Sikorzyńska A. WISH

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5 Zdania warunkowe i wish

b. Jakie zdania mogliby wygłosić: gwiazda filmowa,
uczeń, kierowca Formuły I, rodzice siedmiorga dzieci,
Które ze zdań (a-b) są poprawne i mają sens w opisa­ staruszek, nauczycielka?
nych sytuacjach?
1. Masz samochód i wydajesz dużo pieniędzy
na benzynę. □
Opierając się na sytuacjach (1-6), ułóż zdania
a) If I don’t have a car, I won’t spend so much
w pierwszym lub drugim trybie warunkowym.
money on petrol.
b) If I didn’t have a car, i wouldn’t spend so much 1. I’m taking part in a bicycle race but I don’t think
money on petrol. I’ll win. The winner gets a new bike.

2. Jesteś dobrze przygotowany/a do egzaminu, więc 2. My school is very big so we don’t know many
nie martwisz się o jego wynik i planujesz jechać people very well.
nad morze zaraz po nim. 3. The car Is going to break down I’m afraid - how
a) If I pass the exam, I’ll go to the seaside. are we going to catch our train then?
4. I don’t think I’ll ever study law, I don’t want
b) If I passed the exam, I’d go to the seaside.
to spend a lot of time learning by heart.
3. Nie znasz sześciu języków, więc nie możesz 5. I’m planning to earn some money during
pracować jako ttumacz w ONZ. the holidays; then I'll buy a computer.
a) If I can speak six languages, I’ll become 6. I’m unhappy because I have to study and can't
an Interpreter at the United Nations. go to a concert with my friends.
b) If I could speak six languages, I’d become
an Interpreter at the United Nations.
Q ★★★
Opierając się na sytuacjach (1-8), ułóż zdania
w pierwszym, drugim lub trzecim trybie warunkowym.
Utóż zdania w pierwszym trybie warunkowym według Nazwij każdy z typów zdań.
podanych wskazówek.
1. You missed the train and didn’t manage to see
your favourite group in the concert.
Przykład: the car break down - go by train
2. You’re planning to move to another town and you
I f th e c a r b re a k s d o w n ,
are worried about losing your friends.
we w ill g o b y t r a in .
3. You haven’t got a car so you can’t give your friend
1. study hard - pass a ll exams a lift.
2. weather nice - go on a trip 4. I had an accident yesterday and I was taken
3. people smoke - leave the party to hospital.
4. rain not stop - flood 5. Whenever the weather at the seaside Is fine,
5. you not call a doctor - get seriously ill crowds of people go there.
6. You left a ground floor window open for the night
and your house was broken into.
7. You don’t use sugar and you don’t have any
a .K to mógłby wypowiedzieć zdania (1-4)? Czy In the house for your guests.
odnoszą się one do teraźniejszości, czy do
8. You’re about to phone Peter when you realize
that he’s busy preparing for a test right now.
1. If I weren’t the key person here, I could go
on holiday any time I wanted.
2. If my country was bigger, we would become Q ★★★
a more Important military power In Europe. Ułóż mieszane zdania warunkowe, które odzwierciedlać
3. If my team won the Championship, I could get będą poniższe relacje przyczynowo-skutkowe (1-6).
a contract In Italy. 1. people have hunted whales for centuries
4. If I promised to behave, would you buy me some -> the whale Is an endangered species
roller skates? 2. people like being scared
-> thousands of horror films have been produced
Z d a n i a w a r u n k o w e i w is h

3. Britain is an island
E l ★★★
-> It wasn’t invaded during the First and Second
World War Zareaguj na informacje (1-10) za pomocą zdań z wish.
4. astronauts landed on the moon 1. You’re only five feet tall.
->■ we know that there is no life there
2. You argued with your parents.
5. Bill Gates set up Microsoft
3. Your neighbours keep playing music very loudly.
-+ he is one of the richest people In the world
4. Summer hasn’t come yet.
6. the United States Is a rich country
5. You don’t speak Czech.
- * It could afford to help European countries after
the Second World War 6. You didn’t have your teeth checked regularly.
7. You can’t swim very well.
Q ★★★ 8. Someone is obviously In love with you
and you find It embarrassing.
W pozostawione luki wstaw unless, In case lub if.
9. You’re annoyed because your baby brother
1. We will fail the te s t____________ we study hard Is crying all the time.
for the whole weekend.
10. You don’t have any friends abroad.
2. You can borrow my c a r _____________ you promise
to bring it back by Saturday.
3. I'll leave you my phone n u m b e r_____________ you [£ !]★ ★ ★
need any help. Przekształć zdania (1-8), stosując podane wyrazy
4. ____________ your computer does funny things, lub zwroty tak, aby zachować ich pierwotne znaczenie.
your hard disc may be infected witha virus.
1. The Stuarts may come for dinner so I’ll buy an
5. Put your name and address on yourluggage
extra bottle of wine.
____________ It gets lost In transit.
6. Don’t tell her a nythin g____________ she promises
she w on’t tell anyone else. in c a s e _______________________________________
7. You will have to leave the ro o m _____________ you 2. You can use John's computer If he doesn’t need it.
stop talking. U n le ss________________________________________
8. I’ll take some c a s h ____________ they don’t
accept credit cards.
3. A passer-by took me out of that burning car,
9. The team will be In tro u b le _____________ we don’t
that’s why I’m still alive.
find a good goal keeper.
I f ________________________________________
10. I’ll fail the e x a m ____________ you help me.

4. I didn't know about their anniversary so I didn’t

Q ★★★
buy any flowers.
Przekształć zdania (1-6) tak, aby zaczynały się od I wish.
H a d ________________________________________

P rzykład: It’s a pity I didn’t go to that conference.

5. We managed to get to the top of the mountain
i wish I h a d g o n e t o t h a t c o n fe re n c e . only because the weather was fine.
If It w e re n 't_________________________________
1. What a pity you live so far away.
I w is h _______________________________________
6. I regret I decided to study law.
2. I’m sorry you lost the game.
I w is h ______________________
I w is h _______________________________________
3. It’s awful that you have to leave so early.
7. You’ll get this job finished on time if you work
I w is h _______________________________________
regularly six hours every day.
4. It’s horrible - it’s been raining for five days. A s ________________________________________
I w is h _______________________________________
5. It’s a pity I can’t play bridge. 8. Where would you go If you won a trip to any place
I w is h _______________________________________ In the world?
6. I regret I gave away my old books. S upposin g____________________________________
I w is h _______________________________________

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