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What's up there? A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. universe bright telescope prove full astronomer surface position 1. Sam wants to become afr) omer because he loves studying the stars 2.That becght star up there i called the Nort Star, 3. How can you prove that youre telling the truth? 4.Justlook at the _suxface __of the water and youtl see that the river is polluted 5, Some astronomers in the past thought that the Earth was the centre of the wiverse 6. Where do you think the best posttlen for the sofa is? 7. | cant see those stars without a(n) sles pees They're so tiny. 8. There’ a(n) Jeb moon out tonight. B. Complete with aan or the. ‘Alice Have you ever seen (1)__@_ shooting star? indy Yes. In fact, | saw one last night while | was looking outside 2) Hut Ja window, Alice Really? Cindy Yeah. It was fantastic! Actually, | continued looking at (3)_ 4 _ sky walting to see another one, but | didnt, Alice Tell me something. What exactly are shooting stars? Cindy | don't know. Let's surf (@4)_i«c_Net and find out. Alice Great ideal Olivia Are (5) ie Smiths in France? Chloe Yes, theyre In Paris at the moment. They‘e staying at (6) _& In@) Hae city centre. think its @) 2x. _ Hilton. It’s near (@) _4uz _ River Seine. | spoke to Emily yesterday. Theyre having (10) _e amazing time, Olivia That's great. Are they going anywhere else this summer? ‘Chloe Yes. Theyre visiting (1) _tt.c.__ Canary Islands. Mike Wow! You got 12)_ __ telescope for your birthday! That's (3) _ Ine best present. Paul | know. My uncle Henry bought it for me. Mike Henry? Paul Yeah. He's (14)__aux astronomer. There was (15) _ow. article about him in (6) Hac. _ Guardian last week. | Mike Cool c.Complete the text with the or @ Tie __u ar ew oar (_— __North America. its capital city is (@)_— Washi Oe The north ott ety nd = _Nocoiswoon the { ate Soere av ueaiacEsL.- pe coeoeert monet tie oman Mountain ana et! ‘mountains and two big mountain ranges, (13) i a ates Mountains, There are also about (15) _~ wont ox _ rivers in (6) D.Read the text and answer the questions. Choose, bor FrHE KING OF PLANETS! Supiter is the largest planet in out solar Sumner its $0 big that you could fit fourteen Earths inside it! It's also Pe brightest objects in the night sky, Actually cron. seen from Earth, Jupiter is the tid brightest doject in the sky at night after the Moon and Venus. SO Tes quite easy to.Find it even without a telescope: Now if You look at Jupiter through a telescope, YP will aoe opme of is vaoons. Can you guess how many moons it’ got? Well, there seem to be at least forty-nine, but cetronamers are still finding new ones. Galle Galle’ Tiseovered the first four moons in 2640. Thy are called te topa, Ganymede and Calisto, or the Gallean moons Ganyraede is the largest moon in our solar syster “There ave. many other interesting facts worth knowing about Jupiter, too. For example, its Year which is the time ereakes to go around the sun once, is very ong. A Ystr on Jupiter is almost twelve Earth years. But a day on this planet, which is the amount of time fe takes to spin ‘around, self once, is much shorter than 8 day on Earth aris dfly about ten hours [ong That's less than half an he ‘earth day, Also, the most fascinating feature ov. Jupiter’s curface is the Great Red Spot, which is a type of storm Bf like a hurricane here on Earth, At its widest, this spot is rout three Snes the size of the Earth! There ave Wind sPesstorms happening around Jupiter ‘but, there's no other Storia bigger or older. Believe ft or not, this store started so hen three hundred. years ago! Amazing, right? one of |. What is true about Jupiter? 3. What Is true about time on Jupiter? @ I's as big as fourteen Earths. ays and years are longer than Earth days an @ 5 fourteen Earth: a. Days and y‘ th days and years joon and Veni (@Years are longer than Earth years but days are shorter. han the Moon and Veni Venus, . Earth days and years are shorter, b. It’s as brio «. Its larger and brighter igger ur Moon. b. It's three times smalier than the cn @ They were al discovered in th scovered inthe 7th century tn ©} the largest and oldest storm on Juptter. a. Have you lost your way? fan {love this venue bi. Its the other way round. Bill Sodo | By the way, did you ask him about tomorrow? sam __ avers neater a.