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Head and Brain Trauma in Children

250 Management of Head Injury: Special Considerations in

Kristen Stabingas, Linda Wei Xu, Gerald A. Grant, and P. David Adelson

was largely due to the increased recognition of mild TBI and

This chapter includes an accompanying lecture presentation
that has been prepared by the authors: Video 250.1.
Falls are the leading cause of injury in children younger than
5 years of age, whereas motor vehicle collisions are the leading
cause in older (15–19 years old) youths.3 For infants and toddlers
KEY CONCEPTS (<2 years old), nonaccidental trauma is the most common cause
of injury.1,4 Both nonaccidental trauma, often with delay in
• Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause reporting, and motor vehicle collisions commonly results in more
of disability in the United States. severe injuries than those sustained from falls. Males have a 1.4
• Management of pediatric head injury requires to 2 times higher risk of injury than females. The prevalence of
understanding of the neurological development unique to disability in patients who have sustained traumatic head injuries
this population. is unknown but may be as high as 20% in hospitalized patients.3
Accordingly, mortality from TBI in children takes a bimodal
• Initial trauma resuscitation includes physiologic distribution: mortality rates are up to 5% in children younger
stabilization with special attention to age-dependent than 4 years, decrease in school-aged children to 2% to 3%,
oxygen and volume status. and then increase to 19% in youths older than 15 years.1,5 The
• If abusive trauma is suspected, patients should undergo a specific management of pediatric patients is distinct from that
comprehensive evaluation for additional systemic injuries of adult patients because of different physiology in these age
followed by a Child Protective Services referral. groups. In this chapter, we aim to review unique considerations
• Routine computed tomography scans are not indicated for management of head injury in the pediatric population. 
in children with a mild head injury and no evidence of
clinical decline. TYPES OF HEAD INJURY
• US law mandates that all youth athletes must be
The clinical presentation of head injury in the pediatric popula-
removed from play if concussion is suspected and
tion is largely dependent on the severity and variability of the
may not return to play unless cleared by a medical
initial trauma. Owing to the unique age-specific biomechanical
properties of pediatric neuroanatomy, namely, higher plasticity
• The biomechanical properties of pediatric bone allow for and deformity, children are susceptible to a wide spectrum of
certain skull fractures that are unique to this population. injuries, many of which are rare among adults.6
• Children are more susceptible to changes in carbon Head injuries can be classified generally into mild (Glasgow
dioxide levels, and alterations in autoregulation are Coma Scale [GCS] score of 13–15), moderate (GCS score of
frequently seen in pediatric TBI. 9–12), and severe (GCS score of 3–8) categories after initial
• Pediatric patients have a preexisting lower seizure resuscitation. Patients with GCS score of 14 or 15 are sometimes
threshold and thus are at increased risk of posttraumatic grouped in a separate category from patients with GCS score
seizure activity. of 13 because the management is distinct in terms of initial
work-up and imaging. Mild head injuries are the most common;
• There is no strong evidence to support the use of yet despite the recognition of TBI as a public health concern,
therapeutic hypothermia in pediatric TBI. injuries are still believed to be vastly underreported.7 A subset
of mild head injuries is classified as concussion, defined by a rapid-
onset, transient neurological impairment that resolves without
intervention. It is thought that these symptoms are due to a
EPIDEMIOLOGY transient disturbance in function rather than a true structural
In the pediatric population, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the injury. Commonly, patients experience loss of consciousness
leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States. (LOC), disorientation, headaches, amnesia, emotional lability,
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and sleep disturbance. By convention, concussion is not
TBI causes nearly 500,000 emergency department visits per year associated with any findings on computed tomography (CT),8,9
and results in more than 2000 deaths per year.1 Expanded media although in general findings such as a skull fracture or intracranial
coverage, political legislation, and recognition of TBI by profes- abnormality are revealed on CT in 5% of patients with mild TBI.
sional sports organizations all could be factors contributing to Patients with concussion and CT findings are classified as having
the heightened awareness of TBI in the pediatric population. complicated mild TBI.10-12 Achievement of an optimal outcome
However, despite increased prevention and educational efforts, starts with appropriate initial evaluation and assessment of the
pediatric TBI increased more than 30% from 2006 to 2013; this type and severity of neurological injury. 
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CHAPTER 250  Management of Head Injury: Special Considerations in Children 1887

TABLE 250.1   Age-Specific Hypotension140 BOX 250.1  Resuscitation Protocol142 250

