Lumbao, Anthony P. Activity On Per Dev

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Lumbao, Anthony P.

BSEd Science 3-2

Learning Activity 2


Instruction: Post this phrase in any of your social media accounts.
“What 3 words would you use to describe me when you first met me?”
(Note: Use the hashtag #GE10Activity so that your instructor could easily monitor and check your post)

After doing so, PRINT OUT the comment section of your post then answer the following questions:
1. Give 3 words that could describe yourself?
 Weird
 Friendly
 Ambivert

2. Compare your answers in #1 to the answers you got from your post. Do they match? What’s different?
 Being weird because I know that most of people think of me that way and apparently it is because
I have a wild imagination and that I love pokemon
 Being Patient because I think I don’t have much patient

3. Make a list of three adjectives that you want to represent, whether or not they match your above list.
 Weird
 Kind

4. Considering those 3 words, what do they imply for you and for others? Explain why you chose those 3
 Weird – I want still to represent myself weird because that what’s make me unique.
 Kind – I want to represent myself as a kind person because I want to be easily approachable.
Ambivert – I want to represent myself as an ambivert person because I can socialize with people
but sometimes need to charge and be alone.

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