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Computer Science is the discipline that makes the use of computers possible and has driven

innovation in every industry and field of study. ... Ways of thinking, problem solving
and creating in Computer Science have become invaluable parts of life and are important
beyond ensuring that we have enough skilled workers .Computers play a vital role in every
field ,Owing to memory capacities of computers, large chunks of data can be stored in them.
They enable quick processing of data with very less or no chances of errors in processing.
Networked computers aid quick communication and enable web access. Applications are made
by computer scientists . to have studied computer science their whole life and have gained
expertise in the subject . Some of the well-known applications are Instagram , YouTube and
even google . Recently , in 2020 a content creator formally known as Mr. Beast launched his
campaign ‘team trees’ on the website YouTube . his goal was to plants ten million tresses
around the world . As a result , he was able to reach his goal of raising 20 million dollars for
the cause . this helped for the betterment of the planet and humans . After wards , in 2021 he
launch ‘Team sees ‘ . In which he extracted ten billion pounds of trash from the sea’s . This is
helping the Marine life to have a second chance at life without all the pollution in their homes .
All of this was possible through computer science . If You tube was not made by a computer
scientist The sea’s would have still remain polluted and there would be no new trees being
planted all around the world for the betterment of the Human and animal kind .This subject is
leading us to the future . And it will help us achieve even bigger goals . Computer science is
needed in every part of your life weather it be as simple as watching television or flying a
plane . Studies have shown that the field of computer science is growing much faster than
average at 16% per year . More over , Airways , Roadways and waterways uses computers you
control their operations .It saves time and relives severity of travelling difficulties .
Computer Science is the discipline that makes the use of computers possible and has
driven innovation in every industry and field of study. Ways of thinking, problem
solving ,and creating in Computer Science have become invaluable parts of life and are
important beyond ensuring that we have enough skilled workers .Computers play a vital
role in every field.Owing to memory capacities of computers, large chunks of data can be
stored in them. They enable quick processing of data with very less or no chances of
errors in processing. Networked computers aid quick communication and enable web

Applications are made by computer scientists . to

have studied computer science their whole life and have gained expertise in the subject .
Some of the well-known applications are Instagram , YouTube and even google .
Recently , in 2020 a content creator formally known as Mr. Beast launched his
campaign ‘team trees’ on the website YouTube . His goal was to plant ten million trees
around the world . As a result , he was able to  reach his goal of  raising  20 million
dollars for the cause . This helped for the betterment of the planet and humans .
Afterwards , in 2021 he launched ‘Team seas ‘ .                        

In which he extracted 30 million pounds of trash

from the sea . This is helping Marine life to have a second chance at life without all the
pollution in their homes . All of this was possible through computer science . If  You -
tube was not made by a computer scientist The sea’s would have still remained polluted
and there would be no new trees being planted all around the world for the betterment
of the Human and animal kind . 

“The rise of Google, the rise of Facebook, the rise of Apple, I think are proof that there is a
place for computer science as something that solves problems that people face every day”.  

-Erric Smith . This subject is leading us to the future . And it will

help us achieve even bigger goals . Computer science is needed in every part of your life
whether it be as simple as watching television or flying a plane . Studies have shown that
the field of computer science is growing much faster than average at 16% per year .
Moreover , Airways , Roadways and waterways use computers to control their
operations .It saves time and relieves the severity of travelling difficulties .  

Abdul Dayyan 

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