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Clean Water and Hygiene

Sustainable Development Goals – Week 3

Assignment Instructions

This week we have continued to think about clean water and how it makes a difference to our
hygiene. For your assignment this week I would like you to consider the numbers around available
clean water and to make a leaflet which raises awareness of the importance of water sanitation for
our lives.

Helpful Resources Lesson recording, internet searches

Assignment Objectives
State the reasons why access to clean water is important.
Advise others on the importance of water sanitation.

Look at the graphs and answer the questions that follow:

1. 43% of water-related deaths are due to diarrhoea. What is the second

biggest reason? malnutrition
2. How can malaria be classified as a water-related death?
Malaria is transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes and is caused
by a parasite. Water can serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which
can increase the risk of malaria transmission in certain areas. Climate
change and its effects on water availability and temperature can also impact
the spread of malaria, as well as other vector-borne diseases.

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3. 84% of water-related deaths are in children aged 0-14. What percentage of
water-related deaths are in people older than 14? 16%
4. Why do you think that more young people are killed in this way than older
people? I think it can be due to their lack of experience and maturity.
Young people are more likely to do dangerous actions like swimming
alone or playing in unsafe areas near water. Older people are more
cautious and aware of water, reducing their risk of possible water-re-
lated deaths.

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5. Using what we have discussed in lesson and your own re-
search, write an information leaflet creating awareness of wa-
ter sanitation and what can be done to improve conditions.

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