Age Range (yr) Hypotension (mm Hg)
Warm crystalloid boluses in 20-mg/kg units × 3
0–1 <65
Administer type-specific or O-negative packed red blood cells in
2–5 <75
6–12 <80
10-mg/kg boluses and locate source of bleeding as soon as
13–16 <90 possible
Monitor urine output to gauge success of resuscitation with goal
urine output of >2 mL/kg per hour in infants and 1–1.5 mL/kg
per hour in older children
On presentation to the emergency department, a detailed and
focused history and physical examination can help with rapid and external hemorrhaging, in children it is important to keep in
assessment and anticipation of potential injuries. Although at mind that head trauma itself can be a source of significant blood
times it may not be possible to obtain a complete history, impor- loss. Although at times trivial in adults, blood loss from scalp
tant factors to consider include the mechanism of injury, seizures, lacerations and hematomas can be a significant portion of blood
LOC, headache, vomiting, history of bleeding disorders, history volume in children. Furthermore, head injury in infants with
of previous TBI, medications and whether medications were open sutures can expand the cranial vault and mask a significant
given in the field, and whether symptoms or signs are currently amount of internal bleeding.21
improving or worsening. When obtaining the history, it is impor- Damage control resuscitation, a military-derived concept of
tant to note inconsistencies in timing or events that would raise traumatology, is an attempt to limit the use of crystalloid products
suspicion of nonaccidental trauma or inflicted injury. during rapid transfusions; this concept applies to both adult and
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines provide a pediatric patients.23 According to the most recent edition of
structured, systematic approach for emergency care of pediatric ATLS, an initial fluid bolus of 20 mL/kg is followed by 10 to
trauma patients. The initial evaluation of patients who have 20 mL/kg of packed red blood cells and 10 to 20 mL/kg of fresh
sustained severe head injury is based on physiologic stabilization frozen plasma and platelets in patients at risk of needing a massive
rather than targeted, diagnosis-based therapy.13 Evaluation of transfusion.
airway, breathing, and circulation precedes the neurological Coagulopathy also develops in 40% of children with severe
evaluation, and stabilization of these elements takes priority. TBI, likely owing to consumption of clotting factors from bleeding
Neurosurgeons require an understanding of how the basic trauma and dilution from resuscitation. Children with head injury are at
evaluation differs in children compared with adults and of the particular risk for disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.24 It is
implication for any operative intervention that may be needed. thought that damaged brain tissue releases tissue thromboplastin
Although evaluation for airway and breathing management and elevates risk for disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, as
is typically similar to the evaluation in adults, evaluation of demonstrated by thrombocytopenia, increase in prothrombin
circulatory status and blood loss in children can be quite different. time and partial thromboplastin time, increase in D-dimer, and
Thus a physiology-driven approach should be used for fluid reduction in fibrinogen.21,24,25 Early coagulopathy increases
resuscitation in pediatric patients, while still respecting the age- mortality fourfold in pediatric patients with TBI,26 and platelet
related differences within this population, keeping in mind that transfusion is associated with improved overall survival.27 In the
excessive fluid may be harmful.14 setting of massive blood loss, especially in children, transfusion of
Among pediatric patients, 39% of traumatic deaths can be platelets and plasma should accompany transfusion of packed red
attributed to exsanguination,15 and several factors contribute to blood cells. Tranexamic acid, a pharmaceutical hemostatic agent,
why children are particularly more at risk. In general, children was implemented as standard practice in adult trauma after a large
have higher oxygen requirements but a lower blood volume than randomized controlled trial demonstrated its safety, efficacy, and
adults. However, children also have increased physiologic reserve statistically significant reduction in mortality. Tranexamic acid
and can easily conceal common signs of hypovolemia. A child has been studied in the perioperative setting of various pediatric
can typically maintain a normal blood pressure despite a 25% surgery subspecialties; however, its role in pediatric trauma
to 30% blood volume loss.16 Thus by the time hypotension is remains unclear.28
noted, the patient is likely very close to cardiovascular collapse, After initial resuscitation and stabilization of a patient
which is highly associated with morbidity and mortality.17,18 with severe trauma, a detailed neurological examination can
Furthermore, many practitioners are not familiar with normal be undertaken. Standard cervical spine precautions should
blood pressure ranges in this population. Normal blood pressure be maintained for patients in whom head injury is suspected
ranges are outlined in Table 250.1 and can be estimated by the because concomitant cervical injuries are common. Important
following equation: 90 + (2 × age). Hypotension is defined as 20 aspects of the primary survey in all patients with suspected head
points below normal.19 Blood volume can be estimated at 80 mL/ injury include inspection for scalp hematomas or lacerations,
kg.20,21 Because hypotension can be a late presenting symptom palpable skull fractures or evidence of basilar skull fractures,
of hypovolemia, it is particularly important to note clinical signs and focal neurological signs. In infants a bulging fontanelle may
of hypovolemia. Symptoms such as decreased pulse pressure be indicative of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). The GCS
(<20 mm Hg), mottled skin, hypothermia, lethargy, metabolic score is a useful tool for older children and has been modified
acidosis, decrease in palpable pulses, decrease in urine output, for younger children (Table 250.2). If abusive head trauma is
and increased capillary filling time all can give important clues suspected, evidence of other systemic injuries such as concomitant
before reaching the point of cardiovascular instability.16 fractures (old or new), abdominal injuries, or retinal hemorrhages
Because hypovolemia is such a high risk in pediatric patients, may be important to note. Any pediatric patient with suspected
venous access is key to initial resuscitation. If two attempts inflicted trauma should undergo all or a combination of a skeletal
at peripheral access have been tried, interosseous access is survey, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, MRI
indicated.22 According to the pediatric guidelines, resuscitation of the spine, and ophthalmologic examination, followed by a
should proceed as described in Box 250.1. When evaluating for referral to Child Protective Services. In addition to level of
the source of hemorrhage, whereas in adults the primary sources consciousness (via the GCS score), careful evaluation of pupillary
of massive bleeding are typically long bones, abdominal cavity, size and reaction and recognition of lateralizing signs are vital

