Short Question

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Short Question Of IS :

1. What is Data and Information?

 Data : data is row facts. Data can be any character,image,number or text etc. Data on its own is
not very useful unless it is processed and analyzed to extract meaning .
Example: a list of numbers could be considered data.
 Information : Collection of facts organize in such a way that they have additional value beyond
the value of facts themselves. Information can be used to answer questions, make decisions, or
gain knowledge.
Example: a chart generated from a list of numbers would be considered information.

2. Define: Process and Knowledge.

 Process: A series of steps that are taken to achieve a specific goal. These actions or steps may
involve data collection, analysis, transformation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination. processes
are typically automated and executed by computer software to ensure accuracy, consistency,
and efficiency.
 Knowledge: It represent a pattern that connects and generally provides a high level of prediction
as to which is describe what will happen next.

3. Explain the terms: Input and Output

 Input : In information system, input is the activity of gathering and capturing raw data. In
producing paycheck, e.g. the number of hours worked for every employee must be collected
before paycheck can be calculated or printed.
 Output : In information system, output involves producing useful information, usually in the form
of documents & reports. Output can include paychecks for employee. Reports for managers and
information supplied to stockholders, banks, government agencies and other groups.

4. List out the various characteristics of valuable information.

 Accurate
 Complete
 Economical
 Flexible
 Relevant
 Reliable
 Secure
 Simple
 Timely
 Verifable

5. What are the benefits of Information?

 Increased knowledge and understanding of a particular subject.
 Improved decision-making ability based on accurate and relevant information.
 Enhanced communication and collaboration among individuals.
 Increased efficiency and productivity in various processes and activities by providing timely and
reliable information.

6. What is Data? List out types of data.

 Data : data is row facts. Data can be any character,image,number or text etc. Data on its own is
not very useful unless it is processed and analyzed to extract meaning .

 Types of Data :
1. Alpha Numeric Data
2. Image Data
3. Audio Data
4. Video Data
5. Textual Data

7. Define System and also give its example.

 A system is a group of interacting and interrelated components that work together to
achieve a common goal. It can be a physical or conceptual entity that takes inputs and
transforms them into outputs.
 EXAMPLE : A computer system with components like processor, memory, and
input/output devices that work together to process information.

8. Define System in an Organization.

 In an organization, a system refers to a set of interconnected components that work
together to achieve a common goal. It can be a physical or conceptual entity that processes
inputs into outputs. Systems in an organization can range from simple to complex, and can
be designed to support various functions such as communication, production, or information

9. What is system boundary?

 A system boundary is a line that defines the limits of a system and separates it from its
environment. It identifies the inputs and outputs that cross the boundary and clarifies what is
included in the system and what is not. Defining the system boundary is important for designing,
building, and managing the system, and for understanding its impact on the larger organization.

10. Define Knowledge.

 Knowledge is the awareness or understanding of information and skills acquired through
learning or experience. It includes both theoretical and practical insights gained through
observation, study, and practice. Knowledge can be explicit, such as documented information. It
is a valuable resource that can be used to make informed decisions, solve problems, and create
new ideas.

11. Define wisdom.

 wisdom refers to the ability to make decisions based on a deep understanding of data,
information, and knowledge. It involves using critical thinking skills and experience to identify
patterns, relationships, and trends that can inform decision-making.
12. List out various Business Information System.
 Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
 Management Information Systems (MIS)
 Decision Support Systems (DSS)
 Executive Information Systems (EIS)
 Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)
 Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)
 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
 Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)
 Business Intelligence Systems (BIS)
13. Differentiate between Data and information.
Data Information
Data is a Raw facts Information Is a Processed of data
Data is Incomplete & Meaningless Information Is Complete & Meaningful
Data is Objective Information is Subjective
It Can be any form (text, numbers, images, It presented in a structured format
Data is unorganized Information is Organized
input into a system is called data Output from a system is called info.
It Requires interpretation and analysis to It is analyzed and interpreted
become useful
It is used as a building block for information It is used for decision-making, communication, and
other purposes
Understanding is difficult Understanding is easy
Example : Number’s ,Character Example :Knowledge, Reports

14. Differentiate between open and closed system.

Characteristics Open System Closed System

Definition A system that interacts with A system that is isolated from
its environment and exchanges its environment and does not
matter and energy with it exchange matter and energy
Interactions with Environment Frequent Limited
Inputs and Outputs Exchanges matter and energy No exchange of matter and
with environment energy with environment

Adaptability and Flexibility High Low

Stability and Predictability Low High

 open systems are those that interact with their environment by exchanging matter and energy
with it, while closed systems are isolated from their environment and do not exchange matter
and energy.
 Open systems have frequent interactions with their environment, making them adaptable and
flexible, but also less stable and predictable. Closed systems have limited interactions with their
environment, making them stable and predictable, but less adaptable and flexible

