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9/2/23, 1:01 AM ATM Program Flowchart & Algorithm

i. Flowchart:
To create a flowchart for the ATM program for IPB, I'll provide a textual representation of the
flowchart. You can use a Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool like Lucidchart or draw
it manually on paper or using a digital drawing tool.

mathematica Copy code

Start | V Enter Card | V Check Card Validity | |--- Yes | | | V | Choose Transaction
Type (PIN or Biometric) | | | |--- PIN | | | | | V | | Enter PIN | | | | | V | |
Validate PIN | | | | | |--- Incorrect | | | | | | | V | | | Display Error Message | |
| | | | | V | | | Retry (Up to 3 times) | | | | | |--- Correct | | | | | V | | Perform
Transaction | | | |--- Biometric | | | V | Scan Fingerprint | | | V | Validate
Fingerprint | | | |--- Incorrect | | | | | V | | Display Error Message | | | | | V | |
Retry (Up to 3 times) | | | |--- Correct | | | V | Perform Transaction | V Eject Card
| V End

ii. Algorithm:

Here's an algorithm equivalent to the flowchart:

mathematica Copy code

1. Start 2. Enter Card 3. Check Card Validity 4. If Card is Valid: a. Choose

Transaction Type (PIN or Biometric) b. If Transaction Type is PIN: i. Enter PIN ii.
Validate PIN iii. If PIN is Incorrect: - Display Error Message - Retry (Up to 3 times)
iv. If PIN is Correct: - Perform Transaction c. If Transaction Type is Biometric: i.
Scan Fingerprint ii. Validate Fingerprint iii. If Fingerprint is Incorrect: - Display
Error Message - Retry (Up to 3 times) iv. If Fingerprint is Correct: - Perform
Transaction 5. Eject Card 6. End

iii. Pseudocode:

Here's a pseudocode equivalent to the flowchart and algorithm:

pseudocode Copy code

Start Enter Card Check Card Validity If Card is Valid: Choose Transaction Type (PIN or
Biometric) If Transaction Type is PIN: Enter PIN Validate PIN If PIN is Incorrect:
Display Error Message Retry (Up to 3 times) If PIN is Correct: Perform Transaction If
Transaction Type is Biometric: Scan Fingerprint Validate Fingerprint If Fingerprint is
Incorrect: Display Error Message Retry (Up to 3 times) If Fingerprint is Correct:
Perform Transaction Eject Card End 1/2
9/2/23, 1:01 AM ATM Program Flowchart & Algorithm

Please note that you can use a CASE tool to create a professional flowchart. The above text-based
representations are for your reference, and you can use them as a basis for creating the actual
flowchart in a CASE tool. 2/2

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