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1888 SECTION 8  Pediatrics

TABLE 250.2   Glasgow Coma Scale Score

Original Modified for Infants141
Best eye response 1—Does not open eyes 1—None
2—Opens eyes to painful stimuli 2—To pain
3—Opens eyes to verbal command 3—To shout/loud noise
4−Opens eyes spontaneously 4—Spontaneously
Best verbal response 1—No response 1—None
2—Incomprehensible sounds 2—Grunt, agitated
3—Inappropriate words 3—Inconsolable screams
4—Disoriented and converses 4—Consolable, cries
5—Fully oriented and converses 5—Smiles, coos
Best motor response 1—No motor response 1—None
2—Extension (decerebrate posturing) 2—Extension to pain (decerebrate posturing)
3—Flexion (decorticate posturing) 3—Flexion to pain (decorticate posturing)
4—Withdraws purposefully from painful stimuli 4—Withdraws to pain
5—Localizes painful stimuli 5—Localizes pain
6—Follows verbal commands 6—Normal movement

to identification of intracranial injuries, which may require

neurosurgical or neuroprotective interventions. BOX 250.2  Indications for Screening Computed
Based on the findings in the history and physical examination, Tomography in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury34,40
the next step in the evaluation is determining which children are Head injury and any of the following risk factors:
most appropriate for imaging of acute injuries. Historically, in • Inflicted trauma
the absence of high-quality clinical algorithms, skull x-ray was • Posttraumatic seizure
used as the initial imaging modality; this was later replaced • GCS score of <14 or for children <1 year old, GCS score of
with more sensitive and specific alternatives.13 Given its ready <15
availability and ability to detect most acute injuries, CT scan of • GCS score of <15 after 2 hours
the head with brain and bone windows that may include three- • Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
dimensional reconstructions is the mainstay of trauma evaluations. • Tense fontanelle
Particularly with children, most modern imaging protocols allow • Signs of basilar skull fracture
for reduction in radiation dose without reducing image quality. In • Focal neurological deficit
general, if the patient presents with focal neurological findings, • If <1 year old, bruising, swelling, or laceration >5 cm on the
clinical concern for skull fracture, altered mental status (GCS head
score of <14), bulging fontanelle, persistent vomiting, seizures, Head injury and more than one of the following risk factors:
or prolonged LOC, or if there is any concern for abusive head • Loss of consciousness for >5 minutes
trauma, the patient should undergo diagnostic imaging.29-31 • Abnormal drowsiness
Although determining when to image patients with moderate • More than three episodes of vomiting
to severe head injuries is less controversial, there is debate about • Dangerous mechanism of injury
whether imaging in warrants in patients who present with mild • Amnesia for >5 minutes
head trauma. In studies of patients with a GCS score of 14 or 15
and no focal findings, CT scan revealed a clinically significant GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale.
finding (defined as requiring neurosurgical intervention,
intubation for more than 24 hours, or hospital admission for
more than 2 days or as having brain injury on CT or dying
from the injury) in only 1% of patients.11,29 If these cases are adequate neurological examinations such as in patients with
further stratified to patients with normal mental status, no scalp severe facial injuries or pharmacologic coma. Otherwise, routine
hematoma, no LOC, no clinical evidence of skull fractures, and a repeat CT scans are not necessarily needed.37 
low-risk mechanism, the chances of having a clinically significant
finding on CT decrease to 0.05% to 0.2%. This set of guidelines
for when to obtain CT, defined by the Pediatric Emergency Care MANAGEMENT OF TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY
Applied Research Network (PECARN), has been subsequently
validated by other groups as an efficient and useful way to identify
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
patients who do not need imaging.11,32,33 Indications for CT after Only 0.1% to 1% of children presenting with mild TBI will even-
pediatric TBI are summarized in the 2014 recommendations tually require some type of surgical intervention.11,12,30 Because
produced by the National Institute for Health and Care most of these patients do well overall, there are no clear rules
Excellence (Box 250.2).34 Although the PECARN guidelines about how to best manage these patients when presenting to the
recommend imaging if the patient experienced LOC or a high- emergency department. According to the 2016 update of the
impact mechanism, newer findings suggest that isolated LOC American Academy of Pediatrics “Choosing Wisely” campaign,
or isolated severe injury mechanism in the absence of other risk clinical observation is an effective alternative to CT imaging in
factors is associated with a low risk for clinically important TBI children with minor head trauma.38 If there is any suspicion of
and does not require CT.35,36 For low-risk patients, observation injury that may lead to further decline, intracranial injury on CT,
without CT can be considered. Alternatively, a fast brain MRI depressed skull fractures, persistent vomiting, other serious con-
scan (usually a shortened MRI scan lasting 2 minutes with limited comitant injuries, high-risk medical comorbidities, or suspicion
sequences) has been developed to screen children with head of nonaccidental trauma, patients should be admitted for obser-
and neck trauma. Repeat imaging in patients with severe TBI vation. For patients who do not have any of these risk factors,
with subsequent CT scans can be considered in settings of no routine observation for 6 to 8 hours in the emergency depart-
neurological improvement, increasing ICP, or inability to obtain ment is adequate to ensure the patient remains intact without

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CHAPTER 250  Management of Head Injury: Special Considerations in Children 1889

