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1. Complete o texto com a forma superlativa dos adjetivos.

Tierra del Fuego is one of the _________ (fascinating) places on earth. Its snowy mountains
offer some of the ___________ (spectacular) views you will ever see. The _________ (high)
peak stands at 2448 m above sea level. The _________ (easy) access to Tierra del Fuego is
from Argentina, and Ushuaia is the ___________ (popular) destination with tourists. But the
__________ (southern) town in South America and the world is Puerto Toro, Chile. It is also
one of the ________ (small) towns in South America with a population of under fifty people. A
visit to Puerto Toro will certainly be one of the _____________ (unforgettable) experiences of
your life.

2. Complete as frases usando -est, most ou least e as palavras abaixo.cold - expensive - fast -
high - hot - northern - small - visited

a) Ulaan Batar, Outer Mongolia, is the ___________capital city in the world. It has an average
temperature of -1.3°C.

b) Bangkok is the _____________city in the world, with an average temperature of 30°C all
year round.

c) Chonqing, China, is probably the _____________ growing city in the world. Experts believe
its size will double from ten million to twenty million in the next thirteen years.

d) Paris is the ______________city in the world. It has over thirty million tourists a year.

e) The Vatican City is probably the world’s ____________ capital city. Just under 1000 people
live inside its walls.

f) La Paz, Bolivia, situated at 3640 m above sea level, is the ______________ capital city in the

g) Asuncion in Paraguay is possibly the ______________ capital city in the world. The cost of
living in Asuncion is only a third of the cost of living in New York.

h) Hammerfest, Norway, situated just outside the Arctic Circle, is one of the _____________
cities in the world.

4. Complete as frases abaixo utilizando o superlativo dos adjetivos.

a. This Building is very old. It’s the oldest Building in town.

b. It was a very happy day. It was _______________ of my life.
c. It’s a very good film. It’s _______________ I’ve ever seen.
d. She is a very popular singer. She’s _______________ in the country.
e. It was a very bad mistake. It was _______________ I’ve ever made.
f. It’s a very pretty village. It’s _______________ I’ve ever seen.
g. It was a very cold day. It was _______________ of the year.
h. He’s a very boring person. He’s _______________ I’ve ever met

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