| dont elther, b.I do too, e. Hes on his way. . Nelther do I {. I dort really know my way around here either. Debbie | didn't get Lionel A: Hello, C help me? lo. Can you help me: Messi autograph, B: Sure,_ Carla ‘A: Yes. Im looking for the stadium. a.So did | B: Im sorry. But my friend does. Let me ask bl didnt ether him. .Netther do | A: Thanks. 2 A: Where's Gavin? B A: | hope he's not too late B: Yes, of course. He said he can give us a lift. A: Great Bob Graham really let us down. Ray ___ a. Netther did Wayne, b. Wayne didn't either. c. Wayne did too. Ethan | think we need to rehearse more. Ryan a.| dont either, b.S0 do | .Netther do | Carol | won't ride my bike to school tomorrow, ‘A: Excuse me._Can you please move a bit? tm, trying to get out. B: Of course. But | think youre going the wrong way. ‘A: Are you sure? This is the exit, isnt it? Shella So wil |. .I don't either. B: No. This is the entrance, ‘A: Oh, sorry. . Neither wil. —- C.Match the two halves of the conversations, 1. [ve arranged to meet Tim tomorrow. 2. My brother cant find tickets for the concert. 3. I dort know who Is supporting the band. 4.| need to have a word with Jason. 5. Im not looking forward to Monday. 6. Tony hasn't been to the exhibition yet. a. Get out of herel . They announced it at the end. «. Please, dont say no. 4. You can say that again. | reckon | might go. {Ifyou decide to come, please let ‘me know soon. gts sorted, ‘h. Walting for your reply. E. Read the notes and make suggestions/arrangements. Lee Ken ee en as PRPs & ge z a Liam has. He really enjoyed it. b. Neither can || think it's sold out. I dont either. Where can we find out? So have |. What time? e. Neither am |. Why does the weekend have to end? {So do |. Do you know where he is? . Complete the dialogue with the sentences a‘. There aretwo extra sentences which you do not need touse. ‘That was the best concert ever! D___ twas brillant! ‘They're having another concert on Saturday, you know, Q__ Ws true. @)___ Really? | didn't hear it @) ___What do you think? It sounds great but.. )___Welt have a fantastic time! (Oh, OK. Let's go. We can buy the tickets ontine ‘Sure! ©) __I can't wait. Neither can |. Saturday. Rehearse at my house? 1. I tried to control my omegee so | didnt say what | wanted to, 2. Tonys grandfather isa__suecessful waiter BThisissucha peaceful neighbourhood. 4. Emily went to her room and didnt __ceappeauc til the next morning. 5.| think that house at the top of the hillis_a2ueuteat B. Complete the sentences and the crossword. 1 ate wants tostar.3_canzce incing when she fishes schoo 2Theheawy —_euaca around his tgs Gdnitalow te prisoner to wal fst, B.My__e.diow was very convortabla, sol ant seep wel realy anor at Tom but wating forthe @) fightin totake my __renauege 5. My fest re it oid Cul you please bring me my stipes? 6 James was waking down the __cocniztor when one ofthe doors suddenly opened 7. The human __ se. has got 206 bones, 8. can't wear this dress tonight There's a huge Stan onit. €.chele the comect wos 1 Angi going to the sunermaret gt (fogetsorne milk for breakfast. She also wants buy (to buy) rena 2, You shvlsn(pend/ to spend so much ue in ont ofthe compute ct ood fr your eves 2. Nary never ets hersitet erro to Borow her cles Tas 2er aut rcs do (Soden you repre. pease? 5, Unfortunatay raven 9 enouah tne gofegpt0 tay every cy 6. Brec ade is younger othe ean) tcean is room, 7. | might Visit to visit Peter this weekend Would you tke to come along? 62 A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. . Complete the sentences using the prompts. 1. Richard _fouget to call luis main (forget /call/ mum and she was very upset 2. Students tale (ot must / tak) in the cassroom. 3.MrAdams will Kelp oe Go) git {help / me / finish) my project. A.My brother mages me fo Mut westetee (make { me { do / vissfifigtp) after every meal 5. Yesterday, Wiliam lee fo g0. Ha Laue ry Hf / drawer) but he etic’ manage ig atect (not manage / do 1. 6.We were all very sucoriseal t= eee bells Gurprised / see / Kel) at Anne's place. We dldrit know they were friends. 7.Can! cost yaw to ase tion (call | Ryan / ask / hie) something? wd ait ‘A. Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1. My doctor told me that lack sleep can lead health problems. 2. Harry bought a new bike last week but he car't get used te 3, Rick was talking in his sleep last night but he wasn't aware it ‘4. Maybe we should stop running for a while and let the others catch 5. Diane wasnt feeling well yesterday, so she isnt likely ‘come today. 