TABLE 250.3   Concussion Grading and Return to Play Guidelines8,47,49,52

Grade I Grade II Grade III RTP
ImPACT Mental status changes Mental status Any LOC ImPACT testing—computerized testing of:
(disorientation, changes for • Verbal memory
amnesia) for <15 >15 min • Visual memory
min • Reaction time
• Processing speech
• Impulse control
• Postconcussion symptom scale
No return to play until values return to baseline
Colorado Medical Confusion Confusion and LOC Grade I:
Society Guidelines amnesia • First time—15 min
• Second time—1 wk
Grade II:
• First time—1 wk
• Second time—2 wk with physician approval
Grade III:
• First time—1 to 6 mo, based on severity of LOC
• Second time—6 mo to 1 yr with physician approval
American Academy No LOC and <15 min No LOC and LOC As summarized in Colorado Medical Society
of Neurology confusion >15 min Guidelines
Guidelines confusion
Fourth International No grading guidelines Summary of how to progress Stepwise RTP:
Congress of through stepwise RTP: • Stage 1: No activity—rest with goal of recovery
Concussion Must be asymptomatic for 24 h • Stage 2: Light aerobic exercise—goal of
in each step increasing heart rate
If any symptoms occur, • Stage 3: Sport-specific exercise—training drills
drop back to previous with no head impact
step at which patient was • Stage 4: Noncontact training drills—complex
asymptomatic training drills with resistive training
At least 1 wk to progress • Stage 5: Full-contact practice—medical
through entire protocol clearance to participate in normal training with
Absolutely no same-day RTP goal of restoring functional skills
if any concussion occurs • Stage 6: RTP
LOC, Loss of consciousness; RTP, return to play.

postconcussive symptoms or signs and is able to tolerate an oral concern for second impact syndrome, Washington state passed
diet without emesis. Delayed deterioration in patients with mild the Zackery Lystedt Law (2009), which dictates that all youth
TBI and no findings on initial CT is uncommon.39,40 Thus rou- athletes must be removed from play if concussion is suspected and
tine repeat CT scans are not indicated in children with mild injury may not return to play unless cleared by a medical professional.46
and no evidence of clinical decline.41 These patients may be dis- This law has since been adopted by all 50 states. To help
charged home with instructions to follow up with a qualified pro- guide medical professionals assessing these patients, there have
vider who has experience or training in concussion management. been many postulated ways to grade concussions and different
Concussion can often be evaluated outside of an emergency recommendations for return to play. Several concussion grading
department setting, either in the field or in an outpatient setting systems are outlined in Table 250.3 with their recommendations
after the initial injury. After a diagnosis of concussion is confirmed, for return to play. In general, most recommend an assessment of
the patient should not be left alone in the first hours of injury in severity of the concussion based on duration and type of mental
case of neurological decline and should be evaluated by a medical status change including amnestic symptoms and LOC. Most
provider. If the injury occurred in the setting of a sports event, agree with a graduated return-to-play strategy whereby activities
the patient should not return to play because same-day return to are gradually increased in a stepwise fashion if the patient remains
play is associated with delayed onset of neurological symptoms asymptomatic.8,9,47 If symptoms occur, the patient needs to step
and worse postconcussive symptoms.42 It is important to note down to a previous level of activity until symptoms resolve.
that ongoing clinical symptoms, history of prior concussion, and The recommended return-to-play guidelines are limited in that
younger age all are associated risk factors of future impairments. timelines provided are generally for adults and do not provide
As such, current recommendations emphasize the importance of an objective measure of suitability for return to play, but
a more conservative approach to the management concussions in rather the patient’s own perception of symptoms and recovery.
youths.43 When adolescents were tested for neurocognitive changes after
A second injury in the postconcussive period puts the patient concussion, many who reported no symptoms showed delays
at risk for second impact syndrome, whereby a mild second head and memory deficits on objective testing.48 One such objective
injury with close proximity in time to the first injury can trigger test is ImPACT, a computerized test that quantifies six different
much more severe repercussions than two isolated head injuries neurocognitive factors, as summarized in Table 250.3. Athletes
that are separated in time.44 The most severe cases of second can be tested with this tool before initiating sports, and return
impact syndrome have been reported with sudden collapse, to play can be held until the athlete returns to the preconcussion
pupillary dilation, loss of eye movement, respiratory failure, and baseline.49-52
death. The severe effects of second impact syndrome are often Although the immediate risk of repeated injury can cause
attributed to a sudden loss of vascular autoregulation with rapid a physician to ask the patient to delay return to play, a serious
elevation in ICP within a matter of minutes, and nearly one- discussion needs to be held about long-term effects and long-term
third of pediatric patients have been found to have alterations risks of repeated concussions. Postconcussion syndrome is described
in vascular autoregulation after head injury.45 Because of as headaches, dizziness, neuropsychiatric symptoms, or cognitive

