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ar DOMESTIC PRACTICE IN POSTCLASSIC SANTA ISABEL, NICARAGUA. Geoffrey G. McCafferty Four seasons of excvation a the Santa Isabel sit onthe shore of Lake Nicaragua have recovered an esensive wsemblage 2f material remains relating to Early Postlassic period (A.D. 800-1250) dometc practice This paper repors inital pro Ject resus, specifically relating to themes of architecture, foodways,specialiced production, an belief systems. Excep- tional preservation of organe materials such as faunal and botanical remains, as well as bone tools. perms an expansive description ofthe material cultare relating to household level consumption. Through the intensive coverage of 5 ha of the site center, including 10 house mounds, we Se thas nra-stevaration alto reflect community orgenication, Finally, Santa Isabel presents potential for inferring cultural relationships benween central Mexico (based om ethaohisorical aecouis) and Greater Nicoya Cuatro temporadas de excavacin en el so de Sant sabe, sobre la costa det lago Nicaragua, han permite recuperar una drawn by Kristine Zamee and Sharise MoCaffen, ‘Thanks also to Alejandra Alonso foc help withthe tanslation ofthe abstract. References Cited ‘Abo-Vider Suzanne 1981 lnnokistecical Approaches 10 the Archaeology of Gromer Nicoya. In Between ContineniBetween Seas: Precolumbian Ars of Casta Rica eed by Elizabeth P ‘Benson, pp. 85-92. ary N. Abrams, In Publiers,New York. Abel-Vidor, Suzanne, Claude Bausez, Ronald Bishop, Lely Bonilla, Micin Calvo M, Winfred Creamer, ane Day Juan V, Geer, Pal Healy John Hoopes, Frederick W. 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