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Jenny - one of my best friends Jenny Light is one of my oldest friends. We first met when we were at primary school, and we have been friends ever since. Now she is twenty years ald and goes to university in Leeds. Mast people would say that she is very attractive. She has a pretty face with beautiful blue eyes and long brown hair. Shes a tall slim girl, and loaks good in almost anything. During the week when shes at university, she usually wears jeans and an old blue denim jacket or a baggy ved Norwegian jumper and a pair of white tennis shoes, but when she goes out at the weekend she likes bright stylish clothes. Shes great fun to be with because her sense of humour is wonderful. However, she is also sensitive and always has time to listen if you have a problem. We have always been friends, and I am sure that if she gets married or maves away, we will still be close and will see each other regularly. Jenny - one of my best friends Jenny Light is one of my oldest friends. We first met when we were at primary school, and we have been friends ever since. Now she is twenty years old and goes to university in Leeds. Mast people would say that she is very attractive. She has a pretty face with beautiful blue eyes and long brown hair. Shes a tall slim girl, and looks good in almost anything. During the week when shes at university, she usually wears jeans and an ald blue denim jacket or a baggy red Norwegian jumper and a pair of white tennis shoes, but when she goes out at the weekend she likes bright stylish clothes. Shes great fun to be with because her sense of humour is wonderful. However, she is also sensitive and always has time to listen if you have a problem. We have always been friends, and I am sure that if she gets married or moves away, we will still be close and will see each other regularly. 3 Language rath Adjective order In order to write a good description, you will need to use adjectives and adverbs effectively. A. Read the following list. Are the adjectives in the correct order? Look back at the sample answer to help you, and correct the order if necessary. skinny short girl short skinny girl green lovely eyes short black hair a new cotton green jacket a Swedish big green jumper football black boots Pl) Which adjectives 1) 1.26 Listen and repeat. ymand describe you, your bestfriend, your mur dad? Vocabulary friendly generous hard-working honett ind lacy orgonised patient poite rude felish serious shy talkative 1m tokative, fenaly 2. know that! work in pairs. What other personality adjectives do you know? Make ait funny, Complete the sentencos withthe adjectives in the Vocabulary box. 1 Som only thinks about himself He's sash 2 Leah never does ary work. She's _ 3 Fronkneverloughs. He's 4 Tinotoks clot She's __ 5 Shaun is nervous and quit when he meets new people. He's 6 Gin likes giving presents to people. She's 4 Read the text about first impressions In pairs, talk about your fist impressions of Lam ond Molly. 2s | think Liar looks serious B: fagree./I don't ogre. think he looks shy et oo When we meet someone forthe first time, we often look at them and form a ‘first impression’. We decide if they ore polite or rude, funny or serious, fond we decide if we like them or not. Scientists say we do all of this in seven seconds! Pet Rill ent een text about personality 1.27 tsten to Matt and Elsa talking about ian, s ; 5 Q)2 titer ogan anton heaton 1 Whot wos Matt's fst impression of iam? 2 what adhe think about Liam later? +3 What wos Elsa's fist impression of Moll? ‘4 What did she realise about Maly loter? the Vocabulary Builder. Match the negotire 7 Read tives in the Vocabulary Builder to quotes 1-6 agjec friendly # untiendly, kind # unkind ed # dsorgarised, honest 2 dishonest tient ergoni ott #impolte, patient # impot 1 ‘Tmnot always nice to people! unkind 2 ‘Tmnot good at organising things 3 ‘tm angry when | have to wait for something: 4 ‘Idon't alwys tll the truth: 5 ‘Isometimes talk to people in a rude voy. 6 ‘Tm not cluoys friendly 8 Complete the sentences with « personality adjective Then discuss os a class. 1 Agood fiends someone whois 2 Idont usually ike people who are 3 Ladmire people who are with tong fe eyes. He's not really interested in {ooks cool. He likes wearing Dig tied Sam. He's tall and slim My best friend is ca blond hair and big Diu fashion, but ne 2tvey> | old Tshirts and shorts oF Jeans at secondary school = friends when he aske aight away, and now we | | [sam and I met on oUF first day ant | | Twas playing football with som he could join in, We got on well st | often play football together! inthis photo, but he’s actually really od loves telling stories. He plays the and is a great friend. [sam looks quite serious i © funny. He's very talkative an [guitar toot He's also very generous, 1 Read Jonah’s description of his best 4 Read the box. Find another example of a noun with more than one adjective before it in Jonah’s description. friend, Som. What does Jonah like about Som? Adjective order 2 Read the text again. Circle true (7) Tove | 2ege | 3 colour or false (F). Correct the false sentences. —— —— short new | ted 1 Somis quite short. Somistal. — T/@) hot | nee ae 2 Som end Jonah met during the erg ERI bond holidoys. TE Ce LJ 3 They both ike playing football. T/F 4 Som is serious ond quite sh TF ms gute t 5 In your notebook, complete the sentences with the words 5 Sam is selfish SUE: in the correct order. 5 eels Re oe Wich ere sions 1) My friend Sophie has got short dark hair (hair / dark J ‘can you find in Jonah’s description? peu 2 She usually wears jeans andan ___ (hoodie / ry ar aL) rade hd 3 Todoy she's wearing a ((ed / dress / new) © Appearance 4 Herdadhas gota _ (black / beard / big). He's tall /slim / well-built. 5 Heoftenwearsa ___(scarf / green / long). He's go straight hair / blue eves. He likes weoring casual clothes /jeons. 