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1890 SECTION 8  Pediatrics

impairment in the first week following a concussion.9 Of these Later in the posttraumatic course, cranioplasty and “growing
patients, 10% to 15% will have more prolonged symptoms after skull fracture” repair may also need to be considered in pediatric
1 week and can be inclined to develop depression and other patients. These procedures are discussed subsequently, with
mental health issues, sleep disturbance, and anxiety.47 Any child special considerations for pediatric patients.
experiencing extended symptoms should undergo comprehensive
neuropsychological testing to assess symptoms, cognitive
function, and other residual injury and should be considered for
Skull Fracture
further imaging, including MRI with susceptibility-weighted Skull fractures can generally be categorized into open versus
imaging,53,54 diffusion tensor imaging,55 blood oxygen level– closed fractures and structurally as linear, displaced, depressed,
dependent signal sequences,56 or other modern assessments or comminuted. Most fractures in children are treated conserva-
for extent of injury.57 Similarly, if there are visual or vestibular tively without operative management; however, open fractures,
symptoms, more extended testing may be required for these significantly depressed fractures, and fractures that involve the
areas. Although some of these symptoms can be managed with posterior wall of the frontal sinus with dural disruption and cere-
medications, most recommendations are for significant periods of brospinal fluid leak may require surgical repair. Uniquely, the
uninterrupted rest and decreased stimulation or brain activation, cranial bones in children remodel quickly. Furthermore, the
including reduced electronics or television use or even reduced frontal sinuses typically do not start to aerate until age 4 to 5
focused time in school. In a study of children with mild head years, and thus frontal fractures in young children can be man-
injury, the children who continued with all normal school and out- aged conservatively, as sinuses are often not involved.65
of-school cognitive activities or had the most limited reduction Young children with thinner and softer bone can have a small
(continuing to read, do homework, sending text messages, and area of depressed bone referred to as a ping-pong fracture. A burr
participating in other stimulating activities) had the longest hole can often be placed adjacent to the fracture allowing the
duration of postconcussive symptoms.58 Some physicians believe surgeon to slide an instrument underneath the bone to elevate
that a child who is still experiencing postconcussive symptoms or the fracture from inside; an alternative method involves inserting
requires medication to suppress these symptoms should continue a temporary screw into the depressed bone and percutaneously
to refrain from high-risk athletic activities. It is still controversial applying outward pressure.
how many concussions it takes before developing irreversible In a small subset (0.1%) of patients with linear fractures, the
neuropsychological sequelae, although it has been postulated defect can expand in size over time and cause noticeable cosmetic
that repeated concussions in childhood and young adulthood deformity.65 These growing skull fractures are always associated
may predispose to the development of chronic traumatic with a dural tear, with the dural edges retracting under the
encephalopathy.42,59  growing bony defect. Thus the dural defect is greater than the
observed bony pathology. It is important to locate these edges to
repair them, with or without a patch. The skull can be repaired
Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury using calvarial split-thickness grafts, various commercial rapid-
The first published guideline for acute medical management of setting cranioplastic materials, or morcellized bone.66 
severe TBI in children was published in 2003 and later updated
in 2012.19,37 Because management of TBI in pediatric patients Placement of Intracranial Pressure Monitors and
differs from management in adults, better outcomes have been
noted in children who can be managed in a specialized pediatric External Ventricular Drains
trauma center.60-63 As many as 39% of severe TBIs are associated Elevated ICP is independently associated with increased morbid-
with other traumatic injuries, so initial management relies pri- ity and mortality; aggressive management of elevated ICP is para-
marily on resuscitation efforts as outlined earlier.54 In the follow- mount in the setting of significant head trauma. Clinically the
ing sections, we focus specifically on neurosurgical management presence of elevated ICP is best predicated based on GCS scores,
after initial stabilization.  with 86% of pediatric patients with a score of less than 9 having an
ICP of more than 20 mm Hg in one study.67 Thus based on GCS
SURGICAL INDICATIONS AND PREOPERATIVE score, overall clinical status, and suspicious radiographic findings,
an ICP monitor may be warranted.68 Monitoring and lowering
CONSIDERATIONS ICP after severe TBI have been shown to improve overall out-
At the time of initial evaluation, the neurosurgeon often makes comes and survival.37,69 Of note, an open fontanelle in an infant is
a clinical decision about whether the patient requires immedi- not an adequate replacement of definitive ICP monitoring.
ate surgical intervention. Surgical intervention is indicated to Strain gauge–type or “wire” ICP monitors can be used
ensure stabilization physiologically, to treat a secondary insult, or without concern of using a “bolt” and can be considered for
to treat intracranial hypertension from secondary injury. In the younger children. Ventriculostomies are also viable options in
most severe TBI cases, the decision to proceed with surgery often children with severe TBI. Some patients with refractory ICP
carries a high probability of an unfavorable outcome. Recent have experienced further ICP decrease with a lumbar drain in
literature demonstrates that patient age and pupillary response addition to an external ventricular drain. A lumbar drain should
are the strongest predictors of outcomes in children with poor be considered only if there is a functioning external ventricular
postresuscitation neurological examinations (GCS score 3 or 4).64 drain, open basal cisterns, and no mass lesion.37 
Physiologically, in this population, hemostasis from the scalp
flap is particularly important because it can be a significant cause
of blood loss during surgery. In children younger than 2 years,
Hematoma Evacuation
it may be beneficial to keep the periosteum intact over the bone In the presence of an identifiable hematoma causing either
to minimize blood loss along the line of the planned bone flap. focal neurological symptoms or decreased level of conscious-
Other indications may include complex skull fractures resulting ness, most surgeons proceed to operative intervention for
in open depressed fractures, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, or gross evacuation. Middle fossa and posterior fossa epidural hema-
contamination. tomas are most concerning because of the increased risk for
Urgent surgical intervention should be considered in cases of herniation.70 However, several series have suggested that neu-
elevated ICP that is due to diffuse swelling and/or an intracranial rologically intact patients with epidural hematomas can be
mass lesion such as intracranial or intracerebral hematoma. managed with observation and serial imaging. In one study of

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CHAPTER 250  Management of Head Injury: Special Considerations in Children 1891

