Focus1 2E Unit Test Writing Unit6 ANSWERS

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Can write very short basic descriptions of events, past activities and personal experiences.

Sample answer

NEW ENTRY: Sports Day

Hi everyone!
Today I want to tell you about the Sports Day at my school.
We have the Sports Day every year. This year it was on June 20th. Usually, there are lots of running races for
younger children first. There are also some indoor competitions like table tennis, basketball and badminton.
These take place all day. There are other running races for older children in the afternoon.
I took part in the 200 metres, and was also in the basketball competition. My team came second, so I was very
happy. We all got silver medals! I enjoyed the running race but I didn’t win. It was fun to take part and I’m
looking forward to next year.
What sports do you do at your school?

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)


Marking scheme
The task is worth 30 marks. Award up to 6 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.
Marks Task Written Written Range Accuracy
achievement production and interaction
1–2 May not cover all Text organised at Content would Uses only very Many lexical and
the content phrase or have a negative basic vocabulary grammatical
points, or in sentence level. effect on the and grammar errors, even in
insufficient Control may be intended reader structures, basic language,
depth and/or sufficient for very due to lexical perhaps with a which impede
scope. simple tasks but and/or lot of errors. communication of
Lexical and not more grammatical No complex or ideas.
grammatical complex ones. inaccuracies compound
inaccuracies and/or poor sentences.
Little or no linking
impede task control of register.
achievement. sentences.
Little or no text
according to
3–4 All points may Text organised Sections of the Uses basic A number of lexical
have been largely at content would vocabulary, but and grammatical
covered, but sentence level. probably have a largely used errors probably
some in Possibly some positive effect on accurately. evident but not in
insufficient simple and the intended Uses basic sufficient quantity
depth. logically- reader due to grammar to greatly impede
There may be sequenced reasonable lexical structures, communication of
evidence of paragraphs or and/or perhaps with a ideas.
paragraphing, sections with grammatical few errors.
but this may be linking between accuracy and/or
Probably no
inappropriate. sentences. sufficient control of
complex, but
Control is register.
possibly some
sufficient to compound,
respond to simple sentences.
tasks and to
complete some
more complex
5–6 All content Text organised The text would Uses a good Occasional lexical
points covered and sequenced have a positive range of level- and grammatical
with sufficient simply but effect on the appropriate errors probably
depth and scope. logically intended reader vocabulary and evident but not in
Paragraphs used throughout. due to good lexical grammar sufficient quantity
appropriately for Linking between and/or structures. or severity to
the purpose and sentences grammatical Largely used impede the
genre of the throughout. accuracy and/or accurately. communication of
writing. Control of sufficient control of Possibly some ideas.
language is register. complex and/or
clearly sufficient compound
to respond to sentences.
simple and more
complex tasks.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)

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