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Choose the correct option:

1. The exchange of gases takes place in human beings in ____________.

a. trachea b.bronchus c. bronchioles d. alveoli

2. Which of the following is a method of vegetative propagation?

a. Budding b. Spore formation c. Through roots d. Fragmentation

3. Pulmonary vein carries _____________.

a. oxygenated blood b. deoxygenated blood c. both a. and b. d. neither a. nor b

4. Bouncing of light from a surface is called ____________.

a. reflection b. refraction c. rotation d. revolution

5. During which process diaphragm moves downwards?

a. Inhalation b. Exercise c. Respiration d. Exhalation

Assertion and Reasoning:

The following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions by
selecting the appropriate option given below:
i. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
ii. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
iii. A is true but R is false.
iv. A is false but R is true.
6. Assertion (A): Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs by pulmonary vein.
Reason: In the lungs deoxygenated blood is purified and oxygenated blood is carried in pulmonary artery.

7. Assertion: Spores are reproductive structures in some fungi plants.  

Reason: Spores have thick walls to survive unfavorable conditions. 
State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statement.

8. Arteries have thick-elastic walls.

9. Budding can produce several individuals at a time.

Give the scientific terms:

10. The temperature at which the heat flow between the two bodies stops.

11. The artificial process of removing nitrogenous waste from the blood, which is done when both the kidneys fail to
function properly.

12. An organism that lives and feeds on other living organisms.

13. A substance that indicates whether the given solution is acidic or basic.

14. A phenomenon that occurs when a ray of light passes from one medium to another with different densities.

Differentiate between the following:

15. Reproduction by Spore formation, Budding, and fragmentation.

16. Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration.

17. Clinical and Laboratory thermometer.

18. Acids and Alkalis
19. Conduction, Convection and Radiation mode of heat transfer

Answer the following:

20. Enlist necessary precautions that should be taken to protect oneself from:
a. cyclone, b. lightning and thunderstorms.

21. Explain the functions of arteries and veins.

22. Explain the process of Photosynthesis with the help of a balanced chemical equation and give its importance.

23. Explain any two applications of neutralization in daily life.

24. Explain any one use of a spherical mirror based on the image formation in it.

25. Describe the types of reflections with the help of neat diagram.
26. Write any one use of the following chemicals:
a. Vinegar
b. Baking soda
c. Slaked lime
d. Hydrochloric acid
e. Milk of Magnesia
27. Give reasons:
a. A pitcher plant feeds on plants though it can prepare its own food.
b. Mercury is commonly used in thermometers.
c. When a branch of blue roses is grafted on to a plant bearing red roses, it produces blue coloured flowers.
Plant propagation is the process of increasing the number of plants of a particular species. Propagation can be via
sexual or asexual means. Over the years, horticulturalists have developed asexual propagation methods that use
vegetative plant parts. This allows plants to be created in ways that nature cannot duplicate.  
A horticulturist used stem cutting of plant X to propagate it in a short span of time. For plant Y, he pulled a branch of
towards ground and covered it with soil leaving the tip of branch exposed. He later on cut the branch from parent
plant. The former developed into new plant. He propagated plant Z through underground stems called tubers.
Identify the propagation methods used by horticulturist and answer the following questions. 

i) What could be plants X, Y and Z?           

             X           Y               Z 
(a)   Bougainvillea  Jasmine  Potato 
(b)   Sugar cane  Ginger  Rose 
(c)  Guava  Onion  Cactus 

ii) Select the propagation methods in plants X, Y and Z. 
   (a) X- root tubers, Y – stem cutting, Z- stem tubers 
   (b) X- stem cutting, Y – layering , Z- underground stem 
   (c) X- layering, Y – underground stem, Z- underground roots 
   (d) X- grafting, Y- layering, Z- root tubers 

iii) Identify the given vegetative propagule.  
iv) Why is vegetative propagation a preferred method of asexual reproduction? 

v) Oil palm, banana, eggplant, pineapple, rubber tree, tomato, sweet potato have been produced by plant tissue
culture in the developing countries.
What could be the possible advantages of this technique in developing countries? 

29. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the following :

a. Human respiratory system b. Human excretory system

30. Draw the ray diagram for the following:

i. Concave mirror ii. Convex mirror iii. Concave lens iv. Convex lens


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