resorption after cranioplasty, and rigid fixation is prudent.75,77,82

BOX 250.3  Indications for Decompressive 250
Graft failure is strongly correlated with larger defects (especially
Hemicraniectomy74,75,79,143 defects greater than 75 cm2) and timing of reconstruction, with
1. Diffuse swelling on CT scan significantly greater resorption rates when delayed beyond 6
2. Patient within 48 hours of initial injury weeks.83 
3. No episodes of sustained intracranial pressure of >40 mm Hg
4. GCS score of >3 at some point after injury
5. Secondary deterioration after initial good clinical presentation Although the management of the full spectrum of trauma-asso-
6. Evidence of herniation ciated complications in a patient with TBI is beyond the scope of
this chapter, intensive care unit teams generally rely on neurosur-
CT, Computed tomography; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale. geons to help guide management of ICP, posttraumatic seizures,
and need for repeat cranial imaging. Repeat imaging in patients
with severe TBI can be considered in the setting of no neuro-
logical improvement, increasing ICP, or inability to obtain an
13 pediatric patients, 12 patients were successfully managed adequate neurological examination owing to injuries or pharma-
with observation alone, and all made a full recovery at their cologic coma. Otherwise, routine repeat CT scans are not nec-
4-month follow-up visit with no residual hematoma on CT essarily needed.37 Management of ICP and seizures is discussed
scan.71 Conversely, others argue that although it is possible later. 
to avoid surgery in select cases, patients typically experience
prolonged headache, nausea, and vomiting, which may actually
result in longer hospital stays. PHYSIOLOGY
Subdural hematomas are typically the result of venous Cerebral metabolism, oxygen requirements, and glucose require-
bleeding from a cortical or bridging vessel with brain imaging ments are lower at birth but increase to a maximum at 3 to 9 years
demonstrating layered blood products crossing cranial sutures. of age. Consequently, cerebral blood flow increases in children
When acute, they necessitate a full craniotomy; a chronic until a maximum at about 5 years of age, then gradually decreases
subdural hematoma may be successfully evacuated with burr to adult levels. This time period correlates with the development
holes. Subdural hematomas are common in abusive head of vascular resistance, which is lowest in this age range and subse-
trauma.72 quently increases with age.84,85
Principles for trauma craniotomies use the general principles These factors are important in understanding how
outlined previously for operating in a pediatric population. If regulation of blood flow, metabolism, and oxygen levels
significant edema is seen on preoperative imaging or during the can differ in the pediatric brain. Carbon dioxide is one of
case, the bone flap should be left off.  the strongest regulators of blood flow in adults, and studies
show an even stronger effect in children, with an up to 14%
Decompressive Craniectomy change in velocity of blood flow for every 1 mm Hg change
in carbon dioxide. Children most effectively regulate cerebral
Determining which patients will benefit from a decompressive blood flow at mean arterial pressures between 60 and 160 mm
craniectomy for the treatment of elevated ICP in the absence Hg.85 In TBI, autoregulation can become problematic and
of a focal hematoma is more controversial. It is well known can cause dangerous sequelae with ischemia, hyperemia, or
that decompression can reduce ICP significantly.73,74 However, ICP elevations. Both an increase and a decrease in blood flow
some argue that patients who develop diffuse brain edema are can cause secondary injury. Decreases in overall blood flow
so severely injured that expected outcomes are poor regardless can cause ischemia, whereas increases in blood flow can cause
of decompression. Decompressive craniectomies carry risk of elevated ICP, brain edema, and hemorrhage. As many as 17%
additional morbidity including intraoperative blood loss, devel- to 28% of pediatric patients with mild TBI have been found to
opment of hygromas, hydrocephalus, and resorption of reim- have alterations in autoregulation. In children with severe TBI,
planted bone after cranioplasty.75-77 Some studies suggest that this rate increases to 42%.45,85
pediatric patients are more likely to have better outcomes from ICP can change in a biphasic way after a severe head trauma in
decompression if done early enough compared with their adult a child. Secondary cellular cascades from the initial inflammatory
counterparts.73,74,78,79 Box 250.3 lists some of the criteria to con- episode can cause a delayed elevation in ICP.85-87 Because this
sider when determining whether a patient would benefit from suspended ICP elevation is more common in children, one can
decompression. consider a longer duration for ICP monitoring than in adults.88
The technique for decompression can be similar to the Prevention of secondary injury should be initiated as early
hemicraniectomy described earlier for hematoma evacuation, or as possible with a focus on maintaining normal oxygenation,
bifrontal craniotomy can be performed based on the location of temperature, and ventilation.89
the edema and injury. Additionally, evidence shows significantly The primary focus of neurocritical care management
lower ICP in patients who have had a duraplasty.80,81  of patients with TBI is centered on preventing intracranial
hypertension. Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) likely provides
Cranioplasty the best guidance for ICP management in infants and children.
CPP is calculated by subtracting ICP from the mean arterial
When the brain edema has subsided, the bone flap can be pressure. In correlative studies, young children 2 to 6 years old
replaced, usually at least 6 weeks to 3 months after the injury. If have the best outcomes when their CPP is in the range of 40
there is any concern that the patient continues to have ongoing to 60 mm Hg, whereas children 7 to 16 years old have the best
medical issues, this can be delayed, and the patient can continue outcomes when their CPP is in the range of 50 to 70 mm Hg.90,91
to proceed with the rehabilitation course while wearing a helmet However, no definitive studies have demonstrated improved
for safety. In young patients, the autologous bone should be used outcome by adherence to these CPP goals.37,92-94
whenever possible rather than an artificial plate owing to contin- To attain these ICP and CPP goals, several strategies can
ued skull growth. However, 50% of children will develop bone be employed. A tiered management strategy is depicted in

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1892 SECTION 8  Pediatrics

Refractory elevated Barbiturate

ICP coma

Obtain ICP monitor

Suspected or confirmed
CSF drainage
ICP elevation
Sedation and pain control
Hyperosmolar therapy
Surgical evacuation of mass lesion

Elevate head of bed

Basic management of Maintain oxygenation
head trauma Eucapnia
Figure 250.1. Tiered management Avoid hypotension
Avoid fever
of intracranial hypertension.19 CSF,
Maintain adequate venous return
Cerebrospinal fluid; ICP, intracranial pressure.