6 EE) write about your best friend. @ How you met ; Ime eee! nateatech APirial te Make notes about his/her appearance, how you We got on well straight cway. A the begining, thought .., but then .. © Personality Q drat [He's kind / friendly. He looks serious / shy ‘but actually he's very funny / really talkative met, and his/her personality (Organise your ideas into paragraphs. Use the {ideas in the Writing box to help you. i check ana write Check the order of adjectives and write the final version of your text. FOPREET sus ] stems snoring or dete iteration ak forms m describing appearang 40B You look so different! 1 Match the words in the box with pictures 2-¢ cidety midde-aged blond air bald young euly hae stroighthale beard redhair glasses b —— Go to Vocabulary practice: describing appearance, page 153, 2 iin pairs, think of people you know and describe their appearance. [A My father hasa beard. 8 My riend Amanda has blond hat. She's tall and slim. 3 @iBP watch r steno the fs parto Leaming Cure, Choose the comect definition oF disguise 2 Aadsuise is something tat helos yu look younger 1 A daguses someting that changes the colour f your ha ¢. Aelsuie i Something that makes you look ike a diferent person itis often necessary to understand what someone say in detait. + Read the questions before you listen and think about the possible answers + Listen for wor tha introduce the information hat you need. For example, ifyou need the name a fm ste forthe wor or 'movie + Wat un the speaker has rshed speaking before you ansiner the question 4 Ji0.7)) Read the Skill box and questions 1-¢ & Onn questions 1-6 below. Watch orlsten again, Complete Ethan mentions a move caled The Maser of Tassel Waele Cane basse a cei 1 2 3 In another scene, Dana is @ middle-aged woman with mene 4 5 6 hair Dar tines on an actor's face can make him or her look Lucia Ptalis can make her eyes look smaller or her lps loa ’A wig can make your alr look — Eek 10 you know ary fms where someone has a B Do you know any ‘has @ disguise? Tell your partner about the fm. 4 10B Describing appearance 1 OWS) complet curly ea [eury earings elderly fair grey _medlumength_ mous moustache sim tal nope no 6 middle-aged 7 nd check the diagrams with the worsin the box. Listen anh QB ° a =" “= ise ro sptew LIpocotysennetmigtcne 7 Nptatac setters A '5 This person has short blond har, a beard and a moustache He doesn't wear glasses, iperitaite tigers terse ESTE rent nds of te acho eee teers or repr, les ad tend the are and underne ay ect CSrpoions tant the Sook wl ery foc om seen ts nd ge you ‘Shee about wt pla and woe your wed to describe Jeany ~ one of my bese friends Jerry Light ic ane of my eldest friends, We frst met hen we were at primary schal, and we have been Sriends ever since, Now she iz twenty years ald and pes ta university in Leeds Read the question careful anc Lndertine the Key words. Ths wil remind you to include al the necessary information when you begin wetin. ‘Aways plan your writing carefully ‘by making notes for each paragraph, Keep your writing simple - you vl make fewer mistakes. ter you have finished writing, read your work again ‘aretuly and check for any speling, punctuation or grammar mistakes you may have made Witch the length. Your aim isto show wat you can do accurately within the word mit ‘Mast peple would say that the iz very atenctive. She hat pretty face with beautiful blue eyes and ong brane bait. Shel tal clin git, and leaks goed in imac anything, During the week when cheb at severity, che usually wears jeans and an ald blue desi jchet a baggy red Narvegin juniper end a fai of white tennis shdes, but when she goer ont ad ‘the weekend she likes bright ctlich clothes, ‘het great fu ts be with because her sence of humour is wonderful. However, he is alee senitive Writing an article (1) sud aliys as time ts listen if yon have a peoblee, In Part 2 ofthe writing paper, you may be ; asked to write a description ofa person oF hate ys bees fiends, and Tam cure that if place in an article letter story or report she gets marced or ives avy, we will tll be dere Read the sample task ‘A magazine for young people has asked readers to send in articles deserbing a person they have sand will sce cach ether regulary known for along time. Write an article ee (120-180 words) forthe magazine. Ty Adjective order In order to write a good description, you will ned to use adjectives and adverbs effectively ‘A. Read the following list. Are the adjectives in the correct order? Look back atthe sample answer to help you, and correct the order If necessary skinny short git shor shinny git green lovely eyes short black hair «new cotton green jacket «8 Swedish big green jumper football back boots 10C Personality adjectives 1 ©'BHD exces inthe Dox tet 9 2 choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences 1 Mybrother hates partes because he's realy generous / hy 2 Elias very takative | funny in clas. Te teacher sometimes 55, ease be quiet for amoment Wir 5 Jurgen was realy clever kind to me aftr fled my exam. 4 Sams confident / ic when she speaks English. She always wants to practise 5 |wantta lose weight. need tobe less az 6 | thin it's important tobe cheerful / polite, so always ayes and thankyou brave and do more ‘3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1 1 Alison is very —__ She atways pays for my cote. 2 doeisso. He makes everyone laugh 3 wish was — ike my tind He always gts good mars ‘4 Most people are___ although there are some horible people 5 You'teso. ! ave yourealy going todo a bungee ump? 6 Belinda is alvays__. ever when tings aren't going wel fr her. 4.Go back to page 88 VOCABULARY PRACTICE = 10A Adjectives to describe places 1 QHD atchtneajecves wt the conect pictues and check S tiendly — _ 6 untriendly 9 beautiful tse ee 10 gy 32 dangerous 2 Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercise 1 4 Whyisthis restaurant 2 Perhaps the food isntrice 2 Welove living inthis area becausei’s forthe children to play outside, 3 People ate in smaltowns. They aways say ‘helo 4 Lusually walk to work Theres a bus, butts always and you cant geta seat 5 Ourapartment blocks abit__butitsntapoblem. You Cant see it when you're inside! 6 Mybecroom s my favourite room. I hs big windows andi’ really allay

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