6. Mike always shouts at other drivers when he's the wheel 7. According __ Karen, its a great play. 1B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. lifetime sleepy sense ist awake research common smell 1. Alex story didn't make any —____ 2. What's that 7 Is your brother cooking again? 3, Robert felt a bit ‘so he went to bed, 4. It’s almost nine otlock and Fay isnit yet. She's going to be late again! 5. Van Gogh wasn't very wellknown during his 6.Smith is the most surname in the UK. 7. Lots of has been done on sleeping habits. 8 Let's make a(n) of the things we need before we go to the supermarket. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Use the infinitive or -ng form, 1. That museum is very interesting. You should visit it. That museum is worth, 2. Let's go to the zoo on Sunday. | suggest 3. Brian forgot to take the letters to the post office Bran didnt remember 4. love to be able to read people's minds. Imagine 5. We saw Phil atthe café. We were happy. We were happy 6. Weid like to go for a walk along the beach. We fee! like 7. Daniel didnt want to show his emotions. Daniel refused 8. I like you to stop making that sound, please. will you am D. Complete the dialogues with the bare orfull infinitive or the ingform of the verbs in brackets. Hi, Barry. What's up? Not much. How's the band going? Well, we've stopped 0 (practise) for the moment. Why is that? My parents dont let us (2) (play) at my house any more. They can't stand @ __Aisten) to us play. So, were trying (@) __ ind) somewhere else to practise. How about (5) (as the youth centre? You reckon? Yeah. They always like (6) (help) young people, especially talented ones. Great. Would you lke __Go) over there now and ask? ‘Sure. Could you (8) (get) my jacket for me? It's right behind you. Ok. Hey, some friends of mine are planning @ (go) sailing on Saturday moring. Are you interested in qo) (come)? Sure I ove 7) (0) water sports, And the weather should be nice, What time? We've arranged (12) (meet) at my house at half past five. In the morning?| No way. I hate 3) (wake) up early at the weekend ¢ But we need (14 arb early so we can get the most out ofthe day. Sorry, | might (15) Goin) you if you leave a bit later. But half past five is too early, (OK, maybe another time E.Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. fdlove 21may 3. Lenjoy 4. must 5. lavoid 6.Ive promised 7.1 donit mind doth crosswor, ®@ @ 1 Astal green or dark purple ft Me 2. These produce bright coloured lights and often loud noises in the sky. They're used especially during @ celebrations, D0e 3. Alamp that you carry around, usually with a candle inside it. O O 4. Happening once a year. Oo 5. Very nice and enjoyable. A 6.A creative piece of writing usually arranged in short lines. y=) of De0000 7. Having a taste that's salty, not sweet. 0 O 8. Something that covers your face and usually has = ®0000 another face painted on it. 2B. Read the description and complete with the sentencesa-e, a. People play music and dance while they walt for the real fun to begin, b. But if you dont like getting messy, is not for you. «. It called La Tomatina and they throw a lot of tomatoes at each other. dd. When everything Is ready, lorries full of tomatoes drive through the streets and stop at the main town square. . When it’ all over, everyone helps clean up the mess. Every summer, on the last Wednesday of August, the people of the small Spanish town, Bufiol, have a huge food fight. (1) Days before the tomatoes come out, there are lots of parades, fireworks and street parties. (2) On the morning of the fight, shopkeepers cover their windows. (3) 20,000 residents and tourists throw tomatoes at each other from 41am to dpm. (4) ie La Tomatina is great fun for anyone who likes tomatoes. (5) Because if you're there, you have to take part! A.Choosea, bore, 1. You shouldn't try to__ revenge. twas just an accident. a. make b.take cane 2. Your notebook is in the top_of the desk. a.drawer b. corridor «streamer 3.1 just love the __ of these flowers. a.smell b.touch c.sense 4.