Fig. 250.1. If ICP remains elevated with basic maneuvers, second- hyperventilation and hypocapnia can eventually decrease overall
tier management strategies with cerebrospinal fluid drainage, bicarbonate levels and cause a left shift of the hemoglobin oxy-
sedation and pain control, and hyperosmolar therapy can be gen affinity curve, decreasing oxygen release in brain tissue and
used. If ICP remains refractory, third-tier management strategies causing brain ischemia in addition to the overall restriction in
include consideration of decompressive craniectomy, barbiturate blood flow.109-112 Because of this, hyperventilation is meant to
coma, hypothermia, and short-term hyperventilation.19 Of note, be a short-term mechanism of decreasing ICP in patients with
steroids, which are commonly used in other situations in which an acute ICP elevation or herniation as a bridging therapy until
there is concern for elevated ICP owing to vasogenic edema (i.e., a more definitive method to lower ICP can be obtained, such as
brain tumors), are contraindicated in trauma. Studies have shown decompressive craniotomy or barbiturate coma. There is no indi-
that steroids confer no improvement in outcomes following TBI cation for using hyperventilation as a preventive therapy if ICP is
but do increase general rates of infections.24,95-98 Specifics on not currently elevated.37 Goals for hyperventilation can be using
medical management of intracranial hypertension are outlined in a respiratory rate to obtain a Paco2 of 30 mm Hg or lower if
the following sections.  the ICP remains refractory. If dropping the Paco2 to below 30
mm Hg, one can consider using brain tissue oxygen monitors or
venous oxygen monitors to ensure that the patient is not experi-
MEDICAL TREATMENT OF INTRACRANIAL encing cerebral ischemia.19 
Hyperosmolar Therapy Sedation and Paralysis
Both mannitol and hypertonic saline have been used as com- Sedation has been noted to decrease ICP and likely works
mon hyperosmolar therapies to manage intracranial hyperten- through several different mechanisms. Propofol (2,6-diisopro-
sion.87,99-102 Administration of mannitol generally entails boluses pylphenol) is a commonly employed sedative to reduce ICP
of 0.25 to 1 g/kg, with goal serum osmolarity of 320 mOsm/L.19 owing to its vasoconstrictive properties. However, propofol-
Studies show a 10% decrease in ICP for 3 hours before return- related infusion syndrome is of particular concern in children,
ing to baseline.99 Mannitol may cause a brisk diuresis in a patient and the drug should not be used for prolonged sedation (>12
who is likely already at risk for hypovolemia because of traumatic hours) in pediatric patients with TBI.113 In this syndrome,
injury. Particularly, in a child with small overall blood volume, patients develop metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, hypertri-
volume status can be difficult to regulate with mannitol. glyceridemia, and hepatomegaly, which can rapidly lead to
Although there are no published studies comparing multiorgan failure.114-117 Long-term propofol use in pediatric
hypertonic saline to mannitol, the 2012 Guidelines for the TBI is generally avoided for this reason and is discouraged by
Acute Management of Severe TBI in Children, Second Edition, the US Food and Drug Administration.37 Sedative agents are
favor the use of 3% hypertonic saline over mannitol.89 This compared in Table 250.4. For further decrease in ICP, neuro-
has been shown to be effective in children, with no significant muscular blockade can be added. Paralysis can decrease shiver-
renal complications noted.103-106 The 3% hypertonic infusions ing, posturing, working against the ventilator, and airway and
are administered as 0.1 to 1.0 mL/kg per hour, with goal serum thoracic pressures.118 Although this can successfully decrease
osmolarity of up to 360 mOsm/L.19,104 Hypertonic saline has not ICP, paralysis is also associated with increased rates of pneu-
been associated with a brisk diuresis and can help with overall monia, cardiovascular instability, and myopathy. Intensive care
volume status. For patients with existing hypervolemia, more unit stays tend to be longer when paralysis is used, and it also
concentrated hypertonic saline, such as 23.4%, has been studied compromises the ability to obtain a neurological examination
in trials as well, without significant complications in the pediatric to assess change.19,119 Thus neuromuscular blockade should be
population.107  reserved for when other ways to address refractory ICP have
As discussed earlier, regulation of blood flow in children is partic-
Barbiturate Coma
ularly sensitive to serum carbon dioxide levels.85 Hyperventilation Barbiturates are the sedatives associated with the most signifi-
decreases serum Pco2 and at extreme levels can put the patient cant ICP decreases and with improved outcomes. Barbiturates
at risk for decreased overall cerebral perfusion.108 Continued control ICP by suppressing metabolism, changing vascular tone,

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CHAPTER 250  Management of Head Injury: Special Considerations in Children 1893

TABLE 250.4   Sedatives for Intracranial Pressure Management114-117

Agents Pros Cons Use
Benzodiazepines Less hypotension Slow wakeup due to buildup of metabolites Induction: 0.1 mg/kg
Raises seizure threshold Withdrawal Maintenance: 0.01–0.2
Reduces cerebral metabolism and ICP Delirium mg/kg/h
Respiratory depression
Plateau with no increase in ICP control at high doses
Narcotics Pain control Could possibly increase ICP in high-dose boluses Adjunct to other
Little effect on blood pressure sedatives
Dexmedetomidine No respiratory depression Hypotension Induction: 1 μg/kg
Can be used in patients who are not intubated Bradycardia Infusion: 0.42–1 μg/kg/h
Decreases delirium Arrhythmia
ICP, Intracranial pressure.

