Research Bullying

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Guinsorongan National High School Catbalogan City, Samar

Research Paper in Research II

Bullying's Impact on a Senior High School Student's Academic Performance


Chapter 1:

"We are all students, but I don't understand why they bullied me in that way,

did I do something wrong? I tried my best to be friendly to them. I'm never going

back to school!” Bullying is undesired, hostile conduct that occurs among kids, teens,

and occasionally adults. However, the focus of this study is on bullying in schools at

all levels, including elementary, junior high, senior high, and even college. One of the

causes of student absences is bullying. Other pupils who have been bullied may

experience mental stress as a result, which may sometimes result in depression or a

more serious issue like suicide.

The kid who is nasty to others may feel like the other student was inferior to

them. And on occasion, they express their animosity toward other students. One of

the main issues in schools is bullying. Bullying cannot be stopped so easy even with

anti-bullying campaigns. Additionally, Republic Act 10627, often known as the Act of

the Bullying events cannot be stopped by legislation forcing all elementary,

secondary, and senior high schools to implement policies to stop and deal with

bullying in their settings.

The student who bullies other students believes that the victimized student is

weak. Thus, it can be one of the causes of bullying. One of the causes of bullying is

inferiority complex and superiority complex. Bullying can happen to kids who lack

confidence. In this study, we will look for the most precise reasons why bullying

occurs in schools and why it affects students' overall academic performance.

Statement of the Problems

The issue the study addresses, which is highly valued by many parties, contributes

to its importance. Additionally, it will help all involved understand how to address the

issue of bullying and its clear negative effects on student progress.

This study aims to know the effects of bullying on academic performance in

senior high school students. Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1.) What bullying can do to students who easily become traumatized.

2.) Why we should avoid bullying.

3.) What motivates bullies to bully others.

4.) For bullies to know what the effect of they is did with their victim.
Hypothesis of the Study

In this study they report the incidences of bullying in boys decreased from

50% at age 8 to7.5% at age 18 and incidences of bullying in girls decreased from

35% at age 8 to 14.5% at age18.This study will help both students and staff to

develop and practice the concepts, language.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was restricted to a senior high school student's interpretation and

perspective. Students in senior high school are the responses. The responders could

be either men or women. This study focused on the victims of bullying for senior high

school students who had experienced bullying. Its coverage included the number of

students who had encountered bullying and its consequences on their academic

performance. And how does bullying affect students' academic performance? To

understand the worst-case scenario if the bullies persist in bullying other students.
Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework


The Bully is the cause

of why others student
doesn’t want to attend
their classes.
Significance of the Study
The victims of bullying
The researcher gains
Students will be lessened. Also,
the data in the way of
the student who doesn’t
questionnaires, and
have an experience of
search data though
bullying will be aware.
Can be benefit in this study because it will know how to avoid bullying and students

will know what the negative impact on students who is been a victim of bullying.


It can also benefit teachers because it will awareness and it can cause to teachers to

present campaign to stop bullying furthermore.


The parents can be benefit in this study because will make any parents to know that

their child been bullied at school so that the parents can confront the child to confess

that he/she is a victim of bullying before worst outcome can happen like student

taking his/her own life.

Definition of Terms

Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of

youths who are not siblings or current dating partners that involves an observed or

perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be

repeated. Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships

through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behavior that intends to cause.

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