| don't want to have any chocolate cake. | feel Ike having something _ a. clear b.savoury «c.sweet 5. Don't __ others that way! You should be more pote. a.consider ——barrange treat 6.Which wil the event take place at? a.surface b.venue ¢.atmosphere 7. Dina was carrying a_____ so she could see in the dark decoration. mask lantern 8.Peter is___his way to the brary. ain b.on ey 9. felt very _by his behaviour ainsuted —_b, smashed «.haunted 'B.Complete the sentences with one word. 1. Donit worry about James. He wont get lost. He knows his around. 2.Are you _ measures the government has taken to protect the of the new environment? 3. I don't understand what you're talking about It just doesrit make €.Complete the sentences with the or 1. Our new house willbe ready in_ March. 2. Thats worst match Ive ever watched. 3, |s your friend, Maria, rom _ Italy? She speaks _ italian very well 4, tm really tired, fm going to_bed. shooting stars are not really stars. 6. Would you Ike to have_lunch here or do you want to go to_new Chinese restaurant near the park? 7. James plays guitar and | play drums, 8 Thisis telescope | want to buy. 9 __Wilsons want to go on a boat trip down _ Amazon. New York City. Actually, she Central Park. 10. Elle tives in lives near: D. Writetwo sentences to agree with the statements using, s0,neither, to or either. 1. Ive never seen a ghost in my life. Neither have I havent either. 2. [really want to get a telescope for my birthday. 3.1 won't visit Larry tonight. 4.Can havea with you, Mike? 5. My frends never me down, | can always rely on them. 6. Why were you so late? Did you your way? 7. It took me a while to get to waking up at 6 oiclock every morning, 8 The concert is, out, so we didn't find any tickets, 4, I carit take part in the parade this year. 5, saw a documentary about the Moon last night. 6. | should rehearse this weekend. TT E. Rewrite the following sentences. Use the words given. .Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-g. Thereare two extra sentences which you donotneed touse. 1. I'm very sleepy. | can't study. too a. Neither did I. e. It depends. ee she aGlsyarnoeser me ERE, getter Paul Guess what Ive got two tickets for! 3. I's a good idea to stay home when you are ill should Steve What? Paul The FA Cup Final Steve (D ___ | thought the match was sold out. Paul (2)____ But luckily my brother, Jeff, had bought some extra tickets last week. He's the greatest Isnt he? Steve @)___ Paul So what do you say? Do you want to come with me? Steve Are you kidding? OF course | do, Paul Cool. 4) ___ Steve Im so excited! realy didnt want to miss a match like that. _ Paul @)___ 4, Why donit we get some more candles? How 5. Im Interested in learning more about haunted houses, would 6. Could you read this poem, please? mind G.Read the text and answer the questions. SLEEPING DISORDERS There are many different problems you can have with sleeping. Some are medical PU ao OS ae ed eee SL ‘Sleepwalking is probably the most common sleeping disorder. It can be just sitting up in bed while you're asleep or walking around and doing activities, ‘where accidents can happen. These activities can include walking to the bathroom or cleaning but also dangerous activities like cooking or even driving. ‘Some people have even sald they were sleepwalking when they committed a crime. Sleepwalking can last from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. Sleepwalkers show ‘no emotion on their faces and their eyes are open, however, they don't remember anything when they wake up. Insomnia Is not being able to steep. This happens to most people at some point, but when it lasts fora long time it can be bad for your health. The Guinness ‘World Records used to have world records for people staying awake, but they ‘stopped because it's too dangerous. Some people have somniphobia, which is the fear of sleeping, They're too scared to go to sleep, perhaps because of nightmares that they've had, or sometimes they are scared they will die in thei sleep. Narcolepsy, on the other hand, is not being able to stay awake. People with this disorder often don't sleep well at night. This causes them to be so tired during the day that they can’t stop themselves from falling asleep. Obviously, this can be quite embarrassing. Why is sleepwalking dangerous? 4, Why has the Guiness World Records stopped having ‘staying awake! records? 2. How long can someone sleepwalk for? 5. What may cause people to be som’ 3. What do sleepwalkers remember when they wake up? 6. Why could narcolepsy be embarrassing?

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