and decreasing free radicals and stabilizing cell membranes in trials, mortality and arrhythmia were increased in the hypother-
the brain.120,121 Barbiturate coma is commonly induced with mic cohort.133 At this time, there is no strong evidence to support
pentobarbital. Continuous electroencephalography is needed the use of therapeutic hypothermia in pediatric TBI, although
to help titrate the maintenance dose because serum levels have avoidance of hyperthermia is maintained in many pediatric
been shown to be inconsistently correlated with true treatment trauma centers. 
effect.37 The dosing for pentobarbital includes a loading dose of
10 mg/kg and a maintenance dosage of 1 mg/kg per hour, with
adjustments for burst suppression.122
Barbiturates can cause concomitant hemodynamic instability Much attention recently has been given to previously unrecog-
and may require the simultaneous use of vasopressors to nized cognitive and psychological sequelae of isolated mild TBI
maintain an adequate blood pressure. In some pediatric studies, and especially repeated mild TBI or concussions. Concussion
the improvement in ICP is counterbalanced by mortality from typically results in short-lived, transient neurological impair-
hemodynamic problems and may not actually result in improved ment that resolves spontaneously. However, approximately
overall outcomes.123,124 Thus barbiturates should be used with 25% to 35% of children may experience physical, cognitive,
caution and should never be used unless other methods of ICP emotional, or behavioral postconcussive symptoms.13 Even in
control have failed.  isolated, mild TBI with no CT findings, quality of life 1 year
after original injury can be diminished in as many as 10% of
pediatric patients.134 In adolescents, there is a twofold increased
Seizures risk for developing a new mood disorder in the 5 years follow-
Seizures are common after trauma and can increase cerebral ing a TBI.135
metabolism and ICP, contributing to secondary brain injury.89 Some studies suggest that patients with complicated mild
Children have a preexisting lower seizure threshold than adults, TBI have outcomes similar to patients with moderate head
and 20% to 39% of children with severe TBI have seizures in the injuries,136 whereas other studies suggest that there are eventually
early posttraumatic period.125-127 Seizure prophylaxis should also no functional differences for patients with complicated injuries
be considered in high-risk populations, including TBI patients compared with patients with uncomplicated mild TBI.10 When
younger than 3 years old, with cerebral edema, with intrapa- evaluating children with multiple concussive injuries, risks for
renchymal injuries, with acute subdural hematomas, and with chronic headaches and cognitive and behavioral deterioration
depressed skull fractures.89 Anticonvulsants can decrease the inci- should be discussed in detail with both the patients and the parents
dence of seizures and have been associated with improved overall to help inform decisions about further and future participation in
survival.19,125-127 Levetiracetam has been shown to be a safe and sports with increased risk for concussive injuries.
efficacious agent in children.128 Subclinical seizures are common, With advancements in neurocritical care, overall outcomes
and an increasing number of pediatric centers have employed the for children with moderate and severe TBI continue to improve,
use of continuous electroencephalography in children with severe with more recent studies reporting less than 25% mortality.69
TBI.129 Late posttraumatic seizures, defined as seizures occurring With rehabilitation efforts, the greatest functional improvements
more than 1 week after injury, can occur in 7% to 12% of patients are observed in basic activity participation, while communication
with TBI.19 Although long-term neurological sequelae of post- and independent self-care are the least likely to recover.136,137
traumatic seizures remain unclear, patients with TBI are twice as Predictors of poor long-term overall outcome are preinjury
likely to develop epilepsy as children without TBI.89,130  capabilities and family environment, including demographics,
parenting style, and socioeconomic status.27,138,139 
Temperature and Hypothermia
Elevated body temperature is associated with increased over-
all metabolism, inflammation, excitotoxicity, seizures, and cell The scope of pediatric TBI ranges from evaluating an athlete
death.6 In an initial pediatric study, improved outcomes were who wishes to return to sports after a concussion to a child
seen after hypothermia compared with historical controls.131 who has severe systemic injuries from a motor vehicle collision.
However, several subsequent studies have failed to demonstrate Management of pediatric head injuries requires rapid and effec-
overall benefit. Although ICP may improve, overall outcome tive stabilization techniques while simultaneously identifying and
can include increased mortality and worse functional outcome correcting modifiable risk factors for secondary injury. Specific
because of other factors associated with hypothermia such as knowledge of how the pediatric brain responds to trauma and
increased coagulopathy, cardiovascular problems, and hemody- understanding differences in physiology are key to optimizing
namic instability.132 In a review of seven randomized controlled overall outcome.

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1894 SECTION 8  Pediatrics

SUGGESTED READINGS Kuppermann N, et al. Identification of children at very low risk of clini-
Adelson PD, et al. Phase II clinical trial of moderate hypothermia after se- cally-important brain injuries after head trauma: a prospective cohort
vere traumatic brain injury in children. Neurosurgery. 2005;56:740–754; study. Lancet. 2009;374:1160–1170.
discussion 740–754. Pechmann A, et al. Decompressive craniectomy after severe traumatic
Guskiewicz KM, et al. Cumulative effects associated with recurrent con- brain injury in children: complications and outcome. Neuropediatrics.
cussion in collegiate football players: the NCAA Concussion Study. J 2015;46:5–12.
Am Med Assoc. 2003;290:2549–2555.
Khanna S, et al. Use of hypertonic saline in the treatment of severe re- See a full reference list on
fractory posttraumatic intracranial hypertension in pediatric traumatic
brain injury. Crit Care Med. 2000;28:1144–1151.
Kochanek PM, et al. Guidelines for the acute medical management of se-
vere traumatic brain injury in infants, children, and adolescents–second
edition. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012;13(suppl 1):S1–S82.

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