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Jacob Wrestles With God Lesson: Genesis 13, 18-19

A SharefaithKids Sunday School lesson on the Bible account of Jacob, his struggles with Laban, his wrestling with God and his name changing to Israel. This Sunday School
lesson is taken from Genesis 13, 18-19.


Genesis 32


Children should understand how God's blessing changes everything in life and begin to readily see these blessings.



God - in the form of an angel

   Memory Verse

Genesis 32:26
I will not let you go unless you bless me.

   Lesson Overview

Read over Genesis 32

Jacob was fearful of his life. God met Jacob, and they wrestled. Jacob pleaded for God's blessing, which changed everything in Jacob's life � even his name.

   Teaching Suggestions and Points

It's hard to imagine God actually wrestling with a man. It is important to understand that this episode, which is literal truth (not metaphor), was carried out by a
human representation of God ("man," Genesis 32:24). Jacob is desperate for God's blessing, as evidenced by his fervent prayer for blessing (Genesis 32:26). As we apply
this truth, we must understand the importance of persistence in prayer, and how necessary it is that we experience God's blessing. In some Christian circles, there
persists a dangerous idea � that a Christian can simply name whatever he or she wants, and God will immediately give it. We must remain aware that God may have
His own timing and ways of blessing us, which doesn�t always happen how we expect.

   Pre-Lesson Activities

Choose one or more of these activities to do before class (4).

� Thumb Wars (or arm wrestling for older kids)

� Sort the Animals: As Jacob had to do, have the children compete to see which team (or individual) can sort the animals the fastest. Use colored and cut-out animal
shapes, or (if you have a lot) toy plastic animals. Have the children sort them according to kind or color (E.g., all animals with four feet; all mammals, etc.)

� Tug-of-War

� Name Your Blessings: Write the word BLESSINGS vertically on the left side of a whiteboard or poster board. Have the children think of blessings that start with
the corresponding letter, and write out each of the blessings next to the appropriate letter. To list even more blessings, you can write out COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS or
a similar phrase.

   Memory Verse

God is happy to bless us. He's not withholding His blessing like some stingy miser. He wants us to know that He is powerful, and simply ask us. This takes humility and

   Post-Lesson Activity

Endless Blessings: Have children name as many blessing as they possibly can. If you want, you can have them write them all down on little pieces of paper, and read
them aloud at the end. Alternately, you can have them mix all the pieces of paper together in a jar, shake it together, and have the children pick a slip of paper one-by-
one, and read them aloud.

   Take Home Activity

Ask the children to think of the one blessing that means the most to them and describe it (or draw it) on a piece of paper.

   Closing Prayer

Dear God, we thank you for your blessings. You give us more than we realize. Help us to be so thankful, and to see our blessing all around us each day.



After Jacob stole his brother�s inheritance, he was scared. He ran away and went to live with his uncle, Laban, in Haran. Laban tricked Jacob into marrying his
daughter Leah. Eventually, he gave him his other daughter, Rachel, who Jacob wanted to marry all along. Jacob got richer, and his family got larger. As time came for
Jacob to leave his uncle�s land, he took all his family and belongings and started to travel.

Jacob�s travels took him close to the land of his brother, Esau. Though it had been years since he had seen Esau, he was still very afraid. Jacob sent his servants
ahead to let his brother know he was coming in peace. Esau came with 400 men, and that terrified Jacob.

Jacob prepared some gifts to send ahead to his brother. He also asked Leah and her children to go ahead while he followed. Jacob was still very scared and decided
to spend the night alone. Meanwhile, he prepared and waited to meet his brother Esau.

That night, as he was alone, Jacob saw a figure emerge from the dark. His fears gripped him. Could this be Esau? Was Esau now trying to murder him in this lonely
wilderness in the dark of night? Jacob was not going to let himself be harmed, so he decided to go on the attack.

He rushed toward the man, knocking him to the ground. He was determined to find out who this man was. He would wrestle this man as if his life depended upon

The fight began. It was an even match, and they wrestled for hours. Neither man could defeat the other. As the fight wore on, Jacob realized that he was not fighting
with Esau. In fact, he wasn�t sure who this stranger was, but he knew that this wasn�t an ordinary man. The light began to break and the stranger asked Jacob to
let him go, but Jacob refused and wanted to know the stranger�s name.

Finally, to end the fight, the stranger simply touched Jacob�s hip socket. Immediately, Jacob felt his leg weaken as his hip shifted out of joint. Even though he tried
to wrestle, he knew that he couldn�t win. �Now, let me go,� the man said to Jacob. �It�s morning.�

But Jacob knew that this was no ordinary man. This was a messenger of God. In spite of his pain, Jacob had a hold of him. �I won�t let you go unless you bless me!
� Jacob said.

�What is your name?� The man asked.


Then, the man blessed him. �Your name is now Israel. You have fought with God and men, and were victorious.�

Something very special had just happened to Jacob. The sun rose gently in the sky as Jacob returned to see his family and face Esau. Jacob was a changed man. He
walked with a limp, but he had a new name, a new identity. God had given Jacob a promise, and He would keep it.

When Jacob met Esau that day, their meeting was a happy one! Esau met him with a huge hug and a warm welcome. From that day forward, Jacob would lead a life
of blessing. He still had his troubles, but he knew that God would keep His promises.


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Kids Army For Jesus © 2019

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