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Subject: English

Topic: Creative Writing

Specific Objectives:
 Define creative writing
 Determine the types and techniques used in creative writing
 Compose an original work of creative writing
 Analyze the creative writing of a peer
 The teacher will present a picture showing a disaster in a particular place.
Ask the following:
1. What does the picture is all about?
2. Imagine you were in the picture, what would you feel?
3. What will you do in order to survive?

Main/Lesson Proper:
The students will learn the following concepts:
 Definition of Creative Writing
 Types of Creative Writing
 Techniques used in Creative Writing
Group Activity:
Writing from Art
 The students were group into 5, each group will be given a picture which shows different situations. Their
task is to write something about the picture.
 Recitation
 Seatwork
 Homework
 Ask students to compose an example of creative writing on their own, have students select to write either
a poem or a song that integrates the techniques used in creative writing.

Materials Needed:
 White board
 Marker
 Paper, Pen
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Find three examples of creative writing and compare and contrast them in an essay.

 Licciardi, B. (n.d.) Retrieved from
 Patel, I. (n.d.) Writer`s Treasure. Retrieved from

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