15. Differentiate between Probabilistic & deterministic system.

Characteristics Probabilistic System Deterministic System

Definition A system where outcomes are A system where outcomes are
not certain and are subject to determined and can be predicted

Examples Weather forecasting, gambling Mathematical equations, physics

Inputs Uncertain, random variables Known, fixed variables
Outputs Probabilities and statistical Exact values or precise outcomes
Analysis Based on probabilities and Based on cause and effect
statistics relationships

Predictability Limited predictability High predictability

Flexibility and Adaptability High Low

 In summary, probabilistic systems are those in which outcomes are uncertain and subject to
chance, with inputs that consist of random variables, and outputs that are expressed as
probabilities and statistics. Examples of probabilistic systems include weather forecasting and
gambling. Deterministic systems, on the other hand, are those in which outcomes are
determined and can be predicted, with known and fixed inputs that result in exact values or
precise outcomes. These systems are based on cause-and-effect relationships and are often
described using mathematical equations or physical laws. Examples of deterministic systems
include classical physics and mathematical models. Probabilistic systems have limited
predictability, while deterministic systems have high predictability, but they also have lower
flexibility and adaptability compared to probabilistic systems

16. List out activities of TPS.

The following are some activities associated with TPS:

 data collection
 data editing
 data correction
 data manipulation
 data storage
 document production & reports

17. List out objective of TPS.

 The objective of a Transaction Processing System (TPS) Here are some specific objectives of a
 Process data generated by and about transactions
 Maintain a high degree of accuracy and integrity
 Avoid processing fraudulent transactions
 Produce timely user responses and reports
 Increase labor efficiency
 Help improve customer service
 Help build and maintain customer loyalty
 Achieve competitive advantage

18. List out characteristics of MIS.

 Provide Reports with Fixed & Standard Formats
 Produce Hard-Copy & Soft-Copy Reports
 Use Internal Data Stored in the Computer System
 Allow End Users to Develop Their Own Custom Reports
 Require User Requests for Reports Developed by System Personal

19. List out types of system.

 Natural and manufactured
 Open and closed
 Deterministic and Probabilistic
 Permanent and temporary
 Stationary and non-stationary
 Adaptive & non-adaptive
 Sub-system and super-system
 Simple and complex

20. List out principal document associated with information flow.

 Purchase Order
 Inventory(order list) Transfer
 Purchase Request
 Product Document
 Material Request Report
 Sales Order
 Custom Invoice
 Collection
 Vender Cheque

21. What is Product flow and information flow?

 product flow: It refers to the movement of physical goods or services from the supplier to the
customer. It includes activities such as manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and delivery.
 information flow: It refers to the transfer of information or data from one party to another in
the supply chain. This includes activities such as order placement, order tracking, inventory
management, and invoicing.

22. Define ERP.

 ERP (Enterprice Resource Planning) is a software system used to manage and integrate
an organization's business processes and operations. It enables organizations to
streamline processes, reduce duplication of effort, and improve efficiency. ERP provides a
centralized database to store information from different departments for better-
informed decision-making and improved performance.

23. Define DSS.

 DSS (Decision Support System) is a computer-based system that helps managers and
professionals make better decisions by providing access to large amounts of data,
analysis tools, and reporting capabilities. It is used in various industries and settings to
help decision-makers make informed choices based on the best data available.
24. List the components of DSS.

 Financial Model
 Statistical Analysis Model
 Graphical Model
 Project Management Model

25. Explain characteristics of DSS.

 Handle Large Am
 ount of Data From Different Sources
 Provide Report & Presentation Flexibility
 Offer Both Textual & Graphical Orientation
 Support Drill-Down Analysis
 Perform Complex, Sophisticated analysis & Comparisons Using Advanced Software Packages
 Simulation
 Goal Seeking Analysis

26. Explain limitation of DSS.

 Possible design flaws in the system
 Poor understanding of task
 Poor modeling of “reality”
 Promote congnitive basics
 Stop the user from thinking

27. Give the benefits of DSS.

 Improves personal efficiency
 Speed up the process of decision making
 Increase organization control
 Speeds up problem solving
 Promotes leaning
 Facilitates interpersonal communication

28. Give examples of Open and close system.

 Examples of open systems include living human beings that interact with their environment, such
as plants, animals. An open system can exchange matter, energy, and information with its
 Examples of closed systems include sealed containers that do not exchange matter or energy
with their environment, such as a refrigerator. A closed system is self-contained and isolated
from the external environment.

29. What is ERP? List out its advantages.

 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a set of integrated programs that manage
company’s imp business operations for an entire multi location, global organization.
 Advantages of ERP:
 Improved access to data for operational decision making
 Elimination of costly, inflexible legacy systems
 Improvement of work processes
 Upgrade of technology infrastructure

30. List out types of reports generated through MIS.

 Schedule Reports
 Key Indicator Reports
 Demand Reports
 Exception Reports
 Drill Down Reports

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