsynaptic motoneurons, might
The type I11 contralateral, excitatory, second-order, ves- influence the modulation of EPSP amplitude by high-
tibular synaptic endings on oculomotor (DemGmes and frequency stimulation (Koerber and Mendell, 1991) and,
Raymond, 1980; Spencer and Baker, 1983) and trochlear presumably, play a role in the recruitment of the motoneu-
(Bak et al., 1976; Spencer and Baker, 1983) motoneurons rons during eye movements.
are distributed predominantly on dendrites, although the Given the divergence of individual riMLF synaptic inputs
overall soma-dendritic weighting k e . , proximal vs. distal to oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons, as indicated by
dendrites) of this input has not been determined. Although single synaptic endings that establish simultaneous synap-
the excitatory riMLF synaptic endings also are distributed tic connections with multiple postsynaptic profiles, the
on the dendrites of oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons, presynaptic control of motoneuron recruitment during
this input terminates preferentially on small- and medium- vertical saccadic eye movements is likely to be less impor-
caliber distal dendrites. Based on evidence for the spatial tant than that proposed for second-order excitatory vestibu-
segregation of inputs on the soma-dendritic surface of lar inputs that function in the vertical vestibuloocular
spinal motoneurons (Rose and Neuber-Hess, 1991), the reflex (Spencer and Baker, 1983). One intriguing possibility
proximodistal distribution of vestibular and riMLF inputs is that the differences in the synaptic organization of riMLF
to oculomotor and trochlear motoneurons might be ex- and second-order vestibular inputs to oculomotor and
pected to differ as well. Such a segregation of inputs on trochlear motoneurons may be related to differences in the
different portions of the soma-dendritic extent of a neuron, information transferred by each source, the riMLF input
conveying eye-velocity signals (Buttner et al., 1977; King riMLF (Buttner et al., 1977; King and Fuchs, 1979; Vilis et
and Fuchs, 1979; Vilis et al., 1989; Moschovakis et al., al., 1989; Moschovakis et al., 1991a,b; Crawford and Vilis,
1991a,b) and the vestibular input conveying eye-position 1992), it is logical to assume that a single region of the
signals (McCrea et al., 1980; 1987a,b; Ohgaki et al., 1988; riMLF contains excitatory neurons that are related to one
Iwamoto et al., 1990; Scudder and Fuchs, 1992). Further- vertical axis of movement and contains inhibitory neurons
more, these morphological and physiological differences that are activated during movements in the opposite direc-
between the riMLF and vestibular inputs to vertical moto- tion. This arrangement would require that supranuclear
neurons translate to distinctive clinical deficits in vertical inputs to the riMLF must distinguish between the two
gaze following lesions in the midbrain a t the thalamomesen- populations of neurons that are related to opposite direc-
cephalic junction (Christoff, 1974; Cogan, 1974; Halmagyi tions of vertical saccadic eye movements.
et al., 1978; Jacobs et al., 1978; Kompf et al., 1979;
Trojanowski and LaFontaine, 1981; Buttner-Ennever et
al., 1982; Pierrot-Deseilligny et al., 1982;Moffie et al., 1983; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Bogousslavsky and Regli, 1984; Ranalli et al., 1988; Deleu This study was supported by U S . Public Health Service
et al., 1989; Bogousslavsky et al., 1990; Thomke and Hopf, MERIT Award EY02191 from the National Eye Institute,
1992; Green et al., 1993) vs. lesions in the medulla (Meien- National Institutes of Health. The excellent technical assis-
berget al., 1978). tance of Lynn Davis and Nancy Smith is greatly appreci-
The synaptic organization of riMLF terminals in the ated.
oculomotor and trochlear nuclei that are related to vertical
saccadic eye movements also differs substantially from the
organization of pontomedullary reticular inputs to abdu- LITERATURE CITED
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