Nathan's HW of Unit 2-3

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A. Choose the right answer of the blue color words and fill each gap correctly.

1. A: This cookie looks / feels / sounds / tastes / smells like ________, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, _______________.

2. A: This sofa looks / feels / sounds / tastes / smells like ________, _________?

B: Yes, it does.

3. A: This chair looks / feels / sounds / tastes / smells like ________, doesn’t it?

B: No, _______________. It ____________ like plastic.

4. A: This popcorn tastes like ________, doesn’t it?

B: No, it doesn’t. It looks / feels / sounds / tastes / smells honey.

5. A: This pop ice smells like ________, doesn’t it?

B: No, ___________. It smells like ________.

6. A: It sounds like ________, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, it does.

7. A: This bread tastes like ________, doesn’t it?

B: _____, it doesn’t. It __________ like honey.

8. A: This shirt looks / feels / sounds / tastes / smells like ________, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, it does.

9. A: This jacket feels like ________, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, it does.

10. A: Those socks feel like wool, doesn’t it?

B: No, it doesn’t. It ___________ like silk.

B. Read the text on page 20 and then fill each gap correctly.

The Theremin

The theremin is an electronic musical instrument. It was 1)_________________ by a

Russian inventor, 2)________________, in 1920.

The theremin 3)_______________________ a traditional musical instrument. It 4) _____.

______________. To play the theremin, a person 5)_______________________ antennas

that stick out from it. The sound changes depending on how quickly the person moves

their hands and how close their hands are to the instrument.

Sometimes 6)___________________. Other times 7)__________________. Its unique

sound is 8)_____________in music movies, TV shows, and video games.

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