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Here are the answers to the example exercises:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate environmental vocabulary:

a) The release of harmful chemicals into the river caused pollution.

b) Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal species in an ecosystem.

c) The filtration process in sewage treatment helps to remove solid


Discuss in pairs: What are some ways in which industries contribute to

environmental damage? How can chemical engineers play a role in
mitigating these issues?

Possible ways industries contribute to environmental damage:

Air pollution from factories and power plants

Water pollution from chemical spills or improper waste disposal

Land contamination from hazardous waste disposal

Possible ways chemical engineers can mitigate these issues:

Developing and implementing cleaner production technologies to reduce

emissions and waste

Designing efficient treatment systems for industrial wastewater

Conducting environmental impact assessments and implementing

sustainable practices

Collaborating with other professionals to find innovative solutions to

environmental challenges

Match the sewage treatment process with its description:

a) Primary treatment - (ii) Removes solid particles from wastewater

b) Secondary treatment - (i) Uses bacteria to break down organic matter

c) Tertiary treatment - (iii) Disinfection to remove pathogens

Role play: Imagine you are an engineer working on a sewage treatment
project. Discuss with your partner the challenges you face and propose
possible solutions.

In this role play exercise, students are encouraged to use their creativity
and problem-solving skills to discuss challenges and propose solutions.
There are no fixed answers, as the purpose is to engage in a meaningful
conversation and encourage critical thinking. Some possible challenges
and solutions could include:


Insufficient funding for the project

Limited space for constructing the treatment plant

Dealing with high volumes of wastewater

Ensuring the efficient removal of pollutants

Possible solutions:

Seeking additional funding sources through partnerships or grants

Utilizing innovative designs to optimize the use of available space

Implementing advanced treatment technologies to handle large volumes

of wastewater

Incorporating effective filtration and disinfection processes to ensure

pollutant removal

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